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The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander
The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander
The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander
Ebook768 pages11 hours

The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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With her virtuoso translation, classicist and bestselling author Caroline Alexander brings to life Homer’s timeless epic of the Trojan War

Composed around 730 B.C., Homer’s Iliad recounts the events of a few momentous weeks in the protracted ten-year war between the invading Achaeans, or Greeks, and the Trojans in their besieged city of Ilion. From the explosive confrontation between Achilles, the greatest warrior at Troy, and Agamemnon, the inept leader of the Greeks, through to its tragic conclusion, The Iliad explores the abiding, blighting facts of war.

Soldier and civilian, victor and vanquished, hero and coward, men, women, young, old—The Iliad evokes in poignant, searing detail the fate of every life ravaged by the Trojan War. And, as told by Homer, this ancient tale of a particular Bronze Age conflict becomes a sublime and sweeping evocation of the destruction of war throughout the ages.

Carved close to the original Greek, acclaimed classicist Caroline Alexander’s new translation is swift and lean, with the driving cadence of its source—a translation epic in scale and yet devastating in its precision and power.

Release dateNov 24, 2015


Two epic poems are attributed to Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. They are composed in a literary type of Greek, Ionic in basis with Aeolic admixtures. Ranked among the great works of Western literature, these two poems together constitute the prototype for all subsequent Western epic poetry. Modern scholars are generally agreed that there was a poet named Homer who lived before 700 B.C., probably in Asia Minor.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Stephen Mitchell translates a classic better than any action flick made in the past 10 years.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Two things I learned from this:
    - Translation is everything. Fagles isn't perfect, but he moves quickly and easily - not too stilted or weird - and he doesn't skimp on the blood and guts.
    - Introduction is awfully important. Bernard Knox is a new hero of mine; this intro is widely and correctly considered a classic piece on Homer.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So I don't much like flying. Like really, I do not like flying. And I had to fly to the US for work. In which case the coping mechanism is tranquilisers and a book I have to concentrate on - it serves to distract me. Having read [The Odyssey] earlier in the year, I figured I'd go all classical and try [The Illiad] this time. It's one of those occasions when you know what's going to happen, this is all about how you arrive at the ending. It's quite intense, being set over a limited number of weeks towards the end of the 10 year siege of Troy. Despite the intervention of the gods, the entire thing is very human, with the whole gamut of emotions present, from the great and heroic to the petty. It's all very sad, and there's no sense of resolution at the end of the book, the war continues without seeming to have resolved anything, despite the bloodshed. I found the introductory notes interesting and informative and it was worth wading through them initially.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dit lijkt een vrij saai boek met vooral talloze, bloederige strijdtaferelen en de erbij horende redevoeringen. Een overdaad aan herhalingen dus. Het werk vormt een mooie eenheid en is veel minder complex van structuur dan bijvoorbeeld de Odyssee. Bovendien is de moraal van het verhaal nogal simplistisch: ieder ondergaat zijn lot, maar de grote helden zorgen ervoor dat ze dat met roem en eer doen.Aan de andere kant steken er tal van verfrissende elementen in:1. de poëtische kracht die uitgaat van de taal (de epitheta), en vooral van sommige scenes: afscheid van Hektor en Andromache, het verdriet van Achilles om zijn vriend Patroklos,...2. de open en stoutmoedige confrontatie tussen de meerderen en hun ondergeschikten, vooral in de controverse rond koning Agamemnoon: herhaaldelijk wordt die door verschillende helden voor vuile vis uitgemaakt en verbaal vernederd. 3. Bovenal getuigt het beeld dat van de godenwereld wordt opgehangen in de eerste plaats van een heel dynamisch en modern aandoend mensbeeld: de goden zijn als mensen met humeuren en luimen, met een hiërarchie die regelmatig opzij wordt gezet maar toch wordt gerespecteerd als het er op aankomt, met een moraal die wel enkele formele regels volgt maar die tegelijk te pas en te onpas links wordt gelaten. Kortom: het archetype van de vrijheid?Nog enkele andere elementen over het wereld- en mensbeeld:1. De dood is onvermijdelijk en door het lot bepaald (zelfs de goden moeten er zich naar schikken), maar toch kan enige vorm van onsterfelijkheid worden nagestreefd door roemrijke daden te stellen. Dat belet niet dat de Onderwereld voor ieder een oord van verschrikkelijke ellende is. 2. Vrouwen zijn volstrekt ondergeschikt en hun waarde wordt zelfs voor een stuk uitgedrukt in runderen, tenzij voor de echtgenotes of moeders van de helden cfr Andromache (Hektor heeft een "hoofse" relatie tot haar). Uitzondering hierop vormen de vrouwelijke goden die als het erop aankomt wel ondergeschikt zijn, maar geen enkele gelegenheid onbenut laten om hun eigen weg te gaan (Hera, Athene, Afrodite). 3. Het standpunt van de verteller is heel objectivistisch: hij kiest globaal geen partij; wel worden in het verhaal sommige figuren in een minder daglicht gesteld (aan Griekse kant vooral de broers Agamemnoon en Menelaos, aan Trojaanse Paris). 4. De typisch griekse lichaamcultuur is hier al aanwezig: bij de persoonsbeschrijvingen worden vooral de fysieke kenmerken onderstreept; heel veel belang wordt gehecht aan het conserveren van het lichaam na de dood (en omgekeerd voor vijanden aan het zo wreed mogelijk verminken).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Iliaden skildrer det tiende år af den græske belejring af Troja. Prins Paris af Troja startede krigen ved at bortføre den smukke Helene fra kong Menelaos.Fortællingen begynder med at Chryses, Apollons ypperstepræst, kommer til kong Agamemnon for at løskøbe sin datter Chryseis. Agamemnon afviser ham, og Apollon nedkalder derfor pest over grækerne. Kalchas forudser, at pesten kun kan afværges ved at give Chryseis tilbage og Achilleus støtter ham. Agamemnon gør det, men tager til gengæld Briseis fra Achilleus. Som hævn strejker Achilleus og får endda Thetis til at påvirke Zeus til trojanernes fordel: Da trojanerne er ved at vinde, beder Patroklos Achilleus om lov til at kæmpe. Achilleus accepterer det, og Patrokles slår trojanerne tilbage, men dræbes af Hektor. For at hævne ham går Achilleus igen ind på Agamemnons side og slår Hektor ihjel og slæber hans lig tilbage til grækernes lejr. Kong Priamos kommer til Achilleus og kysser hans hånd for at få sin søns lig tilbage. Achilleus forbarmer sig og giver ham liget.Iliaden slutter med Hektors ligfærd.Indeholder "Første sang", " Pesten", " Vreden", "Anden sang", " Drømmen", " Fristelsen", " Skibsfortegnelsen", "Tredje sang", " Edspagen", " Udsigten fra Muren", " Tvekampen mellem Alexandros og Menelaos", "Fjerde sang", " Pagtens brud", " Agamemnons hærmønstring", "Femte sang", " Diomedes's heltedaad", "Sjette sang", " Hektors og Andromaches møde", "Syvende sang", " Tvekampen mellem Hektor og Aias", " De faldnes begravelse", "Ottende sang", " Den afbrudte kamp", "Niende sang", " Gesandtskabet til Achillevs", " Bønfaldelsen", "Tiende sang", " Sangen om Dolon", "Ellevte sang", " Agamemnons heltedaad", "Tolvte sang", " Kampen om muren", "Trettende sang", " Kampen ved skibene", "Fjortende sang", " Zeus's bedaarelse", "Femtende sang", " Bortdrivelsen fra skibene", " Troernes nye angreb", "Sekstende sang", " Sangen om Patroklos", "Syttende sang", " Menelaos's heltedaad", " Kampen om Patroklos's lig", "Attende sang", " Achilleus erfarer Patroklos's død", " Vaabensmedningen", "Nittende sang", " Achilleus opgiver sin vrede", "Tyvende sang", " Kampens genoptagelse", " Gudernes kamp", "Enogtyvende sang", " Kampen ved floden", "Toogtyvende sang", " Hektors død", "Treogtyvende sang", " Patroklos's ligfærd", " Kamplegene til Patroklos's ære", "Fireogtyvende sang", " Hektors udløsning".Fremragende epos, der med fuld ret er en klassiker.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Read it, love it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Translation is everything, so let me begin my review of this foundational masterpiece of Western literature by noting that as it pertains to the question of translators, I am an unabashed partisan for the Richmond Lattimore camp. I have had the pleasure of reading Homer's Iliad in the original classical Greek, and have also read three of the major modern translations - Lattimore, Fitzgerald, and Fagles. As an aside, I have also read selections from Alexander Pope's eighteenth-century "translation," and have to say that the transformation of dactylic hexameter into rhyming couplets strikes me as somehow akin to trying to trick an Irish wolfhound out as a miniature poodle.It is not my intention to dispute the poetic skill of either Mr. Fitzgerald or Fagles, and indeed, I retain a nostalgic loyalty to the former's translation of The Odyssey, it being my first exposure to Homer. I suppose that it comes down to what expectations we as readers bring to a translation. Do we expect the translator to remain as faithful as possible to the original text, or do we want him to preference meaning over language? Do we want him to translate form, as well as words, and is that even possible? And just where does one draw the line between "translation" of form and meaning, and adaptation - that impulse to modernize?These issues took on a more concrete reality for me a few years ago, when I was given the assignment of translating one short passage of this great work, and comparing my efforts to the three works mentioned above. I chose as my selection the lovely and deeply moving exchange between Hector and Andromache in Book 6 (lines 466-481 in the