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Change of Plans: Reflections from Mommies With Infants & Toddlers
Change of Plans: Reflections from Mommies With Infants & Toddlers
Change of Plans: Reflections from Mommies With Infants & Toddlers
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Change of Plans: Reflections from Mommies With Infants & Toddlers

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About this ebook

This book is for anyone that has ever loved a child; it if for moms that, like us, find themselves thrust deep into the trenches of early motherhood and need the peace and rest that so often evades us while our children are young. It is a collection of devotions for the weary, for the searching, and for anyone looking for pockets of peace amid the ups and downs of this life.
Release dateMay 13, 2012
Change of Plans: Reflections from Mommies With Infants & Toddlers

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    Change of Plans - Asha Grinnell


    The Best Laid Plans...

    Too Much To Handle

    For years I have lived by the mantra that God will never put more on my plate than I can handle, but the truth is that there is nothing preventing me from doing that to myself. God allows me the freedom to overburden myself, and to turn my life into an unfortunate episode of Groundhog’s Day – where each day feels the same, and yet my crazy life never allows me to move forward into freedom and calm.

    It is a running joke at our house that I can’t say no – that I always have some crazy project on the back burner, and that I am an incurable optimist when it comes to getting something done. The bigger the project, the easier I think it will be to complete...until the time comes to do everything and I am stuck with a terrible sense of burden and my joy in those projects has been lost because I took on too much at one time.

    I am slowly learning to take on only what I can handle, and even though it is a constant struggle for me not to take on too much, at least I am beginning to know this about myself; sometimes I can even catch it before it grows too out of hand.

    The fact that this entry was mostly penned on the back of a bank deposit slip while I was waiting at the bank drive-through and entertaining two wailing children in the back of the car should tell you what a multi-tasker I am...although if I would only give things undivided attention before moving on to the next thing in my queue, I know that I would be much less frazzled at the end of the day, and I probably would get more done, too!

    My wish for mommies everywhere is that you would learn from my mistakes and take the time to do one thing at a time whenever possible; that you would learn to say ‘no’ along with me. Let’s reclaim our lives for the Lord, for our families, and for our own sanity and peace of mind.

    Father, we as women wear so many hats and juggle so many plates throughout the day. We need a break, and we need to know that it is ok to say no from time to time when it is in the best interest of our families and ourselves. We cannot do it all, even though we want to sometimes, and we need your help to have discernment when it comes to taking on new things or to shedding old things that – even though they may be good things – are nevertheless keeping us from realizing our full potential in other areas. Amen.

    Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success. – Og Mandino

    Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. – Colossians 3:12

    Our Plans

    If you are like me - a goal-oriented person - a huge part of pregnancy was just getting to that finish line. I enjoyed reading about each new week of development on the baby blogs that I followed, and waiting in anticipation for my precious new bundle to emerge. However, like most things in life we can only plan so much. My 'get from A to B' plan took a dramatic detour when I was rushed into the hospital for an emergency C-section. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, all my plans sailed out the window. I found myself waking from some sort of bad dream with a scar across my tummy and a tiny baby shielded from me behind a clear wall of sterile plastic.

    After spending 60 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care, I can say with total honesty that walking by faith is messy; sometimes it is ugly, and sometimes you feel alone and left in the dark. The beauty of running out of all your earthly options or ideas is that there is no room left but to rely on God. It is easy to spout out trust when the sun is shining and all is right in the world, but blessing the name of the Lord in the middle of your darkest fears is another story. However, His light seems to shine brightest in the pitch black of night.

    I don't know what kind of fears you are facing down or if you find yourself out of plan B's, C's, and D's. Whatever your circumstance, the only real place to run is to the cross. Stretch your heart out before the One who made you, knows you, and believes in you. Let His perfect peace fill you with an inner strength that no plan could ever come close to touching. I challenge you to not only be real with yourself, but also to be real with God and to pour out your deepest feelings to Him. Allow your Father in Heaven to heal the broken places inside of you that desperately need His touch.

    Sweet Jesus, my plans have led me nowhere. I feel so broken and I need You. I want to know that there is hope. I choose to praise Your name in the middle of all my pain. I lay my heart before You. Please help

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