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Schokolade für Soulmates
Schokolade für Soulmates
Schokolade für Soulmates
Ebook50 pages31 minutes

Schokolade für Soulmates

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Mit diesem Büchlein möchte ich allen, die bisher noch keine Antworten auf ihre Fragen gefunden haben, ein Stück weit ihren Weg begleiten und bereiten.
Es lag mir sehr am Herzen, da ich auch nach einem Jahrzehnt immer wieder darauf stoße, dass Menschen ihre Seelenpartner gefunden haben, oder jemand ganz besonderes getroffen, und sich nicht sicher ist ob es ein Seelenpartner, Seelenzwilling ist oder jemand aus seiner Seelenfamilie.
Da mir bis heute auch immer wieder ins Auge springt und zu Ohren kommt, wie sehr viele von Euch während einer solchen Beziehung leiden, war es mir wichtig, aus meinen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen heraus zu erklären, warum es solche Beziehungen gibt und wie man lernen kann mit ihnen umzugehen.
Release dateDec 17, 2013
Schokolade für Soulmates

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Reviews for Schokolade für Soulmates

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Real good read, I love the way they get marked. I couldn't stop reading, it was so intriguing to put it down. Love this series.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The kindest thing I can say is that this book had words on pages that almost always made complete sentences.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am not someone who enjoys paranormal but I did enjoy this one. Not too gory and somewhat believable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't read much YA but this was good. Although much of it is world-building for the books that come later, enough happens to keep it interesting and entertaining. There's good depth to the characters, too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book - but lost interest five or so books into the series. If you haven't tried the series but are looking for a new YA paranormal romance series, be aware that this one might get old pretty fast. After a while, the plots got pretty repetitive and made it not even worth the effort of keeping up with the new releases. The series started out pretty good though.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome!! Loved it!!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Trash, really. I couldn't for the life of me identify at all with the main character. In fact, none of the characters were particularly engaging. And I'm not a Christian, but I don't like how Christianity was vilified. The way Paganism was portrayed was cliched and laughable. Also demeaned in the book were overweight people and men. This is one of the worst books that I have read in a long time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love the universe introduced in this book, and my only real complaint is that this is another case where my library didn't have the next books in the series, and I only just got my hands on the following books. That being said, it's a very different version of the vampire story, taking part in a similar universe to our own.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Surprising in it's ability to keep me engaged. I liked it, but was thrown and often exasperated by the way the protagonist thought and spoke--not that she was perplexing, but the brand names and mini-lectures about stupid sheep high schoolers, drugs and alcohol was... odd. But bringing the whole wicca type religion into the world of teenagers and vampires? Hella cool.

    The friends and love interest seem mostly like sounding boards at this point. The promise that the antagonist makes at the end of the book makes me hope that the High Priestess and the other vampires are not all that they seem.

    Strangest of all though, I almost forgot to mention, is that so many famous people of the past are vampires, and many popular celebrities are also vampires, and yet they still face discrimination the way that gays do today. A better back story might have been celebrities coming out of the closet about their vampirism, and the schools only becoming prominent recently--explaining why the House of Night was a recent edition to Tulsa. That would also eliminate the token: anyone talented, ever, was a vampire. Had a few of them made it big, and the rest lived in fear, it would have been better. Imagining William Shakespeare with blue tattoos on his face was just... bizarre. So, makeup! Living in secret! Sounds more plausible.

    As it stands... I'm itching to read the rest of the series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was an interesting book. As far as vampires go, it was a good book, and restored my faith in today's vampires somewhat. (Meyer-eesh!) However, there were areas that made me feel very uncomfortable, and I have the sneaking feeling that the it's going to slowly get worse as the books progress until I have to stop reading them. The question is, do I go off my gut feelings and stop now, or should I push on till I can't take it any more? I'm going with the second option. I feel uncomfortable about the way this series is heading and I don't think I ought to read any more.