original). For weeks I walked around parsing these sixteen lines, wrestling with their meaning, examining every minute detail, from the opening correlative adverb onward.In the end, I found that I was not entirely satisfied with either my own humble efforts, or any of the three versions I was to compare it to. A useful reminder that all translation is flawed. I did discover however, that my own instinctive approach to world literature is to attempt to approach it in its own milieu, seeking to understand its meaning while leaving its structure in as pristine a condition as possible. Homer's word choice matters, and so does his line structure.Which brings me back to Lattimore. His meticulous translation manages to account for almost every word in the original, and to retain its basic shape and structure, while still offering a beautiful and fluid reading experience. An astonishing achievement! He resists the urge to insert vocabulary that has no direct corollary in the text, something for which Fitzgerald is notorious, and even Fagles indulges in upon occasion. I do not doubt that Lattimore is a more difficult read for the modern reader, and it is entirely possible that other versions offer better "poems." But readers who long to have Homer's form "translated" into something more palatable for the modern taste, might want to consider that part of what gives The Iliad meaning, are the culturally-specific forms and vocabulary of the original.As for The Iliad itself, it is the quintessential expression of the heroic ethos in Western culture, and ranks up there with the Bible as a book one "must" read. Even those who object to the idea of a canon, should know what they are seeking to deconstruct.I have a difficult time accounting for my great love of this epic poem, as I am rarely in sympathy with the hero, and do not, generally speaking, enjoy war stories. Perhaps it is the occasional flash of humanity that pierces the self-aggrandizing preoccupation with honor? The exchange between Hector and Andromache, for instance. No doubt it is also partly my appreciation for the astonishing beauty and strength of Homer's language. Of course, for me, the tragedy of The Iliad is not the destruction brought on by Achilles' wrath, but the fall of Ilium itself, and of Hector...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If over 600 pages of lyrically-rendered death, blood, and mayhem sound like your cup of tea, than you'll definitely want to read this. People get eviscerated, skewered, decapitated, hewed, trampled, hacked, cleaved, etc, and it's all really very poetic. I just wasn't wildly enthusiastic about it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This new translation by Ian Johnston beats all others for it's clarity and ease of reading. I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Among the first extant works of mankind is Homer’s Iliad. Dating back almost 2,800 years and comprising over 15,000 lines, it stands as a testament to the human imagination. It is a recounting of the famous Trojan war but really only takes place during a few weeks at the end of the war. Through flashbacks and stories within the story, we get the entire magnitude of the struggle. Agamemnon rails against Achilles, Paris duels with Menelaus, Troy is sacked, and the death of Achilles, while untold, is still a tragic affair. Being an epic poem, it has everything under the sun packed into it lines—love, war, trickery, gods, life, and death. I haven’t read multiple translations of this work, so I can’t speak to Powell’s ability as a translator. His text, however, is a bit monotonous, a bit stilted, and not as poetic as I expected it to be. Of more interest and use are all the supplementary materials provided. There is a good history of the work, plenty of maps, an introduction to Greek poetry, and even a pronunciation dictionary at the end so you can be sure you’re hearing everything correctly. All that helped out a lot as the actual text takes some effort to get through. Readers of Greek mythology probably already have a copy somewhere on their shelves, but this new translation does make for a good introduction to the genre.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Homer is the tradition of epic storytelling and reading it in Spanish is enjoying it on a whole new level.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Media and language have shifted innumerably before, and will in the future, I imagine... the smart phone is just a stone skip of time. Nevertheless, I find the idea of reading ancient greek literature on a kindle app on a smart phone really amusing. Homer basically accomplished what I imagine one of his goals was - to immortalize the heroics and feats of the warriors and document the destruction of Troy for all time. Yet for all that, the Iliad reads like a game of football with the line of scrimmage moving back and forth and the Greeks and Trojans alternating between offense and defense. At first the 'well greaved Greeks' were winning… but now Hector 'of the glancing helm' has turned the tide and most of the Greek heroes are wounded and stuck in sick bay…. and then the tide turns again at the whim of Zeus. There is quite a lot of 'this one killed that one, and another one bit the bloody dust'. There are more creative ways to kill someone with a spear than I ever imagined. Some of the details are actually fairly gory. What's confusing, I find, is that at the moment of each death Homer tells the life story of the slain, or at least the vital information such as where they were from, their lineage, and who their wife was. There's a lot of familiar names and it's interesting to see them all in one place here since they are somewhat more ingrained in my head from elsewhere. Like Laertes (thank you Shakespeare) or Hercules (thank you Kevin Sorbo) or Saturn (thank you GM). There are the other random lesser gods or immortals like Sleep (no thanks to you Starbucks) or Aurora (the borealis is on the bucket list).Homer barely mentions the scene or uses descriptions at all unless it directly relates to the battle. Apparently the only such things worth recording was when the battle was at the Greek ships or Trojan city wall or if the gods were yammering away on Mount Olympus. Descriptions are fairly short and uniform and there is a lot of repetition. I heard on RadioLab that Homer did not use any instance of the color blue and some thought he may have been color blind. I did find, however, two instances of blue - one as "dark blue" and one as "azure" -- though never "blue" by itself. RadioLab gets a bunch of details wrong frequently anyway, which is really neither here nor there. One thing I found interesting is the idea and extent of how involved the Greek gods/immortals were in the lives and fates of the mortals. To the point where there are teams of gods aligned loosely for or against the Trojans. This was completely excised in the movie Troy, which I watched as I neared finishing reading this. I had no interest in seeing the movie when it came out but, figured why not. I was actually impressed with how much Hollywood got right in Troy - but of course my expectations were low to begin, thinking it would be a mixed-up and mushy story. I think the biggest things they told differently was how they treated women characters (nicer than Homer) especially Briseus. Also, Patroclus' relationship with Achilles was changed, and as I mentioned, there was no depiction of the gods. Plotwise, the movie included the Trojan horse episode, which is not actually in The Iliad (it's related in The Aenid, by Virgil). Apparently my memory from elementary school did not serve me well because I was expecting to read about the Trojan Horse and didn't believe what I was reading in front of me when the book ended without it! Even went downloading a few other versions and snooping around online to verify. Just goes to show me that my preconceived notions are not always right! And that things get muddied up when stories and retellings merge. Nevertheless, a lot of the detail and direct actions and even dialogue of the characters in the movie did come straight out of the book, so someone clearly was familiar with it, which was a pleasant surprise.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have always fancied the Iliad slightly over the Odyssey, probably because I see it as a more realistic depiction of the times, quite apart from their immense literary quality and importance. Extract the references to the gods and this comes across as a quite reliable description of a Bronze Age military campaign. It is also more interesting because of the interplay of various personalities, all with their own agendas. And, of course, its a soaring piece of drama, the equal of anything produced in the western world since. This is an excellent translation, preserving Homer's essential devices such as repetition and mnemonics, but very accessible to the non-scholar. Should be required reading for everyone at upper primary or elementary school level. It will enrich their lives forever.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fagles' editions will always stand as the epitome of Homeric translations. However, this book does a very good job at re-presenting a very old and very well-known story. There are some tangles in the translation, and some weaknesses, but far less than other attempts; and to be honest, a lot of those tangles are inherent to the Homeric text itself. What I really loved was the introductory material. Powell has put together maps, charts, and timelines to help contextualize the text for the uninitiated reader. And the introduction itself was fabulous, focusing on the humanistic value of reading and rereading a text that is already over a thousand years old and known by most everyone already.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This review is of the New American Library (Mentor) edition, published as a paperback in the 1950s. If you are to tackle Homer, you need a used paperback for the actual slogging, as you'll be turning pages and all but tearing the binding by the time you're done. You should also have a real book, leatherbound with excellent typeset, which will proudly stand on your bookshelf as the first-masterpiece-among-masterpieces. If you need to make notes, get the ebook and start the highlighting.

