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Twin Souls: Lighting the Path
Twin Souls: Lighting the Path
Twin Souls: Lighting the Path
Ebook364 pages6 hours

Twin Souls: Lighting the Path

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This is the story of two twin souls who combined by choice at the beginning of time, choosing their path long before it was required. All light beings have their appointed or chosen tasks, each with certain strengths to help them achieve that task. For these two the difference was one of a minute amount of additional knowledge that they gleaned and were able to retain over countless lifetimes of providing this service.
This is a fascinating insight into their journey and their work from the beginning of time until now. It is an insight into the journeys taken by us all and gives us an understanding of what all of us have experienced up until now. Find the real meaning of heaven, hell and evil, of karma and free will, along with the realities about twin souls.
If you want to understand why you are exactly where you find yourself and if you want to move forward, this book has been written to help you. The information has been given by those with a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of why we find ourselves this time at one of the most important cross roads so far on our path.

PublisherRobin Beck
Release dateFeb 25, 2016
Twin Souls: Lighting the Path

Roger Nichols

Roger Nichols started hands on healing at the age of fifteen and commenced teaching meditation through the Department of Education in Perth Western Australia 29 years ago. He subsequently moved to Queensland where he and his wife concentrated on producing the hundreds of channelled messages which were to form the basis of this book. Roger and his wife Anne have now retired to a beautiful 55 acre property in Tasmania.

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    Twin Souls - Roger Nichols


    For many centuries sailors and travellers when on their journeys have searched for beacons and pointers to confirm where they are and that the passage is safe or conversely to warn of danger. On a stormy night nothing is more comforting for the port bound sailor than to see in the distance the light that guides them to safety. The traveller looks for places of rest, safety and shelter as he negotiates his journey. His may be a warm inn, the sailors a protected harbor or anchorage.

    Are these passages so different to those a soul had to take as it travels towards its ultimate destination. Does that soul look for such pointers and indicators along its path? Do such indicators exist and are there places of safety and refuge where rest can be taken? If so who placed them there and how? Who has previously negotiated that path and why?

    Do such pointers and beings exist? Indeed they do and have for much of physical time itself. The major difference is that these pointers are not inanimate objects but living signposts created and ‘manned’ by other spiritual beings, who are also travelling those same paths, sometimes as explorers, sometimes as guides. They are there to help negotiate the most challenging and difficult of the pathways.

    Each traveller’s journey is different, each pathway is new to that soul but all at some time will merge if only temporarily and it is these crossings that have been created so the soul may rest and also have genuine expectation of help and guidance if needed.

    The creators of these pathways – the light bearing searchers are not trail blazers in the accepted sense of the meaning. Their job is both simpler and more complex.

    This is the story of two such beings combined by choice at the beginning of time, choosing their work long before it was required. All light beings have their appointed or chosen tasks, each with certain strengths to help them achieve that task. For these two the difference was one of a minute amount of additional knowledge that they gleaned and then were able to retain over countless lifetimes of providing this service.

    This is a fascinating insight into their journey and their work from the beginning of time until now. In many, many ways it is an insight into the journeys taken by us all and gives a comprehension of what all of us have experienced upuntil now. But it is much more, and includes background information where possible as to why this journey has been taken and the pathway itself. Find the real meaning of heaven, hell and evil, of karma and free will, along with the realities about twin souls.

    If you want to understand why you are exactly where you find yourself and if you want to move forward, this book has been written to help you. The information has been given by those with a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of us and why we find ourselves this time at one of the most important cross roads so far on our path.

    PART ONE: From the Void to Physicality

    Chapter One

    The first step– into creation

    The second step– through the void and into physicality

    The third step– decisions

    Free will

    The first step– into creation

    There is nothing.... no awareness, no memories, no comprehension – and you lay in the darkness like a baby in the womb waiting to be born. The big difference is that a baby has awareness and comprehension – you do not.

    There is one thing that is very similar. Whereas a baby is linked to its mother’s womb by an umbilical cord, you too feel that there is a link to something, somewhere and yet you know not what it is. But oh, so very faintly in the background it pulls you and it gently reminds you that you have existed before; that this is not the very beginning, this is but part of the journey.

    Yet for many this would be seen as exactly the opposite; to be the very beginning, to be the beginning of the journey, after all is this not the time of the Big Bang, the time of the creation of all that is physical? Yet you know deep within you that physicality is but one part of your being, of who you are. Yet at this time you are still not physical, far from it – you are but a spark of consciousness floating unaware amongst countless other sparks of consciousness.

