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Internet Generation (English)
Internet Generation (English)
Internet Generation (English)
Ebook344 pages5 hours

Internet Generation (English)

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This book is written with the intent and hope to be able to show that there is a totally new kind of people inheriting the planet. Why it is so is explained through the knowledge that Marshall McLuhan presented in the 1960-ties with his message “The Media is the Message”. His books sells today more than ever before and that it is the Internet Generation that reads them there shouldn't be any doubt about. That it is ordinary people and especially the young generation that he direct himself to is also obvious.
The book is trying to show some of the present problems this generation has to fight. The book shows the fight that is already going on directed by the Internet Generation Tribe. To get a grip about today’s losing Super Power I believe that you must to take a look at its history and I have picked the history of the “Domino Theory” that covers in large up to today. They are still the same players, the trans-national companies owned by the one (1) percent of the planets population.
I haven't mentioned anything about the transformation of the power that is now moving into the hands of China but also India. There are many books on the subject and I am sure that the Internet Generation is quite aware about what is going on. The Internet Generation is not just knowledgeable on electronic equipments but have an incredible sense for processes. Any process they just feel and do not get hanged up in sequential information storing – the use it to reveal processes. And the younger they are – the faster it goes. More than 50 percent of the planets population is today below 25 years of age. And the old, what McLuhan calls, the literary generation, is getting lesser for every day. Soon the big change will come.
The book is partly built on my bicycling throw the Western part of Europe while living as the Internet Generation lives – in the streets. Never went to a camping and never went to a hotel. Free camping. Free camping is a legal right in my country and is named “All Mans Right”. Everybody have the freedom to be on any land, any time. But freedom also means respect of everyone else' freedom to clean air, water, silence and personal space.
I started to travel in 2007 and after some years I clearly saw that this new generation were the same wherever I came, in Europe, north Africa, South-East Asia or Latin America. They easily connect with each other and after just a few minutes the have a project going on, a computer game or in search for something on the Internet. They have a common language, English, and they all live in the same village “The Global Village”.

Release dateMay 8, 2015
Internet Generation (English)