    This translation is by Rouse, which is why my review is not five stars. Granted, it's THE ILIAD, but not my favorite version. Here it is set up almost as a novel, albeit a very clustered novel. Since Achilles is rather angry throughout the entire expedition, I would hope for more rage but you'll have to turn to Lattimore for that angle.

    Still, it all starts with Homer, doesn't it? For me, I recall having a job in the law courts and scurrying to the office of the "Elder Judge" after a day's work was completed, where we would sit spellbound before him as he orated the Homeric saga to us. "The King prefers a good warhorse to a conscientious objector." Wonder of wonders.

    Book Season = Year Round
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent translation that catches the meaning of the Iliad nicely. It's a favorite for study in my classes. Lattimore doesn't try to capture so much the rhyme behind it but what the meaning was. You can even get the jokes behind the dog names. No other translation can do that as well.

    I really do recommend this esp if you have read or have been force fed the Iliad and hope never to hear about it again. It changed my tune.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've read this a couple of times now and find it more and more compelling. The bickering of the gods is amusing, the rage of achilles is both maddening but also rendered well, the battle scenes are viscously detailed. It's a demanding text, but this translation makes the reading easy, even if the names and events are not.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Of the epics I studied, the Iliad was my least favourite. My favourite character in Greek myth is Cassandra, but she barely appears in the Iliad. I ended up wanting to skip a lot of the fighting scenes.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Robust, violent, magnificent. I love ancient Greek and Roman literature and this (along with the Odyssey) is the crowning jewel of the time period. Never gets old for me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I just read the Barry P. Powell translation I got through Early Reviewers. I only ever read snippets of The Iliad in high school, and I don't know whether it was the translation we used or the teacher, but the story never help my interest. I'll admit I was a little reluctant to read this translation, but it turns out that I really enjoyed it! Powell's translation is much easier to read, but still retains the grandeur and epic style that The Iliad deserves. Also, his notes, pronunciation guide/glossary, and Homer timeline were really helpful. I also enjoyed the addition of period paintings/figures (yay pictures!)If you decide to tackle The Iliad, I highly recommend this translation (available October 2013).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was great. I sometimes find reading epic poems in their poetic form distracting so the prose translation was perfect for me. The introduction was brief and general, which is nice in a book that some would call long and difficult. Other than that, one of the greatest stories of all time. The only person I would steer away from this particular version of The Iliad is someone looking for a poetic translation.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I received a review copy of The Illiad, a new translation by Bary P. Powell (Oxford University Press) through a new translation of a noted book is done on three levels. The first two are scholarly: the comparison of the translation with the original and the comparison of the new translation with those that have gone before. The third is the aesthetic evaluation of the work itself. My knowledge of The Illiad is non-professional. I have been fascinated by myths and mythology since I was a child reading Bullfinch at my grandmother's house. So the chance to read a new translation of The Illiad is appealing. My reading, though, is from a lay perspective.Powell's Introduction is wonderfully informative and worth reading if you ever come across the book. In it he discusses the oral tradition of the Greeks and how poetry worked, which is similar to the blues and folk music traditions of our era. Poets (and musicians) draw on mental libraries of set pieces to tailor the performance to the tastes of the audience. But while music historians can trace the evolution and repetition of forms, phrases, and motifs for hundreds of years, not much Greek poetry exists for scholarly analysis. Adhering to modern academic standards, Powell is clear about his knowledge gaps and the liberties he has taken when fashioning this translation. All very good.I am a bit unhappy, though, about the text, although I'll say again, I am speaking as a reader, not a scholar. Powell, in choosing an updated idiom, has, in some cases, chosen awkward sentences, weak locutions and jarring words that made my reading experience less pleasant than I wanted it to be. Rather in the way that new editions of the Christian Bible or Book of Common Prayer sound rough compared with their well known predecessors, Powell's translation sometimes seems too modern. It isn't that I require a classic to sound "classical" but sometimes an older form is more comfortable. Two examples in the text: 1. The Argives gathered. The place of assembly was in turmoil. The earth groaned beneath the people as they took their seats. The din was terrific. Seven heralds, hollering, held them back – "if you stop the hullabaloo, you can hear the god-nourished chieftains."Here Powell makes three word choices with strong aesthetic value: hollering, hullabaloo, and god-nourished. "God-nourished" is likely to be directly from the Greek, there is no modern equivalent and, as explained in the Introduction, these kinds of descriptions flattered the audience who were themselves chieftains who would probably like to consider themselves "god-nourished." A very modern translation would possibly be "god blessed," but "god-nourished" is an excellent image."Holler" and "hullabaloo," though, I find odd and too informal. There was a 1965 TV show called Hullabaloo, but not until I looked it up that I realized that I had confused Hullabaloo with 1969's idiotic country comedy HeeHaw. (Hullabaloo was also a 1940 musical comedy film.) In my mind "hullabaloo" is a low class word, as is "holler," especially as a homonym of the Appalachian dialect word "holler." I find it curious that Powell, an American of similar age with a somewhat similar set of mental links, chose these dicey words over "shouted" and "clamor."2. Another word choice I do not care for is "shivery," which Powell uses many times as "shivery", "shivers", "shivered." One online dictionary defines "shivery" as "shaking or trembling as a result of cold, illness, fear, or excitement." Well, which is it? Context does not help because fear and excitement are antonyms. Thus we can put some form of "frightening" or "exhilarating" in every instance of "shiver" and come up with a coherent sentence, but choosing the same face for each occurrence does not work out well. I am unhappy with this ambiguity.One other point: Ian Morris does Powell no favor by using the "riddle, mystery, enigma" cliché in his introduction.Although I have reservations about the text, these are personal and aesthetic. Overall, I think this book is a required addition to the scholar's shelf. The Introduction provides very welcome information for the lay reader and the use of a more modern idiom will perhaps make this edition more accessible to a contemporary reader or student.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    06-19-2003I am not the first person who, coming to this late in life, and reading no Greek, have been amazed. I searched for and found Keats' response to it: "On first looking into Chapman's Homer," which eloquently describes a reader's experience and the awe that it produces.This is the first of 'the great books' - first on everyone's list, first written. Now I understand why it is the first book in the western canon. Full of human characters, detailed and evocative description of nature and common life, heart-rending fates meted out by the gods and gruesome battle. I was deeply impressed and wish two things: 1) that I had time to read it again and 2) that I could read it in Greek.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I suppose that when something is called a "classic" it's meant to mean something that is inherently interesting, to "everyone". However, in dealing with the Illiad, I'm not really sure how it could appeal to anyone not interested in war. It begins with a very sordid little episode, and continues on and on and on with things that are either unspeakably cruel, or at best strange and difficult, or both. The Catalog of Ships in Book Two of the Illiad in particular stands out as something of truly bureaucratic, census-taking, skill. (Mighty Steve, who was a mighty man, a mighty man indeed, came from Keyport, whose motto is "Pearl of the Bayshore", and also from various surrounding towns like Hazlet, Union Beach and Matawan-Aberdeen, went with him came his seven sons Adam Brian Carl Dan Edmund Fergus and Hans and his uncle Schmitty. They were all warriors. They excelled at decapitation, and other skilled modes of combat. They came with thirty ships.....Mighty John, who was also a mighty man, a mighty, mighty, mighty man, who came from Metuchen, where you can find bookstores, and his various sons and male cousins came from places like Edison, famous for its diversity, and East Brunswick and New Brunswick, where British people used to live, and Keasbey, where there are warehouses. They were all warriors. In fact, they were bloodthirsty piratical skumbags bent on pillaging young women from burning cities. They were good at sharpening axes with their teeth. They came on twenty-five ships, big ones. And then there was Mighty Fred, oh what a Mighty Man he was.....) Sometimes, when they call sometimes a "classic", they mean-- "couldn't get away with it today". ................And then, dawg gone it, somebody else got slain too. (And then Steve slew Nick, son of Boris the Russian, who had come from that country. Mighty Steve speared him right in the face. Nick then fell down, dead. Oh, he's gone.).................And, worst of all, it can provide only a partial and distorted view of the old pagan religion, since, no matter who is doing this or that, Homer's Illiad makes the whole religion the house of Mars, the madness of Mars.... "Juno" can be portrayed as saying this or that, but nothing of her own matrimonial nature survives the bloodshed and the gore; it is really all Jove, Jove and Mars-- war and politics; it's all their game, and everyone else is just there to play as a pawn for this or that. ...........................You could actually get pretty angry if you took seriously some of the things that these guys say. ("Little girl! I'll kill you!") I certainly wouldn't call it great-hearted. ...................................And, if this isn't clear already, I don't understand the *wonder* of it, just because it's (happily!) removed from current circumstances. "You're just a little girl, but I'm not a little pussy like you! I'll smash your skull!"God, I wonder what he was *really* trying to say. *rolls eyes*.......................................Considering that Homer was trying to deify and glorify war, that most sordid of human episodes, I've come to be a little surprised, of what people say about him. (7/10)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm actually not sure which translation of this I read, but what fun. I studied this in class in high school and the teacher did an excellent job of bringing in other sources to explain the allusions and make it more compelling.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Took me 2 1/2 months, but totally worth the time and late fines.

