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The Star Table Trance Missions: Telepresence Conferences with ETs and Celestial Guides
The Star Table Trance Missions: Telepresence Conferences with ETs and Celestial Guides
The Star Table Trance Missions: Telepresence Conferences with ETs and Celestial Guides
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The Star Table Trance Missions: Telepresence Conferences with ETs and Celestial Guides

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If you happen to have read Brad Steiger’s 1987 sci-fi novel The Star People or heard of his earlier, somewhat-renowned list of the traits of so-called “starseeds,” those who believe they, unlike most Earthumans, somehow have an origin in the stars; then you will already have a notion of the story being revealed in these pages by Julie Loar and Ted Denmark. They are both old enough to have been aware of the publicity surrounding Steiger’s “seminal” research and promotion of his “novel,” if inevitable idea—given all the UFO/ET themes circulating in public awareness in the latter half of the Twentieth Century and beyond. But even though they were also previously aware of themselves as “contactees,” having had some fairly unusual experiences—and with nearly all the traits of Steiger’s Starseeds—Julie and Ted have found themselves, more than thirty years later in their seventh decade, being given nearly full access to the depth of detail of their own secret lives as extraterrestrial hybrids … by members of their own star families. They have made efforts to acknowledge this offer and recorded the resulting trance-session dialogues, as conducted and now published by Ted in book form. Julie and Ted both genuinely believe, given sustained prompting by these conferences at the Star Table, that this is a story—which also happens to contain some of their personal history—whose time has come to be told openly. It goes far beyond anything they, as writers and editors, believe could have been made up by themselves (!). Those most interested initially might be other starseeds, real or imagined. J&T were told they are among a group of about one hundred other Earthuman hybrids in this particular genetic seeding experiment being carried out by Pleiadians from the star system of Taygeta, but they believe nearly anyone will find it quite an interesting—if not a totally amazing—story … whether they believe it or not.
Release dateFeb 15, 2015
The Star Table Trance Missions: Telepresence Conferences with ETs and Celestial Guides

Read more from Ted Denmark, Ph.D.

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    The Star Table Trance Missions - Ted Denmark, Ph.D.


    Telepresence Conference 1

    January 17, 2011

    In this first experimental hypnotic session attempted by Julie and Ted with detailed note taking by Ted, Julie finds herself in the presence of Athena, later to become a familiar participant at the Star Table conferences, who takes her on a kind of dream quest to a temple on an ancient planet in Lyra where she once lived. Julie is then given a bit more detail about her earliest involvement with Ted in an inter-planetary mixed racial couple and meets some of the others who will also become familiar participants in these exotic encounters in various locations in our local galactic neighborhood.


    Hosted, conducted & transcribed by Ted, Julie’s portion of the dialogue is set in the Times New Roman typeface (like this). Ted’s questions are set off in separate paragraphs in the Arial typeface (like this paragraph). This session was done at Ted’s house in Avery, CA. After a brief induction visualization by Ted, Julie begins speaking …

    *   *    *

    I am in a new place that I’ve only seen in a dream once before. It’s in a different star system, with lots of stars visible, blue stars in an indigo sky, outside of a round temple with twelve white pillars that is about 50 feet across and open to the sky. There are black statues between the pillars; the black stone contrasts with the white pillars. My guide Athena appears, dressed in a blue and white gown. She has dark hair and green eyes, and I wonder why I am here. This planet is from another lifetime in the Lyra star system, I realize, more than one million years ago, and I am there now, visiting rather than living. Ted lived in Arcturus in this lifetime that was powerful and positive, helping set the archetypal experiences on Earth for ancient Greece (but not Egypt or Crete).

    Some of my other guides are here, too; only one is male—the white lion. I am taking a long look at the temple. These are Zodiac figures, which are all different than ours today: a lion, a dragon, a bird of prey, a spider, a goddess, a dove, a fish (that is probably a dolphin), a harp, a 3D pentacle, a dodecahedron, a two-horned animal that looks like a unicorn, and a mermaid. Athena says we can leave from here and go to other places I have lived long ago.

