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Artemis Strain
Artemis Strain
Artemis Strain
Ebook409 pages6 hours

Artemis Strain

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About this ebook

Akane never thought of herself as a weapon. Not when she was a green 2nd Lieutenant freshly graduated from Mars Officer’s Academy, and certainly not after her last combat command. It wasn’t until she was two years retired from Mars Army, that she became a weapon.
Technically, she is host to a viral weapon system and the property of Shinobu Corporation. Unfortunately for those seeking the current host, Akane doesn’t care much for semantic technicalities. And she’s certainly not about to turn herself over to a research department, no matter how interesting she finds the head of the department.

In the Neo Nippon region of Mars, corporations are the life force of the capital city, New Edo.
In an attempt to placate her sister, Akane accepts a temporary assignment as a weapon’s consultant to Shinobu Corp. During the short term assignment she is nearly killed twice, and reunites with the surviving members of her first command. Together they scramble to save her sister’s life, the corporation, and the city.
She must embrace the weapon within to ensure that all the people dearest to her survive the conflict she thought she left behind, when she retired from the army.

Release dateMar 20, 2012
Artemis Strain

WE Kelton

You would think a person with an advanced degree in a science discipline would have more sense than to be a fiction writer. Alas, I apparently skipped that session of course work and ran full bore at the Science Fiction and Fantasy wall. If you heard a teeth rattling sound a while back, pay it no mind - it was just me trying to knock sense back into my own head. Apparently all it did was knock a couple more story lines loose. Go figure.

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    Artemis Strain - WE Kelton

    Chapter 1

    Damn, the red haired woman in a grey suit swore as she looked down at her feet. She’d tripped again; the seventh time in five blocks. Thankfully mid-morning was not a busy time of day in the Nasitori shopping district. She would hate to have to explain to her sister that the reason she couldn’t start her new job was because she’d accidentally killed someone by jostling them into traffic. She stepped out of the heels that were the cause of her gracelessness and gathered everything that had spilled out of her borrowed purse. It was moments like this when she missed fatigues the most. Once her belongings were contained she carried the shoes by their heels and continued on her way. She rounded a corner and sighed in relief. She was only two blocks away from sister’s penthouse condo. She proceeded, looking at her goal, and came to an abrupt stop as she slammed into a larger body.

    The sudden impact caused her hands to fly up in the air. To steady herself she dropped the purse, released her shoes and used the force of the impact to launch herself into a back flip. She landed and watched as the shoes landed on a man’s messy black hair; heel first.

    Ryu Watanabe was about to apologize for running into the woman but his words died on his lips the moment she back flipped away from him.

    Father! The girl standing beside him called out as her eyes widened in surprise.

    He barely had a chance to glance at his daughter when a sharp pain blossomed in his head. Before he could raise his hands to check, a second something impacted nearly the same place and he winced. His hands stilled as he noted a pair of high heels were the cause of his injury.

    Holy crap! What are the odds? Akane asked as she glanced between the shoes and the man.

    The young brown eyed girl asked, Father are you injured?

    Ryu’s scowl softened as he stared at his second eldest daughter. His fingers brushed over his injured scalp. He winced as he replied, I’ll be fine Hotaru. His gaze hardened as he looked at the strange red haired woman and his heart clenched. Her hair was the exact color as Kaori’s.

    Akane bit her lip as she watched the man and his daughter. I am terribly sorry, she said as she neared. Both for running into you and for nailing you on the head with heels, the stupid things should come with a warning label, she muttered.

    Ryu’s scowl deepened as he listened to her rambling speech. If you’ve finished assaulting me, he snapped at her. My daughter and I have other things to attend to than listen to your ridiculous excuses for your lack of grace.

    Hotaru’s eyes widened as she stared up at her father. He was only rude to strangers when he was unsettled, or when people talked about her mother.

    Assaulting you? Akane demanded as she dropped the shoes she was picking up. Buddy I haven’t laid a finger on you. If I assaulted you, you’d know it and have the Med Lab bill to prove it. Her forefinger poked him in the chest as she spoke. I already apologized and now I’m thinking that I shouldn’t have bothered to do that.

    Do not touch me, Ryu growled at the red head.

