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The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World
The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World
The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World
Ebook812 pages17 hours

The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World

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There are spiritual forces active in the world. We cannot see these forces with the naked physical eyes, but these invisible spiritual forces exact much influence in the lives of human beings on earth. We cannot touch or interact with these invisible forces in the physical material world. They are not aliens as erroneously believed in some parts of the world. Just as there are spiritual forces of good and light working for the advancement of God's agendas on earth, so also are spiritual forces of darkness and evil working to carry out the activities of Satan and his fallen angels on earth. The Holy Bible revealed the origins of these invisible spiritual forces, how they fell out of favor in heaven with their Maker, their modus operandi on earth and how human beings can be protected from these malevolent spiritual forces. This book is about the cosmic war currently going on in the hearts and minds of all human beings and how you can triumph over these wicked spirits. This book also explained how Dreams and open visions are the antennas to the spirit world and how false religion is advancing the agendas of Satan on earth.

Release dateFeb 10, 2015
The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World

Moshood Fayemiwo

Moshood Ademola Fayemiwo was born in Nigeria where he had his formative years. He relocated to the United States in the early nineties. A graduate of the University of Lagos, Nigeria where he obtained his bachelor's degree. He holds three masters' degrees in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida, Information Science, History and Literary Studies from the State University of New York. His PhD is in Public Administration and Policy. He was a publisher/editor and a journalist for nearly thirty years. He is a columnist for the Nigeria World ( and three other media platforms in New York, The Netherlands and Accra, Ghana. His weekly articles are syndicated in several media platforms across the globe. His scholarly articles have also been published in some academic journals. He is author/co-author of five other published books. He is CEO, Alternative Lifestyle Communication, DBA and lives in Chicago, USA.

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    Book preview

    The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Moshood Fayemiwo


    Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World

    Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare

    With Special Sections on

    Interpreting Dreams


    Is Muslims’ Allah God Almighty?

    A Spiritual Expose of the Religion of Islam by a former Muslim now a Born-Again Christian. It is illuminating and revealing. A Must Read.




    Copyright © 2015 Moshood Ademola Fayemiwo and Margie Marie Neal

    ISBN: 978-1-63490-089-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the authors through payment of the appropriate per copy- fee to the authors at or by calling us at 773-660-8917.

    Published by Alternative Lifestyle Communication, DBA Chicago, IL

    First Edition

    Book Design/Layout by: LLPix Photography Linton, IN, USA.

    Cover Design by: Todd Engel, Nashville, TN, USA.

    Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to Permissions Department, Alternative Lifestyle Communication, DBA, 9141 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619, USA.

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise stated, are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 byInternational Bible Society® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


    We dedicate this work to the Holy Spirit, the Third in Trinity, Who is the Spirit of Truth. He initiated every move in the lives of the authors in the fifteen years it took for the preparation, gathering of materials and writing of this book. Without His Knowledge, Wisdom and Faith, inspiration, guiding light and empowerment this work, which began ever before the two authors were brought together, would never have been accomplished. Thank You Holy Spirit, the Great Guard and Guide; the Spirit of Prophecy and Discernment, may we not grieve you. May You –the Holy Spirit-continue to abide in and with us till the coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


    THIS BOOK IS dangerous in the sense that, after reading it and if, that is the great if, you will be able to find the time to finish it at all. It is also dangerous, if you are not yet a born-again Christian and somehow by chance a copy came into your hand, and out of curiosity you want to see what is inside. It is also dangerous the more, if you are a born-again Christian and you aren’t sure of your eternal destination; whether or not you will make it to heaven, even after you’ve made the Lord Jesus Christ your Savior and Master. The greatest dangers you will face in reading this book are the three ailments that Satan afflicts every seeker of the Narrow Truth of Salvation with: Fear, Distraction and Procrastination.

    The fear factor begins when you hold a copy and see those scary pictures on the cover and begin to wonder what is inside the book. Fear will also grip you, if at one time or the other you have dabbled in any of the satanic practices the Holy Spirit used the authors to expose in this book. In addition, if you are still not a genuine child of the Living God, you will be afraid and sorely afraid indeed because, as the Lord God said; There won’t be rest for the wicked man, because they would be like the troubled sea, that cannot rest and its waters are cast up in mire and dirt (Isaiah 57: 20). Not until you’re a murderer, rapist or those bad guys you think you’re better off than are you a wicked person, but as long as you’re still stubborn against God’s directive to give your life to Him and think you can run your life the way you want, you will ruin it and thus you’re a wicked person in the eyes of the Lord God. You will also be fearful of the dire consequences of spurning the advice of the Holy Spirit in this book, for after you’ve finished reading it, if you’re able at all, you’ll ask yourself; can all these things be true? Were all the accounts in this book made-up, or simply bunch of gobbledygook and jeremiads or are accurate in line with the Holy Bible? Suppose the authors were right and on target after all? The same attitude of fear gripped the Israelites when they listened to the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly days. Jesus told the Truth when He said: I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep.I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again.No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father. At these words the Jews were again divided (John 10: 14-19). Why were the Jews divided into two diametrically-opposed camps? They were scared and gripped with fear of what the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior said. One camp said: He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?"(John 10: 20). But the other camp countered and replied: These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?(John 10: 21). This is what the fear of Satan instills in people –your heart will split into two like those Pharisees and Israeli leaders-when you’re about to read this book, or when reading it or if and if, finally you’re able to read and finish it.

