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The Falsehoods of Christianity: A Layman's Perspective - Volume One
The Falsehoods of Christianity: A Layman's Perspective - Volume One
The Falsehoods of Christianity: A Layman's Perspective - Volume One
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The Falsehoods of Christianity: A Layman's Perspective - Volume One

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The falsehoods of Christianity series exposes the dark side of Christianity by addressing its history and church doctrine which is based on the Bible which is based on mythology which is based on a belief structure that borders on delusional aspects of life. You may not find a atheist in a foxhole - you wont find one in the 535 members of Congress either or the White House which is protected by the U.S. Constitution, which is protected by nine members of the Supreme Court, which is made up of six Christians. The problem with America - when a atheist hears voices he or she is sent to a mental institution. When a Christian hear voices - they are elected to Congress or the White House.
Release dateSep 30, 2015
The Falsehoods of Christianity: A Layman's Perspective - Volume One

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    The Falsehoods of Christianity - Ivan P. Kovak



    Prior to the invention of writing, which the Sumerians started around 3200 BC, no-one had ever heard of a God called Jehovah or Jesus Christ or the Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) was started around 1445 BCE and finished around 400 BCE. In fact, if copyright laws had been in effect then, Judaism and the Bible, which begot Christianity(which in turn spawned Islam) would have never made it off the ground. The impact and influence pagan religions and their worship of many gods had on the minds of the Jewish Hebrew scholars who produced and introduced the world to Judaism, the Bible and monotheism; was immense.

    The success and impact Judaism and Christianity had on the world at the time can be summed up in one word: simplicity. Instead of trying to remember to worship many gods and who’s who, one just had to worship one God, who came with a book of instructions known as the Bible.

    One cannot over look the reason behind the birth of religion, which was the lack of knowledge about the known and the unknown. No one could explain the unexplainable. Ancient civilizations, along with their pagan gods and their beliefs and rituals, gave an acceptable explanation to the known and unknown that their caveman mentality could accept.

    A Jewish Hebrew scholar not knowing about prior pagan religions and their gods, rituals and stories would have been like a history teacher today not knowing about history, or a math teacher not knowing about math, or a professor of law not knowing about the law, because all are considered scholars within their fields.

    The problem we have here, (which is the core of this book) is that these prior ancient civilizations, pagan religions, gods, beliefs, rituals, and stories were born out of mythology, folklore, and fairytales, passed down from generation to generations by oral tradition. These myths became the backbone of Judaism and Christianity and the belief structure for both institutions for over two thousand years. Their myths have been preached and copied as fact; and today billions upon billions of people from all walks of life, from the uneducated to the very educated, believe in this caveman mentality called Christianity.

    President Obama, in an address to the nation on June 15th, 2010, spoke about prayer and a hand that may guide us through the storm to a brighter day, this from a man who graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, and is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

    Ronald Reagan, one of our most beloved presidents, was asked once if he was left alone on an island with nothing, what would he want. He replied The Bible!

    It would seem that President George W. Bush had more religious people as advisors on his staff then the Vatican! Yet he failed miserably in both his foreign and domestic policies.

    Does this mean that George W. Bush was not a good man? No! George W. Bush, like Jimmy Carter, are both good and respectful men; they just had no business being president.

    The scary part of all this came in 1988 when Pat Robertson of the 700 Club actually ran for president of the United States. This from a man who is seen to this day celebrating Christ’s birthday on December 25th when the Bible Almanac clearly states the following: We don’t know the exact month and day when Jesus Christ was born.

    If you honestly feel that a man riding a horse with long flowing white hair and carrying a sword in his mouth is going to save the world, you need to save yourself by first, reading this book, and second, seeking medical treatment for a condition known as Delusional Disorder. If you do see such a thing, it’s because some drunk stole a horse from a stable.

    There are over 4,200 religions in the world today, each one claiming to be the one true religion. In these pages of this book, I shall reveal to you who is the one true God.