    There is a journey about to happen, there is work to do, there is information and experience to be had, but at this time you know none of this. You do not realise that some of you will take that ultimate stepand become fully physical. Some will not, some will remain within the mid realms there to help and to guide, to assist and to encourage, to love and to nurse, to become all the support that you who chose to be physical will need upon this journey.

    Here of course lies the first anomaly does it not? We have said that you are all waiting there for the big bang for the time of physical creation and yet some will not become physical and is that not easy to understand, that there always needs to be those in the background supporting and assisting especially upon such a mighty journey.

    Were you all to become fully physical the journey would not succeed – as simple as that, it would not and could not succeed. What is to come will be too complicated, too difficult, stressful, physically and emotionally and most of all, spiritually. It will be all of these, and because of this you have to have support, and still at this time you are there blissfully unaware of the path you have set for yourselves and of the wondrous journey to come.


    So before all of this happens, was there an existence? The answer to this is an unequivocal yes. How can we define this best? Let us say that as you move from lifetime to lifetime in your physical journey you bring with you to the next reincarnation little outward awareness of what you truly are and where you have already been. You do this thousands of times, slowly building upeach time with a bit more experience, a little bit more knowledge and even more strength, so when you accept the fact that you do this regularly now, moving from life to life, is it too hard to accept that you did something very similar as you moved from the before into the existence of physicality?

    Is there much we can tell you about this? No, apart from the fact that it happened. We who give this information in general have never been fully physical for we are your support team, we are there behind you to assist in all ways possible and in being so we too lost that link, that awareness as to truly what we all were before. It is as much of a mystery to us as it is to you and yet all of us need to fervently believe that that link exists, for otherwise why would we be doing what we do?

    What is behind that barrier, what does it consists of? All any of us can do is speculate. The most important thing that we should do is to keep hold of that link, to nurture it, to keep the energy flowing though so that whenever the time comes that we need to be drawn back once and for all, away from the physical never to return, when that happens we need to make sure the link is healthy, so it can do its job and can take you through unscathed.

    But here at the beginning of physicality we all lie waiting, waiting, waiting. Had any of us known what to expect, especially those who chose to become physical – would we have wished to have taken on this task? Again speculation, nothing more, but one would imagine for many the answer possibly would be no, but like all journeys it takes just one step to start.

    The second step– through the void into physicality

    We have taken that one step, we have come through the void, ‘the big bang’ and now we wait for the second step.

    There have been many movies portraying space travel where you see the occupants of the space craft lying in little cubicles in a state of stasis waiting to be re-awoken when the craft reaches its destination. They are portrayed as being in a very deep level of unconsciousness, but the difference is that you are not, you are aware. Exactly what it is that you’re aware of you know not, you just know that you exist.

    Indeed in unconsciousness you would have no such perception. In many other ways the two portrayals are very similar. Whereas in the movie the space ship comes to a stop close to its destination and everybody wakes and starts their work again, you do not have the benefit of this, for suddenly, instantaneously, you are moved through into the dimension of physicality with no knowledge of what is ahead.


    So was there any physicality where you were before? Most definitely not, because otherwise you would not be experiencing it now, there would be no reason. So just like those who step off their space ship this is a brand new experience, but of course at these early times such thoughts, such ideas, such possibilities do not exist. All you know is that there has been a change. This knowledge is the second step that has been taken.

    If at this time you had had eyes and opened them, you would have believed the whole thing was a great lie. There was no physicality not as you would understand it now; maybe dust of the most minute form, but the most wondrous thing was the billions and trillions of individual lights. They spread as far as you would have been able to have seen, had you had eyes, and way beyond. They would have seemed to spread forever.

    Shimmering, and around them this dust like form, which had it been coarse enough you could have felt it, but it was not. It was minute and yet it was the only thing that was physical at that time. All the individual sparks of consciousness, although they had been brought through into the level of physicality, were not truly physical themselves. They were finer and lighter, purer and brighter even than your level of being is now when you pass beyond your physical body back to your waiting room; back to your rooms of getting prepared for your next physical reincarnation. When you think of it the vast majority of people cannot see those forms, so what chance would there have been to have seen the originals? None, unless you were one of them.

    Having no eyes, you could not see as you would perceive seeing to be, but you knew and it is this knowing, this awareness which is the true essence of you. For as each time you step back from physicality through the different levels, as you shed your astral bodies, as you cast off the mantles at each stage then you are moving forward to the true being that you are. As you shed what you would even perceive to be your spiritual bodies, and move through into finer and finer levels, you are becoming the real you – so fine, so beautiful and oh, so perfect.