    If someone who has read the whole series can tell me that my premonitions are wrong, that would be nice, but until then I won't read any more. Too bad, though... it was a really good book, if you take out the part I was uncomfortable with.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think this book is a unique and pretty entertaining new spin on vampires. I found Zoey to be a tad whiny in some parts of the book but she is a teenager and she did just turn into a completely different creature so I cut her some slack on the whiny. I love Zoey's friends even if a couple of them are sort of weird, like I wouldn't expect any teenager to act the way a couple of these characters do. Erik...*sigh* is adorable, delicious, and awesome. I have read the whole series and this is a re-read but I still like Erik. I am re-reading for 'Burned'.

    The plot of the book is perfect, just enough going on and just enough suspense and mystery to keep you hooked and reading. There is a lot of beautiful Earth based religion in the book as well, I really love that. I think this book is good, I will post reviews for the rest of the series as I read them.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I think this book has gotten some negativity because it goes way over-board on drama for a character who claims to not like drama. Secondly, Zoey is highly judgmental of everyone all the while spouting her know-it-all attitude as if she's perfect and right with tons of experience. Experience she has tons of because of her full 16 years. (Sarcasm) She reminds me of the girl who has a sweet disposition and everyone loves because of it but she is manipulative and wails "woe is me" at almost every turn. So, in the end having her as a friend and liking her becomes more work than its worth as she will always be taking and never giving.

    I like the plot and idea behind this book. (However, there are entirely too many of parenthesis of thoughts) Why can't they just be thoughts? There's no need for all of these (). The other characters are engaging and the conflict between the daughter and mother is good. It is just too much flippancy and judgements to be taken as a well thought out novel, let alone a series. I also wasn't sure if this was a hate book for a religious organization since the majority of the book droned on about people of the faith. It became more like a way to vent some issues the writers must be dealing with and forced into the plot. Enlightening a little on the area of religious differences if good for future conflict and options, but to give chapters of drivel in lecture form is more of a cry for help.

    I was loaned the entire series from a friend because she said it was ok, but I'm wondering if it can get better. I will, because I said I would, read at least the next chapters, but I am very thankful I didn't actually invest money in this series so far.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is definitely not a literary piece - not going to become a classic - but it sure is intriguing and the kind which could become a TV series. I can't hardly wait for the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was pretty good for what it is, a young adult light romance vampire fantasy angled toward young teens. With that in mind, I was able to overlook the immature nature of the story, and the juvenile method of writing and just enjoy the story, which I feel was rather good.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I've chosen to re-read the series because I'm hearing so much about it lately and it seems so much different from what I can remember. The first time around I liked it but found some of the plot boring, melodramatic and pretty much the same old vampire story as well as the characters being just plain annoying. Lets hope the second time around will be better, yes? So until then..
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is one of those guilty pleasure reads - it's a terrible book in a lot of ways and yet I couldn't put it down.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'm not sure why I read this. I actually read the first three (all the books in the series my sister had), probably because I was in one of those moods where you just want to read something trashy that can be read quickly.
    A lot annoyed me about these books.
    1. Zoe. And her double standards. Everyone who does anything remotely sexual (or sometimes not even sexual) is a slut. Yet she can be seeing three guys at once, and do all the 'slutty' things and that's okay?
    2. The teen slang. I really HATE this in books - it's okay every so often to reenforce the teen character, but I honestly don't know any teenagers who use slang that frequently.
    3. The pop culture references. Are they meant to be cool?
    4. The mother/daughter writing team. Just. No. Embarrassing. Ugh.
    Yet I still read the next two... It's like when you see something really cringeworthy, but you can't look away. That's what reading these books is like.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's a little harder for me to review this book because its been a good while since I read it and unlike some other older books iv reviewed, I have not re read this one so I will try and do this from memory for now. I feel like this book gets a fair bit of bashing from many older readers accusing it of being in some way to juvenile in its content with the school like drama it includes. But I would like to point out that it IS a book aimed at the teen market and it succeeds in pleasing that market I feel. I read it long enough ago that I still fell into that category and did enjoy it. I feel like I may however had a bit more of a problem with some of the events now. But what ever can be said for the content, P.C.Cast is a good writer regardless. I never did finish the series only getting as far as book two, maybe now I will revisit it and see if I can still enjoying as an adult.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Whew! Finally, a vampire series that isn't boring the you know what out of me! It has similarities to the other series' that I've read recently, but was different enough to engage my interest. The pop culture references got tiring after the first few, and I definitely could have done without them. They were annoying.

