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Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You
Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You
Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You
Ebook167 pages3 hours

Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You

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By the Best Selling author, Anne Bellamy, Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You is coming to you directly from the the source: The Universe. Using direct contact with the greater powers that form all-that-is, this book will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction to get what you really want: Love, Happiness, Success and Abundance. With the application of practical tools and exercises described in this book, you will learn how to harness the power of the Universe to deliberately design your life, your way. With inspiration and a little tough love, Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You, will get you to where you want to be.

PublisherAnne Bellamy
Release dateJun 21, 2011
Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You

Anne Bellamy

Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner & author. Public speaking trainer/coach. I like to motivate, educate and entertain. Firm believer in being silly.

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    Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You - Anne Bellamy

    Using The Law of Attraction


    Help The Universe Help You

    Anne Bellamy

    Copyright by Anne Bellamy 2011

    Published at Smashwords


    This book is not really written by me. The words came into my head and I typed them out. But really, this is a collaboration between myself and an entity named Efram. Some people call it automatic writing, some people call it hocus-pocus. All I know is, once I tried it, it worked.

    Towards the end of August 2008 I found myself voluntarily out of work. I had just left a job which was causing me a great deal of stress, resulting in physical pain and emotional turmoil. For a long time, I blamed the job, my boss, the company, everyone and everything but me. Now I know better. I have never regretted the decision to quit, because, at the time, it was the only way I could see out.

    You may have realized that the date of my resignation coincided with the beginning of the global recession, and as a result, I was out of work for several months. While I was looking for a job, and also trying to come up with alternative ways of making money, I decided it was also a good time to work on myself: physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    In October 2008, after a minor spat (I can't even remember what it was about) with my partner, I decided to go for a walk. I've known for many years that a positive mental outlook is very important, so I wanted to get out of my negative mood. As Christmas was two months away, I decided to walk to our local mall and buy a book my partner had asked for as a Christmas gift. I thought this would put me in a festive frame of mind. I had no idea how important that little decision would be.

    I went to the bookstore and found the cookbook he had asked for. As I've always been an avid reader, I decided to browse the store for a while. I ended up in the self-help section. It was actually directly across from the food section, so ended up may not be entirely accurate. I was directed to it.

    I came across a book which looked intriguing. It was called The Secret. If you're interested in the Law of Attraction, then you have most likely read or at least heard of this book. I had never heard of it but I thought it looked interesting, so I bought it. After reading just a few pages, I was completely hooked. The idea that our thoughts actually attract, from the Universe, events, people, circumstances, and coincidence into our lives, astonished me, yet made complete sense. I was hooked. I watched the movie, then starting investigating the various experts that had taken part in The Secret, and read some of their books. I became completely addicted to learning more.

    Eventually, I came across Esther and Jerry Hicks, and of course, Abraham. I was fascinated by Esther's story and what Abraham was saying through her. I was, in particular, interested in the idea of meditation. I had never really done any meditating before, so I thought I would give it a try. In their book Ask And It Is Given, Esther describes how she started meditating, and the mantra she used. So, I decided to copy it.

    After all, I thought, if we're all made of the same stuff, all equally powerful, all gods, then why couldn't I do what she does? So, I started with the affirmation Esther used: I (Anne) see and draw to me, with divine love, those beings seeking enlightenment through my process. The sharing will elevate us all now. I did this faithfully for a few days, and then, something amazing, and truthfully, terrifying, started happening. I felt a distinct urge to lift my left hand. More specifically, I felt that something else, wanted to lift my left hand. At first I resisted, because, let's face it; I'm alone in my bedroom and I can feel something outside my body trying to move a part of my body? It freaked me out. So, I stepped away from the process for a few days.

    But then I remembered what happened to Esther while she was meditating: that her head started to move, much in the same way my left hand started to move, and she eventually realized that she was spelling out words, in the air, with her nose. Again, I thought, if she can do it, so can I. My bravery was conditional: I would only meditate when my boyfriend was home,just in case. Also, every time my hand started to move, I could stop it if I wanted to. I was still in control. Gradually, I got used to it, until I could meditate without anyone else home. The more I did, the more movement my left arm made, until it was wildly flapping in the air. Clearly something was trying to get my attention.

    I started having fun with this. My head started to roll around, and my right hand got into the act as well. One day, I felt the urge to pick up a pen and put it to paper while meditating. My right hand kept writing the same thing over and over again:

    E E E E E E E E E E E E...pages and pages of the letter E.

    I got a bit bored with this after awhile, and said come on, I'm ready for more! Then, the rest of the word came: Efram. I knew immediately that I was being introduced to someone. I use the word someone loosely, as Efram is not just some one. Efram, as s/he explained to me, is a collection of spiritual guides, or souls, or beings, come together to communicate with me. After all, I did summon them, so why shouldn't they appear? They came together and collectively called themselves Efram.