    Would make a very good graphic novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Glad I read it, but it was a long haul getting through.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I read this too quickly and passively. One day I'll give it another shot.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the original great war story. The translation here is phenomenal. Keeping the epic verse is key to getting a good read of this and here it is beautiful and informative.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First off, I first read the complete Iliad in Fagles' translation. It is, let me use the cliche, vibrant. If you've found the Iliad boring in the past, you might try it. Anyway...The Iliad is, in short, brilliant; read it. Just keep an open eye: the is no mere adventure or fantasy story (though arguably it's excellent on that level too), and if you go looking for that, you're likely to miss all the reasons people like it. It is, no doubt, ostensibly a story about war (or at least, one man's part in a war), but as an epic it doesn't fail to address many other themes. In fact it seems on the whole concerned with the general misery of human existence, describing as it does a war fought by persons who would much rather be doing something else, goaded on and manipulated by capricious gods, who are themselves subject ruthlessly and painfully to the force of fate. Modern readers may find the intervention of the gods, and probably fate too, to be odd, but most will probably find the description of war and human conduct in all spheres to be worthy of consideration.Besides its thematic and anthropological depth (and besides the large body of mythology for those into that sort of thing) the Iliad has two other important things to offer: poetry and drama. I can't say anything about the poetry of the original Greek, since my Greek is for now nearly non-existent, but one can't doubt that The Iliad has given many translators a good scaffold on which to build their own solid poetry. Even more significant though, The Iliad manages a dramatic quality that you might expect from a Shakespeare tragedy. It's full of hyperbolic action and dramatic monologues (and saving some of its best lines for them too), it revels in situational irony and pathos.To demonstrate several of these points I leave you unannotated an excerpt from one of my favorite speeches in the Iliad, again in Fagles' translation (slight spoiler alert, as it were):"'Come, Friend, you too must die. Why moan about it so?Even Patroclus died, a far, far better man than you.And look, you see how handsome and powerful I am?The son of a great man, the mother who gave me life--A deathless goddess. But even for me, I tell you,Death and the strong force of fate are waiting. '"

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The Iliad - Homer



Wrath—sing, goddess, of the ruinous wrath of Peleus’ son Achilles,

that inflicted woes without number upon the Achaeans,

hurled forth to Hades many strong souls of warriors

and rendered their bodies prey for the dogs,

for all birds, and the will of Zeus was accomplished;

sing from when they two first stood in conflict—

Atreus’ son, lord of men, and godlike Achilles.

Which of the gods, then, set these two together in conflict, to fight?

Apollo, son of Leto and Zeus; who in his rage at the king

raised a virulent plague through the army; the men were dying10

because the son of Atreus dishonored the priest Chryses.

For he came to the Achaeans’ swift ships

bearing countless gifts to ransom his daughter,

holding in his hands on a golden staff the wreaths of Apollo

who strikes from afar, and beseeched all the Achaeans—

but mostly the two sons of Atreus, marshalers of men:

"Sons of Atreus and you other strong-greaved Achaeans,

may the gods who have homes on Olympus grant you

to plunder the city of Priam, and reach your home safely;

release to me my beloved daughter, take instead the ransom,20

revering Zeus’ son who strikes from afar—Apollo."

Then the rest of the Achaeans all shouted assent,

to respect the priest and accept the splendid ransom;

but this did not please the heart of Atreus’ son Agamemnon,

and violently he sent him away and laid a powerful warning upon him:

"Let me not find you, old man, near our hollow ships,

either loitering now or coming again later,

lest the god’s staff and wreath not protect you.

The girl I will not release; sooner will old age come upon her

in our house, in Argos, far from her homeland,30

pacing back and forth by the loom and sharing my bed.

So go, do not make me angry, and you will return the safer."

Thus he spoke; and the old man was afraid and obeyed his word,

and he went in silence along the shore of the tumultuous sea.

And going aside, the old man fervently prayed

to lord Apollo, whom lovely-haired Leto bore:

"Hear me, God of the silver bow, you who stand over Chryse

and Killa most holy, you whose might rules Tenedos,

God of Plague; if ever I roofed over a temple that pleased you,

or if ever I burned as sacrifice to you the fatty thighbones40

of bulls and of goats—grant me this wish:

May the Danaans pay for my tears with your arrows."

Thus he prayed, and Phoebus Apollo heard him,

and set out from the heights of Olympus, rage in his heart,

with his bow on his shoulders and his hooded quiver;

the arrows clattered on his shoulders as he raged,

as the god himself moved; and he came like the night.

Then far from the ships he crouched, and let loose an arrow—

and terrible was the ring of his silver bow.

First he went after the mules and sleek dogs,50

but then, letting fly a sharp arrow, he struck at the men themselves,

and the crowded pyres of the dead burned without ceasing.

Nine days the shafts of the god flew through the army,

and on the tenth Achilles summoned the people to assembly;

the goddess of the white arms, Hera, put this in his mind,

for she was distressed for the Danaans, since she saw them dying.

And when they were gathered together and assembled,

Achilles of the swift feet stood and addressed them:

"Son of Atreus, I now think that, staggering back,

we shall go home again—if we escape death that is—60

if after all war and plague alike are to rout the Achaeans;

but come—let us ask some seer, or priest,

or even an interpreter of dreams, for a dream, too, is from Zeus,

who may tell us why Phoebus Apollo is so greatly angered,

if perhaps he faults our vows and sacrifice,

and whether receiving the burnt fat of sheep, of goats without blemish,

he may somehow be willing to avert our destruction."

Thus Achilles spoke and sat down. Then stood among them

Calchas the son of Thestor, far the most eminent of bird-seers,

who knew things that are, and things to come, and what had gone before,70

and had guided the ships of the Achaeans to Troy,

through his divination, which Phoebus Apollo gave him.

He in his wisdom spoke and addressed them:

"O Achilles, dear to Zeus, you bid me state the reason

for the wrath of Apollo, the lord who strikes from afar.

Then I will speak, but you listen closely and swear an oath to me

that in good earnest you will stand by me in word and strength of hand;

for I well know that I will anger a man who

has great power over the Argives, and whom the Achaeans obey.

For a king has the upper hand, when he is angered with a base-born man;80

if he does swallow his anger for that day,

yet he also holds resentment for later, until he brings it to fulfillment,

within his breast. You now declare whether you will protect me."