    Akane smirked as she removed her finger from his chest. She moved in closer and asked in a low teasing purr, Is this is all the action you’ve gotten lately? A handsome guy like you, I bet you’re used to having women eating out of your hand. She glanced down at the dark haired girl and said, You’d best keep your father on a leash sweetie. There’s no telling what kind of trouble he’d get into without you to protect him. She turned away from the sputtering man and the wide eyed girl, determined to return to her sister’s condo. She left the pair without ever noticing that she’d left the shoes.


    After Akane entered the condo she was caught by Hana. Her twin stared at her with narrow eyes as she asked, Where are the shoes?

    Shoes? Akane replied as she bit her lip. Well it’s funny you should ask about those. You see, I’d forgotten how heels and I do not get along. I had just taken them off when I ran into some guy. They flew up into the air then landed on his head, she flushed as her sister continued to glare at her. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I left them on the street by the accident.

    Thank god you start your new job tomorrow, Hana snapped. You’ll be able to afford to buy me a replacement pair, she called out as she headed for the living room.

    Akane sighed as her sister changed the topic. All she had to do was buy her a new pair of shoes. That was good, she could do that. It might cost her entire first month’s salary – but she could do that.


    The next day Akane watched as the twin towers of Shinobu Corporation gleamed in the spring light. She always forgot, until she was back in New Tokyo, how much cleaner Mars air felt in the cities. Steel and glass buildings reflected light from the sun back up into the red tinted sky, making the red hue lighter. From her current perspective, on the road in her sister’s car, Shinobu Towers glowed.

    She knew from her rides in air transports through and around New Tokyo that the other two major corporations had the same effect on their immediate areas. Bujitso Enterprises and Orion Group, along with Shinobu Corp comprised the main power in New Tokyo. The companies were known as the Three Sisters. There had been a fourth company, but Nasitori had been destroyed. Its original corporate home was cleared of rubble and turned into a park, the largest park in New Tokyo. Its wide twisting waterways fed into a lake. The lake bordered the Southside city center and its manicured lands ranged all the way down to the mountains that protected New Tokyo from Edo Desert. The mountains themselves were owned by those who could afford the nation’s ransom it cost to own and maintain private property on Mars.

    The people of New Tokyo lived in the city center and in areas near the Three Sisters. It was common for employees of the corporations to live near their employers, though it wasn’t required to do so. Her sister was one of the few corporate employees who lived in the city. Her condo had belonged to their aunt and was close enough to the destruction of Nasitori complex to have been partially destroyed when that corporation’s building fell.

    After the Fall, as the destruction was referred to, they had received the condo from their aunt’s estate. Akane gave her share of the condo to her sister. She had been an officer in Mars Army at the time and had no need for civilian living quarters. Hana had started paying for reconstruction the day after she went to work for Shinobu’s Corporate Counsel’s office.

    Now she had a ten million ma-yen view of the park and lake. There were small islands within the lake. On the largest island the city built a gleaming stone memorial dedicated to those who were lost when Nasitori fell. It was a popular destination for visitors from New Tokyo as well as travelers from outlying lands and other regions of Mars. There were few people whose lives hadn’t been touched by Nasitori’s destruction. After all, it had been the second company to invest in terraforming Mars nearly a century ago.

    Akane and Hana’s grandfather had worked for Nasitori. He had been a mid-level lawyer who left the xeno-welcoming lands of Terra for the human colony of Mars. Sickened by the civil war that raged on Terra, he applied for and was accepted as a candidate for relocation. Months after his arrival on planet he met Hikari, 3rd Assistant to the General Counsel. They wed and had three children, one of whom was Kaname; her and Hana’s mother. Their father, Aunt and Uncle had worked for Nasitori. They were killed along with the rest of their family the day the company was destroyed.

    Akane stared out over a network of bridges and twisting water ways as they continued to travel closer to Shinobu Corps. She barely understood why Hana had chosen to become employed by Shinobu. Unlike the other corporations, Shinobu mainly employed Japanese descended colonists. Though both their grandfathers were Japanese, their grandmothers were not. She did think it logical Hana had chosen to be employed by one of the corporations. Anyone employed by one of the Three Sisters was paid well and had the kind of life that had been promised colonists: a life without the conflict of living amongst other species.