    Christianity is based on faith and faith, according to the dictionary; it is the belief that does not require proof of evidence. If one believes in religion then one must believe in aliens. There are billions of galaxies and more stars than grains of sand on all the beaches on earth. I think with such overwhelming tangible odds, your chances of finding an alien based on faith are far better than finding God!

    The weakness of man invented religion; the strength of man will remove it. The more one examines Christianity, the uglier it gets. A Pope once stated religion was invented in order to keep the faithful in line and as a weapon against the non-believers.

    If one looks at the suppressions of the Jews by the Romans, one begins to realize that the Jews could not defeat the Romans by the sword but with the pen, they proved no match. Thus you have the saying the pen is mightier than the sword, and thus you have the Bible.

    Little could the Jewish Hebrew scholars have known that not only would they slaughter the Romans but mankind too because Judaism begat Christianity which begat Islam and together they have divided more people than all the wars known to man. If one removes religion from society, one brings peace to the world.

    People relate suffering to God’s will—I think people have suffered enough.



    It’s been said that Judaism begat Christianity, and Christianity begat Islam, and everything else begat Judaism. Without the knowledge and use of prior ancient religious gods, rituals, traditions, practices, laws, and myths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam would have never gotten off the ground.

    With that said, all the irreligious rhetoric put forth by whomever or whatever, past, present, and future, may slow down Christianity and religion as a whole, but the death of Christianity and religion is far into the future for several reasons.

    1. The increase of knowledge will overtake the lack of knowledge that brought on the birth of superstition, religion, and Christianity.

    2. Just like in the past, religion was passed on from generation to generation because it was a simplified answer to explaining the unexplainable, lack of knowledge and the slow growth of intelligence available to humankind at the time, until the invention of computers. This, in turn, led to an overnight increase in knowledge and intelligence for everyone on the planet and the birth of new nations after the invention of smartphones.

    The death of religion and Christianity will occur when this newfound knowledge and intelligence is passed from generation to generations along with the invention of the information highway, which will overcome delusional thought and be replaced with intelligent reasoning.

    Religion is like a nightmare that will go away—once we wake up.

    3. There are exceptions to every theory. As of 2013, religious tourism to Israel had reached $20 billion. Needless to say, a strong probability exists that the birthplace of religion (Israel) will be the slow death of religion or the only remaining place left on earth where futuristic individuals may come to view the remains of a caveman’s mentality, which was the birth of religion and Christianity—the biggest hoax played on humankind.

    History has shown that religions eventually die out. The ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman religions all had long reigns but they all die out. The same will happen to Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but atheism will live on regardless of what new religion replaces the old. It gives me special satisfaction to realize that atheism will still be around long after Christianity has died out.—Ignots Pistachio

    I invite you to take a journey with me back in time to the very beginning where it all started, a look back at all those ancient civilizations prior to 1,000 BC and their religious practices and ideas that had a tremendous influence and impact on the Jewish Hebrew Scholars who in turn influenced the development of Christianity as we know it today.


    Our first stop (appropriately enough) in our journey shall be the very first civilization known to humankind: ancient Sumer known as the Sumerian civilization. This civilization began in and around 5,000 BCE and lasted until around 2,660 BCE in an area known as the Fertile Crescent located in southern Mesopotamia, which is modern day Iraq. Some historians indicate a much earlier start (5,800 BCE) and others a much later start (4,000 BCE). The one thing all historians agree on is that prior to ancient Sumer, chaos, superstition, and barbarians ruled the world.

    Due to the following accomplishments by the Sumerian civilization over the next 2,300 years, the world would never be the same. The Sumerians were inventors, and as such, their inventions influenced the development of the ancient empires as well as our world today. They were the first to develop (a) the written word, (b) the wheel, (c) irrigation and agriculture, (d) mathematical equations, (e) organized government and state capitals along with codes of law, (f) the architectural arch, (g) time measured by a calendar, (h) sophisticated music, (i) philosophy of military craft, and (j) documented history.

    Yes! They may have been primitive inventions; nevertheless, these ideas laid the groundwork for their development into the sophistication they are known by today among other civilizations.

