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As Above So Below...
As Above So Below...
As Above So Below...
Ebook175 pages2 hours

As Above So Below...

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As Above So Below... is a soul's journey through the cosmos, inner and outer. It documents the explorations of Rev. Dr. Glen Swartwout in his search of the ultimate meaning of the universe, creation, existence, life, consciousness and eternity. His Clinical Theory of Everything stands squarely in the middle, on the human scale of experience, between the infinitely large vastness of space and the infinitessimal world of the quantum, which plays a central role in his unique theories and methods of healing.

This is a work in progress... a journey more than a destination, filled with awe and wonder at the greatness of the questions with answers that remain hidden, yet pluripotent with the promise that if we seek, we will find truth, and this ultimately holds the power of our freedom.

Release dateFeb 1, 2014
As Above So Below...

Dr. Glen Swartwout

Dr. Glen Swartwout graduated Magna Cum Laude with honors in Environmental Earth Sciences and Chemistry from Dartmouth College, and received his doctorate at the top of his class in Vision Science with honors in Optics as well as Leadership, being inducted into both Beta Sigma Kappa and the Gold Key Honor Societies at the State University of New York in Manhattan, where he trained at the largest outpatient vision clinic in the world. He served as Editor, Vice President and President of the American Optometric Student Association serving 4000 international student doctor members. He is the author of over 50 professional papers, books, and software programs. His first professional office was in Tokyo, Japan. Over 5 hours of educational videos are available at

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    Book preview

    As Above So Below... - Dr. Glen Swartwout

    As Above, So Below...

    Reflections on Our Living Universe

    Glen Swartwout

    A.B., B.D., O.D., N.D., F.I.C.A.N., F.C.S.O.

    Copyright Glen Swartwout 2014

    Published by Healing Oasis at Smashwords

    Hilo, Kingdom of Hawai'i

    Copyclaim MMXIII by Rev. Dr. Glen Swartwout

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

    Titles by Rev. Dr. Swartwout

    Refreshing Vision: Opening the Windows of the Soul

    Cataract Solutions: Prevention & Reversal Via Accelerated Self-Healing

    Healing Glaucoma

    Macular Degeneration... ...Macular Regeneration

    Dry Eye Relief: Natural Medicine for Accelerated Self-Healing

    Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia (with Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac.)

    The Shire: Cultivating Your Future Self

    Materia Medica: Vis Medicatrix Naturae Vol. I

    Anima Medica: Vis Medicatrix Naturae Vol. II

    Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions

    Biofields: The New Physics of Health

    Nous Energy: Healing Power of the Pyramids

    As Above, So Below: Reflections on Our Living Universe

    The Living Universe: A Fractal Hologram

    Table of the Contents

    Summary: an explicit first order contextual dimensional meta-model of a living universe; a sort of barefoot healer's guide to the universe with a new answer to the meaning of life and everything: 43. Really... Well, it works out better than 42... And 172 is the ultimate octave answer.

    Source: the image of a fractal holographic mind: space, time, matter, energy & consciousness

    Conception: the big gift of life and coherence of the first five cellular generations

    Gestation: differentiation of the five functional tissue layer systems

    Birth: through the tunnel and into the light

    Maturation: the five elements of spiritual growth and the five phases of healing

    Passage: the structural foundation of immortality, what you can take with you, and the process of passage

    Future-Self: who you are becoming in time is a clue to your full nature beyond time

    Conclusion: life in the transcendent cosmic fractal hologram

    Notes: a cosmic hitchhiker's field notes for further digestion, absorption, triage, integration and synthesis.



    About the Author


    "One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go,

    one soon loses control of the head too." - Friedrich Nietzsche

    Conception: an explicit universal contextual, clinical and didactic functional medical model; a paradigm for a thousand years of peace, including the absolute non-local, that which was before time, God in His Divinity, which we can yet touch here with our imagination, our consciousness. Imaginary numbers and complex numbers exist and function, as do our thoughts that wield them as strategic tools. God in His Humanity dwells in us here, as in our most real Big Brother, The Annointed One! The first conceived angel as thought of God in time, though and time being in essence movement, change, and sequence, was the thought of Separation. That thought is the Big Bang. The fractal conception of separation and merging, of entropy and coherence, yin and yang, matter and energy, particle and wave, female and male, form and function, soul and consciousness.

    The speed of God's thought in the first tiny fraction of a second of the Big Bang universe, 10^-31 sec., was a premembering, like a vision arriving from the future in reverse time, expanding the Creation by 10^31 in size by super luminal speed in Our biological time frame (reverse speed of light squared with the insight of Our future self, which is our most true and perfect self as nonlocal transcendent sentient spiritual immortal souls, and in the temporal realms of boldly advancing and accreting, growing the body of history, the hysteresis of the past that is our fractal form, and yielding fecund future known to the nonlocal self, the Self which we become day by day. A myriad potential, nay, all possible directions for my focus and freeing up the fullness of my sensorium.

    Triunity: An Explicit Structural Model of Universal Consciousness

    Context: Theory of Everything

    Container: Way.

    Content: Truth.

    Agency: Light. Many wings make light work. Many hands make light work.

    Authority: God.

    Materia Universalis: Spiritus cum Sanguis cum Corpus Dei.

    Transubstantianum Mundi by Divine Will with Our Ascent Earth is in Heaven Within at Our Hands.

    As created, so recreated eternally in the fractal time sequence/wave: The time fractal is dimensionally scalable on a series of harmonics.


    2: Organic Octave

    2 is the duality, the image, the positive and negative polarities, the halves of the sinewave. The octave harmonic is a doubling circuit.


