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Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed: , A Guide to Effortless Creation
Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed: , A Guide to Effortless Creation
Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed: , A Guide to Effortless Creation
Ebook340 pages4 hours

Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed: , A Guide to Effortless Creation

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About this ebook

This book was put out 12 years ago and mainly used in courses and coaching. This book was mainly used as a work-book in coaching and courses. As such it saw real application in the face of real world problems, issues, wants and desires. This track record and success ration demanded a re-release. This time to the public.
Manifesting your dreams; creating; bringing something you choose into existence; materializing events with your thoughts; and a thousand other phrases are used to describe Manifesting Technology. And in today's world there is great interest in Manifestation Technology; and there are the very alluring promises of many books, courses and made by innumerable life coaches. Yet these promises are rarely achieved or fulfilled.
Why? We have all heard the sad refrain, "I did what the teacher(s) said, and it … well… only partially worked." In real truth, often it didn't work at all. After a while, exaggerations, pretenses and 'made up experiences' don't suffice anymore. The question starkly becomes: Is this ability to manifest only a pipe dream???

This book, Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed, is different. It's got a high and proven success ratio. It covers crucial areas other books won't touch, let alone have any working handle for. Core issues such as 'self-deception,' 'holding lies as truths', 'arrogance' and other pointed topics in depth. It covers the main reason that is stopping us from having our dreams/desires and wishes as realities.

It also gives some practical tools, exercises, and methods (some unique). These are designed to handle that issue of 'self-believed lies'; it's these that tend to haunt, limit and stop us in our efforts to manifest our goals and targets.

This is a work book. It's full of powerful theory and then powerful tools that prove the theory and touch the core of our creative nature.
Release dateSep 22, 2016
Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed: , A Guide to Effortless Creation

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    Book preview

    Aladdin's Lamp Unleashed - Michael Houston


    This is a book (you might call it a ‘Work Book’ because it was actually ‘the work book’ at courses and classes). The Goal is about consciously and consistently creating your life, your reality, and your mind the way you’d prefer. The Path is about doing it with a simple method that unleashes your natural, God-given creative ability. It’s also a ‘Survival Manual’designed to help you get the pieces of your life’s puzzle together so you can pry yourself out of the illusions which you’ve created and in which you live.

    From this point forward, I’ll speak ‘as if’ the words are true, accurate and factual!

    Illusion??? What do you mean?

    In short, most people are living in a world of carefully constructed and well-hidden lies they ‘believe’ are true. Most people are struggling. Normally it’s in one or more of the following areas: relationships, finances, power, health, success, self-worth, the need for attention and purpose, or in spirituality. The underlying reason for the struggle is that people don’t realize they are living in a world of illusion. Living in a world of illusion and believing it is real is the hidden cause of these problems.

    What is illusion anyway?

    This is a critical concept to understand from the beginning. Throughout this book I speak of illusions: Living in illusion, trying to solve illusions and so on. But what IS illusion?

    The dictionary defines illusion as "something being other than it appears." You’ve heard of mirages in the desert. You see a lake off in the distance, but when you go to examine it, you find it was only heat-wave reflections. That is an illusion.

    Have you ever been to a really good magic show? The magician uses various tricks of the trade to make things appear to be other than they really are. He might saw a woman in half or cause an elephant to vanish right before your eyes. Of course he never really sawed the woman in half, and the elephant is still somewhere in the vicinity. The magician simply created the illusion for your benefit and entertainment.

    Think of a tricky lawyer, or politician, or a radical activist addicted to their cause; or picture any other type of skilled deceiver. Think of a skilled, but unethical sales person or advertiser. A lawyer, a radical or crooked politician gives the image. They know how to shave the truth, distort the facts, hid relevant information and play the emotions of those who are forced or tricked into listening. They know how to deceive, feign, force and manipulate people into believing things that aren’t true. They create images, backed by emotions such hate, fear or greed that somehow serves them or their cause. They are creating a ‘version’ of truth that serves them, not their listener; although they often make the listener ‘believe’ they are actually helping them. Think of those pictures of those masses following Hitler; they seem lost in the emotions of some sort of induced hypnotic trance; burning torches, books or people and all the time chanting ‘Hail Hitler.’ They followed this crazy image of ‘the fatherland’ as they and their country rushed headlong into destruction; all for his crazy, insane, delusion.

