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A Conservative Terrorist
A Conservative Terrorist
A Conservative Terrorist
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A Conservative Terrorist

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Stevenn (The Conservative Terrorist) and his wife Isabelle, travel across the US hiding from the President's henchmen and attempting to make it to Walter Reed for an explosive confrontation with destiny! Follow them as they travel with former Marine anti-terrorists who seek to destroy the refurbished Walter Reed Hospital and the members of Congress that now have control.

PublisherDavid Trapp
Release dateNov 27, 2010
A Conservative Terrorist

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    A Conservative Terrorist - David Trapp

    The Conservative Terrorist: The Demise of Walter Reed

    David W. Trapp

    Copyright 2009 by David W. Trapp

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Trapp Publishing LLC

    ISBN 978-0-9800946-2-6

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    Other books written by David W. Trapp:

    Plates of Gold and Other Spiritual Poems

    The Donkey and the Elephant

    The $45,000 Cat

    Picture of the Walter Reed Medical Center on the cover is courtesy of: National Museum of Health and Medicine, AFIP, SC 320751


    Every author (or poet) should have at least one book dedicated to his parents, and therefore this is the one for me. My parents did a fine job in raising 11 children (one died) and it is definitely not their fault that one of their sons writes stories, poetry, books and research papers. Of course, the old saying goes; the apple don’t fall far from the tree. Makes you wonder whose influence it was that brought all these words out of me,,,,was it Mom? Or was it Dad? I personally think they both ought to own up to their responsibility, and take 50/50 blame (or credit) as the case may be!


    The primary purpose behind penning these words is because I believe we as a country are quickly headed down a path of destruction and I am not willing to let the best government ever created by mankind go by the wayside. Our founding fathers brought about a constitution that is still the light and beacon of freedom to a world that previously had little opportunity to bask in its glow. Before our constitution was written, most people lived in poverty and servitude; most individuals had no thoughts of ever being free of those who wielded the governing powers. That power resided with only a few so-called elite individuals. Most ordinary citizens were not afforded the opportunity that America affords its citizens on a consistent and ongoing basis.

    Yet, every day that we allow to pass with our rights being eroded by a left-wing majority, we sink more and more into an abyss of socialism and a ‘cradle to grave’ mentality. Most economists and philosophers throughout time have believed that socialism deadens the spirit of man and brings about the destruction of mankind. I, for one, refuse to believe that a centralized government can do better for me than I can do for myself. This work, therefore, is my attempt to project what future we may have if we continue on the path of destruction we are currently embracing.


    Chapter 1 – A visit to the doctor’s office.

    Chapter 2 – Initiating the search.

    Chapter 3 – Stevenn and Isabelle.

    Chapter 4 - A Possible Solution .

    Chapter 5 - CT’s Marines

    Chapter 6 – The Journey Begins.

    Chapter 7 – Trouble for Lexie .

    Chapter 8 - Las Vegas Goons

    Chapter 9 – Trouble on I-15

    Chapter 10 – The speech at Rio Tinto .

    Chapter 11 - The Mile High City .

    Chapter 12 – Topeka .

    Chapter 13 – Quincy .

    Chapter 14 – The Devil’s Lair .

    Chapter 15 – Columbus.

    Chapter 16 – Philadelphia.

    Chapter 17 – Walter Reed Hospital.



    Chapter One

    A Visit to the Doctor’s Office

    I’m thinking that instead of just complaining all the time, I really should do something about what is taking place here in America. What do you think? The man who broached the question looked over at his wife who was sitting on the edge of their bed pulling a sock over the stump of her leg. Her left leg had been amputated just below the knee two years earlier, and she massaged it on a daily basis in a quest to keep it from becoming infected. If her stump were to become infected again, her life would be in peril, especially if the infection worked its way into the bone.

    The lady; his wife Isabelle, glanced over at him in semi-exasperation then questioned what’s wrong now?

    What’s not wrong? he replied. Our entire country has gone to hell in a hand basket.

    "Look at what our President has done…he has made it so our kids and grandkids are going to be saddled with a debt that will never be repaid, they’ll be socked with a life of slavery, or at the very least; they’ll have to live in a cradle to grave society that belies America’s greatness. It’s what Newt Gingrich wrote about in his book To Renew America(1).