    The second artifice Satan will use on you-your heart and mind-is Distraction. As authors of this book, we grasped with a lot of distractions before, during and after writing this book. The book you’re holding in your hand took a total of 16 years to complete. The senior author, Moshood Fayemiwo was God’s instrument in planting the seed for this book in 1997 way back in Africa. But Satan mobilized all the denizens of hell and his minions to make sure the book would not see the light of day. All manners of satanic arrows were thrown at him. For another five years after he relocated to the United States about fifteen years ago, the manuscript was completely abandoned. But God Almighty is an awesome God. He is above Satan, his lackeys and human factotums; He cannot and has never lost a battle, Hallelujah! When it appeared all hopes were lost, God began to move and soon arranged situations and circumstances to bring him and his co-author together, who is also his wife to write this book. As the Word of God says: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work (Ecclesiastics 4: 9). One of the returns they would have for their work is; one will chase one thousands but two will put ten thousands to flight (Leviticus 26: 8). Dr. Margie Marie Neal, the co-author of this book brought her own experiences and revelation from the Holy Spirit and together they pulled resources together and God Almighty is glorified. The distractions didn’t let off as Satan was determined we didn’t finish this book. Several times we would wake up at night and just be staring at the computers unable to type a single word, not because we didn’t know what to write or suffering from writers’ block but we knew and felt demonic forces were at work to cause discomfort. Many times ideas would be streaming but different telephone calls, both local and international would inundate us and these were important calls we couldn’t ignore. You see, Satan is not fooled by our resolve as children of God to do anything for the Lord through determination, as long as we do not take practical steps and demonstrative action to do that thing. Anything half-done is the same thing as not done at all. Decision is needed in the works of the Holy Spirit and issues about eternal life.

    Satan will make sure you don’t have access to this book. If you’re able to obtain a copy, he will make sure you do not have the time to read it. Just as he threw all manners of distractions at us as authors, you must be ready to rebuke him several times so you will have the time and space to read this book. He knows there are vital disclosures in this book about how his kingdom of darkness operates and knowledge is the antidote to ignorance. When Light shines, Darkness recedes and disappears but Light can only appear when knowledge of the Truth comes into a person’s heart. Over the ages, the plan of Satan and his demons goes something like this: Let us perpetually keep them-human beings- in ignorance, because if these human beings don’t know our modus operandi, we’ll succeed in leading scores to hell. It is true that something we don’t know can harm us and does sometimes kill. During the War of 1812 between the British and Americans in the United States, scores died in the South after cessation of hostilities in the North because the telegram that was sent to General Andrew Jackson, the commander of the American forces in the South and later 7th President of the United States did not arrive on time. The war which produced our Star Spangled Banner-the national anthem-which celebrates our victory over Britain claimed more casualties in the South for another month while warring forces in the North were backslapping and drinking, because those in the South were ignorant of the surrender of British forces. Ignorance is one of the main weapons Satan uses most effectively to claim many lives. As we engaged in constant prayer entreating the Holy Spirit to guide and guard us to complete this book so it could reach the reading public, you must also guard your loins too and pray to the Holy Spirit to saturate you with heavenly love to be able to read this book. If you’re not yet a child of the Living God, you should pray harder so you will declare your allegiance first rather than take the disclosures in this book as mere information.

    Finally, procrastination is a demonic tool you must be ready to contend with as you read this book so you can finish it. There are some things we can’t postpone because we do not own time. When we make promises or put off fundamental issues of life that border on eternity, we are courting trouble. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring; we’re not even sure if we will live till tomorrow and that is why the Bible admonishes unbelievers: "For he says, In the time ofmy favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you. I tell you, now is the time ofGod's favor, and now is the day of salvation, "(2 Corinthians 6: 2). See, that verse didn’t say, today is the day of salvation; rather it says now is the day of salvation. The day in that verse doesn’t refer to 24 hours but the now as Apostle Paul meant it is a day which is an active and actionable thing based on sound decision. Satan deceives many by telling them they have time in the world to make a decision for Jesus Christ. You’re still young, you haven’t enjoyed much, there’s still time, plenty time, take your time, you don’t have to be in a hurry, and you can do that later, and such other procrastinating words and phrases are the thoughts that Satan sends to the hearts and minds of many unbelievers. The more you delay, the riskier it becomes to make up your mind for the Lord, and who knows if there will be another opportunity for you to make such life-defining, and eternity-implication decision. We have examples of such people in this book who were swept into eternity by the gale of procrastinating demons and they never repented of their sins and commit their eternal destinations into the Hands of Jesus Christ, the Way, Truth and Life.

    This book is actually three books in one. It is a tome. We made it so because the Holy Spirit directed it. The first and main part of the book is the fulcrum of the book itself and the main title. But as we progressed in the writing process, the Holy Spirit instructed that, since the two books written in March 2000 and August of the same year, 2000 by the leading author, Moshood Fayemiwo have relevance to the main title of this book, we should merge the two books to this book so that readers will be able to gain more insights and also serve as bonuses to our readers. The two books titled: "Interpreting Dreams and Is Muslims’ Allah God Almighty" were written the same year and have been included in this book as Special Sections 1 and 2 respectively.