    We enter a craft that is soon moving faster than light and are stopping in the Sirius system which has three inhabited planets. At that time Julie had lived on the planet of the lion people, who are more evolved in their feelings while Ted is from the crystal planet in that system, which is more scientifically advanced. We are an interplanetary, inter-racial couple. Something terrible had happened to Sirius B, and the lion people had to be rescued and taken to the crystal planet. Ted is a scientist involved with communications: capturing, studying and transmitting information about the dilemma, all having happened about a million years ago.

    We leave and get back into the craft, moving through space-time to the Vega System. Ted is now from a planet near Aldebaran called Alnira. Julie is native to a planet in Vega called Hoyah and is a member of a very tall, dark—almost black—race, like the Watusi on Earth. Ted’s culture has space travel and visit Julie’s planet. Julie is male gender then and Ted is female as a visiting anthropologist, and they meet and become aware of their interest in each other. They have been involved many times together in previous lives.

    Now we are traveling to ancient Egypt with the guide Ariel. Julie and Ted were together again there—the last time they were present together at the same time, not as a couple as had previously been the case, but as people known to each other, during the 19th Dynasty 3,000 years ago. They were also associated together in modern Earth times before as siblings (both girls) in early 19th Century France. Ted is not present in Julie’s early 20th Century Russian incarnation.¹

    The guide Jedhi is now present and asks what Ted would like to know. Ted asks whether the Pleiadians associated with Billy Meier are the same ones who are now contacting him. The answer is no; the ones from the Pleiades who have contacted Ted, are related to him by ancestry and have been following him since childhood, trying to help clear up ancient karma. The older person of the two is male, bearded, and with piercing blue eyes, called Asafah. The younger female is his daughter named Lysah. These figures who have traced Ted’s presence on Earth are like our Peace Corps, and are aware of other Pleiadian missions on Earth. Lysah and Semjase know each other and are even good friends. This father-daughter pair work with Ted just as Meier’s Pleiadians work with him, and desire to have a more direct involvement with Ted relating to the star elixirs to help attain greater knowledge of the cosmos on Earth.

    The star elixirs can be used for healing but can also be harmful … Ted asks how the elixirs can be used by Julie and himself. The response is that thought transmission is possible from Ted’s Pleiadians to help explain the uses, etc., in addition to what has already been given by Hilarion. The energy signatures of the elixirs are still strong and do not have to be ingested to be used effectively. Ted’s work is to gain understanding of the stars and should experience the elixirs to know how it feels. Julie, too, should experience them. The elixirs are also related to soul-entry astrology and can be used to help combine information gained from both first-breath and soul-entry astrology charts.

    These two ETs, Lysah and Asafah, have always been connected to Ted; they were the ones recently signaling to him with their light as seen from the downstairs window on Saturday night of January 15, 2011. They travel in a Type 3 variation beamship. Lysah is 417 years old.

    Ted asks whether the monatomic elements, as he knows them, are related to longevity?

    Yes, through the soil on Pleiadian home planets but also because of the atmosphere there.

    Ted asks if that has anything to do with the inert gases?

    The answer is that it is less about these elements than about atmospheric pressure and the quality of sunlight. Also, they are related to the lily (our lotus is a water lily) which grows in sandy soil with long leaves, a golden center and is a prized flower, like our aloe, prized for beauty, fragrance, oil, healing, etc. Ted is on the right track with his interests in this area.

    Ted asks if the mysterious fragrance Julie and Ted noticed so strongly at Julie’s house in Colorado on Ted’s first visit in early November were related to these Pleiadians and this lily?

    I am told that yes, it was a personal message from Semjase!

    Ted inquires whether it would be possible for Semjase or her Pleiadian associates to re-transmit to him the censored and/or missing sections of Wendelle Steven’s Message from the Pleiades volumes, at a later time?

