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Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English)
Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English)
Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English)
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Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English)

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ur new brand of books with short stories and bilingual translations offers readers with different levels of French the pleasure of learning a language while increasing their general knowledge in the process. The text is written in two different languages, French and English. The French sentence appears above the English sentence in classic bilingual text.

Our unique story telling is inspired by historic characters and written in modern language, bringing them closer to our times and lives. We bring history to life, while keeping to the facts, making it more entertaining for you without the long hours of studying dry texts. Adding a twist to the story, The Life of Cleopatra is told from 4 different perspectives making it more exciting. Readers of all ages can enjoy our books.

PublisherRedback Books
Release dateMar 7, 2015
Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English)

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    Bilingual Book - The Life of Cleopatra (French - English) - Redback Books

    New Redback Bilingual Books: The Life of Cleopatra

    Bilingual Book

    The Life of Cleopatra

    French - English

    Redback Books

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 9781311416513

    Our new brand of books with short stories and bilingual translations offers readers with different levels of French the pleasure of learning a language while increasing their general knowledge in the process. The text is written in two different languages, French and English. The French sentence appears above the English sentence in classic bilingual text.

    Our unique story telling is inspired by historic characters and written in modern language, bringing them closer to our times and lives. We bring history to life, while keeping to the facts, making it more entertaining for you without the long hours of studying dry texts. Adding a twist to the story, The Life of Cleopatra is told from 4 different perspectives making it more exciting. Readers of all ages can enjoy our books.

    Copyright © 2015 Redback Books

    ISBN 9781311416513

    Illustration Anna Furashova

    All rights reserved

    Other Redback Bilingual Books:

    The Adventures of Julius Caesar

    The Starry Night

    L’histoire de Cléopâtre

    The Story of Cleopatra

    La route menant au camp de Jules César était inégale et pleine de nids-de-poule.

    The road to Julius Caesar's camp was rough and full of potholes.

    Je faisais des bonds à l’arrière du véhicule comme un sac rempli de chiffons.

    I was bouncing around in the back of the wagon like a bag full of rags. 

    Comment se fait-il qu’une reine d’Egypte, dirigeante d’une des civilisations les plus avancées de notre époque, puisse se retrouver dans une situation pareille ?

    How in the world could the Queen of Egypt, ruler of the most advanced civilisation of our times, find herself in such a fix?

    Me voici donc enroulée dans un tapis persan, coincée entre des sacs de graines, une caisse pleine de légumes et une dizaine de cages avec des poules qui gloussent.

    Here I was, wrapped up in a Persian rug, packed in tightly between bags of grain, a crate of vegetables and a dozen cages of cackling hens.

    Comment en suis-je exactement arrivée là ?

    How exactly had it come to this? 

    J’ai fermé mes yeux un moment et ai laissé mon esprit s’égarer dans les mémoires de temps meilleurs.

    I closed my eyes for a moment and let my mind drift back to better times.

    A travers la fenêtre de ma chambre, je pouvais voir la magnifique ville d’Alexandrie dans toute sa splendide gloire

    Through the open window of my room I could see the beautiful city of Alexandria in all its splendid glory.

    Au-delà de la ville, en mer, un grand phare se trouvait sur l’île de Pharos, qui guidait de nombreux navires dans notre port.

    Beyond the city and out to sea a tall lighthouse on the island of Pharo guided the many ships that entered our harbour.

    Le phare était fait de marbre blanc.

    The lighthouse was made of white marble.

    Il avait une hauteur de cint-cinquante mètres.

    It was one hundred and fifty meters high.

    Les marins affirmaient qu’ils pouvaient l’apercevoir à cinquante kikomètres à la ronde.

    Sailors claimed they could see it standing there from fifty kilometres away.

    La vision de cette magnifique ville avec ses larges rues et ses bâtiments hauts me coupait le souffle.

    The view of this great city with its wide avenues and grand buildings took my breath away.

    Cette ville avait été fondée par Alexandre le Grand et désormais m’appartenait !

    This was the city that Alexander the Great had built and now it was mine!

    J’ai dû me pincer pendant un instant pour me changer les idées.

    I had to pinch myself for a moment just to clear my head.

    Tout s’était passé très rapidement et maintenant, à dix-huit ans, j’étais devenue la Reine, la grande Pharaonne d’Egypte.

    It had happened all so quickly and now at only eighteen years of age, I had become the Queen, the great Pharaoh of Egypt.

    Soudainement, mes pensées ont été interrompues par un mouvement à la porte de ma chambre.

    Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of movement at the door of my room.

    Mes servantes étaient arrivées.

    My servants had arrived.

    Elles venaient pour me vêtir d’habits qui convenaient à mon statut de Pharaonne.

    They were here to dress me in my new garments befitting my Pharaoh status.

    Lorsque j’ai remarqué des tissus de couleurs vives parmi les vêtements, les servantes m’ont brièvement rappelé ma nouvelle position.

    When I noticed brightly coloured fabric among the clothing items, the servant girls quickly reminded me of my new position.

    "Uniquement les femmes du peuple portent du blanc, ma Reine.

    "Only common women wear white, my Queen.

    Vous porterez un chiton fait de toiles grecques les plus fines, brodé sur les bords et teint avec des couleurs vives et prononcées.

    You will be wearing a chiton, in the finest of Greek linens, embroidered on its edges and dyed in bright vibrant colours.

    Votre robe sera retenue à la taille par une ceinture en cuir et incrustée de pierres précieuses. "

    Your dress will be pulled in at the waist with a belt made from leather and studded with jewels"

    Le chiton de couleur vive était une robe cousue.

    The bright chiton was a stitched dress.

    Il était plus formel que les toges que mes servantes portaient.

    It was more formal than the togas worn by both my servants.

    Les toges étaient seulement enroulées autour de leur corps et retenues sur l’épaule.

    The togas simply wrapped around their bodies and tied at

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