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Misstress & Slave
Misstress & Slave
Misstress & Slave
Ebook123 pages2 hours

Misstress & Slave

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Wanted: Male Slave

20-35, reasonably attractive, reasonably fit, NS/ND. Your attitude will be your most important trait. You will live in, 24/7. Please familiarize yourself with the dictionary definition of "slave." This is not about your fantasy or your pleasure. Serious inquiries only. Attach photograph.

Chapter Summaries:
A kinky businesswoman places an ad for a slave. / John spends his first full day as a slave to his mistress. / Mistress Jenna uses a riding crop to the utmost effect. / Jenna has a bad day at work and uses her slave to unwind. / Jenna's sister comes for an unexpected visit. / Tina discovers Jenna's secret, much to her chagrin. / Jenna opens Tina's eyes to her long-neglected inner slut. / Jenna brings home a new pet to enjoy. / Jenna explores Tina's new-found need for pain.

Genre: BDSM, LezDom, Lesbian, FemDom
All character are 18 years or older!
Release dateSep 20, 2014
Misstress & Slave

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book is weird. The weird word choice and even weirder phrasing made it difficult to follow at times.

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Misstress & Slave - Mia Slabe


Chapter 01

Wished: Male Servant

20-35, sensibly appealing, sensibly in good condition, NS/ND. Your mindset will certainly be your crucial quality. You will certainly reside in, 24/7. Kindly inform on your own with the dictionary meaning of servant. This is not regarding your dream or your enjoyment. Severe questions just. Affix picture.

The feedbacks were greater than Jenna had actually prepared for. Several she could possibly remove from their unacceptable tone, much more from the images. To those she wanted to view, she sent out the briefest of replies: 3391 Palomas Dr. 8 PM. Up until now there had actually been 6. None had actually passed her very first examination. She started to ponder if any individual would certainly be up for her specific difficulty.

Progressively, as she would certainly become their adult years, Jenna had actually involved approve that she was not a caring individual, that concern and also caring, at the very least on the degree called for by a practical partnership, took a lot more power compared to she wanted to present. But her dark needs had actually just increased in toughness also, another thing she had actually battled ahead to terms with however currently, at 28, had actually completely accepted. Few of the guys she would certainly dated had actually accepted her kinkiness totally. Also the supposed submissives she would certainly located on regional alt personals were a lot more thinking about viewing her in tight natural leather or rubber, of having their very own dreams met, compared to they were in really offering her. In the in 2012 approximately, she would certainly pleased herself completely with vibes as well as pornography. Not that either of those were completely pleasing.

When the doorbell sounded specifically at 8, Jenna was kindlied. With the peephole she viewed an average-looking guy, possibly a little taller compared to the majority of, skinny without being gaunt, medium-length wavy brownish hair, as well as an anxious search in his eyes. Not also scared, she assumed, however simply scared good enough. She unlocked.

John, I assume? The guy responded without talking. Excellent once again, Jenna believed.

John felt his cock start to swell in his trousers at the view of this female. Her straight black hair, drew back right into a tight braid, drawn attention to the paleness of her face. Her eyes were a really light blue, nearly white. She looked greater than a little like a vampire, her dark red lipstick highlighting the impact. She was slender however with rather huge busts and also, to his eyes, a best contour from her midsection to her hips. She pointed aside and also ushered him in.

She led him to the sitting room with an easy, Follow me as well as rested herself on the sofa. He remained, unclearly. Excellent once again. As well as now for the initial examination.

Allow's view just how well you adhere to instructions, she claimed. She moved a little glass throughout the coffee table towards John. Masturbate right into that. Usually, the reaction from previous prospects had been something like, Exactly what? Here? In each situation, Jenna had actually ended the meeting then and also there. She felt her rhythm sped up when John, without the smallest reluctance, fell his trousers, got the glass, and also started to movement his rapidly-stiffening participant. While his habits kindled her one of the most, she was additionally satisfied at his dimension. A little much longer compared to just what she had actually typically experienced, although the girth appeared concerning standard. Flawlessly functional, she believed.

John's stimulation was currently at a high temperature pitch from the scenario he discovered himself in, as well as Jenna's conscientious eyes after him simply pressed him additionally along. In merely under a min, he was spurting cosy sperms right into the glass.

