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Kami Jin, rev. 3.0
Kami Jin, rev. 3.0
Kami Jin, rev. 3.0
Ebook338 pages4 hours

Kami Jin, rev. 3.0

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“Kami Jin” chronicles the life of protagonist, Gordon Sakata, as he describes his challenging, yet victorious life in the 23rd Century in two worlds – one a troubled life on Earth, and then later on the utopian planet of Xychron. With a global unemployment rate of 95%, Sakata returns to Earth to save those in despair and the homeless and takes them to a distant planet to live in paradise.

PublisherJason Shohara
Release dateSep 21, 2009
Kami Jin, rev. 3.0

Jason Shohara

Jason Shohara (aka Lloyd Kaneko), has ascended into the 6th dimension and has published a philosophical book, "A Vision for Humanity -- Moving Mankind in the Right Direction." He is a trance channel of Source (God) and Gaia (Mother Earth) and has a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from California State University, Long Beach and has studied screenplay writing through the Open Door Program at the Writers Guild of America, West. He has served as staff writer for various national newspapers and magazines and volunteers regularly at his local community hospital, PIH Health Whittier Hospital and edits the quarterly newsletter, "Volunteer Voice."

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    Book preview

    Kami Jin, rev. 3.0 - Jason Shohara


    The news today announced that there are now more millionaires and billionaires in the United States than ever before. What they don’t tell the world is that there are even more that enter the realms of poverty. More people are displaced on the streets of major metropolitan cities and suburbs because they lose their houses and have nowhere to else to go. Homeless shelters are often overcrowded, especially in the winter months. People are forced to live in cardboard boxes – if they are lucky. Some camp under freeway overpasses and bridges just to shelter themselves from the cold. Some huddle near church doorways just to get a slight breeze of warm air that flows through the cracks of the bottom of the doors. Yet, people often say, Do nothing for them.

    Corporations often say that their employees are their best and most valuable assets. Yet when it comes time to reducing staff, their employees are the first ones to be laid off, often given very little or no severance pay, and a severe loss of benefits. Yet, while their employees lose much, big executives of these companies often are rewarded with millions of dollars in bonuses while displaced workers are often forced to find a way to make ends meet on their own – often without assistance. And it is big corporations – once they have turned their backs on their employees – will not even provide one ounce of care to assist one in time of need to get a person back on his or her feet in order to survive.

    Take a tour through your local neighborhood or metropolitan city and just take a look at the litter, all the trash on the streets and the highways that pollute the environment and the scenery. It’s as if people eat in their cars from paper plates and plastic containers are just literally thrown their waste onto the streets and highways.

    Now, take this illustration and apply it to a higher level – with people. Corporations and society have treated people very much in the same way. Take a tour through the slums and the skid rows of your metropolitan cities and see all the littering of people on the streets. Only, this time, the pollution really does affect the environment – especially when facilities are not provided in these areas to deal with personal waste. Some of that is disposed of against walls of buildings that create such a foul odor that one can smell it for miles. Yet, society has really not figured out a way of eliminating poverty and homelessness.

    What has happened to the notion that All men are created equal? Why do we still find ways to destroy people’s lives by throwing them out onto the streets, tarnish their livelihoods and personal records yet still find ways to reward bad behavior?

    Why do we continue to find ways to kill each other through wars, but we can’t find ways to eliminate poverty, hunger, and homelessness in our own backyard? Why do we continue to add a few more people to the roles of the millionaire and billionaire list while the rest of the world continues to starve?

    The prophet Micah said:

    "Nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more...And none shall make them afraid" (Micah IV)

    It is my hope and prayer that nations will cease all wars and come together in peace – and then work in harmony so that mankind in every corner of this world can live in peace, tranquility, and equal prosperity.

    -- Lloyd Kaneko


    PART I


    WHITTIER, Ca, April 11, 2008/WorldNewsWire – Scientists have just discovered a phenomenal wristwatch that appears to have been developed well into the future. The mechanics of the watch are highly unusual and appear to be fabricated of materials not commonly known to scientists today.

    According to a witness, a strange, unidentified person, wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, apparently left the watch on the doorsteps of a Jason Shohara of Whittier, California. Apparently, the watch has a computer port compatible with current computer technology. The watch was reported to contain a diary of a person who lived in the future – around 2208 A.D.

    Presently, world scientists and law enforcement officials are puzzled as to how this unusual piece of jewelry has traveled back in time and currently do not have a solid explanation as to how it was delivered from the future into the current time.


    Chapter 1

    Thank You for Having Me Over

    ] Login, A Gordon Sakata

    Welcome A. Gordon Sakata. Please enter today’s date.