    I saved the last greatest invention by the Sumerian civilization for last. Why? Because it’s my favorite.

    They invented the organization of spiritual institutions, which helped develop their religious beliefs and, in turn, led to the development of Christianity as we know it today.

    The Sumerian religion was the first to write a creation myth (the oldest known to humankind); it was found on a clay tablet known as the Eridu Genesis, which included a flood myth written more than 1,600 years prior to the Jewish Hebrew Bible.

    The chances of the word Genesis not being copied by the Jewish Hebrew scholars for the use in their Bible is like someone hitting a $400,000,000 lottery twice within six months!

    Keep in mind that the written word had just been invented a short time earlier. Wait, it gets better.

    The Sumerians had a god called Enki/Ea who is credited with (1) the creation of man; (2) placing a man in a garden to care for it and calling it Edin; (3) having a man build a boat to save humans and animals from a flood; (4) turning language into babble so no one understood anyone; and (5) resting on the seventh day.

    Another amazing fact about the Sumerian civilization is that—unlike future societies, such as the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, along with the Persians who were all influenced by one another in the creation of their own individual empires—the Sumerians’ knowledge and ideas came from within and had no previous influence from any prior civilized civilization. Because none existed.

    Let’s not forget: The Sumerian civilizations were the first to engrave on their walls the planets rotating around the sun.

    One more historical fact about the Sumerians is that they were the first black civilization and were referred to as the black-headed people with well-groomed Afros and knotted beards.

    Some of the facts presented here could be dismissed by historians, but one fact remains that the influence the Sumerian’s religious beliefs had on the tiny kingdom of Israel and Judah cannot be dismissed.

    Akkadian Empire

    The Sumerian civilization was the very first civilization known to man. Their neighbors to the north, the Akkadians of Akkad, were the very first empire known to humankind. For years, the Sumerian culture enjoyed a friendly relationship with the Akkadians until Sargon of Akkad (who was said to have been found in a basket floating in a river, like Moses) conquered the Sumerians around 2340 BCE and intertwined their cultures and religions. Then, the Sumerian god Enki became known as the Akkadian god Ea; thus, you have Enki/Ea.

    Also, many of the Sumerian/Akkadian religious proverbs show a similarity to those found in the Book of Proverbs in the Jewish Old Testament.

    The Akkadian empire lasted only 180 years and was overthrown by the Gutians, a barbarian tribe from the Zagros Mountains.

    The Assyrians

    Two nations would eventually arise from the collapse of the Akkadian empire: the Assyrians and the Babylonians. The Assyrians were the first civilization to use the horse, and for over 300 years, the Babylonians were under their direct control until around 612 BCE, when they were able to break away from the Assyrians who where weakened by civil war within their empire.

    What’s important to note here is that the Assyrians also had a creation myth that was influenced by the Sumerians and Akkadians.

    The Babylonians

    One important contribution by the Old Babylonian Period (1950 BCE – 1530 BCE) to the birth of religion cannot be overlooked: the literature works of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories known to humankind. It is based on various elements of characters and stories of mythology that include the Garden of Eden and a flood myth that was put together from bits and pieces that originated with the Sumerians in a set of poems to various versions by the Akkadians, Assyrians, and finally an epic version copied from the Akkadians and Assyrians to look like their own: the Babylonians.

    Some religious scholars have claimed that the Babylonians copied their version not from the Akkadians and Assyrians, but from the Hebrew Bible. If that were the case, though, how does one explain the versions copied by the Babylonians that were written before Judea and Israel were a nation? Or is this just another case of justifying one’s life’s work that otherwise would be meaningless?

    Another literary work by the Babylonians that did not go unnoticed by the Jewish Hebrew Bible was their book Enuma Elis.

    Enuma Elis was written on seven clay tablets and tells the mythical creation story of humankind by the Babylonians. What makes this story unique is that it’s an original piece of literary work by the Babylonians that has them breaking away from established mythical gods and replacing them with their own.