Then answering him Achilles of the swift feet spoke:

"Take courage, and speak freely of any omen you know;

for by Apollo beloved of Zeus, to whom you, Calchas,

pray when you reveal the gods’ omens to the Danaans,

no man while I live and see light upon this earth

will lay heavy hands upon you by the hollow ships—

none of all the Danaans, not even if you speak of Agamemnon,90

who now makes claim to be far the best man in the army."

And then the blameless priest took courage and spoke:

"It is not with prayer, nor with sacrifice that he finds fault,

but for the sake of his priest, whom Agamemnon dishonored,

and did not release his daughter, and did not accept the ransom—

for that reason the god who shoots from afar has sent these sufferings, and will send yet more;

nor will he drive this foul plague away from the Danaans

until we give back the dark-eyed girl to her dear father

without price, without ransom, and lead a holy sacrifice

to Chryse; propitiating him in this way we might persuade him."100

Thus speaking he sat down; and then rose among them

the warrior son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon,

greatly distressed, his darkening heart consumed with rage,

his eyes like gleaming fires.

Glaring, he first addressed Calchas:

"Prophet of evil, never yet have you spoken anything good for me,

always to prophesy evil is dear to your heart.

You have never spoken nor yet accomplished any good word;

and now you speak in assembly of the Danaans, declaiming god’s will—

that for this reason, you say, the Archer who shoots from afar causes their affliction—110

because I was not willing to accept his splendid ransom

for the girl Chryseïs, since I greatly desire to have her

at home; for I prefer her to Clytemnestra,

my wedded wife, as she is not inferior to her,

not in figure or bearing, nor even in disposition or handiwork.

Yet, even so, I am willing to give her back—if this is for the best.

I wish my men to be safe rather than perish.

But make ready another prize at once, so that I alone

of the Achaeans am not unrecompensed, since that is not fitting.

For all of you are witness that my own prize goes elsewhere."120

Then answered him swift-footed, godlike Achilles:

"Most honored son of Atreus, of all men most covetous of possessions,

how then can the great-hearted Achaeans give you a prize?

We do not know of any great common store laid up anywhere,

but those things we carried from the cities, these have been distributed—

and it is not fitting to go about gathering these things again from the men.

But no, relinquish the girl to the god now; we Achaeans

will pay you back three times, four times over, if ever Zeus

gives us the well-walled city of Troy to plunder."

Then answering him spoke powerful Agamemnon:130

"Do not in this way, skilled though you be, godlike Achilles,

try to trick me, for you will not outwit nor persuade me.

Or do you intend—while you yourself have a prize—that I just sit here

without one—are you ordering me to give the girl back?

No, either the great-hearted Achaeans will give me a prize

suited to my wishes, of equal value—

or if they do not give one, then I myself will go and take

either your own prize, or that of Ajax, or I will

take and carry away the prize of Odysseus; and whomever I visit will be made angry;

but, we shall consider these things later.140

For now, come, let us drag one of our dark ships to the bright salt sea,

and assemble in it suitable rowers, and place the sacrifice in it,

and take on the girl herself, Chryseïs of the lovely cheeks;

and let there be one man in command, some man of counsel,

either Ajax or Idomeneus, or noble Odysseus,

or you, son of Peleus, most terrifying of all men,

you might reconcile to us Apollo who works from afar, and perform

the sacrifice."

Then looking at him from under his brows swift-footed Achilles


"O wrapped in shamelessness, cunning in spirit—

how can any man of the Achaeans obey your words with good heart,150

to journey with you or join men in violent battle?

For it was not on account of Trojan warriors I came

to wage battle here, since to me they are blameless—

never yet have they driven off my cattle, or my horses,

nor ever in Phthia, where the rich earth breeds warriors

have they destroyed my harvest, since there is much between us,

both shadowy mountains and clashing sea.

But we followed you, O great shameless one, for your pleasure,

to win recompense for Menelaos and for you, dog-face,

from the Trojans; none of this do you pause to consider or care for.160

And now you boast you will personally take my prize from me,

for which I suffered much hardship, which the sons of the Achaeans gave me!

Never do I receive a prize equal to yours when the Achaeans

sack some well-settled city of the Trojans;

it is my hands that conduct the greater part of furious war,

yet when it comes to division of the spoils

yours is the far greater prize, and I bearing some small thing, yet also prized,

make my way to my ships, wearied with fighting.

Now I am going to Phthia, since it is far better

to go home with my curved ships, and I do not intend170

to stay here dishonored, hauling up riches and wealth for you."

Then Agamemnon lord of men answered him:

"Run, then, if your spirit so moves you. Nor will I

beg you to stay here for my sake. Other men stand by me,

who will pay me honor, and especially all-devising Zeus.

You are most hateful to me of the kings cherished by Zeus;

always contention is dear to you, and fighting and battles.

If you are so very powerful, a god doubtless gave this to you.

Go home with your ships and your companions—

be lord of the Myrmidons; of you I take no account,180

nor do I care that you are angered. But I promise you this:

As Phoebus Apollo robs me of Chryseïs,

whom I will send away, on my ship, with my companions—

so I will take Briseïs of the pretty cheeks,

yes, your prize, going myself to your hut, so that you will discern

how much I am your better and so another man will be loath

to speak as my equal, openly matching himself with me."

So he spoke. And anguish descended upon the son of Peleus

and the heart in his rugged breast debated two ways,

whether he should draw the sharp sword by his side190

and scatter the men and slay and despoil the son of Atreus,

or check his anger and restrain his spirit.

While he churned these things through his heart and mind,

as he was drawing from its sheath his great sword, Athena came to him

down from heaven; for Hera the goddess with white arms dispatched her,

who in her heart loved and cared for both men alike.

She came up behind and grabbed the son of Peleus’ tawny hair,

appearing to him alone, and none of the others saw her.

Thunderstruck, Achilles turned behind him and at once recognized

Pallas Athena; for her eyes gleamed terribly.200

And addressing her, he spoke winged words:

"Why do you come again, daughter of Zeus who wields the aegis?

Is it to witness the outrage of Agamemnon, the son of Atreus?

But I state openly to you, and I think that it will be accomplished,

that by these insolent acts he will shortly lose his life."

Then the gleaming-eyed goddess addressed him:

"From heaven I have come to stop your anger, if you will heed me;

Hera the white-armed goddess sent me forth,

who in her heart loves and cares for you both alike.

Come, leave off this contention, stay your hand on your sword,210

but rather cut him with words, telling him how things will be.

For I will tell you this, and it will be accomplished;

someday you will have three times as many shining gifts

because of this outrage; restrain yourself and obey me."

Then in reply Achilles of the swift feet addressed her:

"I must obey the word of you both, goddess,

enraged in spirit though I am; for so is it better.

If a man heeds the gods, then they also listen to him."

He spoke and checked his powerful hand on the silver sword hilt

and back into the sheath thrust the great sword, nor did he disobey220

the word of Athena. Then she was gone to Olympus,

to the house of Zeus who wields the aegis and the company of the other gods.

And the son of Peleus once more with menacing words

addressed Agamemnon, and he did not hold back his anger:

"Wine-besotted, you who have the eyes of a dog and the heart of a deer,

never do you have courage to gear up for battle with your people,

nor go on ambush with the best of the Achaeans;

to you that is as death.

Far better it is, all through the broad army of the Achaeans,

to seize the gifts of the man who speaks against you.230

King who feeds upon your people, since you rule worthless men;

otherwise, son of Atreus, this now would be your last outrage.

But I say openly to you, and I swear a great oath to it—

yes, by this scepter, that never again will put forth leaves and shoots

when once it has left behind its stump in the mountains,

nor will it flourish again, since the bronze axe has stripped it round,

leaf and bark; and now in turn the sons of the Achaeans

busy with justice carry it around in their hands, they who

safeguard the ordinances of Zeus—this will be my great oath:

someday a yearning for Achilles will come upon the sons of the Achaeans,240

every man; then nothing will save you, for all your grief,

when at the hands of man-slaying Hector

dying men fall in their multitude; and you will rip the heart within you,

raging that you paid no honor to the best of the Achaeans."

Thus spoke the son of Peleus, and hurled the gold-studded

scepter to the ground, and sat down,

while the son of Atreus raged on the other side. Then between them rose Nestor,

the sweet-sounding, the clear speaker from Pylos,

whose voice flowed from his tongue more sweetly than honey.