    As you read this book, you will realize there are many repetitions in many places. We did this deliberately, because of the need to drive home more forcefully the messages committed into our hands by the Holy Spirit. But more importantly, the words of God are loaded and full of layers of messages. You can read a verse in the Holy Bible one day and gain certain revelation knowledge and, yet another time or occasion you read the same verse and the Holy Spirit gives you another new inspiration and fresh insights and new perspectives entirely different from the first revelation knowledge. This is the work of the Holy Spirit showing the multi-faceted powers of our Awesome Lord God. Consequently, when you read the same repetitions of the same verse in many places, they are not just mere repetitions but new insights. As our Lord Jesus Christ continuously repeated and hammered home His messages throughout His earthly ministry: He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God says, and the same exhortation permeated the message of the Lord to John the Apostle in Revelation. The Holy Spirit does this deliberately not only for emphasis but as witness to human beings. "The words I speak to you are not mere words, but they are spirit and are life," (John 6: 65), the Lord told the Jews of His day and so He says today to believers and unbelievers alike.

    Another observation by the reader is the use of some words that you may not find in the English Language or do not even exist in current English Language. Again, we did this deliberately. You see, this is not an academic book. This is a Holy Spirit-directed book and the things of the Spirit have their lingos so bear with us. We wrote this book as we will talk one-on-one to a person we come across in the street. We made sure every human being, no matter your intellectual status, academic standing, color of skin, the part of the world you were born, where you live, your status, social class, background or all those characteristics that distinguish people of the world, you’ll be able to read this book and understand the messages contained therein. There was intense debate and disagreements between us as authors on the issue of using an editor during the production of this book. Moshood insisted we didn’t need an editor, while Margie insisted we should use an editor. I-Moshood-resisted using an editor for this book in particular because, it’s difficult for a secular mind to edit spiritual matters. This is not a secular book and there would be temptation for a secular mind acting as editor to remove important things which are spiritually-discerned but secularly difficult to comprehend (1 Corinthians 2: 14). Moshood’s argument eventually won the day not on account of superior persuasion, but by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and so bear with us as well if you notice some slip-ups in this book. Again, we insist this is not an academic book but a book about what the Holy Spirit has shown to us as Christ followers and what we have experienced and also what others have experienced in their lives in three different continents of North America, Africa and Europe.

    Finally, we thank all those who read the initial manuscript and offered suggestions, comments and made some observations as well. We extend our gratitude to our publishers who took a chance on us and agreed to publish this book. You see, we are not reputable pastors, televangelists, motivational speakers and general overseers of ministries but ordinary folks who believe in Jesus Christ and worship Him our as Lord and Savior. In our world today, name recognition is far more important than how the Holy Spirit uses people of faith. In our world where academic titles and credentials are more important than simple faith and belief in Jesus Christ, the authors do not possess those religious titles but we have the Holy Spirit. We do not rely on our chains of university degrees for doing the work of the Lord. We thank the Holy Spirit who assisted us and empowered us to finish this thought-provoking book and without His leading, we would not have written and finished this book. That is why this book is deservedly dedicated to Him. Our prayers are that this book will be used as a great evangelizing tool to change the hearts of many, reach into the inner recesses of many unsaved souls so they can commit their lives to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

    We want to acknowledge the contribution of our Ministry Partners in the production and printing of this book. First, we thank our fellow brother, Mr. Jovita Mbah of Victoria, Australia for his support to our ministry. Our sincere gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Osman Yahaya-Joe of West Dayton, Middlesex, UK for keeping their promises and commitment to spreading the Good News around the world. Thanks Mrs. Maureen Batem-Akinlawon of Urbana, Illinois; Mrs. Ememobong Kazeem of New Brunswick, New Jersey, Mr. Olayinka Omopariola of Fort Worth, Texas and Mr. Oluwaseun Akinrolabu of Waynesville, Missouri, United States for your support and encouragement. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our family friends and fellow brother; Mr. Collins Enogieru Edogun and his lovely wife, Sister Caroline Edogun of Hayward, California, USA. It’s nice knowing and meeting you. We thank Sister Leona Kit of Austin, Texas for her hospitality and love during our august visit and vacation in the Lone Star State. We also thank Pastor Akin Adeniyi of Deeper Life Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota for going through the original manuscript and offering suggestions. We pray that as you get involved in the things of the Lord, the Great Lord God Almighty, the Jehovah Jireh will also be involved in your individual pursuits in life in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen. We pray that the Almighty God will arrange situations and circumstances to make this book available to unbelievers, and as they read, the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and they will be convicted to give their lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that the Holy Spirit will use this book to bring many souls to His kingdom and change the hearts of many to take the Lord of lords and the King of kings as their Savior, Lord and Master in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.














    SPECIAL SECTION 1: Interpreting Dreams













    SPECIAL SECTION 2: Is Muslims’ Allah God Almighty?





