    As a colony of Terra, Mars was protected by the Federation of Aligned Worlds Treaty and by Space Corps. After terraforming, regions had been assigned via lottery to the Terran countries that participated in the terraforming project. The countries formed a United Mars Council and created a standing army; to protect assigned borders and end planet wide conflicts initiated by either the Regional government or a region’s people. The participating countries raised money by selling parts of their regions to corporations. From that point on corporations were more powerful than many regional governments, in New Tokyo this was especially true.

    What do you think? Hana asked her sister, who had been quiet through their entire drive.

    Akane glanced at her sister’s profile for a moment before she said, I don’t know Hana. It’s been two years since I had to report to anyone but you.

    Hana glared at Akane as she snapped, Toga’s were not meant to be idle. What were you planning to do after you left the army anyway?

    Akane looked at the imposing towers and said, I hadn’t gotten that far.

    Akane, Hana said with a sigh. You’ve been out for two years. You have to do something beside go to the park and practice in that dojo. Akane didn’t respond. She watched as Hana showed the security guard her pass and glanced at her as she said, This is your stop.

    Akane hopped out of the car. Her feet safely encased in combat boots and not in heels. Thanks. See you at lunch? she asked.

    Hana frowned impatiently as she replied, Akane I told you. I have a lunch meeting with the general counsel as well as the corporate counsel today. I doubt I’ll be home by dinner. Tomorrow, okay.

    Akane nodded and replied, Sure, tomorrow. She closed the car door and watched her sister drive into the parking garage. You’d never know it, but she was the elder sister not Hana. Their parents had always said that six minutes hardly counted but to her they did. She and her twin had always been different, even in looks. Hana had dark brown hair and their mother’s light green eyes. She was ladylike to everyone, except Akane, and dressed in classically elegant styles. She on the other hand, had long dark red hair she consistently wore in a contained bun. Her eyes were light brown and she was more comfortable in boots than heels and uniforms than dresses. Hana hated to break a nail and Akane could hardly stand to see white edges to her nails.

    After two years of living together Akane could honestly say she treasured her sister, even if she didn’t fully understand her. She loved her because she was who she was and didn’t make any excuses for herself or her life.

    Akane glanced up at the nearest tower and took a deep breath. She’d already accepted the job, now it was time to suck it up and get to work. She smiled at the security guard and said, Hey, I’m Akane Toga – new hire for security.

    The guard stared at the red head in surprise, normally women didn’t get hired on as security. I’ll need to see your identification card so we can get your paperwork started.

    Sure, Akane replied as she tossed him her ID and letter of hire. She caught a commotion out of the corner of her eye and waited for the security guard next to her to notice. After two men shouted at and pushed a third she asked, Are you going to do anything about that?

    The security guard glanced at the ruckus and shook his head. I don’t know why the higher ups allowed the protestors to gather there, he replied as he looked away from the protestors.

    It’s good for public relations after that business of ten weeks ago, Akane replied as she watched the crowd. They had broken apart, and she could see trouble brewing. She boosted the guard’s nightstick, held it securely by her side and crossed the private driveway. She vaulted the security barrier that separated the protestors from the main gate. Hey guys, what’s up? she asked as she placed herself between two men who were thinking about attacked a third.

    Nothing to bother your sweet face about, growled the single man.

    Ah you think my face is sweet, that’s so nice of you, she said as she turned to face him. You know only peaceful demonstrations are allowed outside Shinobu. You want to tell me why the guys behind me were thinking about cracking your skull open on the pavement?

    No reason, he growled at her.

    They just don’t like you is that it? she asked him.

    He started harassing some of the others, the taller of the men behind her said. He’s hit on every woman in the crowd and not just with his voice. Several of them have had to leave to escape him, one even had a bruise near her eye.

    So you are a sexist idiot? Akane asked with a smile. Her smile faded, and her eyes turned cold as she stared at him. I’m going to tell you this once. You are allowed to demonstrate peacefully. If you do anything other than that, I am allowed to kick your ass to the nearest Med Lab or until a regional police unit comes to haul you off to the nearest station. So, you have a choice. Restrain from speaking to or touching any woman who does not initiate contact; or answer to me. We clear? she asked.

    The man’s eyes narrowed. He growled at her, What gives you the right to talk to me like that you bitch.

    Akane’s nightstick slammed into his jaw shutting his mouth, hard enough to rattle teeth. He flew into the air and landed at the feet of the people behind him. She leaned over him and asked, Are we clear?

