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How God was Born
How God was Born
How God was Born
Ebook209 pages2 hours

How God was Born

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A book to explain how it is possible for something to come from nothing, among other difficult to explain mysteries. This book is a combination of philosophy, science and religion all rolled into one. Parables and illustrations are included to make the subject of How God was Born both exciting and intelligible. Have an answer to the atheist question: but where did God come from?!

Release dateJun 21, 2012
How God was Born


I am retired. I have studied religion and philosophy in my spare time all my life. I can remember at 2 years old wondering where I (consciousness) went when I went to sleep. Been at ever since. I have been construction worker, computer programmer and systems analyst. I had my own handyman business which made about $1.50 an hour...Oh well...

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    Book preview

    How God was Born - Terrence747

    How God was Born

    a work from the Church of the Animated Bunny series

    Volume 3

    September 2012 edition

    Published by Terrence747 at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 by Terrence747

    Also by Terrence747 published at Smashwords:

    Bunny Bible - Church of the Animated Bunny, Volume 1

    Esoterica - Church of the Animated Bunny, Volume 2

    Table of Contents

    The Gist of It


    ~Finally, the Gist of the Gist

    ~So How was God Born?



    ~Basic Concepts

    ~Personal Note

    Simple metaphorical versions


    ~Literary Design

    ~Earned it

    ~Amoeba God

    ~The Grayness

    ~The Great Triangle

    ~The Flux

    ~The One Mind

    Longer metaphorical versions

    ~The Will and the Form

    ~The Dreamer and the Dream

    ~The Seed

    ~The Spiral

    A little more flesh

    ~In the End

    ~The Perfect Balance

    Kind of Weird


    ~The CenterOfitAll

    ~The Lonely One


    ~Sphere of Existence

    ~Baby Bunathoth

    ~Survivoth, the Fake god

    ~Christ Truth

    Basic or Fundamental Concepts

    ~What is a unicorn, really?

    ~The Absolute

    ~What is Absolute Nothing?

    ~What is Absolute Everything?

    ~What is Anything? or Something

    ~What is the Identical?

    ~Is the Unique the Same as the Absolute?

    ~What is the Infinite?

    ~What is the difference between the Eternal and the Everlasting?

    Appendix A

    ~Absolute Nothing definition

    ~All Logic is Flawed

    ~All Math is Flawed

    ~Bible and Other Explanations

    ~Counting the Universe

    ~Fido, the Wonder Dog

    ~In the Room

    ~It's a Walkman

    ~Me and You

    ~Only Universal Truth

    ~Paradox Commandment/the Cross

    ~Perfect Wheel

    ~Power of the tao

    ~Probabilities and Random Events

    ~Proving the Immortal Soul

    ~Short Critique of Evolution

    ~The Blind Men and the Elephant

    ~The Lord's Prayer

    ~The Way

    Appendix B: Illustrations



    Gist of It

    First, the disclaimer:


    Walking on words solid as jello

    I want to be perfectly clear. I do not absolutely know how God was born. These are just a few theories or possible insights how it might essentially happen or have happened. There may be other theories which are better for different kinds of believers or other theories which are more factually accurate or are better liked. Do you know of any others that should be added? Send an email to

    The Gist of It (God Being Born)

    Let’s start this gist or synopsis with the Absolute-Nothing. Does Absolute Nothing really NOT exist? Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? How can we speak of that which does not exist? Well, we manage to speak of lots of things that do not empirically exist as if they did exist. For example, we sometimes imagine that our musings about history in the textbooks are as factual reality as the here-and-now. We are able to distinguish our imaginings of the future as being non existant, but the past is somewhat different. Apparently, all perceptions whether past or future must be in the present consciousness or what some call the here-and-now for us to perceive it. That's very straightforward, unless we begin to confuse our ideas with the objects they denote thinking they are one and the same. For instance, the idea of Absolute Nothing is not Absolute Nothing. The idea of Absolute Nothing is something.

    We should be aware that ideas do not have to exist in empirical reality to influence us to take action in empirical reality. Ideas may not affect empirical reality as direct cause and effect laws, but there is often a clear connection - more than an association - less than a conditioned response. Take the unicorn in the above illustration. Some would argue that it is not a unicorn because it has 2 horns and 6 legs, whereas a true unicorn only has 1 horn and 4 legs. But wait. Unicorns of any kind don't empirically exist so how can definitions of things that don't exist have more correctness then other things that don't exist? Shouldn't they all be equal? Obviously there are problems in our thinking of reality and nonexistence in our minds.

