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The All-Seeing
The All-Seeing
The All-Seeing
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The All-Seeing

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Beware of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Killing...The All-Seeing, a dark fantasy. Overnight, Prince Leighton's subjects vanished. His kingdom was destroyed. He's the only survivor. Who's to blame? Rumours suggest the legendary All-Seeing, an unstoppable, destructive force. But they don't really exist, do they? If so, time's running out. Two kingdoms gone. Two kingdoms remain...

Release dateJul 30, 2014
The All-Seeing

Zhané White

Dark fantasy and science-fiction come naturally to Zhané White. She loves the uncanny, the strange, and the eerie, always with an essence of the world we know. If she's not writing, she's thinking about writing. When you find her daydreaming, leave her be. Wait. In time, you'll see what she sees...

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    The All-Seeing - Zhané White

    The All-Seeing

    The Bright girl stepped off the school bus and walked through the moonlit gate to the enclosure. Three other girls walked ahead of her and a pre-teenager boy followed behind. On either side of the children were two rows of guards armed with pistols and batons. The girl kept her head down, but she watched each guard out of the corner of her eye.

    Suddenly a guard sprung from his post and quickly led the boy away. The other four guards were glued to the spot, but their supervisor cocked his pistol and fired over the stray guard’s head.

    You old git, bring him back, the supervisor spat.

    The guard and the boy froze.

    I’ve got five more bullets and I ain’t afraid to use ‘em, the supervisor said. Bring him back alive or you’ll be carrying him home dead.

    The stray guard slowly turned round, still grasping the boy’s hand. The guard and boy faced each other in silence. The supervisor stormed over and grabbed the boy before he dragged him back to the girls.

    Dajjal, I’ll save you, the old man said. Don’t be scared, all right?

    I’ll be fine, Dad. The boy was dumped by the white girl. Look after the others.

    Nice try, you stupid fool, the supervisor said. I should’ve known you’d pull some stunt. You should’ve known you’d fail.

    Please, Samuel, let these poor kids go! The father approached the children, but two guards blocked his path. They don’t deserve this.

    This’ll save our land, Supervisor Samuel said, towering over the children. They’re doing us proud.

    Why don’t you people ever learn? This isn’t right, don’t you see? the old man cried. Don’t let them turn these innocents into monsters, I beg you. Don’t let them change my boy!

    Our land will be great again, Samuel said. I can feel it in my bones. Something big’ll happen.

    Samuel snapped his fingers and two guards dragged the father on to the school bus and locked him inside.

    The children formed a line and Samuel circled them, looking each one up and down. The Bright girl felt his eyes tracing her stringy, blonde hair, her small, blue eyes, and then her pale skin. He surveyed the other four children also, lingering longer by the boy.

    A few minutes passed before Samuel spoke again. He ordered one guard to stand behind each child while the guards from the bus brought over a sterilised needle. The guards complied and stood to attention when they were ready to proceed.

    First in line, step forwards, Samuel ordered.

    The first guard pushed the first child forwards and saluted Samuel. The Bright girl looked at the first child in line, in awe at her dark brown skin. At school, the Bright girl had heard about Darks and their vicious fighting skills, but she had never seen a Darkie in person.

    Swear allegiance to our King, Samuel said.

    "Not my king, the Dark girl snapped. Shoo, ugly man!"

    Samuel nodded at the guard behind the Dark girl. The guard grabbed the Dark girl by her afro hair and shook her hard until she started to cry.

    Swear to king, the Dark girl mumbled, rubbing her head. No more pain. Hurts.

    Samuel moved to the right and nodded at the guard behind the second child, a lighter brown than the last girl. The Bright girl remembered the Bleaks who had fought in the civil wars alongside the Darks.

    The Bleak girl burst into tears and dabbed her eyes with her ear-length dreadlocks. Samuel rolled his eyes and the guards sniggered.

    I want my mummy, the Bleak girl cried. I wanna go home!

    Swear to our king and you’ll see your mummy again, Samuel said. It’s the only way outta here.

    I swear to your king, the girl sobbed. Can I go home?

    Not a chance! Samuel moved on to the next girl. Who’s next?

    The Bright girl knew for definite that the next girl was Light because many Lights came over from Lightness to trade with Brightness, and their countries were close allies during the wars. She envied the Light girl’s sleek, platinum blonde hair and pale skin tone.

