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Removing The Veil Of Illusion: A Guide To Ascension
Removing The Veil Of Illusion: A Guide To Ascension
Removing The Veil Of Illusion: A Guide To Ascension
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Removing The Veil Of Illusion: A Guide To Ascension

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We are all part of a huge conscious awakening of humanity therefore bridging the vibration frequency of the changes on earth for years now, and still bringing enormous changes to our world as we know it. I urge most of humanity to ask themselves: Is my perception still in the illusion? Or am I able to perceive the truth?

We all have come to Earth to learn and experience the shadow side of our Self to the greatest extents of both of these. As a soul, we have chosen to learn and experience this and to be part of the change on Earth during the process of ascension at present time.

It is up to you, as a individual being of light, and your free will, to accept the truth or reject it on a conscious level. The choice is yours, and yours alone. It is also your choice to release the veil of illusion or hang onto it.

This book is a guide to help you understand and release the veil of illusion, in another sense take the necessary steps forward towards enlightenment and ascension.

Seek, listen, and you shall surely find what you were looking for. Happy travels!

Release dateAug 30, 2015
Removing The Veil Of Illusion: A Guide To Ascension

Kathye Kaan INC

I am the founder of the Dutch 'Ziel Zoektocht' blog / website for Quantum healing skills, blog writings and Energy reading video's. It is an understatement that I have seen the need to help people remove the veil of illusion, to wake up and seek the (real) truth.At the age of six I sat in a church, on that day a scene took place that lead me to find out if there was more to life than just what I had been experiencing since my short period of time on this planet. That is were my journey began, fast forward after living and working within the matrix in 3 different continents, I found myself at peace and at home in Europe, finding time to help others with a blog that transferred into a website, naturally followed by Youtube video’s - monthly & weekly energy readings - besides my regular career.After much blogging, it was inevitable I would write my first book, this book is dedicated to my mother, father, son and grandmother, who have blessed me with the love and protection to choose this journey as a Quantum healer. They have all touched my life in a unique way, that have helped me move along. My parents and grandmother have always encouraged me to explore unique paths in life. Their faith and support inspired me to reach for the moon and stars, where I have set my sights on the heavens, where my parents and grandmother remain now.There's more than meets the eye, look out for it. Open up your heart and awaken yourself to the wonders of the universe. By this I would like to extend my gratitude that is well overdue to Source creator, my Guides, Angels and the Spirit world. Without their insights, you wouldn't be reading this. ;-)Enjoy these readings!Lots of love,Kathye

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    Book preview

    Removing The Veil Of Illusion - Kathye Kaan INC

    Pt.1 | The Solar system:


    A universal conversation is a discussion that arises from the context of our shared characteristics. Each time we break through to a new level of communication, there’s a corresponding expansion of consciousness.

    We recognize our shared of interests promote unitive consciousness. We prepare ourselves for Ascension. In a Oneness sense, we accomplish numerous targets. On what basis can we address the Earth therefore not falling into ethnocentrism or similar pits? The answer is to base our speaking on the divine qualities and the universal laws. A Oneness conversation is a conversation that speaks to our Soul"

    We roll back the artificial divisions imposed on us by the powers that govern the Earth. What often holds us back is what we consider to be respect for other religions, cultures, societies.  We certainly have seen in the past ample examples of humanity addressing other religions and cultures and foisting their own self-serving values on them so we do know the excesses we’ve gone to when we pretend to address the Earth.

    Human rights as we’ve conceived them so far have been a stepping stone to a Oneness culture. But they don’t go far enough. They reach the level of the individual and the family but they often don’t reach the level of the soul.  That’s because they’re founded on the paradigm of empirical materialism which doesn’t recognize that we have and are a soul.

    Beings only materially based, human rights don’t pierce as far as love and joy pierce through to, prosperity for all and unencumbered free will that does no harm.

    Freedom of assembly, religion is important, this freedom to develop as a Spiritual beings, to engage with a sacred partner that goes much further than simply the right to marry the person of one’s choice it time to move beyond simply human rights to sacred rights and divine qualities. Only action based on a knowledge of the soul goes far beyond to achieve Earth equality.

    All of us are divine beings, that share the divine qualities in common all we know and recognize at some deep level the value of love, bliss, compassion, truth, wisdom, discrimination, patience, detachment and equanimity. This is why those aligned with darkness have such a difficult time when faced with love and truth. At some deep place, they recognize the primacy of the divine qualities.

    Although we have different skin colors, genders, cultures, we also know deeply down that these differences don not divide us. Under all of this outside our culture, we’re all children of Source Creator; thereby we’re all One.