Håkan Anderberg

Född 1951, uppväxt i Malmö på "motorvägen" som gick genom staden, Nobelvägen. Lämnade hemmet vid 15-års ålder för att bo på ett pojkhem tills han kunde "klara sig själv", alltså två år senare. Levde vid sidan om samhället under ett antal år där han klarade sig ganska väl på brottslighet, tills han av en händelse började studera på kvällstid. En dom på två års fängelse 1977 för hantering av haschish satte tillfälligt stopp för hans studier. Efter att avslutat gymnasiet med glans började han 1980 att studera på Tekniska Högskolan i Lund inom civilingenjörskonsten. Efter fyra års studier och fullbordad matematik gjorde regelsystemet för lån att han fick ge upp.Han kom ovetandes i kontakt med de som startade upp Scientologi rörelsen i Sverige. Man var nu verksam inom klädbranschen vilket man inte haft någon större succe med förrän Anderberg blev delaktig. På kort tid öppnades den första butiken vilken följdes av ett antal andra med olika ägare över landet. Ernst-Hugo Järegård blev involverad på reklamsidan och när allt fungerade började fusket, vilket gjorde att samarbetet avbröts.Under hippie-åren blev det en hel del resande i länder med anknytning till hippiekulturen, dvs i länder där haschish och marijuana var lätt att införskaffa. Från slutet av 80-talet blev det resande till den amerikanska kontinenten och i första hand till Sydamerika och Brasilien. Han kom först till Rio de Janeiro på Copacabana där han blev accepterad av en grupp prostituerade som han levde med i drygt ett halvt år. Därefter gav han sig upp till norra Brasilien, till Fortaleza, där han har bott från och till i fyra år. Han gifte sig 1989 i Fortaleza och fick sitt första och enda barn 1991. Barnet föddes och växte upp i Sverige.2007 återvände han till Fortaleza och blev oerhört besviken över vad man gjort med staden. 4.000 skyskrapor hade byggts på 15 år. Anderberg som jobbat med gatubarn tidigare då han bodde i Fortaleza såg nu att problemen växt ytterligare då han återkom under 2007. Tidigare var barnen hungriga nu var de drabbade av turismen.Efter att varit långtidarbetslös i flera år insåg han att den politik som skulle föras i Sverige efter den borgerliga Alliansen fått makten skulle ta ifrån honom hans sista värdighet som medborgare och bestämde sig därför att göra ett försök att leva, än en gång utanför samhället, men också utanför ett kriminellt liv.De besparingar som fanns medgav ett liv på 11 US dollar per dag, i 3.330 dagar, drygt nio år. Den 17 mars 2012 hade halva den tiden gått. Nästan omedelbart efter han lämnat Sverige började han skriva och publicerade den första boken 2012. Ytterligare två böcker finns i bagaget och kommer förmodligen att färdigställas det närmsta året, beroende på om han kan hitta en plats där han kan skriva i lugn och ro.Under åren har han levt i flera olika länder och lärt känna folket och deras kultur. När han åter började resa 2007 efter över femton års uppehåll kände han inte igen världen och bestämde sig för att ta reda på varför det ser ut som det gör idag. Medan han läste in material som rekommenderats av andra långtidsresenärer och människor som lever utanför det ordinarie samhället började han skriva om de erfarenheter han dragit ur sitt tidigare liv. Efter att gått igenom en mängd material hittade han till sist fram till trovärdiga källor som han använde sig av för att skriva den första boken.Kunskapen om vårt samhälle har han fått genom att uppleva verkligheten från platser där ordinarie människor aldrig satt sin fot, varken längst ner eller högst upp. Omedvetet har han följt det C-G Jung skrev långt tidigare:In 1912, Jung argued that scholarliness was insufficient if one wanted to become a "knower of the human soul." To do this, one had to "hang up exact science and put away the scholar's gown, to say farewell to his study and wander with human heart through the world, through the horror of prisons, mad houses and hospitals, through drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling dens, through the salons of elegant society, the stock exchanges, the socialist meetings, the churches, the revivals and ecstasies of the sects, to experience love, hate and passion in every form in one's body"

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    Internet Generation (English) - Håkan Anderberg


    Håkan Anderberg

    Copyright Håkan Anderberg, May 2015.

    Published at Smashwords.

    All rights reserved.

    Previous published books:

    TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Free Market Has Soon Turned 99 % Of Us Into Miserables





    CHAPTER 4 Marshall McLuhan and the Internet.




    This book is written with the intent and hope to be able to show that there is a totally new kind of people inheriting the planet. Why it is so is explained through the knowledge that Marshall McLuhan presented in the 1960-ties with his message The Media is the Message. His books sells today more than ever before and that it is the Internet Generation that reads them there shouldn't be any doubt about. That it is ordinary people and especially the young generation that he direct himself to is also obvious.

    The book is trying to show some of the present problems this generation has to fight. The book shows the fight that is already going on directed by the Internet Generation Tribe. To get a grip about todays losing Super Power I believe that you must to take a look at its history and I have picked the history of the Domino Theory that covers in large up to today. They are still the same players, the trans-national companies owned by the one (1) percent of the planets population.

    I haven't mentioned anything about the transformation of the power that is now moving into the hands of China but also India. There are many books on the subject and I am sure that the Internet Generation is quite aware about what is going on. The Internet Generation is not just knowledgeable on electronic equipments but have an incredible sense for processes. Any process they just feel and do not get hanged up in sequential information storing – the use it to reveal processes. And the younger they are – the faster it goes. More than 50 percent of the planets population is today below 25 years of age. And the old, what McLuhan calls, the literary generation, is getting lesser for every day. Soon the big change will come.