    The man glared up at her.

    Good. You are welcome to return and peacefully protest your objections about Shinobu. If I find that you are causing problems I am going to return, and we will be having this conversation again. You have a good day now, she said with a smile. Folks, she said to the onlookers with a nod of her head. She vaulted the barrier and re-crossed the driveway.

    Security guard Michi handed the red haired woman her papers along with her temporary ID.

    Akane slid his nightstick into its holder in his belt and accepted the ID with a smile. Thanks. Let me know if there’s a problem with the crowd and I’ll handle it. She waved goodbye and started walking toward the security door. She slid her entry key and sighed in relief, she really was hired. She smirked at the first pair of security guards and handed them her ID. They glanced at her in surprise as she passed between them with a wink.

    Director Hiroshi? she asked as she knocked on the open door.

    The white haired man looked up before he stood up and extended his hand. He said, Major, thank you for accepting the position.

    I’m no longer a Major, General, she replied with a slight smirk.

    The older man laughed as he replied, Ah yes we are both members of the private sector now. He closed the door behind her and his face turned serious. We need you Major, he said as he leaned against his desk. This ridiculous business about Shinobu weapons being set loose to subdue the protesting populace is – an unacceptable loss of face for the company.

    Akane nodded and asked, Sir what the hell happened with the AX battle bots?

    "We haven’t been told. From what I’ve been able to fraction together, the androids that attacked the city were all being controlled by advanced tech. The Applied Research Department has been less than forthcoming with the details required to launch a full investigation. They are claiming that there’s been a breach of proprietary information.

    At the same time, there has been shuffling and reshuffling of department heads by the board. Once the legalities have been sorted out and detailed inspections of each weapons type and prototype has occurred – then we’ll get the information on the Adaptive Weapons Systems sorted, he continued to stare at her. Shinobu is hemorrhaging both money and reputation. It is up to us to stop it."

    Akane asked, Who is on my team?

    He shook his head as he said, You can’t trust anyone Major. You’re authorized to pick a resource from all departments and you have permission to work them until they drop, he said as he handed her a comm screen and access pad. We need to get as many of our assets back on the market as soon as possible. Officially you are an independent weapons investigator, he said as he handed her a special ID and a communications ear bud.

    Yes sir! she snapped him a salute before she accepted the items. She closed the door behind her as she left his office. She walked further down the hall before she stopped and leaned against the wall as she scanned through the entire weapons catalogue for Shinobu Corp. After she read the list she pushed away from the wall thinking she could get through nearly half of these tests on her own. She was familiar enough with the weapons from her time in the army.

    She keyed in a request for directions on her access pad and followed the map to the munitions department. She nodded to the men and women she passed. Her identification card granted her access to every department floor she wanted. If there was anything the army taught her, it was to act as though you belonged and knew where you were going.

    Chapter 2

    Akane sighed as she set the rocket launcher down. She was familiar with how much damage these bad boys could do, having been on the firing and receiving end of the shells. She jotted down her security notes to send to the munitions department. Her report would authorize the Munitions Department for an immediate return to production and export. She set the launcher back into its case and locked the case. She scanned the product identification security number into her access pad and tagged the case with an orange security sticker. She glanced around at the three dozen weapons that she had spent hours testing and reviewing.

    To the skinny man with short brown hair on her left she said, You are clear for production. Go ahead and let all your contracts know that a copy of my report will be available to them by tomorrow five pm.

    Miss Toga? the brown haired man asked, stunned. He had not anticipated that the investigator would be a woman or that she would review every weapon their department produced in one sitting. He had come down to the department after the range master informed him the investigator was present. As Director he knew an investigator had been hired but Director Hiroshi had not revealed when their department would be inspected.

    Akane winked at him and said, Thanks for the fun Director Motsomo. I haven’t had a chance to use any of your weapons since I was a major in the army.

    The Director’s eyes widened as he bowed and replied, It has been an honor Miss Toga you are welcome to return to our department for target practice any time.

    Thanks, she said with a smile. That’ll be a great stress reliever, my sister can be a handful sometimes.

    Director Motsomo chuckled as did the range master and work crew that had come to observe the inspector’s firearms skill.