    What is not unique is that the Babylonian’s creation myth shares a similarity to that of Genesis found in the Jewish Hebrew Bible where both creation myths start with speech. Again, there are scholars who claim that the Babylonians copied the Hebrews and not the other way around.

    Once more, those scholars are wrong because the Babylonians wrote the Enuma Elis between 1200 BCE and 1101 BCE, and the Jewish Hebrew scholars wrote the Old Testament between 1000 BCE and 160 BCE.

    One more tidbit before we move on: The biblical story of the Tower of Babel was not only influenced by the Sumerians but also the Babylonians. One cannot help but notice the similarities in the name Babel and Babylonians.

    Myths can be explained away but facts cannot.

    The Egyptians

    No other civilization or empire had more of an effect on the Jewish Scholars due to their longevity and multitude of gods then the Egyptians did, and this cannot be over stated enough.

    In fact, forget about copyright laws; if the Egyptian civilization doesn’t exist, the Jewish Hebrew Bible doesn’t exist. If any evangelist, preacher, minister, reverend, priest, or doctor from the past, present, or future tells you anything different, they’re lying! Or they’re suffering from a medical condition known all too well within society today as delusional disorder, which occurs over time from manipulating myths into truth which in turn gives birth to the slogan if one tells a lie long enough, the world will believe it.

    The Egyptian society began to become a civilization around 3500 BCE and their contribution to the Jewish Hebrew Bible was enormous. Egyptian creation mythology was extremely important to them.

    That is why you’ll find a dozen or more different creation stories associated with several different cities and widely pauperized throughout Egyptian society, in both text and oral forms. Along with these dozen or so creation stories and their 2,000 gods, the Egyptians gave the Jewish Hebrew scholars the formula for the creation of their religion and Bible.

    The Egyptian creation myth dealt with the creation of the world and the creation of humans and animals separately. This could explain the two different creation stories within Genesis in the Old Testament.

    One would think that the ancient Egyptians would have been confused with all the different creation myths and deities floating around; no one knew what to believe. Just as the billions of Christians have accepted the two different creation stories within Genesis, so did the ancient Egyptians who found a way to accept them all, which in turn helped feed the religious myths of Judaism, which fueled the bonfires of Christian mythology.

    If one were to make a comparison between the creation stories found in Genesis in the Old Testament and the Heliopolis creation myth, they would find that it has the god Atum coming forth from nothing and creating himself. Then, he goes ahead and creates everything else, from the creation of light on day one to day seven, when everyone takes a break, to the killing of humankind because of their wrongdoings, with a flood to boot. The birth of Horus, who was called the truth and the light, the good shepherd and the lamb of god. The birth of Isis, who is the inspiration for Mother Mary and then the battle between Horus and Seth (good and evil). The Memphis creation myth where the world is created through speech by the god Ptah, to brother killing brother over jealousy. One begins to see the similarities.

    Any one of the major gods could have been looked at as singular in nature because the Egyptians were known to occasionally worship one god at a time. But, one must remember that the biggest difference between the two religions was that the Egyptians believed in many gods and Judaism only in one God. But, both used hymns and prayers to give praise to their gods.

    Most religions have stated, if life started by chance, we have no chance! So, that means if a baby is conceived by chance, he or she has no chance? I say, if you honestly believe that one person created the vast universe with its entire individual uniqueness and life with its many different species, both human and animal, along with their own special individual personalities and complexities within six days or any days, you have no chance.

    In the coming chapters, we shall take a closer look at this camaraderie between both religions. After all, if it weren’t for the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there would be no Ten Commandments.

    Ancient Greece

    From 3,000 BCE until around 2,000 BCE, Greece was mostly governed by colonies, and from 2,000 BCE until 1,100 BCE, it was governed by Minoan and Mycenaean Kings until a Dorian invasion put an end to the Mycenaean civilization and set up city-states ruled by monarchies.

    Around 800 BCE, monarchies were replaced by aristocratic republics and Greece started to form itself from the period known as the Dark Ages into the Ancient Greece we all know today as the Classical Period, which emanates itself into Greek literature and turned myths into legendary stories and characters.