    The Light girl stepped forwards and prodded Samuel in the stomach.

    By order of the kingdom of Lightness, the Light girl began, I demand that you release me immediately...You may keep the others if you wish.

    Poor brat doesn’t know who she’s dealing with, Samuel said. If she did, she’d know that testing my patience won’t end well!

    How dare you, the girl gasped. The King of Lightness is a distant, twice-removed cousin of mine. He’ll chop off your head and bury it where caterpillars and worms can eat it.

    Then the Light girl kicked Samuel in the shin, but he barely flinched. His face turned dark red and he clenched his trembling fists. The girl gulped and quickly backed away.

    Swear allegiance or I’ll spank you like you’ve never been spanked before!


    Samuel unbuckled his belt.

    Okay, okay! I swear to your king, the girl said quickly. Happy?

    Samuel stopped in front of the last girl. Before he could speak, the Bright girl raised her right hand and swore allegiance. When his eyes shifted over to the boy, she sighed with relief.

    The boy stood with his feet together and his clenched fists by his side. The Bright girl tried to guess where he came from, but his looks were deceiving. First his peachy, white skin glowed like a fellow Bright, but then his skin tone took a darker, more sinister hue, which suggested that Darkness was his home country. His hair played the same tricks. One moment, it was curly like those in Bleakness, but then it was straight like the people from Lightness.

    Well, boy? Samuel barked. You gonna give me trouble like that father of yours?

    I swear...I swear... the boy stuttered, and the guards laughed. I swear that your days are numbered.

    You what? Samuel wrapped his belt around his fist. Say that again!

    Enjoy every second, every hour, every year. Each moment takes you closer to the day when I will not only wipe the smug looks off your faces, but wipe you all out of this world.

    I’m not scared of you, Samuel spat.

    Scared or not, you have 3652 days left. The boy stood tall and pointed at Samuel. Hurry up and change me so I can destroy you from the inside out!

    The guards stopped laughing. They looked at their supervisor, whose fists were shaking. Samuel quickly placed his hands behind his back and turned away from the boy.

    Take them away, Samuel barked. "I don’t want to ever see him ever again."

    One by one the children were led into the enclosure. Before walking inside, the Bright girl looked up at the moon and closed her eyes. She felt the breeze tickling her cheeks, and missed the wind. She felt the moonlight on her eyelids, and missed its light. She heard the school bus pulling away from the prison, and missed her old life.

    For king and country, the girl whispered. And Mummy and Daddy too.

    Always Remember

    A long time ago before we were around

    All-Seeing roamed without making a sound

    They protected the innocent and punished the guilty

    They built and they destroyed

    They planned, and schemed, and plotted

    Crossed those Ts, the Is they dotted

    But pastures new they wanted to pursue

    So they upped and left and started anew

    Every ten thousand years they come back

    To wipe the bad seeds off the map

    Behave, children, remember to behave!

    Or All-Seeing will send you to an early grave!


    Tanjiro, do not tell the prince scary tales before bedtime, Queen Lydia said to the old man. If Prince Leighton wets the bed again, you’ll be right there with the maids cleaning up the mess.

    Your majesty, Tanjiro began with a bow, you know this is no story. The All-Seeing will return and destroy the guilty.

    Nonsense! Besides....they are not due for four hundred years. Are you planning on living that long?

    Your royal highness, Tanjiro said to Leighton, always be a good prince.

    "I am a good prince! Leighton flicked his gum into Tanjiro’s beard and laughed. See?"

    Leighton, behave! the queen snapped. Go to sleep or your allowance will be reduced by over fifty percent.


    Do as your mother says, King Luciano ordered as he entered the bedroom and gave the boy a stern look. Do not make me tell you a second time.

    I’ll sleep when I feel like it, Leighton said, crossing his arms. You can’t make me!

    Remember the All-Seeing, Tanjiro whispered.

    That’s just a stupid story, Leighton sneered. You said they’re blind! Blind people can’t see...Can they, Daddy?

    No, they cannot. King Luciano grabbed Tanjiro by the arm and forced him over the door. The king whispered harsh words until his face turned red. When the king had finished, Tanjiro hurried out of the room.