    The answer is yes: learn how to communicate with Lysah by sitting at the computer, and the same technique that was previously used to get past stuck parts in the editing, will be used again. Ted should do whatever is needed to get ready for receiving impulse transmission from Pleiadians. Lysah humorously reminds Ted to keep his fingernails short. [No one but Ted himself knows that he often wonders if he should trim his fingernails before starting to work at his computer keyboard.] Ted is reminded to find the best time of day to work on calling the Pleiadians telepathically and continue to do so, starting with things that can be proven with familiar associations. Get into a light trance, quieting left brain first. Ted’s ETs have been in contact with him his whole life without him making this conscious interpretation of certain related events. Don’t be surprised to have a visual sighting of their beamship some time soon (!). Lysah’s ET partner on Earth is part of another team of Earthuman contactors currently working in South America.

    [Julie begins to feel tired and says she is ready to end the session today, and soon awakens after a short request for her to return to normal consciousness. We then discuss her/our experiences as we will continue to do after all these hypnotically induced sessions in a debrief conversation as we compare impressions and our understanding of what has just transpired.]

    *   *   *   *


    1. We were later told that I (Ted) was present during Julie’s Russian incarnation but as an older man (Vladimir Kokovtsov, who happened to be the last Minister of Finance of the Imperial Russian government).

    After-dinner photo of J&T taken by Julie’s daughter Lizz in Pagosa Springs in late 2010

    Telepresence Conference 2

    January 18, 2011

    Julie arrives at the five-pointed Star Table housed in a curious transparent structure also shaped like a pentagram, on an unknown planet where she finds seven other very unusual beings, whom she describes, along with Astar, the mysterious light orb, before Ted begins with his tentative, mostly practical and somewhat personal questions for those present today. Ted, again taking notes, tries to begin to understand what to make of these ETs in this quite unexpected group process described by Julie for whom it is also a unique new kind of experience.


    Hosted, conducted & transcribed by Ted, Julie’s portion of the dialogue is set in the Times New Roman typeface (like this). Ted’s questions are set off in separate paragraphs in the Arial typeface (like this one). This session was done at Ted’s house in Avery, CA. After a brief induction visualization by Ted, Julie begins speaking …

    *   *    *

    I’m at a fantastic new place, high on a hill by a sunny meadow that has a structure in the middle that looks like it’s made of glass. I’m in a big room now that is shaped like a pentagram (star) and is open in the center. Eight individuals are present here (including myself), and seem to be seated around a table that also has the same star shape. These are some of my guides, including Ariel, Athena, the White Lions, and an orb of ultra-violet light about the size of a basketball, on my right, while Ted’s guides are seated to my left at the table. This place here is not on Earth but on a planet in the Aldebaran system. I’m told the light orb entity is an embodiment of love, has no gender and is to be referred to as Astar.

    Ted’s guide Samael is present and looks to be about 70 years old with long white silky hair and is wearing a long yellow robe and carrying a staff, rather like an Old Testament prophet. He indicates that he has been with Ted a long time. Another of Ted’s guides present is female, said to the consort of Samael, and who is tall, slim and willowy with pale silky blond hair, refined features and amber-colored eyes that are faceted (!), unlike anything I have ever seen. She is called Jinda or Junda, Jhinda may be the best spelling, and reminds me of Uma Thurman. Both of them have been with Ted for a long time, and previously worked through Ted’s cousin, who he tells me was named Betty, now recently deceased.

    My guide Jedhi is also present, along with the White Lions, of which the male has green eyes and the female (lioness) has blue eyes. The two lion entities are both white with small manes; the male is called Huhluyah and the female is called Meena. Both are smiling broadly. Astar says we can return to the table at this place and meet with these guides at future times as well when questions can again be presented.

    Ted asks about how we are to begin using the star light elixirs.

    Astar describes knowing Hilarion through advanced work, and reminds us that having brought the star light elixirs into existence has been very important work. Ted is told not to forget to rotate the bottles so that the ones at the center of their storage box are brought to the edges and vice versa. This is humorous since Hilarion had just told us the same thing in our reading only a week ago (no one besides us could have known this obscure fact). Ted’s path has been aided by Samael and Jhinda, and they both will be helpful regarding the star light elixirs, especially Jhinda. Astar says Samael is more Ted’s writing guide, and that Ted will know or find out what to do with the powerful properties of the elixirs, of which there will be various uses. I am shown what is like a piano keyboard that is used to order the elixirs in frequency values.