    Oftentimes the impetus to achieve what we want awaits us having the platform from, the cause of which to speak. This platform produces citizens which invites a depth of beings that isn’t ordinarily available to all of us. A cause calls that call forth a way of seeing and beings that transcends all separateness and invites oneness in all ways and forms.

    The existence of Earth has offered a modicum of protection to some. It is been used by others to corral their populations and exploit them. There’s nothing inherent in the notion of a Earth plain that ensures the well being of its citizens.

    The human Source is universal which acting from a Oneness consciousness is the next step to experiencing the universal in all.  We should only think Oneness, even if in most cases we must act Earthlings, take up the perspective of oneness, act according to the divine qualities and universal laws.

    We should now turn all our attention to what’s out in the Earth, what is working or does not work. Looking at our behavior that causes pain and damage, whether to our environment, our fellow beings of light.

    We must awake to the Oneness nature of the human existence, to shake the dust of ages from our eyes, look to the next person, and perceive our Oneness.

    We must turn to all our neighbors, thereby we will have a Oneness conversation for the rebirth of Gaia, we must set all unreality things right thereby leading us to our Life path to create unity, equality, and human right.

    Illusion or Truth

    Spiritual humanity who have been a huge part of humanity’s awakening and bridging the change for two years now, are still bringing changes to our Earth as we know it, we urge most of humanity to ask themselves: Is our perception an illusion? Or Are we able to perceive the pure Truth of life on this planet?

    We all have come here to Earth to learn and experience illusion and the shadow side of our Self to the greatest extents. As soul, we have chosen to learn and experience change on Earth during the process of ascension.

    Our body perceives illusion, perceptions of the low frequencies and vibrations. To move and change these perceptions, we must understand that we accepted these perceptions as truth.  For our perception to change, we must remove the old so we can open our self to a higher frequencies and vibration of Truth,transparency of a new perception of awareness.

    During every new moon, spring equinox, planetary alignment, these are rare events that have not happened in the stars for thousands of years, new portals are opened Thereby new frequencies and vibrations are beings anchored into the Earth. They are helping to raise the frequencies and vibrations for all humanity. The influx of these higher frequencies and vibrations help open our perception and awareness of what is not truth. When these things happen, it is time for us to start releasing all our old patterns, habits which longer serves us from the Third dimension-dimensional Earth. The influx of new energies coming to the planet to help us awaken to the truth, perception and abilities to receive love, compassion, unity, forgiveness and peace.

    These changes affect all the collective consciousness of the cosmos, galaxy, universal, solar and planetary humanity all at a whole. These changes affect everyone, because we are all connected together as a crystalline grids.

    We as beings of light, have free will, to accept the truth or reject it on a conscious level. The choice is ours alone. The choice to release negative vibration and hold on to the positive energy.

    Free Will

    Free will is the constant of all consciousness, thereby the ability, power, great responsibility of choosing how we define, perceive, and experience our reality. What we choose to concentrate upon, the ideas that we experience, what we focus on our attention, the actions we take by creating and shape our existence.

    The situation, event, of moment in space-time, is fundamentally neutral. The Solar system is composed of two energies, two primal forces that are polar opposites. This energy takes a ourriad forms which expressions throughout the infinite. The master’s of thought and philosophies have described this aspect of our Solar system. Which was called yin and yang, male and female, positive and negative, yes and no, up and down, love and hate, empty and full, open and closed, even left and right, light and dark.

    For all the infinite possibilities that arise from this gift of free will, the most powerful vibration is harmony with unconditional love. Unity is the inclusiveness of all beings, and the idea of ‘this The most insidious idea to arise from the infinite is the illusion of separateness. Separation is responsible for all resistance all conflict, The darkness in the Solar system is the concept of void-talon that there is no middle ground or balance that exits.

    While these forces appear to be separate, yet the perception does not take into account the natural tendency of all energy. Seeking some balance to a state of resonance of harmony, reaching a state of equilibrium. Once the Solar system separates into these polarities, a gradient is formed into two opposing forces, resulting in movement. Which result in a Solar system that brings forth all of the infinite Earth expressions with life

    The harmony of the Solar system is not a static process where it remains in one particular state forever. It does not reach a certain state of balance and then stop. The Solar system is in an endless, perpetual dynamic equilibrium. A complete spectrum is present that spans the two opposite perspectives which encompasses everything therein.

    The Solar system is not only light thereby is not darkness or chaos. It is a constant superposition of these two states, together they form a complete whole. The opposite polarity are inseparable, interconnected, integrated. In fact they complementary each other, which is the building blocks of a Solar system, Oneness

    Everything is unity we choose to add a charge to it. Thereby we perceive this as a neutral event in a particular way, such emotions. In this regard this culprit for the disparity, disagreement, create a massive amount of resistance we experience in our Earth surface.