    The book is partly built on my bicycling throw the Western part of Europe while living as the Internet Generation lives – in the streets. Never went to a camping and never went to a hotel. Free camping. Free camping is a legal right in my country and is named All Mans Right. Everybody have the freedom to be on any land, any time. But freedom also means respect of everyone else' freedom to clean air, water, silence and personal space.

    I started to travel in 2007 and after some years I clearly saw that this new generation were the same wherever I came, in Europe, north Africa, South-East Asia or Latin America. They easily connect with each other and after just a few minutes the have a project going on, a computer game or in search for something on the Internet. They have a common language, English, and they all live in the same village The Global Village.

    Libong Beach Resort, Libong Island in May 2015."



    To get from Charles de Gaulle to Paris by bicycle is impossible. Like many other airports they have excluded that possibility. Several airlines has also recently introduced a fee for transporting a bicycle. Sports equipment it's called. Before the free market economy was a tacit agreement that whoever rode bicycles didn't pay, on flights, ferries, trains or buses. As long as they had a place for it. There is an end to that now, the end of being fair. Fair to poor travelers so they also can get out from their hard daily life. On some ferries it can cost 50 dollars to bring a bicycle?

    The taxi drivers at the airport gave me the hint to take a train a few stops to get away a bit cheaper. Riding a bicycle on the highway could end up in a fine of several hundred euros, and since I did not know if they would let me go with a bill or seize the bike, I chose the train. I got help with the bike and packing by a young man who asked if I could help him with some money? He gave an impression of not being poor, but in his eyes there were something that told me he was in need of the money. I gave him 50 cent which he thanked for. At each station he rose and gave people help with their bags, boxes, handicap equipment or what ever. He obviously earned his living on it? That is totally against the free market economy idea. Volunteering help - both ways? Win-Win situation. The free market economy is build on the premise that nobody helps nobody. Everything has to be paid for, because that is how the human being function? That is why private rescuing companies get pissed of when the Red Cross or other charity organizations helps people voluntarily?

    It was not yet twelve but outside the bars were full motion. The alcohol bonded. Rugged and bearded with a white stare in their eyes showed that the craving for a drink was on. A long day had just started. An occasional gypsy slid around in the surroundings.

    Everybody responds correctly, with a slightly trembling voice, and a cracked smile when I ask for directions. Everybody wanted to help a foreigner who was on a Velo. Everyone loved the Bicycle and Tour de France was an annual celebration. The Tour had many good memories for everyone.

    I rode through an almost empty Champs-Elysée, where I four years earlier stood with my son to see the final stage of the Tour. Today it was probably holiday otherwise the traffic would have been worse? It takes time to find Citie the Universite, where I am suppose to spend the night.

    I am member in the cycling organization, Warm Shower. A hot shower and bed for free. Totally against what the free market economy represent, but not yet illegal. It takes some time to find the place but as a reward I get invited to dinner. A biodynamic dish with an organic wine?

    The woman, in her thirties, tells me she is working in a cooperative that sells health products, but in the new economy it doesn't function very well? Private interests want to buy the whole business and some members want to take the opportunity to enrich themselves while it's still time, while others want to hold on to the cooperative idea. The cooperative had been forced by the free-market ideas to expand by minimizing the members salaries.

    She is upset about the world we live in. Lives in a small two-room apartment with her boyfriend who is out celebrating something. The apartment is part of something called social housing which means small apartments at low rent. The rent is 670 euro/month, but given the size, it is not so low? She agrees but points out that we are in Paris, or in the outskirts of Paris?

    I suppose it is the same construction company that builds these homes as every other? It provides perhaps less money to those who own the big companies (but the difference is probably paid by the taxpayers?).

    Before I cycle on the next morning, I get some suggestions for cooperatives in France where I can live and work. Halfway to the next warm shower-place arrives a happy surprise. When I stop to take a picture of a field of sunflowers, I see that the grass is in full bloom? And I have not even thought about it? Sure, my nose is little swollen but the eyes do not itch; it means that Manfred managed to cure me!