    Ted asks if he should bring a list of the elixirs he has and get the frequency values for them (?).

    I am told, yes; it’s part of what sound like high frequencies that Ted hears in his head. It would be nice to have something that could generate these sounds that he hears, so people could understand better what he is talking about. Jhinda says it would be a kind of compassionate harp … and to trust our intuitions.

    Ted asks about what Julie’s next book project should be.

    He is told it should be about the long-term relationship Julie has with Abydos in Egypt to reclaim her memories and focus on what she has already learned from going there on numerous past trips.

    Her guides say to sit down everyday and prepare to receive what is still needed to be understood. Have trust that what has been given will make sense and be ready to receive what is yet needed—it will happen if Julie does her part. It is related to the 2nd volume of her book Messengers, that goddesses be used as guides in this new book. But there will be another book for her before the 2nd volume of Messengers—Julie and Ted may enter into this next book together to show how vast the cosmos is.

    MuRaNu then appears … has a floating appearance, not fully 3D but as a form, wearing or made of intense blue, like a long, flowing gown, the shade of which is ice blue … humanoid appearance with eyes of piercing blue, all blue and white … and from Sirius, lived there millions of years ago … now in what is like a High Council … great intelligence and wisdom but not strong on feelings … all mentality. She is willing to be my guide to help access my ancient memories, but her name is actually Mu-Ra-Nu. She says she also works with Hilarion.

    Ted asks, Who is Hilarion … anyway?

    Hilarion has a long history off planet but mastery on Earth … high frequency and very connected with High Councils and willing to work with Earthumans who are drawn to him. Hilarion is energetically more like Mu-Ra-Nu, i.e., not needing a physical representation. Hilarion may be present now, saying to me that Ted has support and love, and yet he doubts … why? Hilarion doesn’t understand why Earthumans don’t get it …

    Ted says, But I don’t really doubt …

    There is something meant here about taking the advice he gave you in the last session rather than proceeding on your prior trajectory.

    Ted asks, What about my house construction project that’s still unfinished?

    Samael says that some ideal houses have already been identified for us, and connections are being made for purchasers of Ted’s current house.

    Ted asks, Where would we be the best location for us to live?

    Pagosa is the best place to start, good for both Julie and you because you have already been happy together there … Jhinda says, much in the world is in flux, and Pagosa is a safe place, like a haven … and a powerful place—our helpers are already moving the chess pieces. Ted should be gentle with himself but prepared to be surprised; he is very well guarded and protected. The move from there will not take as long as he thinks.

    Ted’s final question is, Should we expect a major California earthquake any time soon?

    It will happen eventually but accurate timing is not yet known; better to be going towards a desired goal than avoiding danger. Samael says, listen to Hilarion who says that you two will be coming together with others, connecting with a group of people. Jhinda suggests we ask for the best outcome for needed resources …

    [Julie begins to feel tired and says she is ready to end the session today and soon opens her eyes after a short request for her to return to normal waking consciousness. Then we discuss her and our unusual experiences, now for the second time.]

    *   *   *   *

    As Above, so Below diffraction grating abstract art photo by Ted

    Telepresence Conference 3

    January 26, 2011

    Ted’s long-term guide from the Jon Fox channeling sessions, Hilarion, appears for active participation at the table for the first time as Julie and Ted inquire about their current situations and their earlier contactee experiences as children—which they are told about but don’t remember—and Ted continues with questions about the relationship between their Pleiadians, like Rhi and Phindar, and the ones who contacted Billy Meier. Ursa, Julie’s polar bear and protector companion animal also appears for the first time.