    Newt said ‘we are faced with six challenges and if we do not face them and overcome them, our country will end up as a regional power scorned by other countries that did not have such opportunities as was afforded us here in America.’

    As if she had heard it all before, she sighed heavily then questioned so Stevenn, what do you suggest we do?

    I’m not sure, he answered, but I have some ideas percolating in this brain of mine. As soon as I figure them out, I’ll let you know.

    Until that time comes, she replied, can you help me finish getting dressed? We have to be at the doctor’s office in about half an hour, and I am not nearly ready.

    He walked over to their shared walk-in bedroom closet to help her find the clothing that she would wear to the doctor’s office.

    What do you like for today? he asked. Your pink blouse with maroon warm-ups, or your light green blouse with a black sweater and pants?

    Stevenn had become quite adept at picking out her clothing now that she was disabled; he not only was better at picking out her clothing, he was also a much better cook and housekeeper than when they had first been married over 29 yearsearlier; throughout the last eight years since her illness began, he had certainly gained a sense of empathy towards individuals suffering from diabetes and all its complications. The empathy came from the many years he had spent watching his wife suffer from all the various complications of diabetes.

    At one point a doctor had told him that Isabelle was one of the unlucky individuals who contracted every disease associated with diabetes. It had taken time, but he had finally realized just how debilitating the effects of diabetes and those complications could be.

    Stevenn was an ex-Marine who continued to be a hard-core individual. He still wore his hair straight-edged short and carried a manner that was brusque and sometimes overbearing. Many of the soccer players he had coached throughout the years had later informed him that he was very intimidating. One young girl had confided to him that she almost did not try out for the local high school soccer team because he was so ‘scary’. He had laughed at the thought, but she had not. The same girl had told him that it wasn’t until she had made the team and had really gotten to know him that she had realized what a softie he really was underneath his Marine Corps exterior.

    His wife had known from the start that his roughness only needed to be smoothed and she used her skills to sandpaper his scariness. She glossed many of his rough edges. Together, they had endured much travail throughout their lives as a married couple, especially since Isabelle had contracted diabetes with the birth of their third son.

    Isabelle reached for the maroon sweats he was handing her and began to dress. She was quiet for a moment then continued their conversation.

    What I cannot understand, she began is how the citizens of the United States can be so completely taken in by our President. She pulled her sweats on over her stump, then finished by pulling them up over her other leg before continuing her thought, "don’t they see this guy for what he really is? Can’t they understand that the greatness of America is not in looking at what the government can do for them…don’t they understand that the money he and his fellow Democrats are spending has to come from somewhere, that it does not just appear out of thin air?’

    I think many of our fellow citizens have been brainwashed since the time they were little. Stevenn paused reflectively, I’m sure glad we raised our children to be much more insightful than the vast majority of American citizens. You know my friend Paul? He looked at her for affirmation and noticing her puzzled look continued to speak. He’s the guy who owns that small restaurant we go to once in a while? Isabelle still looked puzzled. It’s the little Mexican place off 7th East.

    Yeah, now I know who you are talking about. Isabelle replied impatiently.

    Well, he voted for this guy as our President, said that anything was better than what we had before. Couldn’t tell me anything at all about what he stood for, what his beliefs were, what he was going to bring to the table, or even what his policies would be. To Paul it was all about change, change, change. Well elections have consequences and now he’s getting all the change he wants. Thing is, it’s not the type of change that he anticipated. Stevenn gave a snort of derision, Still can’t admit that he was wrong, though.

    I know what you mean, replied Isabelle as she focused on the blouse she was attempting to put on. Looking up at Stevenn through the neck hole of the blouse she said, Your brother voted for this left-wing radical too.

    It seems like a lot of people were fooled into believing that this guy was going to be America’s Saviour. Stevenn paused for a second and then continued He can’t even make a decision on whether to send our troops to war, yet he is supposed to be ‘so smart’. What a joke.

    Before he got too wound up about the President’s lack of military knowhow, or his socialistic agenda, Isabelle changed the subject with a question. So what kind of things are you thinking that we could do?