    I had known Manfred almost a year before I by accident mentioned my grass pollen allergy? I told him, I was healed in my thirties with the help of something called ear acupuncture but after fifteen years it had slowly come back. I thought then that Western medicine has made progress and was able to cure me, but despite dangerous and for society very expensive injections for five years - no result.

    Manfred looked at me and said Why haven't you told me about that earlier? I have been working with ear acupuncture for ten years, in Germany. I was pretty sure putting the needles right. ... Well, we have to find some needles and then I'll show you where to put them. You'll probably get better before you get to Europe, you'll see.

    Now I stood in an ocean of grass pollen and felt nothing ... Finally free again!

    (In Germany you find the method everywhere and the treatment is cheap.)

    At half past seven in the evening I reached Romily sur Seine about 120 km south-east of Paris. There the next surprise was waiting. I'll meet an American! Them I've been searching for during my five years traveling?

    I have always traveled or lived in different places in the world except when I raised my child, children have no need to travel. If you were in Afghanistan or Copenhagen, there were Americans and they were never afraid to take initiative. As deserters from the Vietnam War they had status in a world that spoke of peace and change. Bob Dylan, Jimmi Hendrix and Janis Joplin gave expression for a new America was coming.

    Now I understood what the American leaders realized much earlier - that one could not have a military based on conscription. After the Vietnam War the army was no longer built on conscription but on employed military personnel.

    Jeff and Lise fostered the children in Canada and when that was over they moved back to Lise's parents house in France. The bountiful American attitude, together with the French, made me stay for two months. Two lovely months with great food and good wine from the wine cellar's wide range. We renovated the house together and during the breaks I took care of the garden while Jeff was working with the translation of French documents. There was never any fuss, a give and take, as always with the Americans, that generation of Americans.

    Lise who suffered a stroke a year earlier had terrible cramps at night. Except the nights she – had smoked a joint. Many movies and much laughter it was. It felt like the 60's was back?

    On a rainy morning in late July, I went so of to the south. Lyon was set as the first stage, a week or so to travel. When I was halfway, I met a bunch of German teenagers who were on their way to Spain. They came on their bicycles in the evening when it started to get dark and I invited them to settle down. They free-camped like me and soon we found each other in the sign of anarchism. They were on the way to Barcelona to meet other like-minded groups. To participate in campaigns against the injustice.

    I spoke with them about the German Pirate Party's success in the municipal elections and wondered what they thought about the Pirate Party as an idea?

    The idea was good but it had been abandoned to a big extent in order to gain more public votes. It was turning into a regular party. They knew that the Swedish Pirate Party protects the Pirate Bay servers?

    The old world, who previous days profited on slave contracts with artists, had managed to get the Swedish juridical system to condemn the founders of PirateBay to prison and huge payment for damages. (1) The judgment is questionable according to several legal experts – and that the court's president was not considered a having personal interest in the case is very strange.

    For computing, piracy has meant an incredible development rate. How many people would have had access to a computer if they were not able to pirate Microsoft products? Linux that works with open source is now about to take over. A few years ago the multinational cartels tried to get the EU to restrict the Internet. But was stopped by the people's protests. The politicians then voted down the proposal. Without the pressure of the people it would never happened!

    My newfound anarchist friends, between 20 and 22 years has a warm heart and a great deal of knowledge. They belong to the generation that have fascinated me the past few years - The Internet Generation. A generation that has already changed the world fundamentally.

    I had the last few days cycled from Romily sur Seine via Troyes down through the Champagne district and was now in Burgundy. Old railway embankments currently served as wonderful cycle paths. Paths that went along rivers and canals and were excellent for overnight because there was water nearby. What a wonderful cycling country!

