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Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English!
Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English!
Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English!
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English!

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About this ebook

Ti piacerebbe imparare qualcosa di utile per te stesso e per la tua vita mentre migliori il tuo inglese? Con Awaken your English! [Risveglia il tuo inglese!] TU:* Fisserai l’obiettivo di praticare l’inglese! * Imparerai delle abilità utili e la lingua che le trasmette! * Imparerai a rilassarti nel tuo posto speciale! * Ti divertirai a imparare delle tecniche di allenamento mentale in inglese! Awaken Your English ti offre: * Testi inglesi con traduzione a fronte o consecutiva * Tecniche di apprendimento accelerato per assorbire più velocemente la lingua! * Tanti file audio in formato mp3, registrati da un parlante nativo della lingua, da scaricare ed ascoltare per assorbire la pronuncia corretta. * 6 mappe mentali a colori per fissare meglio nella tua mente i concetti di ogni lezione. Indicato soprattutto per studenti della lingua inglese di livello intermedio, può essere compreso facilmente anche da principianti assoluti grazie alle traduzioni in italiano! Dal 15 ottobre 2015 sarà anche disponibile Parla l'inglese magicamente! Speak English Magically!

Release dateApr 10, 2012
Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English!

Antonio Libertino

Imagine how you will feel by speaking another language, a different one than yours. Sense all the feelings you can feel. You will listen to yourself uttering different and pleasant sounds. You will see people astounded around you because of this new skill of yours. Will you be excited? Happy? Of course you will be!I will be excited for you too, because for me it is so rewarding to see people, who couldn't speak a word before, conversing in my own language. That is the real joy for me and I mean it from the heart.I am Antonio Libertino, born and lived in Tropea, Italy and I share with you a passion for foreign languages and world cultures.It all begun when I realised that I couldn't communicate with a foreign girl I fell in love with, if I didn't know at least English. What did I do? I took the first cassette course I could find and started learning as fast as I could. I was really motivated to do that. What am I suggesting? That you should get an Italian boyfriend or girlfriend? That wouldn't be a bad idea too, but there are a lot of other ways to learn my language. And I can reveal them to you at your place.I went on, I learned how to speak English. That love story was over, but it started my passion for foreign languages and cultures. Then the director of an Italian school for foreigners asked me to teach Italian in his school. I asked: "How am I going to do that?". "I'll give you the book", he said. I soon realised it wasn't with just a book that I could teach people...I wanted to teach people and to let them feel at ease.During the years, I went on teaching in that school, till I decided to work on my own. The teaching passion brought me to obtain the Ditals certificate Level II which is issued by the University of Siena for Foreigners, and it tests theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates in the fields of teaching Italian to foreigners.Sometimes it seems that an invisible force guides you to develop your passions and discover tricks and secrets to learn and teach a language.We can't deny we are living a learning revolution and especially in learning languages: we can't use anymore the teaching methods we used ten years ago. Today we have multimedia computers, internet, cd-roms, skype and learning a new language is so easy!Are you ready to speak my language?Knowledge is power and can also be fun if you know how to learn.

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    Book preview

    Risveglia il tuo inglese! Awaken Your English! - Antonio Libertino

    Risveglia il tuo inglese!

    Awaken Your English!

    Allena mentalmente il tuo inglese ora!


    Antonio Libertino

    * * * * *

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright Antonio Libertino, 2012

    Music: © Kevin MacLeod

    Tutti i diritti riservati

    ISBN: 978-88-97268-64-2

    * * * * *

    La presente opera è un adattamento di

    Awaken your Italian! Risveglia il tuo Italiano!

    di Antonio Libertino

    Impaginazione, testi, disegni e progetto grafico a cura di Antonio Libertino

    Editing per la lingua inglese a cura di Create Space editing services

    Voce per la registrazione in inglese: Chris Snelgrove

    Musica per la parte audio: © Kevin MacLeod

    Per la parte in inglese l’autore ha scelto uno spelling inglese internazionale. Nel libro viene usato principalmente il più semplice modo di scrivere americano: color invece di colour. Tuttavia si è scelto di usare la preferenza dell’inglese britannico per la s in verbi come "practise e c in nomi come practice".

    Immagine di copertina

    Paul Prescott © Fotolia

    * * * * *

    Licenza d’uso

    Questo ebook ti viene concesso in uso per il tuo intrattenimento personale. Pertanto non può essere rivenduto o ceduto ad altre persone.Se desideri condividere questo ebook con un’altra persona, acquistane una copia aggiuntiva per ogni destinatario. Se stai leggendo questo ebook e non lo hai acquistato per il tuo utilizzo personale, ti invitiamo ad acquistare la tua copia. Grazie per il rispetto che dai al lavoro di questo autore.