    MOSHOOD ADEMOLA FAYEMIWOwas born a Moslem in his native Nigeria where he had his formative years, but gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ during his undergraduate years in 1985 at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He became a born-again Christian and Holy Spirit-filled redeemed child of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday February 14, 1997 when he was kidnapped at the United Nations Refugee Camp in Cotonou, Republic of Benin by the goons of the late Nigerian military dictator, Gen Sani Abacha. See the links to his ordeal as reported by the world media. ( (

    He was kidnapped back to Nigeria where he was kept incommunicado in a military underground detention cell for 2 years reminiscent of the Old Soviet’s Gulag. He regained his freedom after the death of the dictator in 1999 and relocated to the United States with his entire family. He was a former newspaper publisher and editor in Nigeria where he grew up but currently lives in Chicago, Illinois. An alumnus of the University of Lagos, Nigeria, where he earned a B.Ed.; the University of South Florida where he earned an M.A in Mass Communication and MS (Information Science) and MA (Combined History & English Studies) from the State University of New York. He holds a Doctorate in Public Policy and Administration. Author ofWho’s Who of Africans in Americaand five published books, he’s a contributing editor/writer for newspapers in New York and Florida and writes a weekly column-The Christian Walk- for the Orlando, Florida-based online newspaper, Nigeria World, the NY-based Diaspora Scope, the MG Media Group in The Netherlands, and syndicated writer for several media platforms in Ghana, Ukraine and around the world. A member of several professional organizations; he is listed in Worldwide Who’s Who Directory and is CEO, Alternative Lifestyle Communication, DBA, Chicago. He has worshipped at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the Trinity United Church of God, South Side Chicago, Mount of Transformation Christian Ministries, Chicago and most recently, director of World Mission Program and professor of Biblical Exegesis at Kingdom Bible College and Seminary, Tucson Arizona, USA. He has several publications to his credit, including his latest: "The Children of Ham: Pagan Rites and Idolatry in Black Africa before Christianity" (forthcoming).

    MARGIE MARIE NEAL was born a Methodist in Union, South Carolina, USA and later became a Presbyterian. She worshipped at Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church, Chicago while growing up. She became a born-again Christian and Holy Spirit-filled redeemed child of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in 2003. Margie is a former university professor, an education consultant, and a reading coach/classroom teacher with the Chicago Area School System in Illinois, United States. A graduate of State University of New York (SUNY)-Brockport, where she earned her BS in History, MS in Reading from Chicago State University, MSED in Educational Leadership from American College of Education , Indianapolis, Indiana and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she earned her Ed.D –Doctorate in Educational and Organization Leadership.

    She was formerly, president, Chicago Area Reading Association and committee member, International Reading Association, United States. She is a member of several professional organizations on reading and educational development in Chicago, USA; including the Illinois Reading Council of President Obama Reading Award, and Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Listed in Stanford Who’s Who and Worldwide Who’s Who Directory, She is the president of Alternative Lifestyle Communication DBA, and lives in Chicago in the United States of America. An accomplished author; her latest book is, "The Roles of Professional Organization in the Effective Teaching of Reading in Chicago Pubic Schools: the International Reading Association and Illinois Reading Council as Case Studies.


    HARVARD UNIVERSITY IS considered the pre-eminent university and Number One Ivy League University in the world. In its 472-year history as a reputable citadel of learning, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based institution refused to award athletic scholarships in its admission process. Why? According to Pete Thamel of The New York Times, Harvard refused to admit students based on athletic abilities, because of its resolve to maintain academic standards. But in 2008, the topmost academe discarded its strict policy of rigorous adherence to maintain academic standards and began to offer athletic scholarships. In 2013, Harvard won the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Basket Ball Tournament in its 476-year history when it defeated the University of New Mexico, which prompted Tony Manfred of the Business Insider to report that; The truth about the theory that Harvard is only good at Basketball because it lowered Academic Standards. Mr. Luke Russert of the NBC made a poignant remark when he tweeted on March 21, 2013 about Harvard’s volte face on academic standards thus: "Remember Harvard, you won because you became like the rest of us, lowered the standards to get the goods "

    Shortly after the horrific incident of terrorist attacks on the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2002, President George Bush addressed the American people at 10pm. In his speech, he noted that "…Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded with the best of America…" and asked for prayers for the victims and their loved ones. The president concluded his speech by reiterating America’s resolve to defend her freedom and the American way of life; vowing America would respond to the attacks. On Monday, March 17 2003, President Bush addressed the American people once again, but this time, he announced the declaration of war on Iraq, led by its late dictator, Mr. Saddam Hussein. President Bush made a case for removing Saddam Hussein from power in his speech and said, among other things; The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities, so we will rise to ours. In recent days, some governments in the Middle East have been doing their part. They have delivered public and private messages urging the dictator to leave Iraq, so that disarmament can proceed peacefully. He has thus far refused. All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict, commenced at a time of our choosing. For their own safety, all foreign nationals - including journalists and inspectors - should leave Iraq immediately. On Thursday March 20, 2003 after the 48-hour ultimatum that President Bush gave to Saddam Hussein and his two sons to leave Iraq expired, President Bush addressed the nation once again and declared war on Iraq. The rest as they say is history.

    These two incidents have spiritual parallels. First, Harvard stuck to its policy of maintaining strict academic standards for four centuries and refused to offer athletic scholarships. President George Bush maintained the honor, prestige and dignity of the United States as the most powerful nation on earth by following on his threats to remove one of the world’s vilest and evil tyrants in human history. Let’s assume that after President Bush issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Mr. Hussein and his sons to leave Iraq expired and the dictator and his sons did not comply as they did and America did nothing, what would have happened? It’s obvious; that would have been the decline of the United States of America as the most powerful nation on earth. In 2008, Oliver Stone’s W. the biographical film of President George Bush was released. Josh Brolin, who played the part of President George Bush in the Hollywood Film Award winner made a remark when Thandee Newton, who played Condoleezza Rice, the National Security Adviser disclosed that Saddam Hussein thought Bush was bluffing when he issued a -48-hour ultimatum to the dictator and his two sons to leave Iraq: "Me, bluff? The president of the United Sates doesn’t bluff!"