    These above examples are the obvious illusions — things that are other than they appear, done for a purpose. There are other kinds of illusions that everyone experiences every day, but we generally don’t recognize these experiences as illusions. We’re trick and deceived by the apparent flow of life, peer pressure and other factors to believe things that aren’t true.

    Have you ever been to a class, perhaps in school or at a seminar, where a professor got up and spoke as if he were telling the ultimate truth? Maybe it was a science class and he said something like, Nerves never regenerate, or Gravity works by attraction, or ‘This or that is the truth about economics." You are the student, you don’t know, so you believe what the ‘teacher’ tells you. They are the teacher. They have the facts. What they teach is the truth, isn’t it? You believe what the professor says and build a lifetime of reality around it. After all, he’s the expert and has studied it.

    Then one day you find out that nerves can regenerate; or that the theory of ‘gravity’ has so many holes in it as to be ‘theory’ only. You’d considered it 100% how the universe works; you know, by bending space and attraction. Now you see data in front of your own eyes that contract that. Perhaps you see the economic data was a vast distortion and it doesn’t actually work like you’d been told in school by teachers who were teaching a non-workable agenda. They had just believed the lie and passed it on. NOW is data right in front of you that contradicts what you had been holding as true for much of your life. You had believed, based on that trusted professor’s facts that the planets pulled on each other. Now you find out that likely isn’t the case at all. Or maybe you’ve joined some ‘noble sounding’ cause to pull down some system, and spent years in that effort only to find out the system you were attempting to pull down actually worked. You believed an illusion all that time. It wasn’t the truth, but you saw it as truth all those years.

    Or maybe you’re now a dentist and you had always advised patients who had cut nerves that they would always live with the effects! Maybe that’s what you were taught in medical school. I know I was. Who knows, maybe your patients took your advice and it became a self-fulfilling prophesy for them. Suddenly, you find out a new truth: Nerves can regenerate. You believed an illusion all that time. It wasn’t the truth, but you saw it as truth all those years.

    Or maybe deep into your career, you suddenly realize that the science was ‘altered’ to make it look one way, when indeed it was another. Maybe a drug company distorted data simply for the end game of selling drugs. The best course of action may have been something other than what you’d been taught in your twelve years of Medical School. For you it was simply you’d believed one thing and suddenly you see it was all an illusion. The truth has that effect.

    What about an experience in which you are in a really tight situation; a threatening person chases you with intent to do harm? Suddenly, you wake up and realize it is all a dream. It was all an illusion you considered real. Now, we get closer to the point.

    There have been Science Fiction stories that depict worlds where people live in a total illusion. People in these ‘stories’ ‘think’ they are going about their daily business, living, loving and dying. But in reality, these fictional characters are in a self-generated, self-reinforcing, interactive, computer-enhanced illusion. In reality (the movie line), they exist in some sort of matrix or in pods on life support; but in their minds they are creating a complete and total fantasy that they believe they experience.

    A Science Fiction Illusion of a self-generated, widely agreed upon illusion is an appropriate analogy for this book. I submit it’s more real than you think it is!

    You live in an illusion that you create with your beliefs and attention. It is no less an illusion than what the wildest Sci-Fi writer depicted! You’re living in a self-generated, self-reinforcing dream that you think of as real. And, nearly everything in your illusion reinforces a belief that your life is NOT an illusion but is indeed real. Your thoughts, your beliefs, your reality, the way things seem are not real. They are an illusion you created. Yet this isn’t the way you’d describe your life, is it?

    Are You Having Trouble Changing Your Life? Take a course; that should do it!

    Most of the motivational material, self-help, religious or spiritual paths and professional therapy that are supposed to help you get your life together, help you become successful and wealthy or have that perfect relationship simply don’t work that well. These materials and techniques don’t work long-term, and they don’t work for most average people who are struggling to change their lives. These techniques are given to make the illusion better. If these techniques really worked — given all the folks who have attended the seminars, bought the books and listened to the tapes — then the world would be in pretty good shape, wouldn’t it?

    Look around. Obviously something’s missing. These attempts are in truth efforts to solve illusion with illusion. We are all in an illusionary Matrix trying to solve its illusions with more illusion. It rarely works. The only thing that really works is to drop illusion and get your-self out of the illusion, even if it’s only for the moment.

    Let’s do something different for a change!

    Let’s do something that works.

    What would it mean to you, if you could:

    • Reclaim and Redirect your creative abilities to your preferences?

    • Create what you want instead of what you don’t want?