    Where there are two realities in opposition, resistance is present. Naturally tendency for these opposition is for a balance to be found. The mentality of separateness denies the nature of beings, which puts forth an idea of opposing forces cannot be balanced, with drastic consequences. Love and hate, all of these are cases where the two perspectives are in opposition thereby must chosen to define their viewpoint as the only valid choice. Both side operates from the same space refusing to choose to compromise. The massive energy vibration of emotional charge created by each party to their respective realities only serves to exacerbate the situation with negative energy.

    From the illusion of separation arises the ego, that identity as outside of the rest of the Source creator. Based upon our stories, habits, patterns and behavior, the reactions, we will perceive a balanced reality from skewed perspective. While it is an illusion base, it seems real because the emotional charge which we have choose to express these events towards

    The solution is complete, harmonious perspective. Unity, oneness, concussion awakens by this perspective, there is space for all other versions of reality, the endless process of achieving balance. Events in our lives happen to us so that we can learn, as catalysts for the growth into the highest harmony and balance of the Solar system.

    Nature embodies this principle of expresses at every single level of existence. With our choices we can create an experience of endless harmony flow in our lives, chaos and resistance. Both are beautiful, both are necessary. One viewpoint is more effective than the other, yet choice depends upon our own personal preference. Harmony is inevitable, thereby is present in every moment as we speak.


    Our lives are similar to that of the fetus in the womb;  we grunt, groan, and complain as the restrictions become more and more ego base. We are living in this Four Dimension-dimension but we are also living in Source.  Our body seems limited and vulnerable, yet our Source inhabits it is magnificent.

    We are rebirthing and connecting with our higher self as a light beings. We are in sequence of limitless of discombobulated.  We are stretch, push through what was but the walls of illusion seem to keep us restricted.  We are not able to stretch past the vastness we inherently know our self to be. 

    The limited perception of our humanness merges with the infinite of all-knowing Source of Light.  We feel like a caterpillar, in a tight fitting cocoon we are destined to become more, yet everything in your life points to less than. We felt deep within our essence that if we tried, we could fly.  Then we take another deep look at our self and see only human inadequacy.

    The Cocoon around us thickens, hardens like the crust of earth, Keeping our confined in a prison of our own making. In this windowless Earth there seems no way out.  Then one day a light appears in the sky of our chrysalis Earth.  Our heart races with promise, the illusion of limitation begins to crumble. The humanity of earth are just now seeing, the small point of light which shows us the way out and the way up. 

    The caterpillar must surrender to its destiny of becoming a beautiful butterfly. The very word surrender is a vibration, a power place for humans. It represents the five point of man. Five is all about human learning’s and surrendering to the divine spark within.  Surrendering to an understanding of a fresh truth that has never been experienced in this consciousness.

    Surrendering is accepting in the human process and internally knowing trusting what is truth, when everything else mirrors limitation.  The hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of its Creator.  In the mind of Source Creator it is large enough to accommodate all the future butterflies of earth. Surrender and trust the process.  Let go and know that the divine plan will work no matter what.  The caterpillar was created to become a butterfly!

    A cocoon would never ever allow the caterpillar to be released, because that is what a cocoon does. The caterpillar knows that it must try, or it will die.  Your Source also pushes you through the tiny hole into a greater Light. Earth keeps you in a cocoon until you are ready to set your self free.

    Step out of the Matrix

    Seekers, enthusiastic artfulness will show the way back to a harmonious existence. Now is time to step outside of our preconditioned matrix and embrace the greater reality that waits for us to remember it, and in breaking free from the matrix, this is important not to hold ourselves back from any creative standard or expectation we might have had before.

    Thereby we are easing into a greater sense of freedom of Oneness, with an essential element of doing so is vibrating everything we do with a sense of wholeness and invigoration. We must reignite our burning flame thereby pursue everything that lies ahead with passion and excitement, ofter wise this present life doesn’t worth little if it can’t be lived from a bright and excited place.

    We as Spiritual teachings talks about the importance of calmness at a zero point to achieve enlightenment, we will admit that some wonderful meditations can be experienced from a place of peace. If our goal is enlightenment, feel free to take the zero point route and blank our physical perception so that we can feel the much purer energy that awaits us  in the future.

    However, we are here on a mission to awaken humanity and restore balance to the planet, we will encouraged humanity to find every exciting, constructive thing we can pursue with passion. Passion and excitement are experienced far more in the higher realms than they are here, therefore this we will bring back to earth now.