    It is just a fairytale, son, the king said, tucking Leighton into bed. "Do not listen to him. The older you get, the less common sense you have."

    So they aren’t real?

    Of course not.

    ...They won’t get me if I’m bad?

    They would have to get through me first. Luciano flexed his skinny arms and grinned. We would defeat them together, wouldn’t we?

    Yeah, Dad!

    Leighton sprung out of bed and pretended to karate kick the invisible All-Seeing. His parents watched on with pride until he got tired. Then they tucked him in bed and watched him drift off to sleep.

    A Chance for Goodbyes

    Leighton dumped the razor in the sink and slapped on some aftershave. The maids brought in his favourite beige suit and orange tie. They dressed him and quickly left before his mother arrived.

    Queen Lydia knocked twice and entered Leighton’s quarters. He escorted her into the living area, where she switched on the television. There was a news report on recent earthquakes in the surrounding area, updates on the Ness Treaty, which had recently been passed by the governments in Lightness and Darkness, and the entertainment segment focused on photographs of Leighton French kissing Lightness’s most eligible bachelorette, Lady Gia.

    How dare you embarrass us like this, Lydia hissed. Must you flaunt this relationship without royal approval?


    "It is ‘Your majesty’ or ‘Mother’, not Mum! Lydia pulled out a tissue from her pocket and dabbed her teary eyes. Has the royal training done nothing? Do you still carry yourself as a peasant would?"

    For flip’s sake, I’m a bloody prince! I get it! What do you want me to do? Wear a crown all day every day?

    Yes! Accept your duties as the future ruler of Lightness.

    Lydia snapped her fingers and the maids brought over Leighton’s crown. He grabbed it from their hands and tossed it aside. His mother gasped and burst into tears. The maids hurried into the kitchen and closed the door.

    "I do accept my duty as prince, okay? What do you want me to do? Leighton picked up the crown off the floor and said, Sorry, Mum."

    Being a royal is more than suave parties with aristocrats and balls with beauties. You have a duty to serve the public who fund your lavish lifestyle, put food on the table, and ensure that champagne always flows from the kitchen tap. Lydia took the crown and placed it on Leighton’s head. You are blessed, but cursed. Free, but trapped. Determine your future, but follow fate’s course. Good always comes with the bad.

    But I’m not interested in boring charity stuff, standing around waving at events, and cutting red tape. Leighton shook the crown off his head and slipped on his orange leather shoes. When Dad croaks, I’ll take over. Until then, I’m going party!

    Leighton, your father wishes to speak with you.

    Later, Mum. Leighton adjusted his tie. We’ll sort it out tomorrow.

    Leighton rushed out the door and rode the elevator down to the underground garage. He jumped into the chauffeur-driven limousine with his six bodyguards and sped off into the night.


    Leighton rolled off the limousine and landed face down in the desert sand. His friends burst out laughing and pulled him to his feet. His male friend James propped Leighton against the limousine while the others returned to the party.

    I still can’t believe you’re a prince, dude, James said. You’re not half as prim and proper as you look on TV!

    I have to be that way. No choice. Leighton reached out to his can of beer, but ended up tripping over thin air instead. He fell on the sand and gazed up at the stars. Unfortunately, it’s my birthright.

    Unfortunately? James laughed. You’re lucky, man! You snap your fingers and hot women come running. Don’t let me get started on your bank account. Damn you for spending my taxes on beer!

    Leighton tried to stand but his legs buckled.

    Lei, it’s almost like the good old days, but someone’s missing...Bri! He could down a pint in record time!

    Bri? Don’t you mean His Royal Highness Prince Brighton? Leighton rolled his eyes. He’s too busy being a proper prince, making me look bad as usual. Forget him! We’re young, free, and single. Enjoy it while it lasts!

    James leapt in the air and danced his way back to fifty other partygoers, who formed a conga line. They grooved their way across the desert.

    Leighton cheered them on from the ground. He glanced over at his guards, who were patrolling the perimeter with their guns, and then turned back to the partygoers. He froze.

    In the distance was a dark figure watching the celebrations. Leighton tried to alert his guards, but his hand fell limply to his side. When he looked back, the dark figure stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

    Open up! James ordered, and thrust a beer bottle into Leighton’s mouth. Let’s see how posh you are when we’re done with you...