    As stated earlier, the Jewish Hebrew scholars started to translate the Old Testament starting around 1,000 BCE, which means the Greek creation myth written around 800 BCE may have had no knowen influence on the Hebrews creation story in Genesis. But how does one explain the similarities between the Greek food myth written before 600 BCE and the story of Noah, also found in the book of Genesis?

    The Greek Creation Myth: In the beginning, darkness, chaos, and void filled the universe, which was circled by water called Oceanus, the home of Eurynome, a goddess of all things. Out of the chaos, Eurynome joined with Ophion, a snake, and Eros the God of Love was born along with Gaia (earth) Uranus (the heavens) and Tartarus (a dark area under the earth).

    Gaia and Uranus fell in love and gave birth to Cronus who was a giant. Cronus fell in love with Rhea and learned that one day his children would annihilate him. So, when they were born, he ate them to protect himself. Gaia was upset with her son’s actions so much so that when Zeus was born she gave her son Cronus a stone to eat that was hidden in cloth, and in turn, she took Zeus to Crete.

    Zeus grew up and returned home to battle Cronus and his Titan giants, but he needed the help of his brothers and sisters. His wife gave Cronus medication that caused him to vomit the children he had eaten, and together with his brothers and sisters, Zeus defeated Cronus and sent him to the underworld forever.

    Zeus became the supreme god and set himself on Mount Olympus along with his brothers and sisters, who also become gods. Everyone else was sent to live elsewhere in the world, and over time, the gods living on Mount Olympus were treated like kings and queens, receiving the best of everything the world had to offer. Zeus despised the people and creatures living below to the point where he ignored their basic needs of survival, such as fire, food, and clothing.

    But the people down below had a hero in Prometheus, who was a Titan that survived the war with Zeus and afterward created out of clay a race of people called humans and every living creature to go along with them. To offset Zeus’s cruelty toward his new creations, Prometheus stole fire from Mount Olympian and gave it to the humans.

    When Zeus found out that one of his most precious gifts, fire, had been given to the humans by Prometheus, he had him chained to a large mountain boulder and had a eagle eat out his liver every day. Then, Zeus sent the most beautiful woman in creation, called Pandora, to cause him both mental and physical pain daily.

    Pandora was given a box as a gift by Zeus and told not to open it, but being overly inquisitive about its contents, she disobeyed Zeus and opened the box. Out came evil which has continued to torment man to this day. Realizing what she had done, Pandora quickly closed the box to prevent hope from escaping.

    This is one among many famous Greek creation myths passed down from generation to generation like most myths in ancient civilizations.

    The Greek Flood Myth: The theme of the Greek flood myth is almost identical to that found in the Old Testament Book of Genesis, except the characters’ names are different. The humans created by Prometheus became so evil that the god Jupiter sent a great flood to destroy them. Zeus/Jupiter spared the lives of one man and woman, and after the waters subsided, they repopulated the world.

    Of course, this is a short version of the flood myth, but the idea is the same as most flood myths of ancient times told over and over again by oral tradition, until someone started to write these stories down starting around 2700 BCE. The first was the Ancient Sumerians’ Epic of Gilgamesh flood myth, which is the oldest written story on earth.

    Granted, the Greek flood myth was written some time before 600 BCE and may not have influenced the Noah’s ark story written around 1,000 BCE, but to say that the Epic of Gilgamesh had no influence on the Genesis flood myth, which is identical in theme, is to say the world is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs never existed.

    Oops! Wait. Isn’t there a Christian museum built in Kentucky to teach children that God created the world 6,000 years ago? If one wants an example of what constitutes religion and reality and why we need to have a separation of church and state and a revised U.S. Constitution to protect the impressionable minds of our children and nation, one must visit this museum composed by individual religious delusional fanatics.

    The Roman Empire

    Ancient civilizations gave the Jewish Hebrew scholars the themes to write the Old Testament, but the Romans gave the motivation to write the New Testament.