    The idea of God is a powerful idea even as the ideas of morality and science are powerful ideas. But the idea of God is not God and the idea of science is not science. Even the idea of the idea is not identical to itself only. Ideas must denote things other than themselves, but can include themselves as a member of the denoted class. For instance the idea of ideas is an idea but not the only idea that can be denoted. We should be careful to distinguish in our thinking between the idea and the object, the connoted and the denoted. Correct me if I am wrong, but the idea and the object that the idea (or name) it denotes are never absolutely identical. An idea cannot denote itself, only. A name cannot refer to itself only if it refers to anything at all.

    Someone once said, History is HIS story, not HER story, but nevertheless it is some kind of story, isn't it? Stories can have a degree of realness to them. They are not Absolute Nothing because they can inspire our behavior and attitude which are real things to most of us. Stories, myths and legends can inspire actions in the empirical world. I was inspired by Jesus, Plato, Robin Hood, Sir Lancelot, Hercules, Theodore Roosevelt, and many others. I only knew part of them in books, movies, hearsay, intuition or my own flawed imagination. They may not have been real, but they were role models nevertheless. So role models are not Absolute Nothing

    Likewise, the idea of God can inspire behavior and action in the empirical world even if God does not really exist. I am not saying that God doesn't exist, but only that it is possible. The idea of God inspires me! Therefore the idea of God is also not Absolute Nothing. But I also believe in a supremely powerful sentient being that many of us call God and so I find that reconciliation is necessary for me and those who are like minded between the idea of God and the possible Real God.

    Knowing is a tricky thing. According to some people we even know what dinosaurs look like! But dinosaurs aren't real in the here-and-now unless we count chickens as dinosaurs and imagine flesh to fossil bones. Dinosaurs don't look like chickens to me even though I understand their structural similarity to some dinosaur's fossil bones. That doesn't mean I know it, but it is possible in my understanding. Chicken skeletons do look kind of like raptors that I saw in the Jurassic Park movies to me. But I guess those raptors were imagined by the same people that say chickens are dinosaurs. So it's kind of circular. I am more confident that God exists than I am that chickens are dinosaurs.

    We even share 50% of our DNA with chickens, but do not misjudge. Humans are not therefore 50% chicken. The relationship between common DNA is not the measure of all differences since some differences are more important than others. Well, maybe we are chickens if we think of being chicken as one who is afraid to take risks. Metaphors and the empirical objects to which they are connected are often intentionally confused in sacred texts and science but used to teach very abstract ideas or too estimate. Metaphors are not Absolute Nothing.

    Unfortunately, scientists seem not to object much when their theories are taught as knowledge to the masses. Take for instance Evolution Theory. Many of them are now calling it a fact. Yet, there are some reasoning flaws with the theory and I am no Biblical Creationist (see Short Critique of Evolution Theory). It's a good thing that scientists don't change their minds so often but as a group I have found that they rarely chastise their peers when they are being too dogmatic about the superiority of science in public. That's a natural human tendency - not to call out those in your group when they are being against the critics of your group. But don't be misled, I do believe that some scientists are great people and that the world in general is a better place because science helps us. I could say the same about clergy of most religions. But I am independent of both (see All Ways are the Way). I just go where the path leads me.

    Does the consensus or science really decide what reality was or is or will be for you? Do surveys constitute true facts? If they do then why not use the Family Feud game show's surveys for facts? Unfortunately, the herd tends to follow the herd (if the blind lead the blind, then both will fall into the ditch - Bible, Matthew 14:14). Do not be offended, I doubt that you are a full time member of any herd if you have read this gist so far. All of us are members of some partisan herd most of the time, but that doesn't make us equal in leadership.

    We imagine the future and what the weather will be like next year and next season with pretty good accuracy as long as won't get into too much detail. Things in cycle are easy to predict because they repeat. But the things of the distant future are on the verge of total speculation because of all the possibilities. Personally I hope the future is like that revealed in Star Trek Next Generation but with more modern religious philosophical influence, especially concerning the immortality of the soul (see Proving Immortality). Hopefully the future will be better than it is now. At any rate, things imagined to be from the past or possible future are not Absolute Nothing because they can cause inspiration to action in the empirical reality.

    Imagine the lack of all sensation and perception - that which some call death, others call sleeping or while having anesthesia for surgery. The lack of perception for any finite time does not necessarily mean that one is Absolute Nothing forever. Even after death, it may be possible for you to wake back up in a different form of being. So how could the lack of perception be said to be absolute everlasting with any reasonable logic? If something can change from Absolute Nothing to something, then by definition it is not truly Absolute Nothing, and is predestined to repeat coming again.

    Where were you before you were born? If you were Absolute Nothing then you couldn't change to something not Absolute Nothing. Why? Because logic dictates that Absolute Nothing can't

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