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Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage
Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage
Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage
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Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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Genesis Sabotage is the first journal in the Guarded Hearts trilogy. Mankind is suffering. No one will deny that, but why? The human mind is in a precarious state of confusion, the result of a biological event that man perpetrated upon men centuries ago. We are each the deliberate victim of an inherited sensory sabotage. This journal introduces the reader to 320 definitive statements that will awaken your consciousness in preparation for the restoration of your genesis being.

Mr. Beyor encourages us to return to, or rather discover for the first time, our own internal, individual, central voice clarity, defining your own living truth and exposing the lies you have been taught through forced cooperation. This must be done if humanity is to survive. IT BEGINS AND ENDS WITH YOU!
Release dateAug 12, 2016
Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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    Guarded Hearts - James Bèyor



    Bridging the gap between your symbolic meanings and mine. Curing the biological binary infraction, the curse of the splitting of the five senses.

    Credo: To reinstate the Genesis Biological Real function with its direct knowing, living truth; its complete sensory communication; its full biological harmonious state of being and doing. To educate the Genesis feeling mind back to its original form and full direct knowing capacity, away from its symbols stasis. To awaken all the senses to their full and true biological functions. To cease and desist from limiting our interaction with the world by using only one or two senses instead of the five or six the Genesis mind is in total compliance with at all times. To restore the human essence of a sound heart and a clarified mind. To encourage humanity to wake up, which will dissolve the armor plate of binary neurosis and revive the unguarded heart and the direct knowing mind of the tender Genesis child.

    The mind’s bio-energy feeling matrix flow is compromised. The human mind is shutting down, crawling out of the centuries of symbols stasis. Trying to fix this biological stigma with the same poison that induced it will always fail. Symbols and agreements have poisoned the mind and bound it in a mental paradox guarded by the last reason held, a malady that is not easy to remedy. The only antidote is the direct knowing of the Genesis child in all of us, our inner voice, our inner awareness, our direct knowing. How can we agree our way out of our agreements? Has anyone ever asked this question?

    "No knowledge of that which should be,

    will ever come from the knowledge that is."

    Albert Einstein

    To awaken the Genesis mind from years of symbols pretending, to awaken from agreeing with so many binary all or nothing word objectives subservience is hard to imagine, but necessary for survival. To be able to take back the Genesis child in all of us is to uncover and remove binary symbols truth from the hands of the empowering few who control the deadly symbols state of the remembered mind. Symbols come from a made-up, pretend state of mind which depends upon the imprinted word set in the human mind. The back door of the human mind is memory. It serves to create a deadly mass deception as people scramble for bit parts and favored roles.

    It is time to educate the human feeling energy matrix dynamics. What is involved? How do we accomplish this feat of magic, to dislodge our current social structure which accepted all or nothing intent based binary truths-for-our-doing? There is no living truth invested in it, for symbols can not and are not expected to feel anything. The truth of our doing is death.

    We are taught to accept this death and to allow others to get trapped so they too will die. Social implication is being forced upon the human creature even though feelings hold no allegiance to an impractical working knowledge. The human creature realm is a dimensional being state. The living truth, also called a bio-truth, is an innate and sovereign dynamic friend.

    Axiom: We spend years imprinting the human mind with symbols, calling it an education.

    The human mind compiles and extrapolates everything we do, everything we say and everything we feel about what we say and do into a composite mass, a bulk message, called the emotional messenger. Knocking on our cerebral door, this courier, this runner, comes to us only to find the bio-will in a deep black, confusing sleep. There is barely enough energy to hear the footsteps outside the guarded entrance gates, let alone open the door. The mind is made weak by non-dynamic use. It is calloused by loss of the brain’s neural interconnected functions. The Genesis mind actually shuts down the synaptic pathways to our biological alarm system.