    The cows looked wide-eyed where they were grazing in a green landscape picture. I stayed for a few days by the river, laying in the hammock and reading all day long. The water were crucial for how long I could stay. Wash and bath in the river was ok. The four and a half liters of water was just enough for a two days cooking and drinking. Still I didn't dare to leave my newly purchased 100 euro tent unattended to fetch drinking water. I had invested some of the money I earned with Jeff in a high quality tent. Still not tested in rain or storm, but it was coming. I still had many kilometers left before my trip was over. At the moment the sun was shining in full swing. Perfect for cycling, speed wind fanned nicely.

    Everywhere you turned there were vineyards but also sprayed protests in the asphalt through which I understood that it was not entirely safe around there. The protesters called to stop the spraying of wine fields with pesticides and warned for getting cancer from it. Monsanto's name popps up here and there. The company who withholds from us important information and their policy threatens our world in its fundamental levels? Genetically modified crops (GMOs) that promises to save us from starvation caused by the coming population explosion. Their products are said to provide much higher yields, but it is not true? Nothing of what Monsanto says seems to be true?

    But the bookkeeping is probably right?

    Their activities seems to be entirely built on lies and has been so since the business started over a hundred years ago. In the 1920s Monsanto started to manufacture PCB, in the sixties Agent Orange and many other herbicides which was topped by Roundup in the 70s. Today Monsanto has taken control of virtually the entire industry that deals with seeds. They have gained control of the politicians who in their turn has approved (GMOs) as natural products in many countries.

    Knowledge that farmers built up over thousands of years by saving and improving local varieties of seed Monsanto furiously tries to destroy. Seeds that can withstand local natural climate fluctuations. Monsanto, along with some relatively minor but still big players have taken over the seed market. The result is that India's 1,500 different kinds of rice and USAs more than 7,000 (?) different kind of apple today are only about a dozen left of each. Much is probably forever lost. Thousand of years and trillion of man hours work lost forever.

    In the ancient cultures and in the farming community it was the role of women to be responsible for the seed. It was the most important task of all. A wrong decision could mean hard times and starvation at the worst. The woman's brain works primarily with the holographic brain that can take into account more parameters than the man who normally rely on the linear side of the brain. Experience shows that the women made the best decisions in this difficult task, and the men in providing the staple food, such as fishing. When there were an excess of goods it could be sold or exchanged for something else.

    In Monsanto's track pops up so called scandals. More correct is to classify it as murder, due to deliberate concealment of facts meant that people become fatally ill. Not one or two persons but entire communities.

    Monsanto embrace myths and use them to scare people with. The population explosion is such a myth that many institutions and companies use in their propaganda.

    Hans Roslin Professor of Public Health have shown that the population explosion has ceased. Today is born 2.4 children per woman in the world and that is no explosion! In the United States there are more daughters born per woman than in Bangladesh. Since 1990 there is born less children every year than the year before. The increase of newborn children has completely stopped, but that is not anything we hear about? Those who own the information channels want for some reason that we should believe in the population explosion. Are we easier to control then? With scaremongering! Do we lean more towards Big Brother then? Yes, unfortunately it is probably true, this misinformation technique has been used a long time, first in the United States and then worldwide.

    MONSANTO (2)

    Monsanto started as a chemical company about 100 years ago. Today it's traces is all over the planet. The entire globe has been poisoned, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. First PCB and then DDT. Their effects on the environment is well documented and mainly known to cause cancer.

    Monsanto has always shown in laboratory tests what good products they have. Always! It has taken a bit longer for us to find out that they Always adapted the tests after the results they wanted to achieve. For example they use the adult rats that would die a natural death. If they had used young rats they would have had the time to develop cancer. They hide the negative and use whatever means necessary against those who reveal their lies or in some other way criticizes the company. Officials use revolving doors between Monsanto and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA is responsible for the safety of food and medicine in the United States. (And is today a private company.)