    Do the people of the world realize that the Lord God Almighty who created the heavens and the earth and all things cannot bluff when He said through one of His prophets and disciples; Apostle Peter in His revealed Words that: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved," (Acts 4: 12). There is a mindset, which has become a meme in pop culture circle and among some religious exegetists today, especially in the Western World. It goes like this: there are few human beings that worship the True Lord God Almighty and because of that, God in His infinite Mercies would somehow lower His law and standards so that many souls would make it to heaven. President Barack Obama said in an interview in 2004 that "I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can't imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That's just not part of my religious makeup." President Obama’s statement clearly contradicts the statement made by Apostle Peter above.

    Why would God Almighty lower His standards and law to allow as many numbers of human beings as possible to enter heaven, even though many refused to honor, worship and obey Him while alive? What then is the purpose of obedience in the first place? There were 601,730 men from 21 years and above that lived in the desert or the wilderness for forty years (Numbers 26:51) after the Exodus and all of them-with the exception of two men: Joshua and Caleb-perished, because of disobedience to God Almighty (Numbers 32: 12). Earlier on, the whole world was destroyed by flood and only eight souls were saved because Noah, who God spared from the Deluge …was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God (Genesis 6: 9). His wife and three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their wives were saved from the destruction as well. And thousands of years later, Jesus Christ, the God in flesh drew an analogy between Noah’s Days and our generation thus: "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all, (Luke 17: 26-27). Similarly, Mr. Lot’s neighbors laughed at him in the Twin Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah just as many people in the world today laugh at us born-again Christians that imminent judgment is inevitable on the human race, because of the world’s continuing disobedience to Lord God Almighty. Lot and his two daughters were the only ones spared; even his wife who was concerned about the wealth they left behind in the Evil Twin Cities disobeyed God and looked back in disobedience to the angels’ warning and perished. Again, thousands of years later, our Lord Jesus Christ reminded our generation by drawing parallels between Sodom/Gomorrah and the world of today thus; It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot's wife!" (Luke 17: 28-32). If a reputable university like Harvard refused to admit students on athletic scholarships in its resolve to maintain academic excellence for over 400 years, would a reputable and just God do otherwise? Is God more concerned about the numbers of human beings that would be saved or the character, obedience, and holiness of the few that would be saved? If President Bush went ahead with his directive to Saddam Hussein and his two sons to vacate Iraq in 2003 in order to maintain the honor, prestige, might and military superiority of the United States and ensured Hussein was toppled, arrested, tried and executed, would the Lord God Almighty give every Christ-rejecter a slap on the wrist and allow every human being to enter heaven, even though they had disobeyed, disrespected and poked fun at Him while here on earth?

    On August 17, 1982 a defenseless mother, academic, scholar and political activist, Ms. Ruth First was killed by a parcel bomb addressed to her office in Mozambique. Ms. First, a Jewish journalist and writer and classmate of President Nelson Mandela had fled South Africa during the brutal years of apartheid by the white minority regime in the erstwhile laager. The parcel bomb was sent to her by the South African regime of Mr. Marais Viljoen. No one was arrested or indicted for the dastardly act. A year later in another part of the world, an opposition political figure in The Philippines, Mr. Benigno Aquino was gunned down at the Manila International Airport (now renamed Benigno Aquino International Airport) as he arrived from the United States on self-exile. A former senator and mayor, Aquino was killed by the killer-squad of former Filipino dictator, Mr. Ferdinand Marcos master-minded by his police chief, Mr. Fabian Ver. The killing of Mr. Aquino on August 21, 1993 at the Manila Airport was unresolved and the culprits of the horrendous act were neither apprehended nor punished. In October 1986 in Nigeria, a fearless journalist was killed the same way Ms. First was murdered in Mozambique four year earlier. The journalist, Mr. Dele Giwa, editor-in-chief of a weekly magazine in Lagos, Nigeria had stumbled on documents which indicted Mr. Ibrahim Babangida, a military general who had seized power in a military coup in Nigeria as a former drug baron. In order to silence Mr. Giwa from publishing the story, the military dictator used his subordinates to deliver a parcel bomb to Mr. Giwa, which killed him instantly in his study room at his home in Ikeja, north of Lagos. No one was ever arrested or prosecuted for the killing of Mr. Giwa. On June 4, 1996 General Sani Abacha, Nigeria’s most brutal military dictator ordered his killer-squad to ambush a defenseless housewife, Mrs. Kudirat Abiola and had her killed on her way to the Canadian Embassy in Lagos. The woman was the wife of Mr. Abacha’s political rival; Mr. Moshood Abiola who was arrested and kept in detention for winning Nigeria’s presidential election on June 12, 1993. Both Abacha and Abiola later died 30 days apart in June and July 1998 respectively. The list is endless.