    A guarded heart is not a closed heart, but one that is on emotional hold. It exists in a self-made purgatory of sorts, waiting for the chance to reestablish the universal clarity necessary for its own ability to be fully realized, to be able to see what it must see. Its hidden fears can then be revealed when it is safe to peek over the symbols labyrinth wall. The human being constantly feeds the energy draining Minotaur patrolling and protecting the deep black recesses of the trusting, befuddled mind. The way out of the labyrinthine trap was exposed by the man named Christ. The biblical Jesus defined the bio-stigma cause as idolatry. Symbols worship has the agreed effect of blinding the eyes and deafening the ears of the masses. In the Biblical Matthew 10:35 the Christ suggested that variance would take us out of our deluded trust invested in the man-made fear-ridden stasis. That was his purpose in coming, not to bring peace. Peace resides within. It already exists and must only be uncovered.

    Axiom: That we have ignored or substituted both Genesis knowing and bio-Genesis feeling for want of symbols control and feeling abatement is very sad, indeed.

    Variance keeps the agreement process from taking over the mind of man. This is the only solution then and now. STOP agreeing. Think. Feel. Educate your feelings, not the symbols plated mind. WAKE UP! Fear is our biological friend. It is a recurring bio-redundant feature of the Genesis protected mind, not to be confused with symbolic, man-made fear which is merely a menagerie of weapons made for human degradation and destruction. Said loud and clear, the God of our biology is in us and is the living truth that protects and guides us always, if we trust it. It is time to come out of hiding.

    The man-made pretend mind keeps closing, which insures that the symbolic mind dies from the inside out. The biological innate creature being has introspective self sight as well as a simultaneous outside view of the world around it. The human being is mentally interactive based on the living direct feeling knowing truth born into it. The child in us speaks the language of a dimensional Genesis, the energy set in a dynamic flow of bio-feeling, a living truth.

    The symbolic mind is already on binary alternative overload. It is in a symbols compression. It is a developing bio-stigma, a biological mental stasis. If we realize what the binary word implants are doing in our heads, we might also realize what they are doing to us. The eyes and the ears became favored off-set carriers of written/verbal pretend symbols and words. Evil can enter when any one sense is not communicating with all of the others. When the five senses are not of one accord, no sixth sense or Genesis clarity is available, which is an engraved invitation to evil, in and of itself.

    Axiom: Man is proud of his binary symbols, so proud that he is willing to die for them.

    We were forced into a symbols remembering state as a child. We were not given a choice. We were graded, not on real learning, but on how well we remembered to repeat back what the symbols credentialed teacher taught for an intended mindset. Gold stars were given to the trusting ones who could parakeet word phrases line for line without question. Living truth was never considered. Is that not a brain washing, when people are forced to mindlessly obey? Where are all those kids and what are they doing now? Most have social bit parts, live nine to five repetitious lives for which they are paid menial wages. They do not question or want to be bothered with any question which will wake the living mind from its easy boredom. They are busy teaching others not to question, reinforcing obedience and remembering. Complaining is acceptable entertainment. We are the befuddled recipient, as were our parents, of pretend knowing, settling for symbolic premise. We are told no one needs to be afraid if they stay inside the safety of the symbols circle.

    As long as you intend to agree and do, your mind remains thoughtless and doubtless. The living truth is a participatory event, not a mindless symbols backdrop which says obey and follow and blame away any fear you have. It is paramount symbols obedience and unbroken agreement which insures that the poisonous spell works well. Bio-stasis is a disease of the misused and overused eyes and ears for brain manipulation. The side effects of the symbols black sleep stasis are deadly. Let’s find out what happens to the living aspect of the non-remembered Genesis human working mind.

    Axiom: The human biological mind is asphyxiating in a sea of pretense as the living truth in man suffers genetic extinction.

    Are we cursed by the God that made us? In a very strange way, yes, without a doubt by free choice. Considering all the real biological options, man chose to synthetically alter the brain’s primary function for controlling data. Was this an accident? Many men have stepped forward to tell the tale of what the agreed symbols man would become. One man, 2,000 years ago, said it was a serious mistake to live by this standard of persuasion.

    The mental problem that is loaded into the memory mind is devoted to the intake of the eyes and the ears only. The feeling direct knowing voice of the Genesis guardian was pushed aside, along with all of the senses, inducing a dormancy of use resulting in a biological stasis. A biological stigma occurred. The human mind was shutting itself down. Mankind fell into a black sleep.