    Conducted & transcribed by Ted, Julie’s portion of the dialogue is set in the Times New Roman typeface (like this). Ted’s questions are set off in separate paragraphs in the Arial typeface (like this). This was the first session done over the telephone with Julie at her house in Pagosa Springs, CO and Ted at his house in Avery, CA. After a brief induction visualization by Ted, Julie begins speaking …

    *   *    *

    I’m in the same place as last time, in the building with the large pentagram-shaped table made of a dark wood like cherry or walnut. It has 5 points, is about 4 feet wide, not so convenient for serving food but is a symbolic shape for me and the guides to sit around, some sitting at a point and others at the gap in between. Ted’s guides are on my left and my guides are on my right as I look around the table. Samael and Jhinda are here to speak to Ted’s issues and … now it looks like Hilarion is also here (!). It is a little difficult to see him … he looks almost like two different beings, a youthful blond and blue-eyed figure and an older man with sharp but attractive and balanced features that span between Gemini & Scorpio. He reminds me of Basil Rathbone as the character of Sherlock Holmes. He obviously has great intelligence, is dressed in white with a silver cape latched by a broach made of a metal probably unknown on Earth. The large broach with the white stone is about 3 inches across, and the stone is an Atlantean crystal. I feel honored and awed by his presence, and he is smiling as I offer thanks for his being present immediately on my left.

    Astar, the ultra-violet light entity, is present on the point at the head of the star-shaped table. On the right are also Ariel, the White Lions, Mu-Ra-Nu and Ursa the white polar bear who acts as protector—it is her energy that is holding the virtual house-room-table together. Jedhi is also present, and it appears we are now ready for questions.

    Ted’s first question is about what they, Julie and Ted, can do to be able to be together in the same place.

    Ariel begins to speak, and I seem to hear her voice. She is wearing a long white gown and a gold chain belt with green stones; her hair is down, and she has a circlet on her head that is the same design as the belt. She is also wearing a long gold necklace. It is a gold chain with a large Emerald cut stone in a pendant. The stone is green, like a green garnet. It is turned on its side to look diamond-shaped rather than rectangular, and the pendant is at least an inch long. She says, Let them get on with it. There will be lots of help, and the timeline can be accelerated, and it is in their best interest to be working on their joint projects together. She makes a sign to signal that we will be delighted with the result.

    Hilarion is smiling and says to Ted to remember, You can’t take it with you … and that there in no need to fear rolling naked in the snow … This relates to the session with Jon where you asked him about finances and timing. Not to worry about anything, but things will happen more quickly than expected … Ariel says, Ted could be in Pagosa by August. He doesn’t need to know how, just trust. The White Lion Meena says, Ted’s idea of regular sessions is right, and we will be doing many more sessions like this one.

    Ted notes that Julie would like to know more about her memories of early ET encounters that may have been suppressed and are now still unavailable to conscious awareness.

    White Lion Huluyah says they (the ETs) have been around since childhood. Julie’s memory of certain things has been adjusted (specific term) but not erased. He says the memories still exist in the Akasha, and if it will do no harm, they can be retransmitted at some future time—just like the Pleiadian transmissions for Ted. Julie needed to have certain experiences in life before the early ET experiences could be integrated because she was just as challenging for collaboration as Billy Meier. Julie’s connection with ETs is primarily from Sirius, according to Mu-Ra-Nu, who is related to the highly evolved crystal people from there. Julie also has Pleiadian lineage, differing from Ted’s and Billy’s, and it was they who contacted her in childhood. Julie and Ted are both part of a genetic reclamation project to upgrade Earth DNA, and there are already thousands of us Earth people who are hybrids who have been cleared for contact whenever it may happen, holding, receiving, handling and remembering the true history of Earth. We will be meeting others—Lindsay is one of them, too. Also, Cary. Julie will be able to remember even though her memories were put on hold earlier. Ted will get his memories back, too.

    Ted continues questioning with Julie’s wish to know something more about the hooded beings she saw as a child.

    Hilarion answers and says that they were from Arcturus and wore hoods so they would not look frightening [?!] and were an early connection between Julie and Ted’s ETs. These Arcturean humanoid ETs may look more like horses. (Julie: Is that right? Ted: I have no idea.) More information about this will be provided on another day. It was believed that Julie would not have taken the visits seriously enough if she had seen the Arcturians directly [?!].

    Ted says that Julie wishes to know more about what she calls night school from about 1958 to 1967.