    I would ask Efram question after question, and my hand would write down the answers. I've always wanted to write a book, so I asked Efram if we were going to write one together and the answer was Yes, many. I was eager and excited to get started, but Efram told me I wasn't ready: that I needed more practice meditating. So be it. I trusted him. I practiced my meditation daily. It was about 4 months later that Efram told me I was ready. It may seem like a long time, but I've come to believe that everything happens in its own time, and that 4 months was just how long I needed before I was ready.

    What you read in the following pages, are the words dictated to me, through me, from Efram. As I read it, I recognized my own style coming through. I've got a bit of a sarcastic edge, have had it for years, and I can definitely see it coming through in Efram's words. I guess that it's a collaboration between the millions of us. I hope you enjoy this book and that it teaches you something useful. Maybe it will inspire you to try the same thing? I know I enjoyed it, marveled at it, and yes, occasionally got lazy with it. Efram was always there for me when I ready to return to it. Patient, loving and understanding as ever.

    Chapter 1.

    You Are The Pilot

    If you pick up this book thinking here we go again, it's another book on how the universe works, then you would be right. If you pick up this book thinking, I am going to get as much out of this as possible, then you would be right. Do you see a pattern here?

    Do you recognize that your thoughts are what make your reality? Well, we are here to tell you that they do. The thoughts you are thinking right now are what shape your future. This book is here to help you learn how to master your thoughts and bring your desires to you. It is here to help you learn how to be a joyous human being. It is here to teach you that you can have it all. You are the pilot of your own plane. Fly it gloriously, and your life will soar to heights you CAN imagine!

    Before we begin, I just thought I would tell you how this is going to work. I am giving you these words through Anne and she is writing them down for you. She is able to raise her vibrations to the level where I can communicate with her. My name is Efram and I am Anne's connection to the universe and all the vibrations she sends out there with her thoughts. She is now in a state where she is able to communicate my thoughts to you on paper. I am not God. I am You. You are me. You are a god yourself. Anything God can do, so too can you. Many of you will struggle with that, but bear with me.

    You are a creative force in the world. You were born here with the intention of creating. You do not have to sit back and watch events in your life unfold, without any control over them. In fact, you cannot. All things, events, happenings, occurrences, everything that has ever happened to you has been brought to you by, wait for! Yes, You are the creator of your own life.

    This book will show you how you create both unknowingly, and with knowledge. You can take your life down any path you wish. You have that power. It is your birthright. That is the purpose of this book: to empower you with the knowledge you already have. To teach you how to use it. You'll need to practice, mind. You'll need to put in some real effort if you want real change. If you're up for it, if you think you are worth it (you are), then let's get going.

    Chapter 2

    Don't Blame The Universe

    A fundamental rule of the universe is that which you call the Law of Attraction. It is that which governs all reality you experience. It is also that which you have the most trouble with. It can be explained as thus: That which you give thought to, exists as pure energy and is brought back to you by the universe. In other words, what you think, is. It is really that simple, yet why do so may of you have so much trouble understanding it?

    A good question, indeed. I believe (and when I say I what I really mean is We, which Anne explained in her Introduction) that the reason you have so much trouble with the Law of Attraction and its workings, is that you were taught to believe in other truths of the world. The world exists not so that you may suffer like a saint and enter into Heaven upon death, or laugh like a sinner and go to Hell. The world exists so that you may experience Heaven on Earth! It is that thought which so many of you fail to believe. It is that thought which so many of you think as blasphemous.

    So few people on this planet remember that your true purpose here is to enjoy this life! It is here for your entertainment. It is here so that you may experience pure joy, happiness, and fun. There is no other purpose on this planet.

    You have all the answers, but why do you answer all your questions with more questions? An example of this is how you examine the workings of the universe. Instead of trying to find answers to your questions, you pose more questions such as, why does understanding come so hard? Why does the universe take its time when bringing me my desires? All I can say is that the universe responds to each vibration it receives from you. It therefore, cannot be the universe that is taking its time, but you. Stop questioning, and start answering.

    If you fail to receive your desires in a timely fashion, than stop blaming the universe! Start looking in the mirror. Not that I'm suggesting you should flagellate yourself for failures, in fact, they should be hailed for the experience they bring you. What I am saying though, is that you are the creator here, not the universe.

    The universe is like an auto-responder. It does not act independent of you or the vibrations you send out. It simply responds to that which you put out there. It cannot do more than that. It wants you to be happy, but if your thoughts are of unhappiness, than the universe has no choice but to respond by sending you unhappy experiences. Do you get that? Well, if you don't then that's okay, I didn't think you would so quickly, so that is why this book is being written. So that, by the end of it, you WILL GET IT! And I mean get it, live it, experience it, love it, bask in it, joyously create in it, abundantly think it, buy into it, have it, you get the picture here? I want you to get the whole picture here. And I promise, if you do the work, by the end you will.

    This is just the beginning on your journey. You were meant to read these words. There is no coincidence. Have you read that before somewhere? Well, I'm not surprised, you were supposed to read

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