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Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English)
Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English)
Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English)
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Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English)

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Our new brand of books with short stories and bilingual translations offers readers with different levels of Portuguese the pleasure of learning a language while increasing their general knowledge at the same time. The text is written in two different languages, Portuguese and English. The Portuguese sentence appears above the English sentence in classic bilingual text.

Our unique story telling is inspired by historic characters and written in modern language, bringing them closer to our times and lives. We bring history to life and stick to the facts, making it more entertaining for you. Adding a twist to the story, The Life of Cleopatra is told from 4 different perspectives making it more exciting. Readers of all ages can enjoy our books.

PublisherRedback Books
Release dateMar 7, 2015
Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English)

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    Bilingual Book The Life of Cleopatra (Portuguese - English) - Redback Books

    New Redback Bilingual Books: The Life of Cleopatra

    Bilingual Book

    The Life of Cleopatra

    Portuguese - English

    Redback Books

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 9781311485410

    Our new brand of books with short stories and bilingual translations offers readers with different levels of Portuguese the pleasure of learning a language while increasing their general knowledge at the same time. The text is written in two different languages, Portuguese and English. The Portuguese sentence appears above the English sentence in classic bilingual text.

    Our unique story telling is inspired by historic characters and written in modern language, bringing them closer to our times and lives. We bring history to life and stick to the facts, making it more entertaining for you. Adding a twist to the story, The Life of Cleopatra is told from 4 different perspectives making it more exciting. Readers of all ages can enjoy our books.

    Copyright © 2015 Redback Books

    ISBN 9781311485410

    Illustration Anna Furashova

    All rights reserved

    Other Redback Bilingual Books:

    The Adventures of Julius Caesar

    The Starry Night

    A Vida de Cleopatra

    The Story of Cleopatra

    A estrada para o campo de Júlio César era difícil e estava cheia de buracos.

    The road to Julius Caesar's camp was rough and full of potholes.

    Eu estava a saltar na traseira da carroça com uma mala cheia de trapos.

    I was bouncing around in the back of the wagon like a bag full of rags. 

    Como poderia a Rainha do Egito, governante da civilização mais avançada de todos os tempos, consertá-la?

    How in the world could the Queen of Egypt, ruler of the most advanced civilisation of our times, find herself in such a fix?

    Aqui estava eu, embrulhado num tapete Persa, apertado entre sacos de grão, uma caixa de vegetais e uma dúzia de gaiolas com galinhas cacarejando.

    Here I was, wrapped up in a Persian rug, packed in tightly between bags of grain, a crate of vegetables and a dozen cages of cackling hens.

    Como é que isto chegou exatamente a este ponto?

    How exactly had it come to this? 

    Fechei meus olhos, por um momento, e deixei a minha mente retroceder para melhores tempos.

    I closed my eyes for a moment and let my mind drift back to better times.

    Através da janela aberta do meu quarto eu consegui ver a linda cidade de Alexandria em toda a sua glória esplêndida.

    Through the open window of my room I could see the beautiful city of Alexandria in all its splendid glory.

    Para além da cidade e fora do mar, um farol guiava muitos navios que entravam no nosso porto.

    Beyond the city and out to sea a tall lighthouse on the island of Pharo guided the many ships that entered our harbour.

    O farol era feito de mármore branco.

    The lighthouse was made of white marble.

    O mesmo tinha cento e cinquenta metros de altura.

    It was one hundred and fifty meters high.

    Os marinheiros diziam que conseguiam vê-lo a cinquenta quilómetros de distância.

    Sailors claimed they could see it standing there from fifty kilometres away.

    A vista dessa bela cidade com as suas largas avenidas e grandes edifícios cortaram-me a respiração.

    The view of this great city with its wide avenues and grand buildings took my breath away.

    Essa foi a cidade que Alexandre o Grande construiu e que agora era minha!

    This was the city that Alexander the Great had built and now it was mine!

    Eu tive que me beliscar a mim próprio, por um momento, só para limpar a minha cabeça.

    I had to pinch myself for a moment just to clear my head.

    Aconteceu tudo tão rápido e agora, com apenas dezoito anos de idade, eu tornei-me a Rainha, a grande Faraó do Egito.

    It had happened all so quickly and now at only eighteen years of age, I had become the Queen, the great Pharaoh of Egypt.

    De repente, meus pensamentos foram interrompidos pelo som de um movimento na porta do meu quarto.

    Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of movement at the door of my room.

    Meus servos chegaram.

    My servants had arrived.

    Eles estavam aqui para vestir-me com as minhas roupas novas condizentes com o meu estatuto de Faraó.

    They were here to dress me in my new garments befitting my Pharaoh status.

    Quando eu reparei nas cores coloridas dos tecidos entre os artigos de vestuário, as servas rapidamente relembraram-me acerca do meu novo cargo.

    When I noticed brightly coloured fabric among the clothing items, the servant girls quickly reminded me of my new position.

    "Apenas as mulheres comuns usam branco, minha Rainha.

    "Only common women wear white, my Queen.

    Você estará usando um chiton, dos melhores linhos Gregos, bordado nas suas extremidades e tingido a cores claras vibrantes.

    You will be wearing a chiton, in the finest of Greek linens, embroidered on its edges and dyed in bright vibrant colours.

    O seu vestido será puxado à cintura com um cinto feito de couro e cravejado de jóias".

    Your dress will be pulled in at the waist with a belt made from leather and studded with jewels"

    O chiton claro era um vestido costurado.

    The bright chiton was a stitched dress.

    Era mais formal do que as togas usadas por ambos os meus servos.

    It was more formal than the togas worn by both my servants.

    As togas simplesmente envolvidas à volta dos seus corpos e atadas no ombro.

    The togas simply wrapped around their bodies and tied at the shoulder.


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