    "I’ll kill them when they come back...If they come back. Leighton stood up and brushed the sand off his suit. I shouldn’t have drunk so much!"

    Leighton began the long walk back to Lightness, but the sun’s heat soon made his head ache, so he lay down and took off his jacket. He placed it over his head and began to drift off to sleep.

    It’ll be cooler when the sun goes down, Leighton told himself. Hopefully my hangover will ease off in the meantime.

    Suddenly the earth violently shook. He sprung up and fell back down as the tremors’ intensity increased. He stayed flat on the sand for another hour until the tremors finally stopped. By this time the midday sun had passed and a cooler afternoon breeze rushed through Leighton’s platinum locks. He tied his hair back into a shoulder-length ponytail and rubbed his puffy, blue eyes. His phone bleeped.

    Leighton flicked open his mobile and scanned his inbox. The messages were mostly from friends, but there was one from text message from Gia and an email from his mother. He opened Gia’s message first. It was the address for her birthday party next week, which would be held in Brightness’s biggest nightclub.

    Why Brightness? Leighton thought. Everyone knows Lightness has the hottest clubs.

    Instead of reading his mother’s message, he decided to call her via the queen’s personal assistant, but it went straight to the answering machine.

    Give Queen Lydia this message ASAP! Sadly, I will miss the charity event... He glanced down at his watch and sighed. "Sorry, but I have missed the charity event, but there will be many, many others, so it is no problem. As the queen knows, I got dru-...I was intoxicated last night. This hampered my attempt to attend the charity event. If not for extenuating circumstances, I would have been there today. My associates unintentionally left me in the desert again. If my bearings are correct, I shall arrive at the border of Lightness within half an hour."

    Leighton ended the call and continued on his journey, and looked out for Mount Li, the tallest mountain in Lightness, but it was not there. He walked faster, expecting the mountain to appear over the horizon, but fifteen minutes later it was nowhere to be seen. His pulse quickened.

    Leighton called his father’s personal assistant.

    Good day.

    This is Prince—

    You have reached the line for King Luciano’s personal assistant, the answering machine said. Please leave your details and I will respond if necessary.

    This is Prince Leighton. I have tried to contact the queen, but her assistant cannot be reached. Neither can you...If the king and queen are angry, please ask them not to disown me just yet. I am their only child, and the male heir to the throne. Return my call to discuss this matter further.

    Over the large sand dune ahead, Leighton caught sight of the tip of Lightness’s cathedral, where his birth had been blessed twenty-one years ago. He strode up the dune and crossed the border.

    The pearl white cathedral, with crystal windows that had shimmered in the sunlight and doors that had guarded Lightness’s most precious treasures for centuries, was no more. It had been stripped down to a grey, skeletal frame with the highest tower balancing on top.

    Leighton kept walking, his hope to find others being crushed with every step he took. The slums on the outskirts had been levelled. The foundations stood tall, but everything else had gone. Remnants of the straw huts were blowing in the wind, the wheel from a work cart lay at his feet, gone were the noisy cattle waiting to be slaughtered, and there were no children roaming the streets because their parents could not afford school fees. Leighton had seen similar images in history books which detailed the arrival of Lightness’s early settlers. The bare land had been developed over thousands of years, but reduced to nothingness overnight.

    Maybe it’s just the poor, Leighton said. We didn’t really need them anyway.

    He kept walking to the middle-class towns, which were in the same state of disrepair. A few piles of brick and mud showed what remained of the thousands of houses which had stood when Leighton and his friends drove past the night before. The market stalls’ broken planks of wood lay amongst the dirt, a street sign torn in half showed where the factories had been, and the army barracks had been stripped down to nothing but a helmet with a fist-sized hole in it.

    Are the soldiers all dead? Leighton gasped. Who could defeat the largest army on Ness Island like this?

    The richest city was no better off than the other districts. The missing sports cars, drained swimming pools, and shattered marble walls showed how the attackers had torn through the royal city. Leighton made his way down the deserted streets until he reached the bottom of Mount Li. There he stopped by the family mansion and peered through the garden gates. The four-storey high estate with three swimming pools, five sports courts, and several entertainment areas had vanished, leaving behind the exposed, empty garage in the basement.

