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A Dive into another World: An Account of a Journey
A Dive into another World: An Account of a Journey
A Dive into another World: An Account of a Journey
Ebook51 pages37 minutes

A Dive into another World: An Account of a Journey

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Together with two of his closest friends, the young author decided to overcome today's restraints and to embark on a journey in order to experience'freedom' . In this book, he tells what kinds of danger the three had to face and what they have learned about themselves and about society. This work is not a typical account of a journey. Rather, it is a reflection of irony and exaggeration that make parts of today's culture(s).

Zusammen mit zwei seiner besten Freunde entschied sich der junge Autor aus den Zwängen unserer Gesellschaft auszubrechen, um sich auf die Suche nach dem zu begeben, was für ihn Freiheit bedeutet. In diesem Buch erzählt er auf eine irrwitzige Art und Weise welchen Gefahren sich die Drei dabei stellen mussten und was man auf solch einer Reise über sich und die heutige Gesellschaft lernt. Bei dem Werk handelt es sich um keinen typischen Reisebericht! Stattdessen stellt es ein Abbild der Ironie und der Übertreibung dar, die Teile unserer heutigen Kultur ausmachen. Der Text ist auf Englisch verfasst. Das Niveau der Sprache ist aber so ausgelegt, dass das Verständnis des Textes selbst ungeübten Englisch-Lesern keine Probleme bereitet.
Release dateAug 11, 2015
A Dive into another World: An Account of a Journey

Jan-Philipp Kiedos

Jan-Philipp Kiedos wurde 1988 in Witzenhausen (Hessen) geboren. Zusammen mit seinem jüngeren Bruder wuchs er im Haus seiner Eltern auf und begann bereits früh seine Leidenschaft für Sprachen und Literatur zu entdecken. Aus diesem Grund - und aufgrund seiner Sportaffinität - entschied sich der junge Autor nach dem Abschluss des Abiturs für ein Lehramtsstudium (Englisch und Sport) in Gießen an der Lahn. Seit 2013 arbeitet er als freiberuflicher Redakteur/ Autor und Übersetzer. In seiner Freizeit treibt er viel Sport und kocht gerne, da ein gesunder Lebensstil für ihn uverzichtbar ist. Freundetreffen gehört genauso zu seinen 'Hobbies', wie Theaterbesuche oder ein gemütlicher Filmeabend. Außerdem verbringt der Autor nahezu jede Minute mit der Suche nach Themen, über die er schreiben kann. "Ich bin schon immer von Sprachen und deren vielfältigen Ausdrucksweisen fasziniert gewesen. Mein Traum ist es, die Menschen mit meinen Texten zu 'erreichen' und zu 'bewegen'. In einer modernen Zeit, in der viele Menschen den Sinn für das Schöne an Schrift und Sprache verlieren, möchte ich als 'Vermittler' zwischen diesen und der Literatur dienen - und das auf eine möglichst authentische Art und Weise." Jan-Philipp Kiedos was born in 1988 in Witzenhausen, a small town in Hesse, Germany. Together with his younger brother, he grew up in his parents' home and early discovered his passion for languages and literature. Thus, - and due to his affinity for sport - the young author decided to absolve a teacher training (subjects: English, Sports) in Gießen an der Lahn after he had taken his A-levels. Since 2013, he freelances as a writer and as a translator. In leisure time, he does a lot of sports and cooks a lot as for him a healthy lifestyle is vital. Meeting friends is as an important 'hobby' for him as going to the theatre. Moreover, the author spends a lot of time finding topics he can write about. "I've always been fascinated by languages and the diverse manners of expression which these offer. I want to get through to people and to attract them with my texts. In modern times, many people lack sensitivity for the beauty of writing and tongue - I want to act as 'negotiator' between those people and literature".

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    Book preview

    A Dive into another World - Jan-Philipp Kiedos

    Table Of Contents


    Day 0 - Another world

    Day 1 - We are in wilderness. There are no lavatories

    Day 2 - Did anybody check the boats

    Day 3 - Heat. Sun. Water.

    Day 4 - A square white thing

    Day 5 - It would not be right to clear out without saying good bye



    Dear reader,

    before reading this text, I would like you to go into yourself and deal with the following question for a couple of minutes: Am I free?

                Of course, I am free, what a question, you think right now.

    But what makes freedom? What does it consist of?

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary freedom is:

    the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants ( 

    Another definition might be that freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved (

    On the other hand, for me, freedom means the ability to do whatever you like to do. For me, freedom means independence from any authority and thus implies independent decision-making in each area of life.

    Of course, everybody experiences freedom to a certain degree i.e. the freedom when leaving your parental home. Furthermore, some people enjoy a higher degree of freedom, respectively are more independent than others.

    However, everyone of us (Yes, dear reader, you, too!) pursues certain patterns, follows trends, uses Facebook to be on the latest update considering our friends, and buys things recommended by cunning advertising strategies of large companies. The very latest revelations about several administrations spying out general public depict another counter model to our freedom and reassure, anyone of us has suspected as long as being able to think: Big Brother is watching us.

                Therefore, we are – and if it is the case only a minor percentage is – free by no means, at least by the definition what freedom means to me. Especially this and to find out whether perfect freedom is still accessible in today’s burnout-society is the reason why I decided to undertake a dive together with two of my best friends.

    In this context dive stands for a journey that does not match the typical all- expenses trip; a journey when we are on our own; a journey without any contact to the outer world i.e. without mobile phone or other kinds of technological achievements and thus also a journey to independence and to the inner self…

    Day 0 - Another world

    Our journey to independence should be a trip on the roaring currents of the Werra which makes one of the headstreams of the Weser with its 300 kilometers.

    The Werra originates in the Thüringer Schiefergebirge, flows through the west of Thuringia, the northeast of Hesse and joins the Fulda in the southeast of Lower Saxony to constitute the Weser. I was aware that in the wilderness there lurk a lot of dangers – from giant fish, over impressive natural forces to native tribes which usually avoid any contact

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