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Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese)
Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese)
Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese)
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese)

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Learning Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese) with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice.

Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Portuguese and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even absolute beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning. Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese words are marked with BPT and PT.

While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Portuguese would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure. Our entertaining stories contain European culture and characters. Our books are fun to read so you maintain concentration and learn from motivation.

Release dateDec 31, 2002
Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese)

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    Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Portuguese) - Polyglot Planet Publishing

    Learn Portuguese

    Parallel Text

    Easy Stories

    English - Portuguese

    Copyright © 2015

    Polyglot Planet Publishing

    © Polyglot Planet

    About this Book

    Learning Portuguese with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice.

    Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Portuguese and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even absolute beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning.

    While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Portuguese would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure. Our entertaining stories contain European culture and characters. Our books are fun to read so you maintain concentration and learn from motivation.

    This book is part of the Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text Series:

    Learn Portuguese - Parallel Text

    Easy Stories

    Learn Portuguese II with Parallel Text

    Intermediate Level 1

    Learn Portuguese III with Parallel Text

    Culturally Speaking (Short Stories)

    Business Portuguese - Parallel Text

    Short Stories

    Links can be found at the end of this book.

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    Uma aventura na Tomatina

    An adventure in La Tomatina

    Me chamo Sean e tenho 21 anos.

    My name is Sean and I’m 21 years old.

    Sou de Nova York, mas moro em Barcelona, Espanha, há seis meses.

    I’m from New York, but I live in Barcelona, Spain for six months.

    Estou estudando Literatura Castelhana e tenho muita sorte de poder aproveitar desta experiência na Espanha.

    I’m studying Spanish Literature and I’m very lucky to enjoy this experience in Spain.

    Mas, as vezes… acontecem coisas loucas e engraçadas, como essa que eu vou explicar para vocês hoje.

    But sometimes… crazy and funny things happen, like the one that I’m going to explain to you today.

    Cheguei na Espanha em março, e fui morar com alguns rapazes e moças bastante simpáticos, compartilhando com eles um belo apartamento no centro da cidade.

    I arrived to Spain in March, and I started to live with some very friendly boys and girls, sharing with them a beautiful apartment in the city center.

    É um prazer poder morar no centro de uma cidade tão bonita.

    It’s a pleasure to live in the center of such a beautiful city.

    Tudo está muito perto, inclusive a Universidade. Na casa moramos quatro companheiros de quarto.

    Everything is very close, even the University. In the house we live are four room-mates.

    A Sara é de Sevilla e tem vinte e seis anos, e estuda arquitetura.

    Sara is from Sevilla and she’s twenty-six years old, she studies architecture.

    O José é de Barcelona, tem vinte anos, estuda engenharia e é um apaixonado pelo futebol.

    José is from Barcelona, he’s twenty years old, he studies engineering and he’s passionate about football.

    Por último está a Andrea, uma moça do Sul da França.

    Finally, Andrea, a girl from the south of France.

    Os seus pais são espanhóis, ela estuda publicidade e também é bailarina de flamenco.

    Her parents are Spanish, she studies advertising, but she’s also a flamenco dancer.

    Vocês não acham que eles são incríveis? Nós nos damos muito bem e a convivência com eles é muito fácil.

    Don’t you think they are incredible? We get along very well and living with them is really easy.

    Conhecem Barcelona? É uma das maiores cidades da Espanha e está localizada no Nordeste do país.

    Do you know Barcelona? It’s one of the biggest cities in Spain and is located in the Northeast of the country.

    É uma cidade junto ao mar,portanto tem o melhor de uma cidade grande (discotecas, grandes universidades, lojas para fazer compras, restaurantes, museus), mas também tem o melhor de estar perto da praia na Espanha (bom tempo, o mar, centenas de praias maravilhosas...).

    It is a city next to the sea, therefore it has the best of a big city (discos, big universities, shops to go shopping, restaurants, museums), but also the best from being close to the beach in Spain (nice weather, the sea, hundreds of beautiful beaches).

    Além disso, Barcelona está cercada por montanhas por todos os lados e está muito perto dos Pirineus, as montanhas mais altas da Espanha, onde se pode esquiar durante todo o inverno e parte da primavera.

    In addition, Barcelona is surrounded by mountains on all sides and it’s very close to the Pyrenees, the highest mountains in Spain, where you can ski during the Winter and part of the spring.

    É um lugar para ficar, vocês não acham?

    It is a place to stay, don’t you think?

    A primavera passou rapidamente em Barcelona.

    The spring passed quickly in Barcelona.

    Eu estava muito ocupado estudando e pelas tardes eu jogava futebol com o José e a sua equipe.

    I was very busy studying and in the evenings I played football with José and his team.

    Na Espanha, o curso termina no mês de junho.

    In Spain, the semester finishes in June.

    Aprovei em todas as matérias com notas muito boas.

    I passed all my subjects with very good grades.

    Agora, eu tinha o verão inteiro pela frente, cheio de planos, ao lado da praia, e com muitos amigos para me divertir.

    Now, I had all the whole summer in front of me, full of plans, next to the

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