    We can live like the higher-dimensional forces we have hear and communicate with, in our developing opinion. The greatest way to do this is to embrace Oneness with a cease holding ourselves to rigid expectations about what we should be doing or how we should be doing it.

    With this especially with our creative work, we should encourage ourselves to think outside the Matrix and become inventive with our creative expression.  If and when we create in a format that worked before but that we’re outgrowing, then we’ll only douse our burning flame by this making the process uncomfortable and univariateatable.

    In this case, we’re encouraged to continuously moving away from any personal paradigm we’ve crafted for our self thereby challenge our self to do something better and greater. We can always reach new heights with our creative pursuits, but if we try to work through an outdated format, we’ll only numb.

    All of us craves challenge with this the opportunity to excel. When we don’t act on that craving, we disable the deeper facets of our own creativity that’d thrive with new challenges opportunities. Challenging ourselves can be fun and exciting, because it enables us to feel passionate about our mission general.

    By challenge ourselves we rise to the occasion, doing so helps us develop to excel until our ultimate goals are reached. Instead of working at things that don’t inspire us or enable us to be that pure diamond we really are, just let creative passion bring back into our lives thereby step our pursuits up a totally new notch.

    The higher dimensions glib with excited, evolved souls who continuously challenge themselves there in with their ability to bring light, awareness to dark places. If we want to realign with these advance realms and the souls in them, it only seems natural that we align our self with the brimming, passionate qualities they possess.

    We’ve bound our self to the things we don’t vibrate at, we’re encouraged to expand on seek something else that’ll ignite our burning flame and inspire us to work as much as possible from an enthusiastic place.

    The greatest challenges we have yet to consider will require more from us than we realize. For the time beings, we can do that what fill us with passion and inspiration. We will move everyone around us in beautiful ways by this we will find our own vibration and work from there, we wil share the inspiration we’ve felt with potentially millions.

    Successfully humanity stood up against the powers that were or reintroduced Spirituality to the Earth (Lady Gaia) she is passionate about what they were doing, otherwise they wouldn’t have excelled. We should all adopt this immense level of passion for our work in awakening the planet, by refusing to help the planet to Ascension we will be doing a greater good for humanity.

    The greater passionately challenging ourselves is that we never have to stop. Even if we fail some of the challenges we give ourselves, we can always move on and pursue other things that require more than basic effort to accomplish. Even if it sounds crazy, what matters in the end is that we gave it our all. Our goal isn’t to complete the race, but to vibrate at a higher frequentie.

    Let’s reignited burning flame propel all of us into taking on the challenging but exciting things, because we’ll have an experiences with the knowledge that we have accomplish something great. Let passion fill the hearts of every seeker out there who have taken on the path to help humanity in the immense ways they’ve seen the great masters have done.

    We’re all beings called to take on numerous revolutionary and paradigm-shattering whether or not we are able to handle the task at hand. We should step up to the plate with creative pursuits that inspire everyone thereby fill humanity with the excitement they will felt from the work of others?

    We all have role, therefore we are beings called to step forward, no matter what’s task we have carried out up to this point, we’re encouraged to expand our service further to all humanity.

    The common seeker is to forever expand their perception and understanding, which only seems right to integrate this naturally into our creative pursuits. By Expansion doesn’t just have to be awareness but also consciousness that we will gain , which will be in the service we provide for the for betterment of humanity on earth.

    Our personal and collective paradigm needs to constantly expand, has we also need to give our self the room to require grow. Passion and Oneness will help us expand our respective paradigms to work in our own vibration

    We should dull in thing if it denote give us satisfaction, we should probably be clear by now what is important in our livest. We are not yet in a place where we can constantly flow with the flow of life, we should choose to keep our work fresh develop up new met-ode as we go alone to a point to continually expand our perception of what ascension is.

    There is a lot to look forward to in the future we’re creating, let’s create the past, present and future then we can adopt a sense of invigoration with everything that exit around us. Therefore we will destined for greatness, and oneness, let’s all work toward a flow of gracefully.


    It is so ironic how some humanity go to extreme extent to complicate their lives, seen that best way to thrive on this plain of existence is to live in simplicity. Rediscovering love from a place of simplicity surly intensify the good things we experience, then we’ll appreciate our lives by release the need of wanting.

    The new era, is to bring back Love, thereby when we go beyond the ego by releasing it once and for all simplistic will flow, in your heart-centered space. We’ll then open up to the bountiful Source has to offer. In embracing a humble lifestyle that’s ground in love and pure light, we enable ourselves to experience healthier growth.