    Stevenn did not fail to notice her use of the word ‘we’ and smiled inside at the support he knew she would willingly give him.

    I’m not exactly sure what approach I am going to take, I just know that I cannot sit idly by while the elites in Washington are ruining our country. I served over twenty years in the Marine Corps: traveling the world; fighting the forces who wished to bring harm to America; willing to die for my country; and the one thing I’m not willing to do is let a President who wasn’t even raised here in America come in and ruin everything we have fought for throughout the years.

    He silenced his tirade for a moment, and then, changing direction completely, asked her did you know that FEMA is purchasing millions of coffins and storing them at ‘refugee centers’ around America?

    What? his wife asked inquisitively. Why? And who is FEMA?

    FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency and they are in charge of supposedly helping American citizens in times of disaster. FEMA’s website states that their mission is to ‘support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.(2).

    Stevenn paused then continued, "while I’m not quite willing to believe that a government agency is planning on taking American citizens prisoners and then holding them in Nazi type refugee camps, I am very willing to keep my ears and eyes open, in case such events do take place."

    Now I remember who FEMA is. Didn’t we watch Glenn Beck debunk those myths about the coffins a while back? Isabelle asked disbelievingly.

    Yeah, kind of, Stevenn replied. He had Ron Paul on as a guest and they spoke about the FEMA coffins. What they concluded was that it was highly unlikely that FEMA had any designs whatsoever in taking over the federal government. At the same time they were both concerned over the thought that there are outside forces attempting to manipulate America’s capitalism to their own benefits, that these same people are diligently at work trying to tear down America’s capitalistic society in order to bring about a ‘new world order.’ Glenn Beck even ended his conversation with Congressman Paul by saying By the way, America, I mean, I hope I'm — I hope I'm nuts. I mean, really, you've never met anybody who hopes he's wrong more than I am, or I do" (3).

    Beck is a smart man, if he is worried then there is probably something to it.

    I know. That’s what has me worried. What really drives me batty, is the way that people can complain yet when it comes to taking action, they just sit back on their collective butts, doing nothing. I’m not going to be one of those people.

    Well, one action you can take is to go get my wheelchair and help me into the car. She poked at him good naturedly and he laughed. Before he left the room he gave her a hug and said I sure do love you sweetie. She returned his embrace emphatically. I love you too she replied.

    Later, they traveled to the medical center riding in Stevenn’s favorite automobile; a Mercedes S420. It was 15 years old with over 280,000 miles on it, but he kept it immaculate and in perfect running order. The leather on the driver’s seat was almost completely worn through, he planned on refurbishing all the seats after the Christmas season. The Mercedes hummed along quietly. Isabelle broke the comfortable silence with a question. Do you think we will find out anything new today?

    She was worried that her AC1 count would be out of kilter, and that her red blood cells had dropped again. She was hopeful that her body was maintaining its current status in order to have her name placed on the transplant list. She needed a new kidney and she also wished to be completely free of her five-day a week dialysis regime. Her primary doctor had cautioned her that the normal lifespan of an individual once they began dialysis was one to five years; she had been using the dialysis machine for over seven months.

    One important concern to Isabelle was that the new health care bill that had recently passed the House and the Senate would preclude the doctors from placing her on the transplant list. There were so many new regulations that the bill placed on physicians, many older, and disabled citizens were worried about their futures.

    A lot of internet gobbledegook had warned seniors and citizens with disabilities about the new Death Squads. The Death Squads were comprised of government hacks who decided which patients would live and which patients would die. Before the final bill had been voted on, the liberals in charge of Congress had protested vociferously the idea that the bill contained Death Squads, saying there were no plans at all to have any such group or groups responsible for picking who would live and who would not. The liberal mainstream media had even mocked Sarah Palin as off the deep end with her remarks regarding them. She had been the one to coin the phrase ‘death squads’.