    ] Date: 01/15/96

    Today is January 15, 2196. Please enter the time.

    ] Time: 18:00

    The time is 6 O’clock. Welcome to the Cyberspace living room.

    To begin with, let me thank you for inviting me into your living room to shoot the breeze. I know that your time is precious and very valuable. For that matter, so is my notecase! So it confounds me to wonder why you bought my story from the bookstore or downloaded it from your favorite internet source. I know, computers need input – or, so the theory goes.

    Getting off the informalities, let me introduce myself to you and your kin. Or, should I say, your memory banks? My name is A. Gordon Sakata II. Yes, as the name implies, it sounds like my heritage is Japanese or from some distant, foreign nation at that. No, my ancestry is Napajanese – from the country island of Napajan in the Southern Pacific Ocean.

    Where’s that? you ask. Well, it’s about 2500 miles south, southeast of Japan. It’s a little known Pacific island that isn’t densely populated with human beans – I mean, beings! My American ancestors moved to Los Angeles, California early in the 1930s and I understand that my relatives looked so much like Japanese that they were even mistaken for their kind and were forced into concentration camps in California. I remember my great grandfather talking a lot about a camp called Manzanita – or, was it Manzanar? I can’t exactly remember the place because it isn’t exactly on the revised state maps of California. He also used to talk a lot about his great, great, grandparents’ temporary accommodations at a place called Santa Anita and said that they stayed in horse stalls before they were relocated to that other place. In fact, one of my relatives never made it there. I understand that the government went to his house late one night and he was whisked away to another concentration camp in Arkansas. I know, you said that you’ve never heard of Napajan. That’s because the island country itself was taken over by the Japanese during World War II and since then, it became an extinct nation. They never had a chance! The Japanese took over the country in a matter of 1.7654 hours! It was like saying You want this country? It’s all yours! You would say that, too, if you had nine guns pointed towards your tree-house!

    Well it was extinct until about the early to mid-22nd Century when a very large pocket of oil was discovered under the tiny island. The oil companies quickly moved in and turned the once tropical island into a steel jungle. Napajan managed to maintain its control over the oil until just recently in this century when the Republic of North America attempted to annex the country by declaring it a colony. A war almost started a few years ago with China. It was no secret to the world that Napajan was very rich in fishing resources and was a very close trading partner with the Chinese.

    There are no airports in Napajan. The island is too small to accommodate those intergalactic liners. Even the smallest 500-passenger ones would cause a major earthquake when they attempted to land on the island’s leeward side. The only way of getting to Napajan is by sea liner via Saipan.

    Say, while you’re reading this story, it would be a good time to get that pot of coffee going. I take it with cream and chocolate ice cream, thank you. Just kidding! Coffee is awfully bad for people with bionic peripheral limbs! It clogs up the electrical systems. Especially the memory banks! You see, I broke my right wrist in a sonic-skating accident when I was 10 years old and I severely severed my wrist as the mini-rockets on my skates exploded. I went into a forward tumble down a steep hill. They said that my wrist was so damaged that it was beyond repair so they replaced it with a bionic arm. Yes, I know, they always told you to wear protective headgear as well and – well, you guessed it – I wasn’t wearing that either – so, part of my brains had to be replaced with memory chips as well. It all worked out for the best I guess. It increased my memory capacity tremendously. And my ability to process information was far beyond that of a normal human being. Anyway, along with this bionic arm, I got a watch which is actually a computer that runs this bionic arm. It controls the movement in my arm just as I think about it with my brain and the computer processes it. The computer also processes all my thoughts and records my observations and stores it for future reference. When the memory senses inactivity for an extended period, such as, if I fall asleep or take a nap, the computer will automatically logs itself off. The only thing is that the battery, although somewhat solar powered, needs an occasional boost once in a while. So it needs a little recharging with regular hydro-electricity – which, in the 23rd Century, is a little scarce. They said that one of these days, I can eventually get the battery changed to an atomic driven one. But extreme cold weather would affect the performance of the battery also.

    If I accidentally separate this watch from the port on my arm, my arm does not function – so I have permanent medical clearance to wear this watch no matter where I’m at – even on an intercontinental air vehicle in the process of clearing passenger security.

    As for the physical part of myself, I am about 6 feet tall, 184 pounds and I don’t wear glasses or contacts because my bionic brain controls my eyesight very well. I do not align myself with any political party. I’m more of a progressive independent if you will although some might say I have traits like that of a reformist. I do believe in the basic fundamentals of democracy in the way that it was originally intended, but the way that it is practiced now, you would hardly call it a democratic process. Before I broke my wrist, I was right-handed. Now, I am ambidextrous. When I write with my right hand, it is very sloppy, and unintelligible. Then, my left hand is the exact opposite. It is very neat, readable, and immaculate.