Press everything out, Jenna regulated. When the last decline had actually been wrung from John's still-hard phallus, she released her following examination. Now, put it right into your mouth, yet do not ingest till I inform you to. She anticipated him to balk, a minimum of temporarily, however virtually as rapidly as she stated it, he conformed. She increased as well as approached him. At five-foot-six, she recognized, she would certainly not have the ability to view plainly right into his mouth, as he stood a strong 6 feet in elevation. On your knees, she whispered. Once again, without a minute's doubt, he conformed. Program me. He opened his mouth. Jenna really felt a cozy tingle in her nether components as she viewed the luscious white fluid finish his tongue and also teeth. Great. Now ingest. Once more, his conformity was praiseworthy. She whacked him hard throughout the face.

Thanks, he claimed silently. At this she stiffened.

Exactly what? she asked.

Thanks. Jenna whacked him once more, harder this moment.

Did I ask you to talk? John drank his head. Then do refrain so, she proceeded. Now, why do you believe I put you the very first time?.

I don't understand..


You wanted to..

Real. Yet that is not the only factor. I wished to show a factor. You have, as much as this factor, other than your undesirable interjection a minute earlier, done specifically as I have actually asked, readily or inquiry. Your habits so far has actually in reality been amazing. She stopped briefly; John claimed absolutely nothing, made no noise, did not also take a look at her. I wished you to be conscious that also if that holds true, I will certainly subject you to discomfort. Provided, this discomfort will certainly be much more extreme in strength as well as period when I am displeased. However also when you make me deliriously pleased, must you confirm efficient in doing this, I will certainly harm you. Your discomfort is largely for my satisfaction, as well as just secondarily to educate you etiquette. Is that clear?.


Can you prepare?.


Can you iron?.


Program me. Jenna aimed towards an ironing board in the edge, whereupon a mussy silk shirt rested. She was kindlied that he made no initiative to bring up his trousers, however rather hindered over to the ironing board with them still around his ankle joints.

The t-shirt ended up serviceably, though not ideal. Still, all points taken into consideration, she seemed like John had the ingredients of an outstanding servant.

Where do you live? she asked.

I have a little small apartment near Koreatown..

Are you in a partnership?.


Have you been in the past?.


Any type of D/S connections?.


Why do you desire this?.

May I talk easily?.

Please, she claimed, going back to her seat on the sofa as John stood just before her, still nude from the waistline down.

I'm lately separated. There's no solitary factor for it. As a matter of fact, it was relatively peaceful as for those points go. However to name a few concerns, our sex life was really ... level. As well as significantly not to my preference. As time took place, I can just acquire excited as long as I was thinking concerning being controlled, something she would certainly refrain, at the very least within a quite fundamental factor..

I am not visiting control you, John. You are visiting giving me. There is an unique distinction, and also one that I wish you value..

That's merely it. It is the best control. I wish absolutely nothing of pleasure. My selections just appear to make my life much worse as it takes place. I desire somebody else to make those selections for me..

Jenna responded somewhat. She recognized, as well as a lot more, she felt this was a great location for John's visit go to entering the circumstance.

Do you function?.

Yes. Clerical things..

Moms and dads?.



A couple of. I do not go out socially considerably..

Anything you feel you can not leave?.


Pet dogs?.


Strip, she claimed, as well as saw him with contentment as he got rid of the remainder of his garments and also took his trousers from around his ankle joints. Turn, gradually. He doinged this. His physical body was absolutely nothing amazing. Fairly unformed, slim, no clear-cut muscular tissues. A mild paunch, simply sufficient to allow her recognize he had not been vain. A little hairier compared to she may have suched as, however all factors thought about, she however, he would certainly do.

Right here is exactly what I suggest, she stated. You will certainly live right here. You will certainly do every residential task. Food preparation, cleansing, vacuuming, washing, ironing, folding, cleaning, grocery store buying, every little thing. You will certainly execute everything to miraculous of your capabilities. The backyard is looked after by garden enthusiasts. If there are points that require contractor attention ‒ plumbing system or electric concerns, claim, past your capability, you will certainly take care of the proper folks to obtain such concerns fixed. Recognized?.


You will certainly call me 'Girlfriend' or 'Girlfriend Jenna.' Recognized?.

Yes, Girlfriend..

"You will, whatsoever times in my existence, stay completely naked, unless I provide certain instructions on the contrary. You will certainly have no accessibility to or email with pals or family members, unless I offer particular instructions on the contrary. You will certainly not masturbate unless informed to do so.

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