    The dimensional direct knowing thinker was reduced to a binary symbols remembering addict. Through acted out doing, a cold-blooded thug-mind predator was born. Mankind became an agreed mass, afraid and armor plated, weapons ready and mad. Victims were anyone who stood in the way of its anger and fear. The man who was sent to tell us of the impending doom was murdered in cold blood over 2,000 years ago. What has changed? We agree mindlessly and are allowed to continue our dead-pan lives.

    Axiom: All symbols came from a make-believe naming of things.

    Before symbols there was only direct knowing. After symbols, the eyes received the light of written nothingness and the ears the sound of spoken nothingness. Man began to choose to live with the nothingness by following and agreeing with all the made-to-order pretenses and binary symbols truth. Because of binary symbols truth, the dimensional living bio-truth is held captive in us awaiting release. We are very nervous and anxious because of this biological fact. Genesis is constantly taunting us.

    Emotions are the key to the symbols abyss. Still obvious today, organized religious symbols idolatry threw away the living truth of what the man Christ stood for. We continue to worship the stick of wood that he was nailed to, said to be holy, but an idol nevertheless. Why worship the symbol of the death of the man instead of the life and teachings of the man. The wise freedoms spoken by Jesus were tossed out centuries ago by word pushing pundits who never once addressed the real historical Christ and what he stood for. With binary symbols pushing they protected their rights to occupy profitable binary roles in the symbols based fear miasma.

    The armored plated all or nothing slugs that run the symbols mind-game, always do it from some hidden room, into which no one is allowed but well paid, devoted hirelings. We will never know the hidden forces that lurk below the demarcation of our symbols absolution. We allow it with our ignorance. We claim it as our right! Biological death will be swift and quick just as will be the dawning of your very own Genesis mystery awaking. Go ahead take your new feelings for a test run. Grasp one axiom a day—watch and wait and listen and see if there is any truth.

    Axiom: We are always in some kind of all or nothing conciliatory rage.

    How do you know what you know? Where did that knowing come from? Do you want to know about the living truth? It is not because someone can agree with you or because you agree with someone. It is not because you remember what to say from years of being taught what to repeat. It is not a feel good thing that masks fear, nor is it a feel bad thing where fear takes us over. No guilt trips involved, no fear in sight, and no empowered symbolic rights to push or force on others. No all or nothings bent into a binary agreement legal bind. There is only one real truth and it is alive.

    Direct knowing is breathed back into the creature being. Having the ability to feel, is thus a living truth. To deny it, we die from the inside out. To disregard it, we become afraid, for what is alive feeds us dimensionally balanced energy, the feelings, we need to survive. We are merely distant strangers exploring our own mind as we simultaneously gaze upon others who are doing the same thing. All men and women feel the same direct knowing, but, educating the guarded heart is not an easy task, nor should it be.

    There is no fear for those who are willing to engage the Genesis bio-energy drive-line. Biologically the mind is freed from the extreme over use of word symbols concentrations. If the only knowing you have is knowing how to control the symbols imprinted in your mind, what seems to you to be an ability, is merely a trap that you and everyone else has become ensnared in. If you agree with it you are in a symbols stasis degradation state of mind. Bio-stigma commands the agreed, remembered brain’s function. Full blown bio-stasis depends on it.

    Axiom: The emotional corridor holds all the residual off-set Genesis warnings set into the innate ocean of our living life energy flow.

    An even blacker death occurred when man turned his living will over to the steadfast agreed symbols/words archetype. Pieces are taken from the whole and named and tagged and labeled. These pieces are called reasons and these tiny junkets of piecemeal reasons are reassembled by members of the pretending/agreeing symbols mind to control the whole. The eyes and the ears oversee that exclusive binary function. They become the false truth of their intent.