    Akane left the Munitions Department and headed for the first bench she could find. She transferred her notes into a full report and filed it with security department, munitions and legal. She glanced at the time on the comm device and winced, it was already 0113. She wasn’t nearly as far along as she should be. Having the last two years off had certainly made her slow. She snorted at her own thoughts and asked the access pad for a map to the nearest vending machine.


    Miss Toga? Asked a voice in her ear.

    Yeah? She replied as she rolled over. She rolled off the bench she’d been sleeping on and woke herself up by crashing into a potted plant.

    Miss Toga! Are you alright? the voice asked again.

    Who is this? she groaned as she sat up.

    My name is Joiji, Director Hiroshi has assigned me to you, he said in a clear voice.

    Uh, why? Akane asked as she stretched and yawned.

    He did not tell me the reason Miss Toga, the man replied.

    Sorry about that Joiji, the Old Man can be a mysterious pain in the ass sometimes, she said, absently calling the Director by his army nick-name.

    Joiji’s eyebrows rose in surprise for a moment as he blinked. Yes, ma’am, he replied without thinking about her words. Where can we meet ma’am?

    Meet? Akane asked as she scanned over her location. Why do we need to meet?

    To review my duties, he said.

    Oh. Ok we’ll meet at, she paused as she scanned through the departments. Transportation department, in however long it takes for you to get there. I’ll be in the garage reviewing the schematics for the crowd control paddy. You better bring whoever knows the most about those machines down to the garage to meet me.

    Yes ma’am, Joiji replied, surprise coloring his voice.


    Akane rolled out from under the crowd control paddy, a ballistic crowd control wall that fired non-lethal charges into riots. It allowed police or peace keepers a chance to subdue a crowd with minimal injuries. Turo! She called out to the line mechanic.

    The young man popped up next to her.

    These things are freakin’ awesome! she said with a grin. I can’t wait until I have the time to test one from the other side.

    The other side? he asked with wide eyes.

    Yeah, you don’t take into account the potential for a breach. Admittedly it would have to be people with suitable martial arts training, but that isn’t nearly as difficult as it used to be, she said as she unzipped the top of the coverall, revealing her white tank top. Give me a minute to get changed and I’ll get the official report filed so you guys can start shipping!

    Turo stared at her as surprise slowly turned into pleasure as he waited for her to redress and return. He watched her come back to the garage floor, absently avoiding banging her head on low overhanging equipment while she typed on her key pad. He waited in silence until she looked up.

    All done, Akane said as she sent a copy of the report to security, to legal and to the director of the transportation department; along with a glowing recommendation for Turo. His knowledge and helpfulness had made this easier than she had anticipated it being. Drop me an invite to the next demonstration would you? she asked as she looked over at him. I really am excited to try one out, never had the chance before. She stuck one of her security stickers onto the machine as physical proof of her inspection.

    Yes Ma’am! Turo replied eagerly.

    Akane was chuckling as she left the garage floor. She was looking at her view screen to memorize the route to her next destination when she passed people in the hall. She let loose another jaw cracking yawn when she entered the elevator.

    Akane was leaving the security door when her comm unit chimed in her ear and Joiji asked, Miss Toga where are you? We’ve been waiting at the Transportation balcony for the past two hours.

    Really? Why? she asked as she released her hair from the tight bun she’d been wearing it in for the past two days.

    You said I was to meet you here, he replied.

    No, I said in the garage. I was down on the floor, one of the junior techs was able to help me with the schematics and let me get a look at the inner workings and firing mechanism. I cleared them for distribution and production over two hours ago, didn’t their department head get my report? she asked as she neared the exit gate. Tell him to check his inbox, it’ll be there by now. I’m done for the night. I’ll be back tomorrow. Get in touch when you’re back in the office, we’ll hook up then. She deactivated the comm link and removed it from her ear. Hey Michi they behave today? she asked as she caught the guards eye.

    The black haired guard replied, Yes ma’am, they’ve been protesting nice and peaceful.

    That’s good, Akane replied. Night! She waved at him as she crossed the road.

    Hey lady? called out one of the protestors.

    Akane turned and looked up. She was too tired to dodge the tomato that was tossed at her, so she took it in the chest and watched the red fruit seep into the two day old suit jacket. Shit, now I’m gonna owe Hana a damn suit to, she muttered to herself.

