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Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves
Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves
Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves
Ebook31 pages27 minutes

Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves

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Diseased Libido is an anthology series of warped speculative stories of horror, sci-fi, satire and the bizarre. This issue contains five sinister and salty serves of nasty portions. 1. A deeply disturbed boy from a broken home loses his mother but finds A Safe Place. 2. In a tattoo parlour a woman experiences an orgasmic exaltation as a demon is etched onto her Canvas Of Flesh. 3. A woman is manipulated by the Vertical Viper, a greedy avaricious woman who ultimately destroys her life. 4. A poisoned journalist wreaks revenge on his old boss before moving onto his Next Appointment. 5. A failed mission to Mars results in a Crash & Burn of a space ship onto a bizarre Earth.

Release dateMay 12, 2011
Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves

Carter Rydyr

The strange and bizarre works of Steve Carter and Antoinette Rydyr (S.C.A.R.) incorporates anything from Sci Fi and horror fantasy to surrealism and weird satire. All of it has a strong element of the fantastic and a healthy dose of experimentalism. They create in a variety of mediums – prose fiction, illustration, comic books, screenplays and even music, which they produce with their experimental bands FistFunk Futurists and TeknoSadisT. Their screenplay "Curse of the Swampies" won Best Feature Film Screenplay at the A Night of Horror International Film Festival 2010. Current projects include new comics, more audio experiments and prose stories. There are also a number of screenplays and novellas in the works.

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    Diseased Libido #11 Five Salty Serves - Carter Rydyr



    Carter Rydyr


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    Storm Publishing on Smashwords

    Diseased Libido #11

    Copyright 1990, 2011 by Carter Rydyr

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Winston sat in the back row of the classroom, whittling his fingers with a vegetable peeler again. Peels of skin floated to the floor and settled in the ever-growing puddle of blood at his feet.

    Mrs Simpson, his teacher, spotted the blood, walked briskly up the aisle of desks and pinched Winston’s ear between forefinger and thumb, pulling his head up to face her. A grimace contorted her features as she growled through gritted teeth, Winston! This is the last time you are going to disrupt this class with your deplorable acts!

    In the past, seven-year-old Winston had performed numerous deeds, which had shocked and revolted not only his schoolmates and teachers, but practically everyone residing in the small seaside community of Aisbet’s Inlet. Many of those deeds had brought him close to death, like the time he attempted to drink a bottle of paint solvent or the time he slit open his stomach looking for the coins he’d just swallowed...

    By now Mrs Simpson was at her wits end and could no longer cope with Winston’s antics. Last week she had caught him inserting sewing needles into the soles of his feet. A previous incident found him eating a dead cat’s entrails, which he retrieved from the bin behind the local minimart.

    That boy makes my skin crawl, Mrs Simpson told Mrs Green,

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