    I don't want to give too many things away, but I really liked how the Casts tied in Native American lore. I'll leave it at that.

    With that, however, it's not a book that I'll want to read over and over, and for that reason, I'm passing it along.

    Of the three series' (Blue Bloods, Vampire Academy, and House of Night), this one is head and shoulders above the others.

    Things to watch out for:

    Occasional strong profanity
    Occasional strong sexual references
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Once upon a time, I gave this book a five-star rating. After doing a re-read this past week, I'm wondering why I ever gave it such a high rating. It definitely doesn't deserve it. Maybe I was just so enamored by vampire novels at that point that I thought anything with a little fang or a little blood was awesome. Obviously, I was wrong.As is typical with the young adult vampire novel, the heroine considers herself to be a freak and lives in some sort of broken home/recently remarried type situation. As is also typical, said heroine is having boy troubles. Apparently, vampire novel heroines are always having some kind of heartache/heart-break issue. Maybe it's actually heartburn and they need some kind of acid reliever. Honestly, that would make more sense in a lot of cases within this genre.I was intrigued that the story dealt with segregation. Once teenagers find out that they are vampyres, as they spell it in this book, they have to give up their old life and move into a special boarding school for other people who have been marked. I know that might sound a lot like Harry Potter, but instead of being just a tradition, this is something that seems to be legally required of newly marked. It is also apparent that this is different from the HP books in that the outside world knows about vampyres existing and they treat them as being lesser creatures because they are no longer human. (To be fair, the vampyres call humans 'refrigerators', so there really is no love lost.)Zoey Redbird, this novel's heroine and narrator, is a bit of a queen of exaggeration and immaturity. She says that she has limited math skills, but makes fun of her best friend's worse one when the friend exaggerates a number. It makes Zoey seem very haughty. It was the kind of attitude that you might see someone display right before someone punched them in the face. And she really has no right to be so, since, like I said, she's got some problems with immaturity. She uses words like "boobie" and "poopie" regularly. And she gets distracted whenever she thinks about those words. It's very annoying. She's also a hypocrite. She will ridicule someone else in one paragraph for a particular behavior and then turn around and do the exact same behavior just a few paragraphs later.Zoey and her friends like to partake in the hobby of slut-shaming. There was honestly more slut-shaming in this book than I was ever exposed to in high school. It was very alarming to see two female writers propagating the idea that girls who have sex or who enjoy being sexual in any way deserve to be treated with less respect and with continued ridicule. What does that teach the readers of these novels to think about sex and sexuality? Zoey also uses other ways of insulting people through slurs and stereotypes. Negative remarks that she makes about others often relate to the person's sex life or their body shape and size. And do not get me started on how Damien is described. Zoey actually mentions something about not hearing a lisp. And the story goes out of the way to make him seem like he's different from every other gay guy in the world. Instead of making the story seem more inclusive by having a gay character, it actually feels more like they're being even more ignorant and anti-LGBTQ. She calls another character a "retard" and makes fun of friends of her stepfather as being "beady-eyed pedophile husbands". Both of these things disgusted me. There is even racist wording used to describe a fellow student's hair. I know that Zoey cannot and shouldn't be a perfect character. Flaws are what make characters great, but there's a point when it becomes obvious that it's more than just a flawed character--it's a flawed book. The writing quality of the book is poor. Before Zoey goes to the House of Night, there's a scene where her mother and stepfather are talking...and they seem to only talk in cliches. The mother actually makes a comment about "what will the neighbors say." It was ridiculous. Throughout the book, it felt like the writers are trying really hard to be young and fresh. That was disconcerting to me because one of the authors is young enough that she shouldn't have had to try very hard to sound young. And, as I think I've pointed out by now, the book is filled with ignorance and bigotry. Instead of being an interesting story, it just comes across as disgusting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Like the other 85% of the female population, after Twilight I was hooked and wanted to read more vampire novels. Which exploring BookTube I came across someone that was reading this series, and decided to give it a shot. Basically, it's about a girl who is living a totally normal life, and one day she gets "marked", meaning she ends up with a crescent shape on her forehead, and is now a vampire. In this novel when you're a vampire you're sent to a special school for vampires called The House of Night. So, she goes there to learn more about what she is, and continue on her new life path. The good things about this book is it was relatable. As relatable as a book about a vampire can be. The way the kids spoke, and their personalities weren't hard to imagine my friends like. It was also a good book. It had a good idea to it, good characters, a good plot, and a good ending. I do not regret buying or reading this book.The only thing I didn't like about this book is it's predictability. I could tell what was coming a mile away. That I didn't like. For that reason, and that reason alone, I won't go on to read the second book. However, I would recommend this book to anyone. Obviously everyone has different opinions, so maybe others will love it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sixteen year old Zoey Redbrid has just been Marked as a fledgling vampyre and joins the House of Night, a school where she'll train to become and adult vampyre. That is, if she becomes one- and not all of those who are Marked do. They die. She has to begin a new life, away from her and friends and on top of that, Zoey isn't an average fledgling. Shes different;unique. She's been chosen as specail by the vampyre Goddess Nyx. Zoey discovers that she has amazing powers but along with her powers come bloodlust and a strange ability to imprint her human ex boyfriend. She is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with "special powers." When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most popular group, is misusing her Goddess given gifts, Zoey finds out more of the gift she has been given and the courage to embrace her destiny with a little help from her vampyre friends.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My second read of this book, and I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it far more than I did two years ago.

