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Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1: A Suggestion of Mythology
Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1: A Suggestion of Mythology
Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1: A Suggestion of Mythology
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Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1: A Suggestion of Mythology

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RAP is an unbiased look into foundation myths. Upon investigation, the author has discovered , a connection to ancient Ethiopia, India, and Egypt. Quite simply , RAP asserts that a one universal belief system , that through the corruptions of these foundation myths, to be the root cause of all world misery.
Release dateMar 23, 2015
Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1: A Suggestion of Mythology

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    Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1 - Ken Peters


    Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12: 7

    Myths, or fables, are essentially easily understood stories, designed to teach a moral lesson.

    Post flood foundation myths are the structure upon which major monotheistic religions rests. A basic understanding of these myths embroidered and passed down as literal truth is necessary if humanity is to avoid its own annihilation.

    One function of myths, which were never meant to be taken literally, is to provide a common heritage for diverse cultures.

    An example would be the deeply embedded frontier myth of Manifest Destiny, where industrious work ethic a greatness of Anglo Saxon America; this much is worthy of emulation by all.

    Contrast this with the Calvinist religious right, which divides the world into the objectionable doctrine of the economic "survival of the fittest’?

    Now the question remains, to what extent of government involvement for its citizen’s welfare?

    For sure, rabid critics will accuse RAP itself of, perverse economic prescriptions, hardly the case, as RAP is much averse to the fallacious.

    Basically , since time immemorial, the suggestive nature of symbolism enshrouded in myths, has been used to justify slavery , the subjugation of women, mass genocide, and the theft of resources , through murderous wars by a predatory Master race mythology.

    The central idea then, is a matter of revealing the hijacking of ancient myths by chauvinistic religious nationalists, which if left unchecked, will result in manipulated civil strife, and avoidable global nuclear skirmish.

    From the beginning, the concepts of Liberalism and Conservatism are thus shown to be the battle of supremacy between the socialistic, matriarchal, hence ‘evil goddess worship of dark black, brown, red, and ruddy‘races; versus the materialistic, patriarchal sky gods of the post flood European, hence Japhetic and Shemitic civilizations.

    RAP clearly asserts then from human kind infancy, the suggestive nature of religious texts has been used to justify socio-pathological material empire building.

    Political terms like left or right, are shown then to align themselves with ancient religious interpretations of Divinity.

    This battle restated, is the belief in the inherent goodness of humanity, versus the idea of man as god; where the revealed word of god is entrusted to a patriarchal royal priesthood, who then send the vain glorious youth off to war.

    On the political Right, we have the Neoconservatives, and the supposed inferiority of the emotion based Left, and its idea of the Spiritual Hermaphroditic, i.e., hence feminine Gnostic intuitive way of knowing.

    In the myth of Cain and Abel, the subject of cannibalism is thinly disguised. In a technocracy as ours that concerns itself with ecological matters, food and water "crises. vaccinations, sterilizations, mass incarcerations, and political’ gulag style ‘disappearing are of grave concern.

    Now as a caveat, RAP cites it is a grave error to lump the well meaning in with the dubious philanthropic, whose underlying aim is depopulation of Third World Countries.

    Regarding the latter RAP refers the cynical to references to documents such as National Security Memorandum 200.

    Indeed worldwide civilizations, relinquish personal freedoms, for the security that the collective promises. To paraphrase a popular seventies rock tune, the new world order, is just like the old.

    In an endeavor such as ours then, when exposing repressed ideas to the light of reason, reactionary tendencies will undoubtedly occur.

    RAP makes no pretensions to being a religion or selfish secular psychology; although it does make ample use of religion and psychology.

    Referencing the glossary is the main key to decoding RAP, and what remains is of historical investigation.

    A problem in doing theology based reconstructions, aside from proving ones case by a preferred text, is a matter of historical imprecision. Suffice it to say, that the most RAP can do is direct attention towards the overlooked founders of monotheism, Hamitic India, Egypt, and Ethiopia.

    Nomadic immigrants, often travelled to promised lands, in an attempt to escape disease and famine, look for work and an overall better way of life. These same disenfranchised immigrants forged a common identity through the construction of symbolic writings.

    In these myths or stories, the common struggle of everyday people were essentially disguised and transferred unto a legendary archetypal hero or deity.

    Myths then provided a point of reference from the storyteller’s perspective. RAP is a tool then for deciphering these stories.

    In RAP speak, deformed religious foundation myths are the bacillus by which ignorance is spread. RAP calls itself a Suggestion of Mythology, as it hopes to return these myths to their suggestive state without partiality.

    By removing the superimposition or layers of religious dogma, RAP hopes to yield to its reader a hope in a more common future

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