    The truth of their excuse lasts as long as their symbolic word and the agreement that made it. The human mind tragically becomes a side-effect of its own pretend symbols causality. A subconscious binary blame loop, which allows no alternative but the one, the all or nothing legal predator is cut off from its own mental Genesis biology. Of his own free will, the human creature nature suffers. We can feel the living truth inside our heads, throbbing, wanting to be clarified and shared.

    Have we abandoned God? Not those who seek the living truth. But we are all in a symbols stasis sleep from pretending, from serving an ersatz binary real, which is lifeless, cold and self-degrading to the functional mind. We are a Genesis logical creature going insane on a genetic scale. We have years of insanity to prove it, do we not? The injured mind will be duplicated unless we break the evil spell.

    Axiom: Imagine a car with two steering wheels, one for each hand, and two gas pedals, one for each foot. Our brain in bio-stasis is like that. It cannot go both where it wants to go and in the opposite direction where it is told to go, so it shuts down.

    We are in a Genesis sabotage, a God created protective condition which shuts the human essence down when it is forced to undergo an unwanted, mind altering function like symbols addiction. Call it a biological blessing if you will, or, a redundant alarm system built into the human creature’s brain physiology. But we trashed the alarm system, literally. Your automobile has warning lights to alert you of a malfunction in progress, so does our human Genesis biology, it is a physiology beyond exception.

    We are protected from fear-based belief. We are protected by a biological awareness of the man-made prompt of having to be afraid of the empowered symbolic man. The human being was never meant to be afraid unless his biology was threatened. That is why we are disturbed inside, why we feel we are falling apart. We are!

    The human brain is a symbols training ground, a cutting board for binary symbols pushing hacks using the mind of man as a Guinea pig. Instead of defining the fear which causes the human mental neurosis, man wants to turn it off, then only the intended symbols bells will be ringing. The biological warning light will not go off until we reach the living dimensional Genesis truth that will, in full direct knowing feeling, turn off the fear syndrome automatically. We buy into the side effects fear creates, then drug the brain’s bio-alarm system, causing even more residual damage. Wake up people!

    Axiom: We only appear to be right when we agree. What therefore is Biblical sin?

    The beautiful creature we once had faith in and called a human being is being reduced to a long-term binary-symbols genetic stooge, an imbecile. We all know it. Knock, knock. The brain is a perfect and exacting orb which regulates all the bodily functions therewith and for an extrapolated logical innate energy function. By design we are bio-psychic. In symbols resignation we are blind as a bat and deaf as a doormat. Man is a symbols thug with a dirty knife, cutting things that have no name and no divine function. He knows nothing of what he does and waits to see who will object. According to binary symbols intent based law, consent is given when you say nothing at all. When you allow, you are said to agree. Did you know that? Imagine the implications.

    The human being is out of touch with the fact that he has to personally disagree to state a legal objection. Legal bind does not care about our living bio-truth, only the all or nothing symbols positions that control the afraid mind. Imagine that. What are these symbolic/word positions worth in capital grade reason once the Genesis alarm is turned off? The symbolic men of the binary bit-and-piece-sciences are willing to agree they can either cut or drug the Genesis out of the man or at least make him more afraid than God can. Nasty little ape that he is, that he tries to do that. We all feel it, we all know it. This bio-stasis brain will be handed down genetically to a new generation. Squalor, ignorance and mass insanity; a burden of mental-frenzied disarray of rats in a maze. The symbolic brain is hurting, compromised by the made-up-pretending. Our biologically guarded hearts can be freed by will alone, the will you gave up. You must desire to get your will back now. If you lose the feeling you, who are you?

    Axiom: The science of man names dissected parts easily, but he has no idea what their biological purpose is in the interconnected reality of our Genesis function.

    Self love is knowing you deserve all that you are yet to become. Open. Just open to the living/feeling you. To awaken, the living truth must be allowed to see itself. The human soul must see its reflection in the Genesis mirror before you receive direct knowing. Truth will be clarified and become fully restored in the lives of each of us. No names or tags necessary. There is no other way. You must ask for the Genesis life and its direct knowing energy flow to be reinstated in you. The emotional flood gates will open as the stasis bio-stigma is released. Binary truth will weaken in the face of your own Genesis coming back on line. You will feel it when it arrives.