    She relates that these dates are not right; it was more like 1957-1958 during 7th and 8th grade. This was done by the same Pleiadian guides/family/visitors who were present from early childhood, and it went on for only a year. These entities had big round helmets like scuba or deep-sea diving gear. They must have been transparent from the inside but were opaque from the exterior, like maybe the kind of metal that can be made transparent … These ET visitors were one male and one female. Ariel says, it was the female Rhi who was with the male named Phindar. Julie says he looks like Quetzal,¹ is taller than Rhi, has sandy brown hair, a beard and grey eyes. They are related and know Ted’s lineage and also Semjase. There are more than 100 ET families now making similar contacts with Earthumans and thousands of contactees. Hilarion says, it is about people, many of whom will be drawn to Pagosa later when they hear about our experiences. Hilarion says to tell Ted it isn’t about disco—it’s a different dance, one involving a connection with people in a docu-drama rather than a disco-drama [humor]. Julie and Ted will interview people about their experiences and memories, and Ted will do videos—it will be bigger than he imagines …

    Ted says that Julie’s next question asks if she is in need of de-programming to help recover from fears, uncertainties and doubts, associated with her early contacts.

    Jedhi says, no, her discomfort comes mostly from her own obstinate nature of not wanting to lose any of her memories, and the recovery is already happening now with current events, particularly these sessions that have now started. Since there was no trauma involved initially, all that is now needed is a memory adjustment.

    Ted continues with Julie’s wish to find out if her memories can be restored (?).

    White Lion Meena says, yes, memory should be and is being restored. Julie’s memories that were put offline will be restored. Pleiadian retransmission technology will be used to restore her lost memories.

    Ted’s next question for Julie is whether she can find out more about her connection with the Pleiadians (?).

    Ariel says that the material given today will be sufficient for now and will provide a more peaceful interlude before additional material is given. Julie will be given more evidence that she will notice. Julie notes that Ariel is smiling … it seems to be about the curious incident that the Pleiadian goddesses were mentioned in Julie’s Goddess book [Goddesses for Everyday] for the date of Jan. 28—coincidently, the day Semjase first began her contacts with Billy Meier in 1975.²

    Ted’s next question for Julie is that she would like to know if there are Pleiadians who have worked with her (?).

    Yes, those already mentioned and also Ted’s guides in a project with others in this group who will be investigating their genetics as work with individuals is coordinated. All the individuals involved are known to each other: Semjase and Jhinda are friends; Semjase & Rhi are colleagues; and Semjase & Lysah are also friends. This process in which they have all been involved has been happening for some time in the modern period.

    Ted interjects and asks, Do these Pleiadians still use the base in Switzerland?

    The Swiss base has been moved from its previous location for security reasons to a more remote location in the Northern Alps. There is also an underground base in Alaska, but they mostly operate from their own spacecraft and the Great Spacer in solar orbit. In Alaska the base is associated with Juneau, and there is also a base in South America. The Earth bases are used when walking undetected among Earthumans is desired or needed. The location of the South American base is in Peru.

    Ted asks, What about Wendelle Stevens …?

    Hilarion says, Wendelle suspects he too has Plejaran lineage, and he does have Plejaran DNA. His wife is a great threat, but he is being protected.³

    Ted wants to know if there is any significance to the Jan. 28 date being nearly the 35th anniversary of the first Semjase-Billy contact (?).

    Everyone is smiling now … Meena is grinning and says the significance is about all of us, and the Pleiadian guides wanted to give something that could not be missed or mistaken, getting the message when it came. Julie should perhaps try automatic writing or computer typing to get more details if interested. Julie and Ted can both get more information whenever they might like by using this same technique. Jan. 28 could not have been mistaken as accidental. Again, there is a reference to our experience with Sirius on Jan. 28, 2011.

    Ted’s next question for Julie is to discover if there is a connection between the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades and the Seven Hathors of Egypt (?).

    Hilarion says, as revealed by Semjase, The relationship between the Pleiades and Earth is vast and very old. A lot of trouble was caused by the Giza Intelligences while others were living within higher ideals—they were the Hathors. More can be revealed about it later, through Jon Fox channeling Hilarion, if desired since Jon may wish to write about it. There is also a connection with this subject to China … Note to ask about this in another session.

    Ted relates that Julie would also like to know more about Rhi.