    Evil has been part of human life since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Millions and billions of human beings have died and continue to die in wars, genocides, politically-motivated killings and for sundry reasons. What will happen to those souls? Will those who dispossessed others of their lives go unpunished? Won’t the perpetrators of evil be made to give account? The existence of evil is the proof of God Almighty, the God of Good who will one day make all the perpetrators of evil account for their actions. We do not know how He will judge the world, but for anyone to say the killers of Ms. First, the assassins of Mr. Aquino, the murderers of Mr. Giwa and the shooters of Mrs. Kudirat Abiola will go scot free without giving accounts of their actions is both absurd and senseless. As the unchanging Words of God says in the Holy Bible: For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil, (Ecclesiastes 12: 14). This is another reason to convince any human soul that each of us will appear before the Judgment Seat of the Great Judge in the future.

    Finally, there must be reward for obedience to God Almighty. Those who maintained their integrity and held unto God Almighty; who refused to kowtow against overwhelming odds from Satan and his demons, while here on earth shall be rewarded. In 1 Corinthians 2: 9, the Bible says: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. The logical question is; who are those that really love God Almighty? They are the overcomers. Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Jews and you and me in John 12: 48 "There is a judge for theone who rejects me and does not accept my words,; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day." This leads to another question; which words was He talking about? The Holy Bible, because He-Jesus-wrote every Word in that Great Book through His Spirit, the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3: 16: All Scripture is God-breathed…

    There is one thing that all those who will find themselves in hell with Satan after this temporary existence will cry over through eternity: Disobedience to the Lord God Almighty. There is also one thing that will resonate in the minds of those of us who have put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior when we arrive in Paradise: Obedience to God. Nothing pains God Almighty more than to be disobeyed and disbelieved. The plan of God Almighty on this earth in preparing His children for eternity is to eradicate the demonic spirit of rebellion completely from under heaven. Samuel brought this home forcefully when he told King Saul: But Samuel replied: Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."(1 Samuel 15: 22 & 23). There is nothing you and I can do in this world that pleases God Almighty more than to have faith in Him, because "… without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him," (Hebrews 11: 6). And what does faith mean? It means to trust unreservedly and believe in the Lord God Almighty no matter the physical evidence to the contrary. When you trust and have faith in someone, you will do what he/she asks you to do and that is the meaning of obedience. We crave trust from our spouse, we want our children to believe us as parents, business partners love to build their relationships on trust and faith in one another; we crave a government we can trust and the Lord God of the heavens and universe want to be believed and trusted.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said something fascinating among His numerous words of wisdom, parables, teachings, sermons and exhortations: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! (Mathew 7: 21-24). Think about it; these people that Jesus Christ would dismiss on Judgment Day did great things; they even prophesied, cast out demons, performed spectacular miracles and yet Christ will reject them on the Day of Judgment. Why? Jesus provided the answer in the same verses, because "they did not do the will of my Father in heaven." So how come this Father’s will is the passing grade, because if you cannot submit and obey God’s Will here on earth when you haven’t seen Him, it will be virtually impossible for you to obey His will when you get to heaven, as simple as that. So what is God’s Will?

    Will is the Seat of God’s Decision. It’s the way He wants things done. You see, God Almighty is not so much concerned about what is done, but who is behind what is done? Any spiritual activity done by any human being that is not initiated by the Holy Spirit is disobedience to God and has no eternal value, period! You know why God Almighty cherishes things done His own Way rather than our way? That is the only demonstrative evidence of obedience. Yes, God Almighty asked us to preach this Gospel but no one can change any human being without the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ that asked us to preach the Gospel disclosed: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day, (John 6: 44). Do you read that? Jesus Christ said no human being can become a born-again Christian simply because, another human being preached to him or her. So what is the essence of preaching the Gospel? Jesus Christ supplied the answer: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come," (Mathew 24: 14). A witness of the Gospel to the perishing world we’re called to be and not a changer of soul, because that is the work of the Holy Spirit. If we, who are mere mortals are the ones that change and convert unbelievers, then there is temptation for us to become pompous, arrogant and share in God’s Glory then we will make Him to be jealous because, He is a jealous God (Exodus 20: 5) and according to Him"…I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols." (Isaiah 42: 8).

    The distinct reality that all human beings will one day appear before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ is brought home by the catalogue of evils that have been committed and are still being committed by human beings on earth and the numerous righteous souls killed and murdered for their profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. A king was once rebuked for sleeping with his late uncle’s wife by a prophet of God and was arrested and jailed. While in prison, the king’s step-daughter danced and wowed the king and his dinner guests forcing the king to make a promise to do anything for the damsel. The lady consulted with her mother and both demanded the head of the jailed prophet. The king’s hands were tied and to redeem his pledge and protect his honor, he ordered the prophet beheaded inside prison thus redeeming his promise to his step-daughter (Mathew 14: 10). Nothing happened to the king because he was the king and thus above human law.

    Many years later, another king could not stand the preaching of a prophet about a Higher King above all kings and again, the earthly king ordered the prophet beheaded (Acts 12: 2). Few years ago here in America, a-17-year old believer in Christ was confronted by a shooter in her school and was asked if she believed in God. Miss Cassie Bernall who had given her life to Jesus Christ stood her ground and told the shooter at Columbine High, Colorado that she believed in God and was killed. If Ms. Bernall had denied her Savior, perhaps her life may have been spared but she preferred not to deny Jesus Christ as her Lord.

