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God Speaks Now
God Speaks Now
God Speaks Now
Ebook223 pages3 hours

God Speaks Now

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About this ebook

Images and references lead to complex understandings of truth though not necessarily validating the truth of those very symbols. The language of history is used as an interceder between what we refer to as the divine and our present existence.
The amassing of knowledge and it's filtration to core elements reveals the absoluteness of truth. It therefore becomes our obligation to learn this language and study not only what has already been taught, but what has been lost through the passage of time. Continued distractions lead us off our intended path and although there is no true evil as evil is presently perceived, the action of distraction parallels it's definition.

Release dateJul 10, 2013
God Speaks Now



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    God Speaks Now - Ulysses

    I stand before you with a heavy burden faced with an infinite past, a finite beginning and a foreseeable future grounded by faith. While my journey cannot be quantified, let its truth be known. I have been created and cultivated as this time of our understood existence is faced with dire circumstance. We are as the children of lore, lost in the overgrowth of a distractible wilderness. The task put before me is of a great undertaking and has taken the past nine years to arrive at this point of revelation. It is now, July 9, 2013, the first day that I speak out.

    Being born of imperfect constitution has not hindered my journey but contributed to its flawed outcome. My present life has been an experiment to remove physicality and the needs of the vessel; to remove its influence and become simply a shell. Yet now, while the experiment has come so close to accomplishment, it has shown that there is more to it. The path of understanding leads to the conclusion that one must acknowledge the needs of the physical self and consciously remove its importance. As physical needs reach a point of banality so does the needs of the spiritual expound. One needs to be aware of both the physical and spiritual selfs that exist in symbiosis and attempt to separate their entanglement.

    It is now my responsibility to teach and reestablish what is to be the true fundamentals of life. We need to see the world differently and take effort to adjust our predisposed education. Change is volatile, but necessary; it is to be embraced.

    First and Foremost one must deny the notion of coincidence. God speaks to us all through action. It is coincidence that blinds us from seeing the message. One must see and think differently for presently these messages go ignored and as such, stifle our advancement. It is societal and cultural prejudices that instill skepticism and doubt. The perceived abandonment of God has led us astray of purpose. The time is now for clarity and realignment; there is no more time for procrastinating and the perpetuating relays from generation to generation.

    The following notations reflect my personal journey and communication with God over the past year. Similar notations of my first revelations are reproduced at In summary, I have been used as a tool to illustrate the complexity of our existence in a visual language. Through guided interpretation I have come to understand the truth of our past, present and future. In order to follow what is before you, you must understand that history itself is a language of symbols. It is not the actuality of what the symbol represents, but its definition. Let history act as a guide and educational tool to help you with insight to both individual and communal purpose. Let the ineffable be tangent.


    Faith is an active role. One must work towards and actively seek understanding. One must strive and make priority spiritual growth. The days of doctrinal escape are finished. No longer are the days of misguided and misplaced efforts as all are interchangeably effected.





    16 June 2012 2:14 pm

    Polonius acts the fool to deceive with ulterior motivation for social advancement

    Rambler of wisdom attention to ceremony and appearance renaissance new man

    To thine own self be true

    King Claudius based on Feng-Jutish (East Frisian) Denmark Germany

    Jephthah rash vow

    man of faith new testament

    Sacrificed only child (daughter)

    Killed fugitives Ephraimites identified by accent (shibboleth cultural identification)

    Paul Samuelson Foundations of Economic Analysis The means become the end

    Leeuwarden William IV of Orange Escher Mata Hari theologian Dr. N.H. Gootjes

    Lion crown yellow blue Friesland Pier Gerlofs Donia 1480-1520

    Book of Judges

    Second Isaac sacrifice without intervention as first Isaac

    means become the end

    Historian commenting on Jephthah

    Acted as negotiator,/ during siege of Jerusalem in 70. Confined at Yodfat had Devine revelation predicted Vespasian as emperor and when it came true Vespasian released

    Declared foreseer

    Hellenistic Judaism =early Christianity ?