    It is 1,000 years away before the actual door to human knowing is fully opened, before man is struck with the terrible awe of his complacency and the arrogance of so many agreed mistakes. We share so many man-made mistakes, the human being just looks on in a bewildering sagacity. Being subjected to a mandatory health impairing mind-implant stigma is only half the problem. We are biologically placed in a subconscious altered state that knocks out reality itself.

    Believing that the naming of things would make man intelligent, was the start of what the bible calls the evil of mankind, which is symbols idolatry, agreed on a mass scale. Thousand of wars erupted based on endless hatred. Governments and religions flourished, depending almost exclusively upon the incredible negative fear generated from symbols use.

    Axiom: If you learn nothing in your life, learn this. Once you know the cause of evil you are automatically placed in the arms of God, cursed and blessed with the desire and the obligation to stop it.

    Sin—is blame, forcing one into a symbols mind. Mankind became more afraid and even more mentally stigmatized as blame gained a foothold in organized symbols touting religions and organized uniform symbols empowered governments. Reason, the word, gained power. Binary time, past/future made room for reason, intent, and reasons for intentions. The symbols directive for legal truth set the pace for an insane race. There was no innocence to be found in the entire world because the holy word and the legal word would insure a straight-flat-line to the word pretense. Agreement gave groups rights over the symbols pretending of truth. Only the eyes and the ears were allowed to participate in the grand event, linear time and a directives future. Men became puppets of men.

    Words were the new law and the law was called: intent. The living truth was abandoned. Linear time needs blame to be the counter-cause of all human doing. The further the bio-sense separation grew, the greater the delusion metastasized. An infectious evil took over the world. Did man therefore create evil? No, but he insures it by agreeing with it, allowing it and joining with it. Remember, agreeing and allowing are done by saying nothing. Once you know, if you choose to disregard it, you will die from the inside out. Your Genesis Biology is that exacting, make no mistake about the truth that is in you.

    Axiom: What we now call emotion, is not our symbolic pretend binary love or hate, but the early warnings of the malfunction of our biological warning system. The friendly fear that we feel before real biological fear sets in.

    A constant aliveness goes with your feeling being, it reveals to the real you a life-energy flow. This flow contains both the feeling and the knowing, all the need-to-know life data. This flow is what the feeling matrix delivers, the sound of knowing silence, a living truth. We all have it but find it difficult to use because of symbols overloads. We are in a Genesis mental congestion, forced to shut down all-knowing due to pretend word agreements. The human mind, all by itself, knows better.

    The off-set of the human biological mind’s direct knowing is the ability to maintain feeling. It is reduced from a triangulated knowing to a mono-directional directive based on pretend symbols/words, shoved and pushed into the linear edifice of the word intent which is our agreed God-word. The mind of man is anchored in a violent, stormy sea of inequity, lost in a sea of symbols discontent. Our intent based binary future is not the living truth of the Genesis now. IF you can get this, the living truth is available to you.

    The Biblical Christ rose up to challenge the excessive misuse of symbols idolatry and its want for power and control over all the people of the earth. What became the biblical word sin is the sin we know as the agreement process. This is a compound lateral suicide. This is a sad state of affairs indeed. This is black death stasis. The Biblical devil enters the human mind through agreements. You can feel it.

    Axiom: There is no willing audience for what must be said, only an urgency of necessity to say it.

    A symbols/word cancer ate away the brain’s dimensional field of self-awareness. Symbols dominate the hatred that dominates the empowered authority over the entire world. Man further agreed and wrote down these symbols, calling them words, for the purpose of controlling the minds of men. It worked. Confident became he, of his power over men. So much so, agreed symbols man changed the entire structure of the human being’s seamless time to symbols motive time. Future. Man is trapped inside his pretend revolving door. His head is reeling from it. Tomorrow never comes.