    White Lion Meena is smiling now because Julie has the intuition that Rhi had put in the Jan. 28 day for the Pleiades. She has been a guide for some time, and Julie should trust that her dreams are actual memories. Rhi will reveal more of herself … maybe on the 28th. Wow (!), did she ever, including the dream …

    Ted asks Julie’s final question that she would like to know if there is any easy or obvious way to improve the transmission process (?).

    We are doing very well! Everyone is happy. Julie and Ted should set a time for a weekly or twice-weekly session—same time and day of week. Hilarion says he likes to work on Wednesdays, so is happy to attend then.

    [Shortly, Julie states she is ready to end today’s session and soon returns to her normal attitude after a short count down to prepare her to open her eyes. We then discuss our experiences.]

    *   *   *   *


    1. … from Billy Meier’s Contact Notes [Message from the Pleiades, 2nd ed., 2013].

    2. See further description in Julie’s Daybook below about the Sirius incident on the evening of Jan 28th.

    3. They all appear not to have heard that Wendelle Stevens died on Sept. 7, 2010 at the age of 87.

    4. The significance will be described further in the Supplementary Synchronicities following.


    Supplementary Synchronicities

    Commentary by Ted

    This was the first long distance phone session with me at home in California and Julie at her house in Colorado, but it went remarkably well with J’s speaker phone near her prone position on the bed and me with a phone in one hand and my pen in the other, racing on a note pad to keep up with her spoken dialogue. The first big surprise here is the appearance of Hilarion as one of my guides and Julie’s fascinating impression of his appearance. The other ETs in the cast of characters are also quite interesting in appearance as well as persona. The nature of what is happening to us in this investigation is just beginning to dawn on me, the convergence of many life-time threads from childhood into a common discovery of our roots from lifetimes on other planets in other star systems as revealed by some of our own ET family who have been following us, to begin to make this revelation possible, along with some small number of other contactees like us around the world.

    In the earliest stages of these unusual situations we have been experiencing for some years which we tend to call synchronicities—unusually meaningful simultaneous events that nonetheless could only be related in some strange and seemingly unknowable way. Then things take a turn towards being even more targeted and oddly enhanced, and we wonder what could possibly be going on. Finally events begin to reveal themselves far beyond our wildest imaginings, and we realize that we are in a very complex convergence of revelations in which we have a collaborative role to play that has been kept hidden from us until we have been able to grow into it and show that we are ready to accept the tentative offer and share our experiences with others whose time will also begin to draw closer …

    We are naturally grateful for these beyond exciting experiences that have already shown us so much of what, only recently, would have left us shaking our heads, and which now we embrace with renewed dedication because it is just so amazing. As, for example, when I caught a fleeting glimpse of the Pleiades constellation out the window through a break in the overhead tree line from Julie’s car as we were driving up to her house on my first visit, which seemed really delightful. But a little later as we were sitting on the love seat in her living room, and we both saw the same Pleiades Constellation framed almost perfectly in the triangular glass panel high in the gable end wall, we were surprised and almost shocked by the unlikely (impossible?) re-appearance of such an obviously magnified image from that perspective.

    But it didn’t stop there, which would have certainly been interesting enough, but events continued to transpire such that the next day (if I recall accurately) Julie noticed that there was a very unusual fragrance in the vicinity of her living room love seat that she had never noticed before. At first I thought she was just being romantic or dramatic, but when I went over to that side of the living room, I too noticed a very strong and unusual fragrance that I had never remembered smelling before. As I looked around the area, trying to imagine that it must be coming from some unusual stick of incense or packaging or … something I could see, I was soon stumped because there was nothing except the fragrance and only in that small area. What was it? My curiosity had been engaged but provided no explanation. It was quite a lovely floral fragrance but also rather heavy and quite fresh. It made me think of reports by the old Theosophists and psychics of similar mysterious fragrances manifested, they believed, by the Masters, but this was happening in our own personal space in which we were the only attendees. It pushed us and forced us to get beyond the moorings of our ordinary expectations. It was a preparatory step.

    Finally, as we have more recently made a series of small personal breakthroughs in realizing that we might ourselves be able to contact some form of higher intelligence to help us try to understand some of the events that

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