    In northern Nigeria, a group of Islamic fundamentalists invaded a village in 2011 and ordered all the Christians into a camp. The misanthropic Boko Haram religious terrorist group freed those who claimed to be Moslems but asked those who claimed to be Christian one last question: Are you ready to convert into Islam and be spared? Some agreed to become Muslims but majority preferred to die than deny the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and were murdered. In Darfur region of Sudan, Muslim terrorists known as Janjaweed entered a predominantly Christian community in 1993 in east Africa and raped the women and murdered all the men who identified themselves as Christians. In 2014, the Muslim militant group; Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) attacked the predominantly Christian community in northern Iraq of Mosul. The Jihadists gave the Christians three choices: convert to Islam and pay a fine, leave northern Iraq or stay and die in the hands of the ISIS fighters. Similarly, ISIS militants that raided part of Syria populated by Christians rounded up those Christians that refused to convert into Islam and beheaded them. Some of those killed were tied unto the Cross as a mockery of the Death on Calvary by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The list is endless. From the 1st Century to the Dark Ages down to our present day, many Christian believers have been martyred because of their belief and faith in Jesus Christ who they consider as Lord, Master and Savior. Their killers were neither apprehended nor made to account for their heinous crimes. Would these Christian believers die in vain? The Lord Jesus Christ Who these martyrs died for said the deaths of His followers will not be in vain because, He promised; "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he (and she) has done," (Revelation 22: 12). This book you are holding in your hand is about the genesis of the spiritual warfare currently raging between the followers of Jesus Christ and His believers and those against Jesus Christ. In this book, we disclosed what the Holy Spirit showed us about the origin of the spiritual warfare, why the warfare, the dramatis personae and how the spiritual warfare will finally be resolved.


    SOME CHRISTIANS OPINE or argue that it is not good for Christian writers to dwell on Satan and the activities of his minions in the world. They reason that since Jesus Christ had defeated Satan on the Cross about two thousand years ago, what Christians need to dwell on is the saving grace of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and not the activities of Satan and Satanists. Furthermore, this group of Christians believes that talking about Satan, demons and exposing the fiendish activities of Satan and his fallen spirits is tantamount to praising Satan. Consequently, all the talk and writing about Satan and his activities do not merit a book. However, does the revealed Word of God in the Holy Bible support this assertion? Granted that Satan and his malevolent forces had been defeated at Calvary by Christ’s atoning death, the Bible admonishes Christians to put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" (Ephesians 6:11). The Amplified Bible referred to the schemes of Satan as strategies and deceits of the devil. "Put on God's whole armor -the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies- that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil" (The Amplified Bible).

    The Christian Standard Bible referred to those schemes, wiles, strategies and deceits as tactics (The Christian Standard Bible). Other actionable words that have been used to describe the modus operandi of Satan and his minions are: tricks, fraud, mischief, pranks, delusion, and so forth. Few Christians really know these wiles or tricks of Satan. These devices are subtle, crafty and subterranean, which we must watch out for unlike our first parents- Adam and Eve - who fell for these artifices in the Garden of Eden.

    Christians were similarly counseled to be sober, vigilant and be on the qui vive because we have a formidable adversary-a foe, a devilish enemy and destructive antagonist-who is roaming about like a roaring lion on the prowl to devour the careless, the fearful and the undisciplined ( 1 Peter 5:8)."Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Every recovering alcoholic will tell you that giving wide berth to liquor and alcohol is a daily battle. According to the booklet of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), the first of the twelve steps recommended for sobriety is the need for vigilance. There was, they said, no such thing as the personal conquest of this compulsion by the unaided will. Relentlessly, deepening our dilemma, our sponsors pointed out our increasing sensitivity to alcohol-an allergy they call it. Every Christian is a recovering sinner. We have no righteousness of our own, except the one purchased on our behalf at Calvary by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As long as we live on the planet earth, and reside in our sinful body, we are susceptible to sin and its destruction. Therefore, we must be extremely careful and constantly sharpen our sensitivity to sin. We are not saying here that we should be looking for sin or Satan everywhere, rather to cultivate the mental attitude of sensitivity to the tricks, wiles, devices, frauds, pranks and other artifices of Satan and his factotums both in the supernatural and physical realms. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who defeated Satan on Calvary, broke his back, humiliated him and his minions and won the victory for us taught us to learn the wiles of Satan so we would be able to finish our Christian race and win the crown. In the Book of Matthew, Our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned Satan by name directly four times. In the Book of Mark, He addressed him as Satan six times; in the Gospel of Luke, He mentioned Satan four times and in the Gospel of John, the Lord called him out once by his personal name: Satan. In all, the Lord Jesus Christ addressed Satan more than fifteen times next to the Name of God Almighty Who is Jesus in the flesh. Now when we add these fifteen times that Satan was mentioned with the number of times his demons, demonic activities and agents, including hell were mentioned, the Synoptic Gospels alone referred to Satan and his kingdom, one hundred and fifty-seven times in all.

    In the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus Christ spoke about hell as much as heaven. This tells us that Jesus recognized the malevolent activities of Satan, his fallen angels and other human beings working in cahoots with Satan on earth. He expects His followers to watch out. Remember that Satan tempted Our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan began attacking the redemptive work of Christ even before Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. The first infanticide in human history was instigated by Satan. This was why King Herod attempted to kill baby Jesus by slaughtering innocent children (Mathew 2: 15-18). Satan moved Herod to commit this horrendous act in an attempt to thwart the birth of the Savior. Jesus’ ministry was assailed and attacked by demons from the word go and throughout His three-year ministry on earth. The fallen angels were responsible for the intense hatred and ferocious loathe of the religious leaders toward Our Lord and Savior. Satan engineered the betrayal of the Lord by Judas Iscariot’s love for money when he sold his Lord and Master for thirty silver. Who could deny the unmistakable hands of Satan and his devilish minions in the unjust trial, prosecution and the charade that occurred in the sentencing by crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior? As Jesus told the religious leaders "You -referring to the Pharisees and the religious elites- belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8: 44). If Satan, his demons and their human agents attacked the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, we should not be surprised too if he marshals his minions to attack us as well. This is why as Christians we must know the tricks of our most formidable enemy.