    One cannot write or speak about Ancient Rome without first addressing its relationship with Ancient Greece. Both civilizations matured around the same time except the death of Alexander in 323 BCE ended Greece’s power but not its influence over Rome and the rest of the world.

    What patternism is to religion, copycats are to Ancient Rome. They not only borrowed Ancient Greece’s gods and renamed them, but they took Greece’s ideas for laws, government, architecture, fashion, art, and religion and either kept them the same or changed them to suit their purpose.

    For example, the Romans did not have a creation myth so they interjected themselves into Greece’s creation myth by changing the name Zeus to Jupiter. Ancient Rome had a history of borrowing other foreign gods and ideas by just adapting them into their way of life.

    Make no mistake, Rome’s success was not due to the primarily influence of the Greeks, but to that of their disciplined armies and weaponry, which at the time was the best the ancient world had to offer. This would explain the longevity of the Romans, which lasted from 753 BCE until the fall of the Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 ADE. 2,206 years! How old is America?

    Without the longevity and influence of the Romans, the Christians and their newfound religion might not have survived. Ancient Rome believed in many gods, and their divine emperors also demanded that they be worshiped, which led to the persecution of the Jews and Christians for their religious beliefs. The writing of the New Testament started around 50 ADE, which chronicled such events into text and helped formalize the supporting cast.

    This, in turn, led to the fabrication of stories and events, such as the life of Jesus Christ, which helped bolster their beliefs and religion and led to their acceptance by Romans and the banishment of all pagan religious beliefs.

    Oral Tradition

    Oral tradition is the telling of stories not written down, but told by cave dwellers who passed it on from clan to clan, then village to village, town to town, and then on generation to generation, until civilization put it on paper.

    Unfortunately, these myths, folktales, and legends on paper turned out to be the bases of religion that generations all over the world preached as fact. Now, we have begun to realize the difference between factual and magical.

    The untold damages that evangelical Billy Graham and televangelists, such as Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, and Benny Hinn (along with a cast of thousands), have caused over the years, with the help of the United States Congress and the Supreme Court and the American Constitution are immeasurable. This book does not question their character, but their beliefs.

    To say that knowledge was at a premium during the development of ancient civilization would be an understatement, and as such, it was common practice for the different societies to use a form of patternism to establish their empires and give legitimacy to their religions and ways of life. Patternism can best be described as similarities over time, and without its wide use and practices by ancient civilizations, most religions, including Judaism, which begot Christianity, would have never survived.


    When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. — Abraham Lincoln

    It was the experience of mystery—even if mixed with fear—that engendered religion. — Albert Einstein

    Religion is just mind control. — George Carlin

    Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. — Karl Marx

    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. — Voltaire

    All religions have been made by men. — Napoleon Bonaparte

    Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves, or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth. — Ayn Rand

    I’m religiously opposed to religion. — Victor Hugo

    Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. — Arthur Schopenhauer

    Some of you say religion makes people happy. So does laughing gas. — Clarence Darrow

    Religion needs a baptism of horse sense. — Billy Sunday

    The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. — George Bernard Shaw

    Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. — Benjamin Franklin

    Atheism is the voice of a few intelligent people. — Voltaire

    For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain. — Gene Roddenberry

    History does not record anywhere or at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. — Robert A. Heinlein

    Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man. — Thomas Jefferson

    It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age, but if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion. — Bertrand Russell

    Religion does three things quite effectively: divides people, controls people, deludes people. — Carlespie McKinney

    When religion comes in at the door, common sense goes out the window. — Lemuel K. Washburn

    The careful student of history will discover that Christianity has been of very little value in advancing civilization, but has done a great deal toward retarding it. — Matilda Joslyn Gage

    Religion has run out of justifications. Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, it no longer offers an explanation of anything important. — Christopher Hitchens

    Take from the church the miraculous, the supernatural, the incomprehensible, the unreasonable, the impossible, the unknowable, the absurd, and nothing but a vacuum remains. — Robert G. Ingersoll

    Religion is the one place where people are honored for their ignorance. — Ignots Pistachio

    Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. — Ashley Montague

    If you want to know if you’re insane, ask yourself if you have an unwavering belief, one that you could never disavow no matter what. If you answered yes, then you’re insane. — Ignots Pistachio

    It’s been said we die two deaths: our natural death is our first and the second being the last time someone mentions our name. I may die, but my words will not. — Ivan P. Kovak


    The God Factor

    In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made (John. 1:1-3).