    In a complete turnaround, once the liberals had passed the bill, one of the first events to take place was the formation of a wellness panel. The panel was titled the Independent Medical Advisory Board and it consisted of government employees and a ‘czar’ who was in charge of deciding which patients got what services. The liberals did not call them death squads, but that was exactly what they were. Whenever anyone wanted a major operation (such as a transplant) they had to appear before a committee. The committee then used mathematical formulas to decide whether the operation was economically viable for that particular individual. If the operation was not financially viable, the person needing the operation was told no, no operation for you! What the claimants were told instead was that they had lived a useful life and now that the end was near, don’t make waves! This scenario left those individuals seeking medical assistance with very few alternatives, except to travel outside the U.S. or perhaps be lucky enough to find a doctor that was not part of the new healthcare system. Isabelle was one of those individuals who had been attempting to get her name put on the transplant list, but so far, to no avail.

    What was really aggravating about the whole healthcare debacle was that the Walter Reed hospital, just five miles from the White House, continued to provide the most up-to-date medical services and operations free of charge to any and all members of Congress.

    When the health care bill was being debated, the Democrats defeated all attempts to amend the bill regarding government employee participation in its mandates. What the Congressional scumbags had done was made it mandatory for every American to buy medical insurance except for members of Congress. Instead, Congress added enough funding in the bill to pay for a complete overhaul of Walter Reed Hospital. They then voted to ensure that the facility only provided services to government employees, primarily members of Congress. It was in that manner that they guaranteed themselves immediate access to the best medical services that Americans could be taxed for, and at the same time these same scumbuckets had ensured that they would not have to participate in the healthcare plan; the same healthcare plan that they forced on every other American citizen.

    Republicans and conservatives had tried to vote the bill down and had even offered amendments to the bill that required government employee participation, but the elitist liberals were having none of that. They were now the party in power, and they weren’t going to listen to anything at all that the opposition had to say.

    Walter Reed Hospital was now a shining monument to the hypocrisy of liberals. Over a billion dollars was lavishly spent on ensuring that the liberals received only the best of care. Long gone were the days when reporters wrote articles such as the one in 2007 that reported behind the door of Army Spec. Jeremy Duncan's room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole (4)

    Walter Reed now was often touted as the best medical facility in the nation. The American taxpayer continued to be bilked out of millions of dollars to pay for the services their members of Congress enjoyed. Walter Reed no longer provided services for returning soldiers with bodies torn apart by the ravages of war, now it housed elitists who fought for their own sense of power.

    It was just another event in a long line of events perpetrated by the American government that stuck in Stevenn and Isabelle’s craw.

    As they traveled to Isabelle’s appointment, Stevenn thought of the wasteful government spending that he and Isabelle believed would doom America. He shook his head bitterly to dislodge the thoughts and glanced at his wife as they traveled. Only fifty-two years old, she seemed much older today. Her hair was shiny and curly, falling half-way down her back, still as luxuriant as when they had first been married twenty nine years earlier, but her face belied the number of diseases ravaging her body. Her face was peaked and worn. Normally a fair skinned lady, today she was almost ghostly white.

    How are you feeling today, sweet pea? he asked, glad for the distraction from his dark thoughts about a government that seemed to be doing everything it could possibly do to turn America into a socialist country.

    Not good. I threw up all night, could not keep anything down. One of the diseases she had contracted due to her diabetes was gastroparesis.

    Now that is a nasty disease Stevenn thought to himself, especially when you are diabetic.

    I’m sorry Belle, is there anything I can do? He knew, of course, that there was precious little that he could do when she was fighting through a bout of intestinal warfare. A couple of times during the last several years she had thrown up so much and so often that she ended up tearing her esophagus. The first time that had happened Belle had coughed up a toilet full of blood. That had not been a welcome sight for either Isabelle or Stevenn.

    Stevenn earned extra income by researching and writing papers, dissertations and thesis. When Isabelle’s doctor informed them that a torn esophagus was the reason behind why his wife was coughing up so much blood, and why she ended up being admitted into intensive care, Stevenn immediately went home and researched the disease. What he learned about gastroparesis and a torn esophagus tore at his gut. He learned that a torn esophagus is often life- threatening and that it required surgery nearly ninety five percent of the time.

    Luckily, Isabelle was one of the other five percent, she did not need surgery and she survived the ordeal. However, the bouts with gastroparesis continued on a consistent and regular basis. Each bout usually ended with at least

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