    * * * * *

    This book is dedicated to Salvatore (Mimmo), who looks at us and sends his love from above.

    Questo libro è dedicato a Salvatore (Mimmo), che ci guarda e ci manda il suo amore dall’alto.

    * * * * *

    Contents - Indice

    Title and Copyright

    Stop! Read this first!

    Fermati! Prima leggi questo!

    THANK YOU for deciding to Awaken Your English!

    Grazie mille per aver deciso di risvegliare il tuo inglese!

    How to use this course

    Come usare questo corso

    Empowering questions

    Domande potenzianti

    Make a decision

    Prendi una decisione

    Your special place

    Il tuo posto speciale

    When you are at your best

    Quando sei al tuo meglio

    Learn from the best ones

    Impara dai migliori

    Train yourself mentally to speak English very well

    Allenati mentalmente a parlare l’inglese molto bene



    The science behind Awaken Your English!

    La scienza dietro Risveglia il tuo inglese!

    Thank you!




    About the author


    Meligrana Editore

    Download instructions

    Istruzioni per il download

    * * * * *

    Stop! Read this first!

    To get the most out of this course, you need the related audio files. To download them for FREE, go to (copy and paste the above address in your browser) and insert the password, which is at the end of the ebook.

    DO NOT listen to the audio files while driving or doing anything that requires your full attention as they lead you into a state of relaxed alertness that speeds up the learning process.

    Fermati! Prima leggi questo!

    Per usare questo corso al meglio hai bisogno dei relativi file audio. Per scaricarli GRATUITAMENTE vai su (copia e incolla l’indirizzo qui sopra nel tuo browser) e inserisci la password che trovi alla fine dell’ebook.

    NON ascoltare i file audio mentre guidi o mentre fai qualcosa che richiede la tua piena attenzione, dato che ti conducono in uno stato di rilassamento vigile che velocizza il processo di apprendimento.

    * * * * *

    THANK YOU for deciding to Awaken Your English!

    ***Scorri il testo per leggere questo paragrafo in italiano***

    Have you ever thought that success in learning a language is due to mental factors?

    Are YOU planning to dedicate any part of your learning process to preparing yourself mentally for the task of mastering English? If your answer is the one I think it is, go on reading and YOU will discover how you can Awaken Your English.

    Imagine your language teacher is told that YOU are a genius and he really believes it. Do you think this can influence your learning performance? Read about the Rosenthal-Jacobson experiment in "the science behind Awaken Your English".

    Believe it or not, I do believe YOU are a genius and that you can Awaken Your English.

    And YOU? Do YOU really believe you can speak English fluently and even think in English? Is that even possible?

    Yes, it is.

    If you have already tried to learn English with traditional methods, based on grammar and word-for-word translation, it's possible that you haven't had great success.

    If you haven't started with English yet, by following the instructions in the next chapter, you will have the experience of understanding English as though YOU already knew it, and that's a magical first step toward making the language your own.

    Awaken Your English contains five key lessons in mental training. Yes, you read that right: mental training. What has mental training to do with learning English?

    Athletes have used it for decades to reach their goals, to acquire and practise motor skills, to rehearse routines to create muscle memory, and to develop a greater sense of self-awareness. So why can't YOU use it to Awaken Your English?

    If YOU want to deepen your knowledge about the subject, read "the science behind Awaken Your English".

    The lessons in this book are presented consecutively, and each one builds on the previous one. That is why it is important to follow the order in which they are presented.

    What about having a clear goal before starting? Lesson one (make a decision) will guide in this. Have you ever thought that it's possible to have a mini-holiday anytime you want? Lesson two will help you create il tuo posto speciale, your special place, where you can relax at will. How do you feel when you are at your best? Whom can you learn English from? Whom can you learn English from? Lesson three (when you are at your best) and lesson four (learn from the best ones) will let you get inside your best self and an English (role) model of your choice. And what about the ability to accelerate your learning? Lesson five (train yourself mentally to speak English very well) will teach you a mental training technique to rehearse any skill you want to master in English.

    Think of Awaken Your English like a special course that will teach you useful skills in English with the goal of making you an independent learner of the language—one who can enjoy not only the end results but also the journey of learning. Yes, relax and enjoy the journey. Create in yourself an association between learning and pleasure—because I do agree with people who say that lifelong learning is the secret to living a long and happy life. So, to say it again in English, relax and enjoy the journey.

    *** Scroll down to go on in English***

    GRAZIE MILLE per aver deciso di Risvegliare il tuo

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