    We are at this time just after what the scientists term the ‘big bang’; that point they are trying to get to right now, and seem to get so close and yet are so far away – as they continue their experiments underground between France and Switzerland. Is it not crazy that they are prepared to spend billions of dollars on what is in effect a fruitless pursuit, when all that has to be done is to cast off all the cloaks that you’ve draped around yourself. All the levels, the barriers, to let them go and you will find exactly what it was like at the time of the big bang itself. What you were, because the big bang was you. It was there, it was created for you so that you could experience physicality, so that things became tactile. There were dimensions within your awareness that were not there before. Things would appear in three dimensions. We will ignore the fourth, fifth, sixth etcetera for they have no relevance, not here, not at this time.

    So rather than spending all these billions upon billions of dollars and euros, all that needed to happen was for you to allow yourselves the luxury of becoming you.


    Would such a possibility ever be accepted by the scientific force? Of course not, and this is the anomaly, that they do not understand the concept and that everything to them has to be provable in a physical way. They believe it doesn’t have to be physical itself, but it has to be provable in a physical way. In other words there has to be distance, there has to be time, and yes there has to be dust and grit and things that are solid. Everything they consider has to be within those realms and yet they try to go beyond. They can go beyond but they don’t know how and within the parameters that they have set themselves they never will because you have to be prepared to go beyond these barriers to experience what you’re looking for and they cannot do this. One would tend to suggest that they do not wish to do this for in doing so it may well question so much that is the foundation of scientific thought.

    From the second stepof entering into physicality until now, right now, the time that this information is being given, there is a vast and unbelievable journey – all of it based solely upon being able to provide you with a physical dimension. Now when we say you, do we mean just human beings? No, for a start just look around you. There are animals of every shape and sort, of every size, should they not be included in this? Of course they should.

    There are trees and plant life, they’re living. Should they be included? Of course they should. There are rocks, are they living? Well a lot of you would really wonder, but yes they do and of course they should, so having overcome a few barriers there, let’s move on to the other barriers. Is this just done for one tiny little world out in the middle of nowhere? Do you really believe so? Why would it all go on for what appears to be ever, if it is only for your entertainment?

    Really. Would it, should it, even could it? Now if you then start to consider that there are other beings, not humans but basically made up of exactly the same stuff you started with, that have gone off in different directions then you start to get an idea. So therefore when one takes the Darwinian theories and ideas of how situations create change within the being and you take them away from just applying them to the Earth but apply them to the whole of space, then it starts to show a stronger, far more interesting logic and a much greater variety than you would ever consider.

    Of course this is exactly the case. Do not expect (should you ever be in a position to be able to travel space wise) to meet an exact replica of yourselves elsewhere. It’s not going to happen. Those beings will have evolved and created based on where they are and exactly what they are trying to achieve and that will be different to your journey. There is no doubt about that. It has to be different and this is really where we start to move to your third step, the creation of the differences.

    The Third Step– Decisions

    Can you imagine the whole world’s population, all seven billion plus, waiting at one huge railway station. Could you all get on to the train that has the same destination? Of course not, it would be crazy. So you each wait for your train and it moves you, magically across the world until you end up in your places of residence where you now reside in this year as we speak, spread right across the face of the globe, to just about every part and every corner.

    This is a microcosm – the macrocosm is a place many billions of years ago, when as sparks of consciousness once again you wait as you have been pulled through the void into the realms of physicality, knowing that you will have the opportunities somewhere along the line, to make a choice as to what form of physicality you wish for if any i.e. which train you want to take.

    Is there just one form of physicality? No, of course not as we have already said, beings chose different parts of the Universe, different worlds, totally different environments that were physically created accordingly. For there is one thing that links all of you but with one group exception, is that you are originally all the same. You come from the same source, when pulled apart until all that is left is that true spark of consciousness that is the genuine you. When that happens you would find that you are all the same.

    We mentioned one group that is the exception. We have covered their rise and hopefully subsequently their fall previously and we have no wish to dwell upon that subject again for although it has had a dramatic and a far less than positive effect upon you as humans and upon many others, it has no place in that which we talk about now.