In his time two generations of mortal men had already250

perished, those who were born and raised with him in days of old,

in sacred Pylos, and he was ruler among the third generation.

With kindly thoughts to both he advised and addressed them:

"Oh look now, surely great trouble comes to the land of the Achaeans!

Surely Priam and the sons of Priam would be gladdened

and the rest of the Trojans greatly rejoiced in heart

if they were to learn you two were fighting over all this—

you who surpass the Danaans in counsel, who surpass them in fighting!

But hearken; you are both younger than me.

For once upon a time I banded with better260

men even than you, and never did they slight me.

Never yet have I seen, nor shall see such men—

Peirithoös and Dryas, shepherd of his people,

and Kaineus, and Exadios and Polyphemos like a god.264

These were raised to be strongest of earthly men;266

they were the strongest and they fought with the strongest—

the Centaurs who lie in the mountains—and terribly they slaughtered them.

And yet with these men I kept company, coming from Pylos,

far away, from a distant land; for they summoned me.270

And I fought by myself, I alone; against these men no

mortal now upon earth could fight.

And yet they marked my counsels and heeded my word.

Now you two heed me, since it is better to do so.

You should not, great though you are, deprive him of the girl,

but let her be, as it was to him the sons of the Achaeans gave her as prize;

nor you, son of Peleus, venture to contend face-to-face

with your king, since the king bearing the scepter partakes of

a very different honor, and is he to whom Zeus has given distinction.

And if you are the stronger man, and the mother who bore you a goddess,280

yet is this one more powerful, since he rules over more men.

Son of Atreus, restrain your spirit; for I—yes, I—

entreat you to relinquish your anger with Achilles, who is for all

Achaeans the great wall of defense against this evil war."

Then in turn lord Agamemnon spoke:

"Indeed all these things, old sir, you rightly say;

but this man wants to be above all other men;

he wants to be lord over all, to rule all,

to give orders to all—which I think that one man at least will not obey.

And if the eternal gods have made him a spearman290

they do not on that account appoint him to speak insults."

Interrupting, godlike Achilles answered him:

"May I be called a coward and of no account

if I submit to you in everything you should say.

Give such orders to other men, but do not act as master to me.

For I do not think it likely I will obey you.

And I will tell you something else and put it away in your mind—

I will not fight for the girl with strength of hand,

not with you, nor with any other man, since you who take her from me also gave her.

But of other possessions beside my ships, swift and dark,300

of these you can take nothing lifted against my will.

And I invite you to try, so that these men too will know—

very quickly will your dark blood gush round my spear."

Having fought like this with words, blow for blow,

they both stood, and broke up the assembly by the ships of the Achaeans.

Peleus’ son went to his shelter and balanced ships

with the son of Menoetius and his companions.

But the son of Atreus then drew a swift ship down to the sea,

and chose twenty rowers to go in her, and put on board the sacrificial hecatomb

for the god, and fetching Chryseïs of the lovely cheeks310

put her on board; and resourceful Odysseus came on as leader.

Then, embarked, they sailed upon the watery way,

and the son of Atreus charged the men to purify themselves.

They cleansed themselves and cast the impurities into the sea,

and to Apollo they made perfect sacrificial hecatombs

of bulls and goats along the shore of the murmuring sea;

and the savor rose to heaven amid a swirl of smoke.

So they attended to these tasks throughout the army; but Agamemnon did not

leave off the quarrel, in which he first threatened Achilles,

but spoke to Talthybios and Eurybates,320

who were heralds and ready henchmen:

"Go to the shelter of Peleus’ son Achilles;

take by the hand Briseïs of the lovely cheeks and lead her away.

And if he does not give her up, I myself will take her,

coming in force, and it will be the worse for him."

So saying, he sent them forth, and enjoined on them a harsh command.

And they two went unwilling along the shore of the murmuring sea,

and came to the camp and ships of the Myrmidons.

They found Achilles by his shelter and dark ship,

sitting; and he did not rejoice to see them.330

The two stood in fear and awe of the king,

and neither addressed him, nor questioned.

But Achilles understood in his heart, and spoke to them:

"Hail heralds, messengers of Zeus, as also of men—

come close; you are not to blame in my eyes, but Agamemnon,

who sends you two forth on account of the girl Briseïs.

But come, Patroclus, descended from Zeus, bring out the girl

and give her to these two to take away. And let them both be witnesses

before the blessed gods and mortal men alike,

and before him, this stubborn king, if ever hereafter340

other men need me to ward off shameful destruction.

For he surely raves in his ruinous heart,

and knows not to look ahead as well as behind

as to how the Achaeans shall fight in safety beside the ships."

Thus he spoke and Patroclus obeyed his beloved companion,

and from the shelter led Briseïs of the lovely cheeks,

and gave her to be taken away. And straightway the heralds left for the ships of the Achaeans.

She the young woman, unwilling, went with them. But Achilles,

weeping, quickly slipping away from his companions, sat

on the shore of the gray salt sea, and looked out to depths as dark as wine;350

again and again, stretching forth his hands, he prayed to his beloved mother:

"Mother, since you bore me to be short-lived as I am,

Olympian Zeus who thunders on high ought to

grant me at least honor; but now he honors me not even a little.

For the son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon

has dishonored me; he keeps my prize, having seized it, he personally

taking it."

So he spoke, shedding tears, and his lady mother heard him

as she sat in the depths of the salt sea beside her aged father.

At once she rose from the clear salt sea, like mist,

and sat before him as he wept,360

and caressed him with her hand, and spoke to him and said his name:

"Child, why do you cry? What pain has come to your heart?

Speak out, don’t hide it, so that we both know."

Groaning deeply, Achilles of the swift feet spoke to her:

"You know; why should I recount these things to you who know them all?

We came to Thebes, the holy city of Eëtion;

we sacked it and brought everything here.

The sons of the Achaeans fairly divided the things among them,

and to the son of Atreus they gave out Chryseïs of the lovely cheeks.

Then Chryses, a priest of Apollo who strikes from afar,370

came to the swift ships of the bronze-clad Achaeans

bearing untold ransom to set free his daughter,

holding in his hands the wreaths of Apollo who strikes from afar

on a golden staff, and beseeched all the Achaeans,

but mostly the two sons of Atreus, marshalers of men.

Then all the rest of the Achaeans shouted assent,

to respect the priest and take the splendid ransom;

but this did not please the heart of Atreus’ son Agamemnon,

but violently he drove him away and laid a strong injunction upon him.

And in anger the old man went back; and Apollo380

heard him when he prayed, since he was very dear to him,

and he let fly an evil arrow against the Argives; and now the men

died in quick succession, as the arrows of the god ranged

everywhere through the broad army of the Achaeans. But then a seer

possessed of good knowledge publicly declared to us the wishes of the god who works his will.

Straightway I led in urging that the god be appeased;

but then anger seized the son of Atreus, and suddenly rising to speak

he declared aloud a threat, which is now fulfilled.

For the dark-eyed Achaeans are sending the girl on a swift ship

to the town of Chryse, taking gifts for lord Apollo;390

just now the heralds set out from my shelter leading

the daughter of Briseus, whom the sons of the Achaeans gave to me.

But you, if you have the power, defend your son;

go to Olympus and petition Zeus, if ever in any way

in word or in deed you delighted the heart of Zeus.

For many times in the halls of my father I have heard you

boast when you said that from the dark-clouded son of Cronus,

alone among immortals, you warded off shameful destruction,

at that time when the other Olympians sought to bind him—

Hera and Poseidon and Pallas Athena;400

but you coming to him, goddess, released his bonds,

swiftly summoning to high Olympus the Hundred-Handed One,

whom the gods call Briareos the Strong—but all men call

Aigaion—he in turn is stronger than his father;

and this one seated himself beside the son of Cronus, rejoicing in his glory.

And the blessed gods trembled before him, and did no more binding.

Now remind Zeus of these things, seat yourself beside him and clasp his knees

and see if he might be willing to aid the Trojans,

and to pen the Achaeans around the sterns of their ships and the sea,

dying, so that all may have profit of their king,410

and he will know, Atreus’ son, wide-ruling Agamemnon,

his delusion, when he paid no honor to the best of the Achaeans."

Then Thetis answered him, with tears flowing down:

"Ah me, my child, why did I, bitter in childbearing, raise you?