    Some things still annoy me about this book, but this time they paled in comparison to the story.

    And excellent story - now on to the next one!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a bj in the hallway..? who the hell eva heard of that
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Zoey must leave her high school, her family, and her boyfriend to live at The House of Night, a school for young vampyres, when she is marked as a fledgling vampyre. As she learns to adjust to her new life, she also discovers she has powers beyond the normal fledgling as she gets caught up in mysteries and intrigues involving both her fellow classmates as well as her teachers.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book and series was recommended to me years ago and I just haven't taken the time to read it. I have to say thanks to the SOS Bingo Challenge for getting me to read this book. Now I will have to look at the rest of the books.I fell in love with Zoey Redbird right from the start. Once she is marked and her human friends abandon her along with her mother she goes to the one person that she can count on and that is her Grandmother. Zoey's grandmother takes her to the House of Night and is supportive of Zbird.Once Zoey meets her roommate she starts to feel welcomed. All Zoey wants is to have some place where she feels she belongs. That is something every teenager and some adults want too. Zoe's roommate is adorable and her name is Stevie Rae. I love all the friends she makes in this book. Damian is a hoot!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Summary: This book follows Zoey, a normal girl who is one day marked and turned into a vampire. She must uproot her whole life and move to a boarding schools especially for vampires. She leaves behind her boyfriend, her best friend and family to go through the scary transition without knowing anyone. She learns all about her new life and makes friends who help make the transition less scary.Personal connection: I thought going to a school like this would be so cool, and made such an interesting story line.Class use: Talk about schooling and the difference between boarding school and public school. Talk about pros and cons for both.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm still quite new to the Young Adult genre of book however I really enjoy books with vampire, dhampirs, ghosts etc so that's why I chose to pick this up. All in all, its not a bad book. Its not reviewed greatly it appears but I guess your rating would depend on what you want to get out of reading this. I wanted to read an easy book, that required not much thought that had some vampires in it. I got a little of that. It is definitely a book aimed at teens and that why I don't think I can rate it too low being an adult! I think its well written, simple storyline, very predictable but sometimes thats all you want in a book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was cute. That's the best word I can think of. It takes place with a highschool girl, and they have the words, and actions of high school kids down and I thought that was pretty cool. I don't like it when authors write about kids in high school, and it's unrealistic or dramatic. Even though this book was good I won't be reading the second one. It wasn't that good. It was predictable, and I saw the end coming a mile away. I don't regret reading it, I just wish there was more of a twist.