    What made you make your decisions as to where you went, which group you joined? All we can say is that if you suddenly, a hundred, a thousand, or a hundred thousand of you got together, total strangers, you would join into groups in general that are like minded. You don’t know how or why and yet you feel a drawing. It is as though the person waves a flag and says I’m this and this and your flag says something very similar so you think okay, I’ll go and join that one. It is like attaching yourselves to football teams is it not?

    There is little difference when it comes to the sparks of consciousness. As already said there was an inbuilt awareness as to your source, to the fact that you were there at that point, just after the so called ‘big bang.’ It is now time for you to make your decisions as to which groups you’d enter and travel with, until this particular aspect of the journey, the physical aspect is done and once more you can move back through the void to the true beings that you are.

    What attracts what? We cannot tell you, can you tell yourself? Some humans you’re very attracted to, others you do everything you could not to be in contact with. Now although these are human extremes, there was to a degree a similarity in the choices that were taken at the time of physical creation. The only ones that would have repelled you were those of the dark sources, the rest it was a matter of your own selection, your own feelings of comfort, of creativity, of desire, of trust.

    Now that does not mean that all the other groups that work within the positive were in any form a level of negativity as far as you’re concerned. No, the reality is you could work with any of them and all of them except one group, but you were drawn to particular ones and slowly you coalesced. There was no real understanding in this, there were not big signs hanging up in the universe saying this groups going to such and such, and this one’s going to such and such and this one will do this and this one will do that. No, nothing like that at all. But the group you all followed, that was the one destined to become human kind.

    Free Will

    There is one thing about human kind that has been mentioned so many times; their opportunity to have ‘free will’. What does this mean? Does this mean that the other groups do not have free will, that they are regimented and controlled, that they are given no opportunities to make any choices? Certainly not, just like you they were there to grow, to experience and to become. They had choices and they took them. Without choices, again why would you be there? If it was like a railway line, you started at point A and you got off at point B, apart from the two different extremities, what is the purpose of the journey itself if that is all the journey is?

    So they too obviously have options, choices, decisions to make, the opportunities to make mistakes and to grow, to expand and to discover. But they were not given this so called gift of ‘Free Will’. On this subject we can only hypothesise and say that when test groups are created and put forth anywhere they are given different tasks and different ways of facing and overcoming these tasks. You were given free will.

    Funnily enough other groups were given different things. Some of them were given a much higher level of intelligence as you would see it, others much finer bodies, others much denser bodies, others the opportunity to be highly telepathic, to see way beyond. Your gift was ‘free will’. What did and does this mean to you? It basically means that you can decide the course of yourself, your soul, your spark of consciousness and only you can do that. In other words, if you wish to destroy it you can do so. If you wish to grow with it, you can do so. If you wish to ignore it, you can do so.

    The choice on all these and many other options is solely yours, not others. For this reason not only do you have your physical team, you have your spiritual team as well, working to advise and to help. As we have said many times, we cannot tell you what to do, we can but advise and help, suggest, maybe a little cajoling, certainly not demanding or insisting.

    Does this mean that the other groups that disappeared off into the vast Universe itself did not have this factor? No it does not, they certainly did. But did it need to be to the same level of intensity that happens on the Earth, and the answer to that is no? Because the pressures that were on these other beings and are on them are very different to yours and this is really where we come to the crux of the matter. Your vulnerability, your strengths, your weaknesses are in your spirituality. For most of them theirs is protected. Yours are not, this is the free will that we talk about, the free will to choose. Am I a spiritual being or am I not?

    It was obviously foreseen that a great deal of assistance would be needed for you, to help, to battle this understanding and to overcome all the pressures that would be placed upon you to try and convince you to renege on your spirituality. Whatever it was that foresaw the need, truly saw right, for we would say that right now your spirituality has never been in greater peril. This puts an enormous strain not just upon yourselves but upon those that help you; those that many of you never see and rarely hear of, and yet are there, those that some would term Guardian Angels. Some would term them Spiritual Friends, and depending on your definition of these beings we are both and much more beside.

    We return to the question of why would you place yourself in the group that has the greatest risks and the simple answer to that is because it had the potential for the greatest returns. As human beings you know that fact and the subsequent opportunities that arise when you take these additional risks, we don’t need to explain it to you, but that was why.

    The time we talk of now is the beginning of time, a time when the great Celestial Clock starts to tick. Was there time before? We know not for as we have said the barrier that came down after the big bang, certainly precludes us from returning until we are all ready to do so to learn of our past. Does that just mean humans, this returning? Does that just mean yourselves that you line up and you get yourselves into line, you

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