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Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions: Short Simple Stories for Children
Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions: Short Simple Stories for Children
Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions: Short Simple Stories for Children
Ebook708 pages

Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions: Short Simple Stories for Children

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About this ebook

Akbar and Birbal stories have been popular for entertaining readers/people for long. Who doesn't know Birbal? His awesome yet light-hearted funny tales are famous throughout the Indian subcontinent. This compilation presents funny and frolic happenings between the two legendary. Each story depicts quick wittedness of Birbal in outwitting Akbar's intelligence in the humorous way. The author has presented short stories in a precise and age-specific manner using plain and clear language for children to understand even without parents' involvement. The book with all its features and necessary colour pictures is worth reading.

This book is strongly recommended for all school going children.

Release dateJun 1, 2015
Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions: Short Simple Stories for Children

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    Over 700 Witty & Humorous definitions - R.K. MURTHI




    Makes the heart grow fonder.

    Diminishes little passions and whips up great ones.


    Searching for the horse one is riding.


    An inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws.

    —Ambrose Bierce

    What is caused by the nut behind the wheel.


    One who tries to be everything but himself.

    The star of the tinsel world.

    His emotions are rarely ever his own.


    A jab well done.

    Pin pricks.

    Turns one into a pin cushion.


    In all history, he still stands out as the only indispensable man.

    One still wishing he never had lent the rib to shape Eve.


    One who has stopped growing except in the middle.

    An obsolete child.


    What man call gallantry and Gods adultery/Is much more common where the climate is sultry.

    —Lord Byron

    Something exclusive to adults.


    The champagne of life.

    —G.K. Chesterton

    Makes one’s hair stand on ends.

    Thrills that provide the frills for life.


    Cheapest way of selling goods particularly if the goods are worthless.

    —Sinclair Lewis

    Art of persuading others of what one does not believe oneself.

    —Abba Eban

    Field where meretricious mesmerists of mellifluous mendacity operate and thrive.

    Rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.


    Free tip that nobody takes.

    Everyone gives it; but there are no takers.

    Money spinner for lawyers, doctors and professionals.

    One readily accepts it when it comes with a bill.

    Universally ignored.

    What we give by the bushel and take by the grain.

    Pass it on. It is of no use to oneself.

    —Oscar Wilde

    What is sought to confirm a position already taken.


    Supposed to make one wise. Supposed to!

    Time when the novelty has worn off.

    Time to realise that setting the world on fire is a figure of speech.

    —Franklin P. Jones


    One who takes his commission on all your gains, not your losses.

    A middleman who bamboozles one party and plunders the other.


    Process by which you collect money from the poor people in the rich countries to give to the rich people in the poor countries.


    A mist demeanour.

    Killer blanket.


    Penalty for not staying single or staying married.

    A tax paid for the pleasure of getting rid of a no-longer wanted source of pleasure.

    A new impost that makes one go broke almost by the 10th of the month instead of the 20th when the ties were normal.

    Duty for freedom from marital bonds.

    A debt that a former husband would like to see cancelled.

    A go-no-pay-later plan that benefits the fair sex.


    A new option that mostly takes one from the frying pan into the fire.

    Deft tinkering that often makes things worse.


    Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.

    —Arnold Joynbee

    A nation that thinks it’s the world’s heart throb.


    Ability to make love frivolously, something man alone displays.

    Passion’s barb.


    It is something that everyone has, but it looks better on a girl.


    Anger is not an argument.

    —Daniel Webster

    Temperature at which one loses one’s cool.

    Two per cent moral, 48 per cent indignation and 50 percent envy.

    —Votrio De Sica

    A kind of temporary madness.


    House divided.

    Whose thin walls encourage eavesdropping.


    What the strong extract from the weak.

    Unsaying something in such a way as to leave it unsaid.

    Politeness too late.


    One who feeds a crocodile… hoping it would eat him last.

    —Winston Churchill, Argument

    An ape trying to work out a peace that isn’t there.


    One that the general practitioner hates.

    One mistakenly identified as the forbidden fruit.

    The cause of many discords.

    APRIL 1

    Day on which we are reminded of what we are on the other 364.


    His future is in ruins.

    The older his wife grows, the more precious she becomes.


    A non-ecclesiastic rank, a rank superior to that attained by the Christ.

    —HI. Mencken

    Prime arch that bridges God with the flock.


    More sound, little logic.

    When two people try to get the last word first.


    A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats.

    Where one can still be a child, beat a drum and march to the tune, dressed up in clothes that have stars and stripes.


    Is energy shaped by intelligence.

    Is man added to nature.

    Is a lie that makes us see the truth.


    One who works with his hands, brain and heart.

    Superior to the labourer and the craftsman. For labourer works with his hands. Craftsman with his hands and brain.


    Extreme form of censorship.

    Perquisite of rulers.


    His best stories are those spun around planetary charts.

    His career lies in stars.


    The star-gazer’s dreamland.

    The science of peering at the privacy of stars in motion through telescopes, even space telescopes like Hubbies, and forcing the stars to stop winking and blinking and to get ready for a blind date with the star-gazer.


    One who is always ready for a bid.

    One who knows nothing is final till the hammer hits the table thrice in succession.


    Imaginary line that the earth takes on its daily round.

    Imaginary line that sticks to its slant.



    An angel whose wings get smaller as its legs grow longer.

    A bawl on top, a drain at the bottom.

    An alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the

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