    Leighton checked his phone for more messages, but the last ones had been sent by his friends last night. He checked the latest news alerts, but they only mentioned the earthquakes and threats by the rebel Dark who had voted against making peace with Lightness.

    The Dark? They must’ve done this! Leighton shouted, banging the wrought iron gates with his fists. Mum said that bloody treaty was a waste of time, but Dad wouldn’t listen. Now look what’s happened!

    Leighton’s pale face turned red at the thought of the Dark trouncing through his mansion, rummaging through his possessions. He imagined himself storming Darkness, slaying every Dark man who crossed his path.

    I can’t rescue my parents alone, Leighton said. I need help...

    Leighton headed east and walked for several hours until he reached the outskirts of the neighbouring county, Brightness. It was nightfall when he reached the mile-high watchtower inside the border.

    Leighton untied his blond locks and rolled up his sleeves so the security guard high above could see his appearance. The guard assessed the Prince through a pair of binoculars before nodding and unlocking the door below. The prince hurried inside and shut the door.

    What’re you doing roaming the border at night? a second guard asked. You’re lucky those rebel Darks didn’t get you.

    I am His Royal Highness Prince Leighton of Lightness, Leighton declared. My land has been attacked and destroyed by unknown forces, but I suspect it was the Dark.

    Your royal highness, I didn’t know—

    We must waste no more time, Leighton interrupted. Escort me to the royal mansion immediately.

    Of course, royal highness, the guard said. We’ll get the underground train ready ASAP. Please, take a seat.

    Leighton sat on the guard’s wobbly desk chair and closed his eyes. He pictured his parents being torn away from their mansion and dragged to the shadowy prisons in Darkness. Then he thought of the Bleak and the part they might have played. There were Light in Bleakness, but history had shown how the Bleak always favoured the Dark.

    Brightness was his only hope.


    Leighton stepped out of the car and walked straight towards Prince Brighton, who stood at the mansion’s gates with open arms. The princes briefly hugged before Leighton was ushered inside. In the entrance hall, Brighton motioned for the maids and butlers to bring assortments of nibbles, but Leighton shook his head despite his growling stomach.

    Your Royal Highness Prince Leighton of Lightness, I have been informed of recent events, Brighton’s voice echoed around the hall. We will assist however we can. The Dark will be severely punished for casting aside the Ness Treaty.

    "Your Royal Highness Prince Brighton of Brightness, I am honoured to be here and privileged to have your support. The King and Queen of Lightness would...will be eternally grateful."

    The chef will prepare a feast fit for a future king, Brighton said, rubbing his protruding belly. Come now. You must be famished!

    Brighton led Leighton to the guest quarters, where the men dismissed the maids and sat down by the fireplace. A platter packed with various meats and cheese lay by two glasses of bubbly white wine on the coffee table. Leighton gobbled down a chicken leg before gulping down his wine.

    Slow down, Lei, Brighton said. We need more information on what’s happened, and right now you’re the only one who can help.

    I don’t want to think about today, let alone talk about it. Leighton refilled his glass. I just want to sleep.

    I cannot imagine how painful it must be. Brighton stopped to nibble on some ham. Your parents, Royal Court, James and the rest of them. All gone.

    And I’m still here, Leighton said. "No more guards, servants, PAs, etcetera...You know how it is. Any problems get sorted out by the hired help. Now I’ve got to get my hands dirty."

    Brightness will support you every step of the way, all right? Brighton patted Leighton on the back and then sliced off some cheese. We’re all in this together.

    I appreciate your loyalty, Leighton said. When the Light and Bright join forces, we’re unstoppable!

    Exactly! Brighton raised his glass. The Light will be rescued and the Dark will be punished.

    They chinked their glasses and finished their meals in silence.


    Wake up, Queen Lydia whispered in Leighton’s ear. He quickly wiped the dribble from his mouth and adjusted his robe. Remember to smile, dear.

    Leighton looked down from his throne and watched the Light liaising at the annual fundraising ball. The proceeds went towards sending a few of the poorest children in Lightness to school. As always, Leighton was the guest of honour.

    Prince Leighton, is everything to your liking? a servant whispered in the prince’s ear. If you wish for anything, I will do whatever I can.

    Young man, where is Lady Gia? Leighton asked. I wish to speak with her.

    I will inform her, the servant said.

    You are excused.

    Leighton sat back against his throne and

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