    By living a simplicity life, we will appreciate the finest things that will allow us to see a glimpse of the divine’s miracles. Therefore It feels wonderful to surrender the ego, by this we will let Source take over, because we open up to the beautiful peaceful synchronistic.

    Our goal is to return light and love to Earth and help others awaken, from a place of Love of humility, thereby we will be able to perform our mission with relative ease. By awaking the planet, we will diminish our ego-driven thereby become unhindered vessels for Source?

    We should stop striving, but start receiving the divine in greater measures than we’ll appreciate the fruit of life. Humanity let their egos run their life and trapped them in the lower vibrations, it is time transcend and release our self from this trap by opening our heart space to the Might I AM Present.

    By entering this Earth surface we have forgotten the sound of our vibration, and the frequency which we carry in our DNA. We have starve our Soul of the natural vibrate attainment which we carry, but from a balanced peace place, we awaken higher vibration frequencies with in us.

    Releasing the ego accepting the death of then your heart place will open up to simplicity, experience a mind-centered clear without difficult. This will be of the past if we embrace simplicity in the heart space, the flow of bliss, facing challenges will be of the past.

    We will stop fighting against the flow of life. Thereby we will actually see the need of service to help others become aware of living humbly. Then we are able to understand humility’s importance on this Earth-plain.

    When the Ego is dead we open up to permanent happiness which can’t be found in satisfying the heart center, Source will help us finding enlightenment by this we will change the planet, but the ego will work very hard to make sure we fall short of our potential. Now that we’re becoming awaken, we can clearly discern when we’re feeding into ego instead of the heart space, and this blessed discernment sees us able to realign when we fall out of balance.

    Discipline is something we work to attain, it is also something that naturally results from our efforts to reclaim love from a place of divinity. The Source teachers of ways were we will be able to do the things to embraced discipline and worked towards to find enlightenment.

    In help the rest of the planet understanding the Source by working from your heart-centered space, hold discipline, along with simplicity, this increase the strength and potency of our efforts. Open up the flame will be strengthened when we embrace these qualities, but try not to drift away from our divinely ordained mission if we don’t.

    Light workers like the seekers of the past, present and future we’ve been driven to change the Earth have acted on the motivation the heart chakra provides, therefore we will each tap into this space and experience a wealth of inspiration. This will enable to attract miraculous time, we’ll inspire ourriad other seekers to want change the planet as well.

    We have the potential to change the Earth in ways that few humanity yet realize, and as long as we stand strong in the light and anchor the divine qualities by constantly expressing them, we’ll become vessels for Source and successfully spread the wondrous things we’ll feel within to everyone who’s ready to feel them.

    Consciousness continues to rise, more humanity will understand the importance of simplicity, live their lives in accordance with the divine qualities, who are becoming aware are making an effort to live in love also will stand strong in the face of darkness or adversity. As we embrace the simplicity the heart chakra provides, we’ve only begun to understand just what we’re capable of. Choosing humble place, and it is our universal right to soar with love oneness and wholeness.


    Forget the past let go of the Dynamics. Personally, in a session concerning abuse throughout our father’s lineage, we learned that our family’s downdraft experiences were to learn the parameters of love, strangely enough.

    This knowledge gave us an entirely new perspective on our acent abusive behavior, those misguided actions and blocks handed down through the lineage were transformed with the alcheour of loving understanding. Judgment, anger and blame were melted/transformed into allowance and appreciation.


    There are no mistakes, we made covenants agreements with others to learn from on this schoolhouse Earth. It is all about empowerment basically and humanal choice to be response-able. In science and quantum physics, it is told that everything is energy in motion.  Energy cannot be deleted or canceled yet can transform into another version of itself.

    In the Six Stages of Development Physical, Personal, Interpersonal, Social, Principled and Universal Well Beings described in Dynamics, a downdraft issue like zero power can transform into its updraft version, beings that of abundance or an issue like insecurity into confidence by using effective processes unique to a given modality.

    Science & Quantum Physics based transformation processes are specifically taught in Dynamics The Whole – Power to Cause wherein the process called Tracking follows an issue or belief  Dynamics through actions which block one’s full potential from manifesting.

     Dynamics have the power to cause. They are holographic and have color, shape, size, consciousness, etc. Once the  Dynamics knows what to do, it seizes the opportunity and transforms itself, becoming that new updraft version of itself, which is its positive intention and we move beyond old patterns. Transformation of the issue or belief is instantaneous and permanent.

    In our physicality, there are identified places that enable us to access hyperspace and spinners of information" and the driving force behind our problems as beings their potential solutions. Problems are caused by their potential solutions and can

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