    The FDA decided in 1992 (after a government decision ?) that genetically engineered food (GMO) do not need any special laws but can be regulated under the laws applicable to regular food. FDA is forced to follow a political decision without any scientific basis, and one wonders how they can complete their mission? What has put in use is a widely accepted principle that the end product of GMO and non-GMO is as nutrition equivalent. It is called the Principle of Substantial Equivalence. Politicians across the world agree immediately that this principle can be used, while it is questioned and rejected by GMO opponents. FDA defends the principle with which translates to generally accepted as safe or Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). But to do that requires a large amount of public examinations so that scientific consensus can be achieved. There is not even enough background material to take such a decision. No experience whatsoever?

    Today, Monsanto has taken full control of a large portion of the world's food? The linchpin is an herbicide that kills all vegetation - Roundup.

    Many countries that do not accept GMO crops will get GMO seeds across its borders by trafficking in unmarked sacks. The harvest of GMOs will then be sold and planted in those countries. When the countries sells mixed GMO and Non-GMO product , for example, to the EU then soon a test will reveal that there is GMO in the crop. EU laws stop buying since GMO is not allowed in EU. To get control and be able to distinguish GMO from non-GMO, the country is finally forced to accept GMO.

    Next step for Monsanto will be to seize control of the whole market. The tool they have is Roundup. Roundup kills all vegetation with one exception - GMOs. Installations for the cultivation of GMOs requires large investments and a lot of land. The extreme change that occurs when GMOs is approved means that ordinary farmers will soon be wiped out. Their crops will wilt down when Roundup is spread on the large-scale fields around. The local farmers plantations that is primarily for the local food market will suddenly be without products. When GMOs takes over – other crops will be destroyed. People will literally starve in a green desert of GMO soybeans or pig feed corn.

    Another way for Monsanto to destroy local crops and take over the market is by infiltration of genetic material from GM crops into the natural crops by wind pollination. If not detected, it will be sown again. The seed that has been genetically modified has also become genetically addicted to herbicides and chemical fertilizers and can in the end not grow without those chemicals. History show us that Nature will challenge and attack a plant that has become dependent on chemicals. Without the genetic diversity the crop will in the end be lost. If not before, it will be a fact when oil becomes too expensive to be used for manufacturing fertilizers and insecticides. The oil's molecular diversity has long been used to produce cheap fertilizers and pesticides. But we have nothing that can replace oil. The kind of crops that Monsanto use today will not be available in the future. Machine handled crops. We will probably lose soybeans as a protein source but it can be replaced. We will become vegetarians in the near future. There is no other option. Meat production will be over with meaning soybeans will not be that necessary.

    Genetically modified maize is undoubtedly the near future problem particularly in Mexico. The Mexican corn with thousands of varieties has already deteriorate because the American state-subsidized GMO corn. Trade agreement with the United States means that you can not stop the importation of GM maize as food, and as many of all these tiny grains will grow up and spread their genetic material with the wind; the pollution is today already a fact, a scandal – a planned scandal. Cereals planted for thousands of years is going to disappear from man's kitchen when the oil runs out. Wheat, barley or rye is nothing we will grow in the future because the lack of oil will put a stop to it, regardless of GMOs. Bread will be a luxury in the near future.

    In 2013, Japan and Korea stopped its purchases of American GM-wheat, and that led to American farmers began to sue Monsanto. Through its channels in the White House Monsanto got President Obama to issue a decree that said; no one can sue Monsanto in lower courts. If you want to sue it will be costly!

    On June 13, 2013, The United States Supreme Court, decided with 9-0 that you can not patent human genes. You can not patent Life. For thirty years, American companies have patented thousands of genes. The company who had the patent on the gene that is involved in breast cancer lost that patent. For several years the company had stopped independent scientific research due to its monopoly on the gene. No other company had even the right to examine patients to find out if they carried the gene. Not without paying huge sums to the Company who had the patent! A survey that would cost a few dollar now costing thousands of dollars for people who wanted to know if they carried the gene. That's what patents many times leads to ...

    Monsanto plans to genetically manipulate other crops and must be stopped. Wind pollinated plants will otherwise be lost. Thousands of years of work will be lost. One of the greatest heritage from the monks who breed all varieties in fruit and the farmer-women who for several thousand of years developed the character of the seed to be able to survive in all kind of climate - almost.