    Writing about Satan and his activities in the world today are necessary not because we are praising him and his cohorts; rather, we want Christian brothers and sisters not to have anything to do with Satan and his dark secrets but to expose such devilish activities. Apostle Paul enjoined believers in Ephesians 5: 11 thus: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." The way to expose anything hidden is first and foremost to use one’s personal experiences and the experiences of other people that are familiar with and know about satanic activities and those that have dabbled in the activities of darkness. But more importantly, to use the power of the Holy Spirit Who sees everything done in the dark and can expose them to us as the Greater One in us than the one that is in the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about Satan, so every Christian should know what He said about him. Satan tempted Our Lord Jesus Christ (Mathew 4:3-11; Luke 4: 3-13). Indeed, Satan’s efforts to abort the Will of God Almighty in the life of humanity through the Saving Grace of Jehovah God by Christ’s Death, Crucifixion, and Resurrection began ever before the Virgin Conception of our Savior when Satan entered into King Herod to order the slaughter of the innocents shortly after the Birth of Our Savior (Mathew 1:16-18).

    Satan and his minions fiercely attacked the earthly ministry of Jesus (Mark 1:23-24); virtually all the people who were sick and healed by the miraculous Hands of the Savior were possessed by demons (Mark 5:2). The Pharisees and the phony Jewish leaders who opposed Our Lord Jesus Christ were human hirelings of Satan. No wonder Jesus called them children of Satan (John 8: 44). The betrayal of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Judas Iscariot was orchestrated by Satan (Mark 3: 19), for after he had been used by the devil Judas later committed suicide (Acts1: 16-20). The arrest, trial-a travesty of justice-and the chanting of crucify Him! Crucify Him! that rented the air by the unruly mob on that day, including the dastardly act of death by crucifixion was foretold by the Holy Spirit and unmistakably carried out by Satan using Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve Apostles, in cahoots with the top echelon of Jewish religious leaders and carried out by the Roman soldiers.

    It is important for Christians to know about Satan and his kingdom of darkness for several reasons. First, to demonstrate the awesome power of the Holy Spirit who sees, knows and exposes all things that are contrary to the revealed Truth of the Lord God Almighty. What you are about to read in this book are not our personal opinion in the sense that these are Holy Spirit-directed words as we take no orders from no one but the One who sent us; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Second, it is spiritually advantageous and indeed beneficial to our Christian Walk to know more about our enemies and their deceptive wiles, because Satan is the reason why we are engaged in spiritual warfare in the first place. When you have a formidable enemy and you are slack, or even attempt to deny his existence as some people in the world do today, you are already defeated. As a matter of fact, as aforesaid and worth repeating, our Lord Jesus Christ spoke more about Satan and his demons and hell fire just as He spoke about the kingdom of God and the heavens. Thirdly, those who criticize Christian writers for writing about Satan and outwardly display perfunctory knowledge of his dark kingdom are often times unmasked by the Holy Spirit as Satanists masquerading as angels of light. Consequently, what we have done in this book is in tandem with scriptural command: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5: 11).

    Christians must know how Satan and his evil kingdom operate so we would be able to appreciate what Our Lord Jesus Christ did to rescue us from the fiendish hands of the Devil and his minions. To know Satan and his wiles is to understand that sin in whatever guise is bad business. The redemption of the human race cost the life of the only begotten Son of God (John 3: 15). Jesus Christ was denied justice, booed, jeered at, slapped, molested by the crowd, flogged, abused, disrespected, dehumanized, beaten and killed. His face was disfigured beyond recognition and He died a horrible death because of your sin, my sin and the sin of the human race. Our Lord Jesus Christ endured all these maltreatments and abuse because of His love for the human race. He left His Heavenly Glory to suffer humiliation (Philippians 2:4-8) in order to rescue us from the suffocating stranglehold of this wicked and devilish supernatural personality called Satan. Christians must know about Satan and his activities to enable us guard our salvation jealously. Book such as this that exposes the atrocities of Satan in the lives of people in the world is a great evangelizing tool.

    There are three sets of human beings in the world today; Christians who are heavenly-bound, non-Christians who are religious and subscribe to other religious faith; and the third set of group of human beings are those in-between. The latter group does not believe in the existence of a personal Satan, and the culpability of this Evil Spirit in all the bad things happening in the world today. There are some who believe in the existence of Satan but deny his over-bearing influence in people’s lives. Those who do not believe in the existence of Satan can also count in their column atheists who do not believe in the existence of God Almighty. The free thinkers believe every human being is the architect of his/her own fortune, while atheists assail Creationists and applaud Darwinism, which has become chic in many of our colleges and universities around the world today. Darwinism is fast becoming the hallmark of intellectualism in the academy today as Creationism is unattractive to the so-called learned men and women of

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