    Man agreed that uniforms of power and authority were necessary to back the agreed word. The new made-up flat-line symbols, agreed upon and taught to others, were accepted as a good thing. They would fulfill the human being’s zest for learning by teaching more and new words which became new forms of power and mental might. The weak minded were easily bent. But the learning was merely remembering a constant barrage of new labels and tags which were then called true. He then contracted a biological mental condition that allowed him to justify murder, injustice and ruthless blame that would shape the social events of an entire world. The Biblical Satan, in theory, would rule the world.

    Mankind suffers from a biological symbols infection, a mental disease which alters the brain’s ability to function normally, which transforms the remembered-brain into an overreacting binary symbols adaptation. The task is to get mankind out of a dead-pan symbols stigma. He must de-symbolize, now. But how?

    Axiom: Those who have no desire to use their own mind, agree most often.

    The symbolic mind’s lack of self-introspective is a disorder resulting from the dissection and separation of the sensory system, from one sense being disengaged from the others. Wall-papering the cerebral memory chamber with binary symbols changed the human being into a word puppet. He fell victim to his own very lucrative labels and tags. Our bio-stasis is a deteriorating condition. Symbols that cannot self-expunge, result in brain damage. Illusion and delusions of grandeur, the long-term residual side effects, are not just a mental illness, they are actual brain damage.

    Genetically, the human being listens and reconnects to the biological self through feelings which represent the Genesis energy flow, the living truth. This realignment is a necessary part of the human mind’s introspective biological dynamics and must precede a mental healing of dimensionality. From generations of handed down biological fear and symbols soup, our bio-stigma accumulated as a built-in bio-depression which shuts down the brain’s efficiency to a crawl, a binary crawl, a flat line word processing reason based intent assembly line. The idea is to step away from the symbols-product assembly line.

    We devolved into imbecilic drones with paper credentials, paid for from the sale of the human soul. False hope laced fake fear to a permanent insanity. Feeling-direct-knowing is a dimensional realm we were born to live in and by but it has been converted to a word pretend state of the remembered mind which is a confused, split mind. We are afraid now because we are so far from our biological dimensional home. Return to the point where your Genesis child was cast aside and traded for symbols manipulation.

    Axiom: In a binary symbols quagmire we have agreed our way into insanity.

    We are biologically and naturally designed to be afraid of symbols idolatry and shut down when faced with a make-believe symbols world. We are self stabilizing, made to fall asleep in our mindless doing as agreements seek to overpower the mind. Fear, functioning as the biological friend of the feeling creature, causes us to feel uncomfortable as we become overpowered by symbols. The mind will fight for its living real, refusing to function in binary all or nothing waves. Information from the rest of the senses create a feeling back-up, a blockage, causing a symbolically created internal self-abused brain to exist over a once child-like cohesive whole unified mind. It is the genuine knowing mind that suffers symbols indignity. There is no dignity in the man-made word. It wears the insignia of its insanity and agrees with it and gets paid for it as the world starves emotionally because of it.

    Through centuries of intent based binary symbols use, the human mind is still trying to adapt to a mental self-abuse. So, in a fog like stasis, the mind begins to believe in symbols, becoming a caricature of the mind. The purpose of a symbols mind is to control man’s doing. We live what is called a directives based doing. As this happens, the memory mind begins to traumatize. As the word/symbols remembered mind becomes the product of this altered state, it reaches the subconscious working elements of a flat, reactionary mind. A reduced and limiting mind, further trapped. It feels like Hell; no wonder that comes out as a wrong.

    The senses realize that there is an intruder inside our mind and reacts to the faulty data from outside the self. The seamless truth is being fractured.

    Axiom: The word intent is a noose around the neck of any concept of freedom. Fear is the henchman.

    The remembered mind becomes a symbols packed mind, knowing only the tags and labels of two senses, the eyes and the ears. The seamless flow of the bio-living truth subsides. The altered, named kind of knowing becomes a redundant paradox of motive based doing only. The living truth is rerouted. This stream of living truth consciousness as it is called, confronts these symbols as fakers and impostors. But, because the human creature has no intent based logic in its feeling-processing array, it is moved into the emotional corridor, the emotional

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