    This probably explains the appearance of my apartment. My living room and dining room was very neat and immaculate. My bedroom was very sloppy, cluttered and messy, the bed was never made, clothes laid all over the room and piled high on the floor. Sometimes, I even have a hard time walking in my own bedroom.

    I used to have a collection of trains – mainly monorails running through my apartment. But I sold the vintage collection because I needed the money and the collector offered me a very handsome price for my trains. I used to enjoy riding public transportation until it became too costly to ride them. Many of the good routes where discontinued due to budgetary reasons and those were the routes that got me to where I needed to go. The only way I get around the city now is with my car. The color of my car is purple. That’s my favorite color and it just so happens to be my family colors – purple and white.

    As for my family, lost my parents when I was in my 20s due to unexplained illnesses and have been living on my own since then. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I have a few relatives that I visit primarily during the holidays and I have a few friends around the city. Most of them are work associates. I also enjoy early classical music from the Baroque and Renaissance Eras. There are some contemporary songs I like also, but the classical ones appeal to me the most.

    At one point in my life, I wanted to become a great philanthropist and give a lot of money to charity. But with the job on the line, and money tight, it has really been hard to fulfill this dream. I like going to church on Sunday. Besides singing in a masterworks chorale, I also sing in the church choir as a baritone. So, I would guess these are my hobbies so to speak.

    However, I have a real compassion for people. I really care for how people are treated in and by society even though, my weakness often interferes from me doing greater works in this area. The weakness is that I’m rather shy, and a non-assertive person. I’ve taken workshops to be a little more assertive and I guess that takes practice. But my shyness often serves as a barrier for such progress. One would find this difficult to believe because I love speaking and performing in public.

    That’s about enough about me. As for the city itself, in the 21st Century, there were so much debate over a phenomenon called Global Warming that some scientist theorized that man’s behavior was causing the destruction of the environment through air and water pollution. The ozone was being destroyed by harmful particulate matters that were being emitted into the air that it was causing a destructive hole in the very layer that protected the Earth against the harmful radiation of the Sun. And, man was also known for discarding wasteful products into the oceans which polluted the waters and made the waters unsafe to drink. There were data that supported this theory. Yet, companies developed their own conclusions and statistics to disprove the conclusions of other scientists. This led to the great debate of the environment of the 21st Century. Eventually the environmentalist won out in all corners of the Earth. Their conservation efforts were so successful that by the 22nd Century, the Great Ice Age began. Of course, in today’s world, it would have to get awfully cold because we are currently living in that ice age. We’re all waiting for the Great Melt-down!

    Getting back to business, you said that you wanted my story and you’re going to get it. I don’t know when you’re going to print this story or where, but you said that it would get printed somewhere. Let me tell you about my profession as a computer anthropologist – someone who studies the history of computers and its impact on the human society. It was a great profession until the early 2100s when artificial, non-human-like droids took over our business. There were massive layoffs in the computer industry. Everyone that banged on keyboards at home and at work had been replaced by these dumb machines that had minds and logic of their own and were capable of carrying on discussions. There were models just like you, but with much less intelligence. I personally started working at an aerial photography firm in the South Beach area during the mid-2170s as a computer operator. Yes, I had no other choice. I remember in my early adulthood that I set out to become a famous screenplay writer. I even took courses at South Beach University and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in creative writing. You can very well see how far that got me in entertainment! Not very, indeed! Luckily, the undergraduate courses that I took at Eastern City College in engineering were good enough to land my first full-time job. Well, it paid money and it was better than being unemployed for thirteen months after my graduation.

    What kind of computer? It was nothing like yours. At the time, it was considered a microcomputer the size of a file cabinet! The whole computer system itself took up two rooms and was able to transform aerial photography into mappable images by removing camera lens distortion. During that time in produced negatives called orthophotographs. The photos were taken from a twin-engine jet plane. Now, I know that’s out of your dictionary, so I’ll explain that type of aircraft later on.

    Anyway, getting back to my first paying job, this computer was a prototype and there were only five of them in the whole world. And like typical prototype computers, nothing was written about them. No, not even something to tell you how it worked! So being the aspiring writer that I wanted to be, I sat myself down one day and began to write step-by-step instructions on how to operate this machine. People thought pressing the reset key on a modern computer was difficult when you wanted to reboot a machine. This machine required that you use a series of toggle switches or a bootstrap to restart the computer. And, the computer was well known for being down more than it was being up and running!