Book preview

Schokolade für Soulmates - Indigo Spirit

Schokolade für Soulmates

Eine kleine Fibel



Du bist ein Pilger!!

Echt ein Seelenzwilling??

Das Wunder der Begegnungen !

Die Unendliche Geschichte !!

Warum fühle ich meine Zwillingsflamme??

Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein??

Die Magie der Musik

Deine Welt steckt voller Zeichen und Hinweise!!

Dein Ego!

Liebe und Achte dich selbst!

Woran glaubst du??

Das Wissen der Ureinwohner


Mit diesem Büchlein möchte ich allen, die bisher noch keine Antworten auf ihre Fragen gefunden haben, ein Stück weit ihren Weg begleiten und bereiten.

Es lag mir sehr am Herzen, da ich auch nach einem Jahrzehnt immer wieder darauf stoße, dass Menschen ihre Seelenpartner gefunden haben, oder jemand ganz besonderes getroffen, und sich nicht sicher ist ob es ein Seelenpartner, Seelenzwilling ist oder jemand aus seiner Seelenfamilie.

Da mir bis heute auch immer wieder ins Auge springt und zu Ohren kommt, wie sehr viele von Euch während einer solchen Beziehung leiden, war es mir wichtig, aus meinen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen heraus zu erklären, warum es solche Beziehungen gibt und wie man lernen kann mit ihnen umzugehen.

Ich hoffe deshalb, das dieses kleine Büchlein eure Seelen beruhigt und ihr das Gefühl dafür bekommt, das es zwar kompliziert und hart scheint, aber am Ende für Euch als einen großen Schritt nach vorne betrachtet werden kann:

Was mir auch noch vorab wichtig ist zu sagen, diese Dinge, mögen sie auch noch so schwer zu Begreifen sein, mag das was du Erlebst auch noch so sehr an Strafe erinnern:

Es ist keine Bestrafung, Gott, das Universum, die Engel, woran auch immer du glaubst bestrafen nicht, in ihren Augen bist du in jedem Moment deines Lebens Perfekt. Das bedeutet, du kannst keine Fehler machen, du kannst nicht hinterher hinken. Du machst einfach Erfahrungen, so wie es vor deiner Geburt verabredet worden ist.

Die Liebe du erfährst, ob nun selbst gefühlt oder vom anderen erhalten, ist die reine ursprüngliche Liebe Gottes.

Fühl dich Gesegnet!!

Du bist ein Pilger!!

Du hast dich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise begeben, nicht weil dich irgendwas von Außen dahin geschupst hat, sondern aus deinem Herzen heraus, deine Seele hat diesen Plan.

Wenn du dich schon mal mit pilgern beschäftigt hast, weißt du, dass es immer eine lange beschwerliche Reise ist. Viele Menschen reisen extra zum Jakobsweg um dort den langen Weg zu gehen. Es sind Menschen auf der suche nach Gott, auf der suche nach Ruhe und Frieden. Oft stehen sie an einem Scheideweg in ihrem Leben und suchen nach Antworten.

Ein tolles Buch, das ich nur Empfehlen kann ist da „ Ich bin dann mal weg" von Hape Kerkeling.

Auf sehr humorvolle Weise erzählt er von seiner Reise über den Jakobsweg, er beschreibt auch sehr schön was für ein Sinn das macht und wie sich das eigene Denken verändert.

Du und deine Zwillingsseele, ihr habt euch auf euren eignen Pilgerweg gemacht. Jeder für sich und doch gemeinsam. Bevor ihr euch entschieden habt auf

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