    Monsanto has been behind PCB, Agent Orange, Aspartame and growth hormone Bovine or rBGH for cows. Just to mention some of the disasters. Monsanto associates are well trained liars. The world's pension funds, large investment groups and the American government supports this Spectacle firmly.

    It has been known for long time that Roundup affects the function that controls cell division - several independent studies have shown destabilization in cell division - and that leads to what we call cancer. Roundup is sprayed worldwide – like DDT was (partly still is).


    Yes, toxic sprayed wine along with many other products we put into our system. How does this affect our future? The future of our Internet Generation ? No one really knows? It's similar to the Monsantos testing of their products on laboratory rats? Until today we have only tested what happens to the adult material but soon we will know what happens to the children. More and more people, perhaps especially among the young in the West have begun to take an interest in what they eat. The Anarchists from Germany were, with one exception vegans. In northern Sweden, 25% of the young generation are vegans or vegetarians. McDonalds can't establish in the north of Sweden because Military Vegans put fire to their restaurants ?!

    One and a half billion of the worlds population agriculture in the same way as they always have. They do not use the oil produced pesticides and fertilizers. That gives some hope after all. Not for the West but for the World.

    In southern Burgundy I come to Cluny. The heat is difficult, so I sit down at the train station a few hours after being bathed and filled up my water by the cool water from the pump I continue. It's afternoon and soon I get to a tunnel that is almost a mile long? Cycling back and forth a few times cools me of.

    All of a sudden the river Saône is there. A huge tourist hotel in the shape of a giant barge glides past when I realize that I've entered a dead end road. I ask two ladies who comes out from a restaurant. They are from England and they tell me that they have spent their holidays in the area since many years ago. But they do not have a clue how I am going to continue? We talk about how bad England is and how good France is? But it's late, in about one hour the sun will disappear so we say farewell.

    I lose track and have to go in and out of Mâcon twice. The problem is that there is no road along the river and I get farther and farther away from it - and no place where I can put up the tent? Vineyards and fields everywhere all over. It's getting dark when I pass something that appears to be a boarding school for girls? They wave and call. In desperation I'll take the first best path to the right - in the direction of the river? And I am absolutely right! A few meters from the river I put up the tent and soon the lentil soup and smoked sausage colors the surroundings in the dark. No moon and not a single mosquito. I wash me of in the dark river with the help of the liter measure I got in India when I learned to wash myself instead of using toilet paper. How little we really knows?

    The next day it feels quite hot but in the shade under the trees it is cool. Nature has carved out two terrace-like plateaus by the riverside. There's even a back support if I want but most time is spend in the hammock. One hundred meter long cargo barges and tourist hotels barges pass by. A collection of smaller of boats pass in review during the day and we wave cheerfully to each other.

    The only thing that really disturbs the paradise is that other people who have been camping before had not brought a shovel to dig toilet-hole? Toilet paper lays under the bushes here and there, and even though you do not see any direct tracks it doesn't feel particularly comfortable? The day disappears rapidly and the water is enough for more lentils, and coffee. The next day I should arrive to Lyon? It's only fifty km ahead.

    I companion an elderly French gentleman the next morning. We exchange a lot of information with the few French words I picked up on the road together with mimes and a good sense of expressing the words. The man told me he lost a daughter 32 years ago, and his wife died before the age of fifty. He then remarried with a woman from Morocco twenty years ago. He had three children from his first marriage that he was in good contact with. But he missed the child that he lost. His eyes is filled with tears when he think of her and their fight against the cancer. She became only sixteen.

    I show my little photo album that I have had with me since I started traveling and he can see my joy when I talk about my son. We fully agree on that when the Woman comes into our lives, it's definitely the end of freedom. So when we a few minutes later pass by a bridal couple being photographed by the river, the man shout; Catastrophe, Catastrophe ...

    We laugh heartily until we sadly separates a little further down

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