    Well, that’s how I broke into computer training. Management got wind of this book I wrote and wanted me to train other operators. I was probably so successful at it that I got a free trip to Algiers, Algeria to train operators over there for three months in 2179. I really can’t tell you how homesick I was. Especially, when my residence there was during the holiday season starting from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. But, I really can’t say enough for the great hospitality I received there. Training Algerians was particularly special and the food there was great! I got hooked on the greatest wines and dates over there that you can’t find anywhere else in the world! I know you, as a computer, wouldn’t be able to appreciate it very much so I won’t elaborate on the subject.

    The Super Nova Personal Computer started to creep into business around the early 2180s when I was working for a company called Huge Airlines and Manufacturing Company that was near the old Los Angeles International Airport. I believe in your data banks, it’s now called the Los Angeles Air and Space Port Facility. I remember reading about the original personal computers that were manufactured in the 1970s. They were quite large and had two disk drives. You started the machine with a diskette. Then it took you a half dozen or more diskettes to start the program that you wanted to use. A few years later, it became better. They started to market a computer that had a floppy disk drive and a whopping 20 megabyte hard disk drive. Don’t choke! I know you have a 7.65 terabyte disk that’s no bigger than my pinkie. But you know darn well what dinosaurs are – and, those were dinosaurs. Well, when these new Super Nova Personal Computers came out, I started to informally help other people use these programs. I didn’t have any formal training to start – that came later. That is to say, people used to train and help support other people using that kind of technology. It was the beginning of an industry that was known back then as Nova Personal Computer Training and Support. And I tell you, corporations in America definitely did not know how to manage that sort of new technological advance at the time.

    At Huge Aircraft Manufacturing Company, which later became known as the Huge Air Crash of the century, only people who had their hands on those machines were managers who found time to play a game called football, of course, behind closed doors! Everyone else had to do the work by pencil and paper -- which, probably was not a bad idea at the time. Those computers were very unreliable and the computer programs themselves were very buggy. Oh, excuse me. I really didn’t mean to scare you off. I know computers like you are very susceptible to viruses.

    Getting back to the thought of training and support, I continued to do that for a while until I became very concerned with the economic situation at HAMC (pronounced hammock). I don’t think that acronym is part of your dictionary. Part of the company was sold off to a big auto company in Detroit. I remember being there for the big party at Pleasureland. It brought back memories of the times I used to spend there during my days as a toy soldier during the Christmas season while I was working my way through college. After the party, massive people were laid off at will and I wasn’t about ready to sit there and get my head cut so I immediately began to send out resumes by bulk although I had been looking casually for another job or a transfer for other reasons.

    I was successful in getting a very good job in PC Training and Support at General Wilkerson’s Federal Savings Bank in the San Fernando Valley, a little northwest of Los Angeles. But boy, did it double my commuting distance! I estimated that I was commuting through Los Angeles traffic for over 62 miles each way, or 124 miles round trip. Keep in mind, I wasn’t the only crazy commuter in Southern California at the time. The town of Whittier, where I lived, was about half way between Riverside and the General’s bank. I knew people who used to commute from Riverside to the San Fernando Valley. The job was very rewarding for a while. That is, I loved teaching people the art and science of using personal at work – that was before drones like you took over our business. And, being able to help people over the telephone was very enjoyable. But, it was time for a move upward in my professional estimation and the situation a Great Wilkerson’s in my sixth year there turned for the worse. I’ll talk about this in more detail later on also.

    When you invited me into your living room, you were interested on the matter that I talked about in front of the Congressional Committee to Save Corporate Republic of North America. I should say that during my time as a systems analyst at General Wilkerson’s, the economy across the country was very bad –especially for the state of California. Companies were moving out of the state by the droves. Companies like Huge Airlines and Manufacturing were losing jobs because of the lack of governmental defense contracts. It pretty much cut their work force from over 45,000 employees in half. Real estate in California was astronomically high in the 2180s and 2190s so it wasn’t profitable for companies to operate in California anymore. Companies were sending blue-collar jobs south of the border and being a Napajanese in California, or resemblance thereof, was almost like reliving times of World War II. Yes, the Japanese were blamed for most of the economic problems in the United States. But the world’s economy eventually caught up to Japan as well. Japan started to blame their woes on the Napajanese, who were worse off than the Japanese. There was a major drought in Napajan. Coconut and Bird of Paradise sales were down. Besides, they didn’t buy much anyway. The Napajanese couldn’t afford anything. Around the world, no one was buying anything, not even wrist televisions made by Chronoplex! Yes, sir, that was the break of the famous middle class in America. During these economic trials, the rich seemed to have gotten richer while they were lining their pocketbooks with money collected from the middle class. And you know, in the state of California, legislature still finds ways to vote themselves automatic pay raises in excess of $1,500,000 over and above what they were making the

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