Would that you sat by your ships without tears, without pain,

for indeed your measure of life is so very small, not long at all.

And now you are at once short-lived and unlucky beyond all men;

so I bore you to an unworthy fate in my halls.

To speak your request to Zeus who hurls the thunderbolt

I myself shall go to Olympus of the deep snow; perhaps he will heed me.420

But you stay now by your fast-running ships,

nurse your wrath at the Achaeans, and leave off the war entirely.

Zeus went yesterday to the river of Ocean among the blameless Aethiopians,

to attend a feast, and all the gods accompanied him.

On the twelfth day he will come back to Olympus,

and then at that time I will go for you to the bronze-floored house of Zeus,

and I will clasp his knees in supplication, and I think I will persuade him."

Then speaking thus she went away and left him there,

angered in his heart on account of the fair-belted woman,

whom they were taking by force against his will. And Odysseus430

was drawing near the town of Chryse, bearing the sacred hecatomb.

When they had come inside the deep harbor,

they furled the sails, and placed them in the dark ship,

and deftly lowering the mast by the forestays, laid it in the mast-gallows,

and rowed her to her mooring under oars;

then they threw the anchor stones, and made fast the stern lines,

and themselves disembarked into the broken surf,

and disembarked the hecatomb for Apollo, who strikes from afar;

and Chryseïs disembarked from the seagoing ship.

Then leading her to the altar resourceful Odysseus440

placed her in her father’s hands and addressed him:

"O Chryses, Agamemnon, lord of men, dispatched me

to lead your child to you and to perform sacred hecatombs to Phoebus

on behalf of the Danaans, so that we might propitiate lord Apollo,

who has now sent sufferings, much lamented, upon the Argives."

So speaking, he placed her in the priest’s arms, and he, rejoicing, received

his beloved daughter; and the men swiftly set up the splendid hecatomb for the god

in good order around the well-built altar,

then they washed their hands and took up the barley for scattering.

And Chryses prayed aloud for them, lifting his hands:450

"Hear me, thou of the silver bow, you who stand over Chryse

and Killa most holy, you whose might rules Tenedos,

surely once before this you heard me when I prayed;

honoring me you smote hard the host of the Achaeans.

Now, as once before, fulfill this wish for me;

now this time ward shameful destruction from the Danaans."

Thus he spoke praying, and Phoebus Apollo heard him.

Then when they had prayed and thrown the scattering barley before them,

they first drew back the heads of the sacrificial animals and cut their throats, and flayed them,

and cut out the thighbones and covered them over with fat460

they had made into double folds, and placed raw flesh upon them;

the old man burned these on a cleft-stick and over them poured in libation

dark-gleaming wine; and the youths beside him held sacrificial forks in hand.

Then when the thighbones had been consumed by fire and they had tasted the entrails,

they cut up the other parts and pierced them through on spits

and roasted them with care, and then drew off all the pieces.

And when they had ceased their work and prepared their meal,

they feasted, nor did any man’s appetite lack his due portion.

And when they had put away desire for eating and drinking,

the young men filled mixing bowls brimful with wine,470

and after pouring libations in each cup, distributed it to all;

then all day long they sought the favor of the god in dance and song,

the young Achaean men beautifully singing a hymn of praise,

celebrating the god who works from afar; and the god rejoiced in his heart as he listened.

When the sun sank and dusk came on,

then they laid down to sleep by the stern lines of their ship;

and when dawn, born of the morning, shone forth her fingers of rosy light,

then they sailed out for the broad army of the Achaeans.

And to them Apollo who works from afar sent a following wind.

They stepped the mast and spread the glistening sails,480

and the wind blew gusts in the middle of the sail, and around

the cutwater the bow-wave, shimmering dark, sang loud as the ship proceeded.

She swept over the swell, making her course.

And when they arrived at the broad army of the Achaeans,

they dragged the dark ship ashore

high on the sand, and splayed long struts beneath,

and themselves scattered to their ships and shelters.

But, he, sitting idle by his fast-running ships, remained full of wrath—

the Zeus-descended son of Peleus, Achilles of the swift feet;

never did he go to the assembly where men win glory,490

never to war, but consumed his own heart,

biding his time there; yet he yearned for the war shout and battle.

But when at length the twelfth dawn arose,

then all the gods who live forever went to Olympus

together, with Zeus as their leader; and Thetis did not neglect her son’s

directives, and she rose from the heaving surface of the sea,

and at dawn ascended to towering Olympus.

She found the far-thundering son of Cronus sitting apart from the others

on the topmost peak of ridged Olympus;

and she sat before him and clasped his knees500

with her left hand, and with her right took hold of him beneath his chin,

and in supplication addressed lord Zeus, the son of Cronus:

"Father Zeus, if ever among the immortals I helped you

by word or by deed, accomplish this wish for me:

honor my son, who was born short-lived beyond all men,

and yet now the lord of men Agamemnon has

dishonored him; he holds his prize, having seized it, he personally taking it.

Do you now revenge him, Olympian Zeus, all-devising;

give strength to the Trojans until that time the Achaeans

recompense my son and exalt him with honor."510

So she spoke; but Zeus who gathers the clouds did not answer her,

but sat silent a long while. And as she had clasped his knees, so Thetis

now held on, clinging closely, and beseeched him again:

"Promise me faithfully, and nod your assent,

or refuse me—you have nothing to fear—so that I may learn

how much I am of all gods the most dishonored."

Greatly troubled, Zeus who gathers the clouds addressed her:

"This is a deadly business, when you set me up to quarrel

with Hera, when she will harass me with words of abuse.

As it is, she is always quarreling with me in the presence of the immortal gods,520

and maintains, as you know, that I help the Trojans in battle.

Now go back, lest Hera notice anything;

I will make these matters my concern, to bring them to accomplishment.

Come, I will my bow my head for you, so that you may be convinced;

for among immortals this is the greatest

testament of my determination; for not revocable, nor false,

nor unfulfilled is anything to which I have bowed my head."

The son of Cronus spoke, and nodded with his blue-black brows,

the ambrosial mane of the lord god swept forward

from his immortal head; and he shook great Olympus.530

Thus the two parted after conspiring; and she

sprang into the deep salt sea from shining Olympus,

and Zeus went to his home; and all the gods rose as a body

from their seats before their father; nor did any dare

remain seated as he approached, but all stood to meet him.

So he took his seat there upon his throne; nor did Hera

fail to perceive at a glance that silver-footed

Thetis, the daughter of the old man of the sea, had conspired with him.

Straightway she addressed Zeus, the son of Cronus, with taunting words:

"Which of the gods now, O cunning schemer, has conspired with you?540

Always you love being away from me, mulling over your secrets

to make your decisions. Never yet to me

have you willingly dared state what you are thinking."

Then the father of gods and men answered her:

"Hera, do not hope to know all my thoughts;

they will be hard for you, although you are my wife.

However, that which is fitting for you to hear, no other,

of gods or men, will know before you;

but that which I may wish to consider apart from the gods—

do not press me about each and every thing, nor make inquiry."550

Then answered him the ox-eyed lady Hera:

"Most dread son of Cronus, what sort of word have you spoken?

Certainly before now I have neither pressed you, nor made inquiry,

and entirely without interference you devise whatever you want.

But now my heart is terribly afraid lest

silver-footed Thetis, daughter of the old man of the sea, won you over;

for at dawn she came to your side and clasped your knees.

And I suspect you pledged faithfully to her that you would honor

Achilles, and destroy many by the ships of the Achaeans."

Then in answer Zeus who gathers the clouds addressed her:560

"What possesses you? You always suspect something, I never get past you.

Nonetheless, you can accomplish nothing at all, but will only be

further from my heart—and it will be the worse for you.

If this is the way things are—then you may be sure this is the way that pleases me.

Sit down and be silent, and obey my word,

lest the gods in Olympus, as many as there are, be of no avail to you against me

as I close in, when I lay my unassailable hands upon you."

Thus he spoke and the ox-eyed lady Hera was afraid,

and she sat down in silence, bending her own heart into submission;

and throughout the house of Zeus the heavenly gods were troubled.570

To them Hephaestus, famed for his art, began to speak,

comforting his dear mother, white-armed Hera:

"To be sure this will be a deadly business, not to be born,

if you two quarrel this way for the sake of mortals,

carrying on this jabbering among the gods; nor

will there be any pleasure from our noble feast if unseemliness prevails.

