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Where Spaces Glow: Selected Poems
Where Spaces Glow: Selected Poems
Where Spaces Glow: Selected Poems
Ebook119 pages37 minutes

Where Spaces Glow: Selected Poems

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About this ebook

Francis Catalano's poetry speaks of space, place and people. In the extracts from Index and qu'une lueur des lieux geographical, geological, geometrical and ancestral textures, shapes and colours kaleidoscope to create powerful North American landscapes. Wide open skies, craggy mountains, blinding snow, endless straight black top roads and fast food outlets reflect, refract and radiate in multi-facetted verse. In Romamor, framed within a city's walls, another dimension is added contrasting light and darkness, space and proximity. Where Spaces Glow invites you to reach out and feel the finely chiselled, radiant pieces of Catalano's beautifully crafted poetic terrestrial jigsaw.
Release dateOct 1, 2013
Where Spaces Glow: Selected Poems

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    Book preview

    Where Spaces Glow - Francis Catalano

    Where Spaces Glow

    Selected Poems

    Francis Catalano

    Translated from the French by Christine Tipper

    French-English Bilingual Edition






    Amérique terre archaïque

    America archaic earth

    Ici j’assiste dans toute sa grâce

    Here I assist in all its glory

    Laurentia tapie sous l’Amérique

    Laurentia crouched under America

    Accroupi au bord de l’abîme je m’imagine

    Crouched by the side of the abyss I imagine

    L’ombre d’un cervidé m’appâte

    The shadow of a deer lures me

    Il neigeait doucement

    It was gently snowing

    Des visages ravinés sombrent çà et là

    Furrowed faces slump here and there

    Le pôle vie le pôle mort entre les deux dériver

    The pole alive the pole dead between the two drifting

    Tenace race de Siam perdure

    Tenacious race of Siam endures

    Marcher et inventer font un

    Walking and inventing are one and the same


    Splendeur des yeux dessillés

    Splendour of eyes unsealed

    En filigrane du rêve, qui va là?

    In the haziness of a dream, who goes there?

    Depuis le rectangle de la chambrette

    From the rectangle of the small bedroom

    Derrière les murs il est des murs

    Behind the walls are walls

    Vus d’en bas les toits de tuiles

    Seen from below the curved tiled roofs

    Lire un livre tel l’aruspice

    Read a book like an aruspice

    Un touriste avance, avance

    A tourist advances, advances

    D’ici part tout le pavé romain

    From here all the Roman cobblestones leave

    À l’arrêt j’attends, muet

    At the bus stop I wait, mute

    Adolescent, mes rêves les plus chers

    Adolescent, my dearest dreams

    Après un mois d’averses

    After a month of showers

    Le front plaqué au ciel je traverse

    My forehead stuck against the sky I cross

    Les églises sont les tendons mystiques

    Churches are the mystical tendons

    Sur l’échiquier, pré géométrique

    On the chessboard, geometric field

    Écrire un livre sur rien, absolument

    Write a book about nothing, absolutely

    Clore les yeux à double tour

    Lock your eyes tight

    Au tintement des cloches

    With the pealing of the bells

    Les idées, concepts ou images

    Ideas, concepts or images

    Brunissent le soir les pastels de la ville

    Tingeing brown the town’s evening pastels


    Le ciel en petites coupures à plates

    The Sky in Little Slices with Flat

    Ariz Arias Ariens Arizona

    Ariz Arias Ariens Arizona

    Le blanc vin l’herbe

    The White Wine the Grass

    Si le soleil est l’oeuf la terre (je m’en veux)

    If the Sun Is the Egg the Earth (I Blame Myself)

    L’Apache Trail la paix

    The Apache Trail Peace

    L’œuf le bœuf la bouffe

    The Bull’s-Eye the Bull the Bill

    The West ouais oui ouest

    The West Yeah Yes Ouest

    Du Painted Desert j’ai ram-

    From The Painted Desert I Brou-

    Tandis qu’à belles dents le nord

    While with Appetite the North

    Les terres la pierre la mousse

    The Lands the Rock the Moss

    Je suis une auto louée vouée

    I Am a Rented Car Meant for

    Passe un train-scie polychrome

    A Train-Saw

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