    Ma’am? Security guard Michi called out from the security booth.

    Got eyes on it! she called back as she held up her thumb so he could see it was ok. Her gaze caught the eyes of the man who had thrown the tomato. She said, You’re lucky I’m tired and want to go home. Bothering with your juvenile attacks is so low on my list of things to get done it doesn’t even make the list. However, if I were less exhausted I’d knock you onto the concrete and have everyone arrested for contributing to a hostile work environment. We are allowing you to protest on Shinobu property, as a safety precaution to you – not because we have to. Any attack on a Shinobu employee is grounds for dismissal of the injunction allowing this protest. Am I clear? she asked him as well as the rest of the crowd. When no one said anything she turned and walked away.

    Hey lady! was called out once more.

    Akane ignored the hail. She was way too tired she needed to go home, get some sleep and eat food that wasn’t purchased from a vending machine.

    Ma’am? called out a young voice.

    Akane stopped walking and her shoulders slumped. She’d feel bad if she just ignored the kid. She turned and faced the boy. Yes? she asked.

    Are you alright? he asked.

    Yeah, I’m good, she said with a smile as she removed the stained jacket and shirt. She stood in her tank top, suit pants and combat boots, facing him.

    Why do you work for them? he asked as he stared at the giant corporate headquarters.

    Do you know what they do? she asked.

    They kill people, he said quietly.

    Sounds like someone you loved was killed in the recent accident, she said into his eyes. I am truly sorry for your loss. It hurts to lose people.

    She didn’t die, he said in the quiet same voice. She’s in Central City Med Lab, the techs don’t think that she’ll be able to walk again.

    Akane exhaled loudly and said, Damn. I lost two of my soldiers in the same way. She stared at him as she said, It still hurts that their lives were changed. Even though they heal, it takes much longer for us to do the same.

    He absently nodded his head in agreement.

    Is that why you don’t like Shinobu? she asked him.

    He nodded again.

    I can understand that. I’d be mad at someone too, she replied. No matter how much good Shinobu does, they will always have to take responsibility for their mistakes. She paused and added, Even when it is the mistake or greed of a few that has caused the problem.

    Is that what happened? an adult from behind the boy asked.

    I don’t know yet, Akane replied. But I’m working my butt off to figure it out and make certain that it doesn’t happen again.

    What can you do? scoffed a woman to her left.

    I can do my job to the best of my abilities. She glanced at the woman and said, Trust me when I tell you, my abilities are quite enough.

    You lost soldiers? a man asked.

    More than should have died, she replied. Before and after the Fourth Sister fell and it doesn’t get easier to accept death. She looked at the boy and said, It’s ok to be angry with Shinobu. Just don’t let hate fill you or your mom will have lost more than her legs; she will have lost a loving son the day she was injured.

    I apologize for the tomato, a masculine voice called out.

    Akane shrugged as she called back, I’ve been shot so many times a tomato is a pleasant change of pace. Night! she called out as she continued walking to the bus stop.

    Chapter 3

    Miss Toga! called out a familiar young voice.

    Akane looked toward the crowd of protestors. It was thinning out, had been since the night she was pelted with the stupid tomato that had stained Hana’s suit. Hey Masaru, she called back as she crossed the drive way.

    This is my mother, he said as he held a pretty black haired woman’s hand.

    Hello, Akane said to the seated woman. The chair looks good, glad to see you’re staying mobile.

    The woman smiled and glanced to her son before she said, Thank you, for all you have done.

    Me? Akane asked. I don’t remember doing anything.

    The wheelchair bound woman laughed politely and said, Perhaps Masaru was mistaken. He said that you gave him Mr. Surgei’s contact information.

    How does that warrant you coming all the way out to Shinobu? Akane asked with a twinkle in her light brown eyes.

    Ma’am, Masaru sighed.

    Don’t you ma’am me young fella, she replied in an old woman’s voice.

    Miss Toga! called Michi, as he held up his phone.

    Damn, already? she sighed to herself. Masaru take your mother home it’s going to rain you know. I swear some people’s children, she muttered with a grin. No respect for one’s mother these days, none at all, she lectured him while smiling.

    Masaru laughed as he called out, Go to work Miss Toga, you have people to save today!

    Thanks a lot you traitor! she yelled back. "Now the

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