I advise my mother, sensible as she is,

to be agreeable to our dear father Zeus, so that our father

will not reproach us again, and throw our feast into disorder.

For what if the Olympian wielder of lightning wished to580

blast us from our seats—for he is much the strongest.

Rather address him with gentle words;

then straightway will the Olympian be favorable to us."

Thus he spoke, and springing to his feet placed a double-handled cup

in his dear mother’s hands, and addressed her:

"Endure, my mother, and restrain yourself, distressed though you be,

lest, dear as you are, I with my own eyes see you

struck down; then for all my grief I will have no power

to help you; for it is painful to oppose the Olympian.

For at another time before this, when I was trying to ward him from you,590

he grabbed me by the foot and cast me from the threshold of heaven;

the whole day I drifted down, and as the sun set

I dropped on Lemnos, and there was but little life still in me.

It was there the Sintian men quickly ministered to me after my fall."

So he spoke and Hera, goddess of the white arms, smiled

and smiling accepted the cup from her son’s hand.

Then to all the other gods, serving to the right,

he poured sweet nectar like wine, drawing from a mixing bowl;

and unquenchable laughter broke out among the blessed gods

as they watched Hephaestus bustling through the halls.600

Then all day long until the sun went down,

they feasted, nor was the appetite of any stinted of fair portion—

nor stinted of the beautifully wrought lyre, which Apollo held,

or of the Muses, who sang, one following the other, with lovely voice.

Then when the sun’s bright light went down,

they left to go to bed, each in his own house,

where the famous crook-legged god,

Hephaestus, had made a house for each with skillful understanding.

Olympian Zeus, wielder of lightning, went to his bed

where he was wont to retire when sweet sleep came to him;610

here mounting his bed, he went to sleep, with Hera of the golden throne beside him.


So the other gods as well as chariot-fighting men

slept through the night; but no sweet sleep held Zeus,

and in his mind he pondered how he might bring honor to

Achilles, and destroy a multitude beside the ships of the Achaeans.

And this plan seemed to his mind the best—

to send to Atreus’ son Agamemnon ruinous Dream.

And calling out, he addressed him with winged words:

"Come, ruinous Dream, go to the swift ships of the Achaeans;

enter the shelter of Agamemnon, Atreus’ son,

utter every word exactly as I charge.10

Bid him arm the long-haired Achaeans

in full force; for now he might take the wide-wayed city

of the Trojans; no longer are the immortal dwellers of Olympus

divided—she has bent all to her will,

has Hera, with her entreaties—and we grant him to win this triumph."

So he spoke; and Dream set out when he heard the command,

and swiftly reached the swift ships of the Achaeans,

then made his way to the son of Atreus, Agamemnon; and found him

sleeping in his shelter, immortal slumber poured around him.

And Dream stood above his head in the likeness of Nestor,20

son of Neleus, whom of all the elders Agamemnon most esteemed;

and in this likeness divine Dream addressed him:

"You sleep, son of Atreus, skilled breaker of horses;

a man of counsel should not sleep night long,

a man to whom his people turn, and who has so many cares.

Now, in all haste, mark me; I am a messenger of Zeus,

who, though far away, takes great thought for and pities you.

He bids you arm the long-haired Achaeans

in full force; for now you might take the wide-wayed city

of the Trojans; no longer are the immortal dwellers of Olympus30

divided—she has bent all to her will,

has Hera, with her entreaties—and woes are latched upon the Trojans,

sent from Zeus. Hold this firm in your mind and do not let forgetfulness

take you, once sleep with its honeyed thoughts releases you."

So speaking he went away, and left Agamemnon there

thinking over in his heart these things that were not to be;

for he supposed he would take Priam’s city on that day—

fool, he knew not those deeds that Zeus devised;

for Zeus intended to inflict woe and groaning sorrow

on both Trojans and Danaans, through the mighty combat.40

He woke from sleep and the divine voice flowed around him.

He sat upright and donned his soft tunic,

fresh and fine, and cast his great cloak round him,

and beneath his smooth feet he bound his splendid sandals;

and then he cast about his shoulders his silver-studded sword,

took up the scepter of his fathers, imperishable, eternal,

and with this set out along the ships of the bronze-clad Achaeans.

Dawn the goddess set her foot on high Olympus,

heralding light of day to Zeus and the immortals;

and to the clear-voiced heralds Agamemnon gave commands50

to summon to assembly the long-haired Achaeans.

They made the summons and with all speed the men assembled.

But first Agamemnon held a council of great-hearted elders

beside the ship of Nestor, king of the Pylians.

And having called these men together, he laid out his clever plan:

"Listen friends; divine Dream came to me in my sleep

through the immortal night; to godlike Nestor

in appearance and size and physique was he most wonderfully like!

He stood above my head and spoke this speech to me:

‘You sleep, son of Atreus, skilled breaker of horses;60

a man of counsel should not sleep night long,

a man to whom his people turn, and who has so many cares.

Now, in all haste, mark me; I am a messenger of Zeus

who, though far away, takes great thought for and pities you.

He bids you arm the long-haired Achaeans

in full force; for now you might take the wide-wayed city

of the Trojans; no longer are the immortal dwellers of Olympus

divided—she has bent all to her will,

has Hera, with her entreaties—and woes are latched upon the Trojans,

sent from Zeus; hold this firm in your mind.’ Speaking thus,70

he left, flying away, and sweet sleep released me.

Come, let us arm the sons of the Achaeans—

but first I will test them with a speech, which is my right,

and I will order them to flee with their many-benched ships;

you, on all sides, check them with your words."

Having said all this, he then sat down; and among them rose

Nestor, lord of Pylos by the sandy shore.

He with wise regard for them spoke and addressed them:

"Oh friends, leaders and counselors of the Argives—

if any other of the Achaeans had told of this dream then80

we would deem it a delusion and stay clear of it;

as it is, he who saw it claims to be the best by far of the Achaeans.

Come—let us see if we can arm the sons of the Achaeans."

Thus speaking, he led the departure from the council,

and they rose at his bidding and obeyed the shepherd of the people,

they the scepter-bearing kings. And the army host surged after them;

as when there goes a swarm of densely buzzing bees

streaming ever anew from a hollowed rock,

in clusters like grapes, zipping toward spring flowers

in a throng on the wing, hither and thither—90

so the many troops of men from the ships and shelters

marched before the broad seashore

in throngs to the assembly; and blazing in their midst Rumor

urged them on, Zeus’ envoy; and so they gathered.

The assembly was thrown into disorder, the earth groaned beneath

the men as they were seated, there was a roar of voices from the throng.

Nine heralds bellowing were trying to restrain them, to make them

cease their shouting and listen to the Zeus-cherished kings.

With difficulty the men were seated, settled in their seats,

and ceased their clamor. Then rose lord Agamemnon,100

holding his scepter; this Hephaestus had toiled to make;

Hephaestus gave it to Zeus, the lord, the son of Cronus,

then Zeus gave it to Hermes, the messenger and slayer of Argos,

and lord Hermes gave it to Pelops, driver of horses,

then Pelops in turn gave it to Atreus, shepherd of the people;

and Atreus on dying left it to Thyestes, rich with many sheep,

and Thyestes in turn left it to Agamemnon to carry about,

and to be lord of many islands and of all Argos.

Propped on this, Agamemnon addressed the Argives with his words:

"O friends, Danaan warriors, companions of Ares,110

greatly has Zeus the son of Cronus entangled me in grave delusion;

hard he is, who before promised me and pledged

that I would return home after sacking well-walled Troy.

But as it is, he devised base deception, and he bids me

go back to Argos in dishonor, since I have destroyed a multitude of my men.

This, it seems, must please Zeus, supreme in might,

who has brought to ruin the citadels of many cities,

and will destroy yet more; for his is the greatest power.

And this is a disgrace even for future men to hear of—

that in this way, to no purpose, so great and so numerous a host of Achaeans120

waged an ineffectual war and fought against

fewer men, and no accomplishment was ever shown.

Indeed, if Achaeans and Trojans alike were willing

to cut a sacred truce and be counted on both sides,

and those Trojans who have homes in the city were

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