    The energetic octave time wave harmonic generative exponential doubling circuit is 2^3 = 8. Octave doubling of a wavelength in 3 orthogonal directions of 3 space increases resonance volume by 8.

    10: Decimal Dimensions

    The quintessential mirror space nonlocal decimal dimensional arithmetic harmonic is 5+5. The dodecahedron seen through two opposing parallel faces gives a ten-fold rotational symmetry, so this is the rotational symmetry of the propagating wave. We appear to live in (at least) a ten dimensional universe according modern physics.

    12: Fractal Form

    Faces of dodecahedral material space fractal harmonic, as a standing waveform in 3 space.

    The 12 Alchemical processes are:

    Calcination (Aries)

    Congelation (Taurus)

    Fixation (Gemini)

    Dissolution (Cancer)

    Digestion (Leo)

    Distillation (Virgo)

    Sublimation (Libra)

    Separation (Scorpio)

    Incineration (Sagittarius)

    Fermentation (Capricorn)

    Multiplication (Aquarius)

    Projection (Pisces)


    13:1 ratio: closest harmonic packing of spheres in 3-space by volume is 12:1 in terms of additional spheres on outer layer.

    God has given us the wisdom to understand fully the mystery, the plan to be decreed in Christ in the fullness of time: to bring all things into one in him, in the heavens and on the earth (Letter to the Ephesians: 1:9-10).

    Time dimensions

    Past: 1 dimensional hence it was not you who chose me, but I who chose you (John 15:16).

    Future: 2 dimensional

    Source: 3 dimensional hence nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37)

    The past and the future are in God, and God is in the present. God is the present, the great gift... the source of all.

    Dimensional Quanta & Qualia


    Let's say we start our thought experiment, our mental model of everything, with nothing, no thing, zero, and build it up from there, one step at a time...

    Zero is transcendent, existing before all other numerosity.

    Zero is a dimensionless point, having its existence not by any content, as it contains only its self, nor by any contrast along any dimensional separation, but by virtue of context alone. Our symbol 0 is a circle, in which the true Zero is the invisible center point. The dimensionless point can never be found in the terrain of the creation, but in the maps of the mind, where alone we can reach and grasp infinities, large and small.

    The center point is the axis of symmetry, of rotation, the center of gravity, the bull's eye of the targets of all virtues in every Flatland image of the mind.

    The human mind is a fractal cell of the Divine Omniscience, discrete and limited in its extent, but fundamentally non-local and holographic in its content. There can be no context greater than God, the source of all else, directly or indirectly. All else is emergent, that which emanates from one ultimate source which, despite its pure and superabundant presence in absolute non-locality, conceives and spills forth the very dimensions and forms of existence by which it can in fact be known, through its myriad fractal holographic presentations, all these fractal holographic epiphenomena of its omnipotent Mind.

    All other numbers and mathematics emerge from the Zero, as all forms of energy and matter in existence emerge from the Zero Point field of modern physics. The photon is a quantum wormhole entry point into and through the non-local consciousness of the zero point field. The electron is a zero shaped mobius track of a photon, an infinity shape folded on itself. Like the Infinite Source, our symbols the electron's structure as what David Bohm called frozen light, display one circle of the very small, in which we find the two linked circles, two half wavelengths together symbolizing the very large.

    In the beginning of every finite sequence is the infinitely small Zero, whether it be our Conception or the Big Bang. And yet, the infinitely small Zero, like the two other infinite persons who emerge to reveal the Trinity of the infinite, the Infinitely large positive and negative polarities centered perfectly on the zero of every dimension.

    And that leads us into discrete positive explicit dimensionality.

    A Divine Decade of Perspectives:


    The zero 'dimension' ('di' means 2) is The Creator, the Origin, the Defining Point Singularity, The Perfection of Every Virtue, The Truth...


    Dimensionality is relationship. Dimension can only ever be singular in the rarified light of the mind. Cause and Effect are a fundamental of the emergence of dimensionality from the absolute nonlocal source. Causality progresses from the nonlocal magnetoelectric to the progressively local via photonics, electronics and magnetism (and back, nonlocally completing the cycle through consciousness).

    Unidimensionality is a line, like a timeline, whether with two discretely localized ends, the infinitely small alpha and omega points, like our symbol 1 or with a discrete beginning such as an infinitely small zero point and an infinitely large potential end, or with zero beginning and zero end in the small, but a polarity of ends in the infinitely large.

    While our knowledge gained through our senses, and their extensions like telescopes for the very large and microscopes for the very small, gives us expanding but inherently limited awareness of the dimensions, scales and terrains of existence, yet our minds as fractals of the transcendent non-local function of consciousness are capable of mapping our world with the freedom and facility of thought.

    Even that line segment which is fully finite, being localized at both ends, still in the map of the mind defines a triple infinity of a zero point and a positive and negative direction of infinity. Likewise, the positive number line from zero to infinity, always defines its mirror image in the mind of complementary negative numbers, just as real numbers call into existence in the dimension of thought, the imaginary, a form of existence that, like the non-local, is yet essential for our very state of being.

    Our experience of Time is a One, whether we map it with or without a beginning or end.

    Planck Time has first order qualia of unidirectionality reminiscent of a neural action potential, infinite momentum like the irresistible force of divine will, and asymptotic governance over the quintessential forms of energy and matter via the speed of light, c. It also appears that it may be subordinate to the noumena of universal consciousness, and the non-local phenomena generally, which may interact on the order of +/-c^2, the speed of thought.

    One is the fully entangled unity of all Creation, the oneness of the Universe.

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