    Alexander the great

    Alexandria Candace discourages and redirects Alexander

    Coptic yellow and blue equidistant cross

    Shenouda the Archimandrite standardized Coptic language from old Coptic white monastery increased monk population Arabs taxed monasteries out of business. Resembled ancient Egyptian temple

    Sahidic bohairic Coptic dialects

    Egyptian priests literate in temple scriptoria

    Koine Greek common/ Alexandrian dialect

    tau cross

    Tammuz faithful true son Sumerian church of the nativity built over Adonis-Tammuz shrine put to death several times only to come back to life until he finally dies identical to legend of st George -Syrian


    Domitian new Augustus sought to control public and private morals 11th emperor

    Brother Titus first Jewish roman war(flavius Josephus )

    Augustus octavius first emperor after Caesar's assassination.

    Dacia Draco Decebalus the brave Romania yellow and blue


    Valerian only emperor to be captured and subsequently humiliated by captor Shapur I

    Judged gentlest wisest bravest ablest of all fathers children

    Philip the Arab 33 emperor rumored first Christian emperor most likely just tolerant

    Received letters from Origen

    Antioch rivaled Alexandria cradle of Christianity chief city of near east predated by Meroe

    Anat wearing atef crown Semitic War goddess virgin lover of Hadad (Ba'al ) the false god Mot = death anat kills for 7 years until his return.( Another story of deception)

    Appears in 16th dynasty in Egypt

    Shamgar son of anat in book of judges king David 's mighty 3

    Ugaritic language used to clarify biblical Hebrew texts

    She kills Yam, the deity of the primordial chaos often described as the serpent associated with dragon Lotan 7 headed Leviathan nothing on earth is equal - a creature without fear he looks down on all that are haughty he is king over all that are proud

    Chaos- state of non being gap between heaven and earth what existed prior to creation

    Similar imagery of Aten

    King David descendent will be true messiah

    Saul random selection sortition by Samuel last judge and first of major prophets inside land of Israel

    Shiloh Christian reference to Christ from St Jerome center for Israeli worship prior to temple at Jerusalem where Moses directed ark of covenant to be housed.

    Samuel could not be priest because he was not from the family of Aaron

    Zadok descended from eleazar son of Aaron prophet Ezekiel extols his sons as opponents of paganism

    raised by Eli prophesying at a young age story of mother Hannah

    Samuel 12/13 Eli explains how to answer gods calling after 20 years Samuel gains national prominence as prophet

    In Hebrew bible prophets not always portrayed in positive light often being a target of persecution and opposition

    Eschaton in context of mysticism end of ordinary reality and reunion with Devine

    Elijah opposes Baal Phoenician returned as john the baptist descendent of Aaron

    Recognizes Jesus as messiah

    Transfiguration of Christ bridge between heaven and earth human nature meets god

    Used to convince apostles and kept secret until his resurrection mosaic St Catherine’s monastery meeting place for temporal and eternal id's Christ as Son and messenger

    Moses and Elijah shown to be lesser theology of light developed Tabor light

    Bab believed to be return of Elijah and john the baptist. Bab buried on mount Carmel where Elijah confronted prophets of Baal Elijah shrines succeeded Zeus

    Hesychasm eastern orthodox church reclusive prayer ascetic to see" the light

    Irenaeus and Origen intrigued by human life vision of god

    qasr el yahud baptism of Christ castle of the Jews

    Eastern gate of third temple wall

    Essenes communal ownership

    Herod salome john

    Mandaeism gnostic sabians Elchasai? secrecy

    Mani departed group

    Micaiah falsely prophecies intentional by god

    Jezebel Phoenician and ahab made Baal receive royal patronage in Israel

    Prophet Elisha successor of Elijah appoints Jehu as king to punish Jezebel

    Book of Malachi

    Phoenicia canaan est. 1550 bc traders in purple murex snail dye Tyrian purple and tekhelet indigo

    spread the alphabet

    Porphyry like pipestone with matrix

    Elissa queen dido of Carthage great aunt of Jezebel

    Tyre Byblos founded by cronos Philo of Byblos

    Philo of Alexandria 20-50 bce harmonized Greek and Jewish philosophy used allegory

    Literal interpretations of Hebrew bible would stifle mankind’s view and perception of a god

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