    The universe is (approximately) 14 billion years old and the earth is (approximately) 4.54 billion years old. So why did it take God so long to make an appearance here on earth? Because in order for something to be created, you first must have a creator, which in God’s case was—man.

    How ironic was it is for God to appear at the same time the written word and alphabet appeared giving birth to the Old Testament? (How convenient?)

    Christian debaters, from priests, to ministers, to evangelicals, to reverends, to doctorates of religion, who often preach from the pulpit or at seminars will often argue that created gods by divination are delusional and that God is eternal and the universe is not.

    Well, they are right about one thing: all created gods are delusional because they are a product of man’s imagination, but when it comes to the universe, please note the following: dark energy makes up 70% of the universe and 25% is made up of dark matter; the other 5% is made up of what we can see, which means the finger of God did not create the Big Bang. Dark energy did. Which is to say that the equation for the theory of nothing is something.

    I stated before and I’ll state it once more: if copyright laws had been in effect around 5,000 BCE, God, the Bible, and Christianity would have never made it off the ground. They are products of their time, borrowed from ancient oral and pagan religious traditions in order to build a better mousetrap by Jewish Hebrew scholars called Judaism, which begat Christianity and Islam.

    In order to understand how God of the Old Testament became the one true God for close to 2.5 billion Christians, one must first understand the Occam’s Razor Theory, which is nothing more than using simplicity to explain what one does not understand, (which is a theory one could use for most similar complex questions).

    The simplicity of God can be found in Chapter 1 called Copycats where we established that God, creation, the Garden of Eden, the flood, and the use of the words Genesis and Babel pre-dated the Jewish Hebrew Old Testament by 1,600 years. The chances that these were not copies are so astronomical, one could not place a number on it.

    Almost nothing of the religion known as Judaism, or Christianity, is of natural birth, including most of the stories told within the pages of the Bible, which are nothing more than oral traditional stories passed down from generation to generation since the beginning of time, which would explain why most of the stories in the Bible are by unknown authors.

    To say that the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Romans had no part in the creation of Judaism and Christianity is to deny the very existence of world history. Without their influence, there would be no God, Jesus Christ, Bible, or Christianity.

    Religion—it seems to me—is anything that cannot be explained in life becomes explainable if you add God to it.

    God, as he is simply called by Christians, and Yahweh by Judaism, is actually identified by many names, but for the purpose of this chapter, we shall refer to him as God.

    It would be impossible to speak about God without including Jesus Christ, so for the purpose of transparency, we shall separate the two by chapters—which some Christians would claim is impossible because God is made up of three distinct entities that are part of a whole called the Holy Trinity, which consists of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

    Example: The Father is God but not Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God but not the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God but not the Father or Jesus Christ. Each one is separated within one God, but all are one.

    Look, it is what it is. Another Christian doctrine wrapped around a mystery that is wrapped around an enigma that is wrapped around something called faith!

    To give more credence to the mystery, I give Trinitarians (people who believe in the Christian doctrine of the trinity) the following to ponder:

    The Bible was translated in Greek, and in Greek, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost mean the same. According to the Trinity doctrine, the Holy Ghost impregnates the Virgin Mary to give birth to Jesus Christ. It just boggles the mind, soul, and body!

    *Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Mat. 5:48).

    According to religious scholars and Christians alike, God’s spiritual characteristics are based on four key elements.

    1. Omniscience: having infinite knowledge; knowing all things.

    2. Omnipresence: being present in all places at the same time.

    3. Omnipotence: being all powerful; having unlimited power or authority.

    4. Omnificent: creating all things.

    Wow! That pretty much sums up what I would call

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