    • Choose your beliefs; instead of letting them run on automatic (or worse-indoctrination?)

    • Identify and actually skip beliefs that no longer serve you?

    • Choose where to place your attention, instead of being lead around on its leash?

    • Get rid of self-defeating, self-sabotaging, self-limiting patterns and habits?

    • Become aware of the major lies you live under, and be free from the prison they create?

    • Become aware that it is all an illusion that you created?

    Change That Lasts — The Real Solution

    We’ve all been doing the best we can with the tools we had. But we were following teachers, programming, peer groups and ideologies based on illusions. We’re not talking about the obvious frauds, fakers and thieves out there. We’re talking about sincere people. We have unwittingly been following those who weren’t able to teach the full truth about reality creation. Maybe the sources they based their information on knew the truth, but the teachers who followed only knew about the truth. Unperceived twist happened; things got skewed and then passed off as ‘the truth.’ Sincere people followed and they passed on these twist and skews and few realized the misdirection even happened. Whole ideologies got built up and then agreed on and twisted even more. The teachers of these ideologies, sincere as they may be, have presented to us their illusion of the truth. But it’s never presented as an illusion. No, instead it’s always presented as ‘The way’ and ‘the truth’ and ‘the path to follow.’ But illusionary paths will only lead one deeper into illusions. Just because someone or a bunch of some ones ‘believe’ a thing, doesn’t make that the ultimate truth.

    The illusion of the truth doesn’t work.

    It doesn’t set you free.

    This book contains a virtually complete set of tools you can use to handle your relationship issues, your financial issues, your health issues and your spiritual issues. It has the ability to do it all in one fell swoop; if you can get to the real core of what’s being said. You need to understand what’s being presented as truth, without hidden illusions of truth hindering your perceptions.

    The material I present in this book works. When applied, it produces profound, deep and lasting change. When correctly applied it fills in the gaps and provides the missing pieces that have always been absent from virtually all motivational training, psychotherapy, self-help books and seminars and most religious teachings. What’s more, it’s predictable, it’s simple, it’s verifiable and it’s duplicable. Creation is not a hit or miss proposition anymore. In fact it never was; we just skewed it up. We now know how the creative process actually works. We can duplicate it and transfer the knowledge to others; at least I can some of the time to some of the people. In one sense this presentation is new and breakthrough; in another sense, it is as ancient as man himself. It is the solution; if you look deep enough to let go of your illusions of truth.

    Creation is the illumination of humankind.

    What This Book Has Done For Others:

    •Teach them the foundation theory of creation.

    •Push many buttons and challenge many beliefs; beliefs that may not be accurate.

    •Share exercises that can, if correctly applied, make the theory real to the doer.

    •Show one how to apply what they learn to their specific Real World issues.

    •Leave one with the ability to create what they want to happen in your life.

    •Show one how to stop things they DON’T want in their life.

    •And sometimes, they find the thread in this material that will indeed free them.

    The Real Question is: What Will It Do For YOU?

    First I will give you the foundation theory behind this material that I condensed, experimented with, and developed after years of diverse studies and experiences.

    Second, I share exercises that will make the theory real for you. These are true stories told as accurately as I can without embellishment. In some instances I took creative liberty but left the core of the story intact and in its fullness. They are to show you, when done correctly these exercises help unlock your potential and move you from knowing about to knowing. Knowing about the illusion is interesting, but knowing it is what you want. Knowing about your creative abilities is fascinating.

    Knowing about illusion makes you a hit at cocktail parties or on talk shows. Knowing it sets you free. The design of these exercises is to help you know. Very profound changes and realizations can and often do occur with correct application of these simple exercises.

    Third, I teach you Aladdin’s Creation Tool™ and show you how to focus and apply what you learn on your specific REAL WORLD issues. You can, and most likely will, use this tool to create situations you want to happen or stop from happening. One of the first things most people try, no matter how ‘spiritual’ they appear, is for money. That’s not a bad thing. In fact it’s a very accurate barometer. It’s easy to lie about being more loving or more spiritual or closer to God. It’s much harder to believe a lie you tell yourself about how much money is actually in your bank account! It’s either there or not. And once people get confident about creating money, they generally realize that money is not all there is; that’s when things get fun.

    If you truly follow the steps in this book and move into true knowing, your Real World relationships, business and spiritual life expands at a rate you never considered possible.

    The Good News is this is not hard stuff to do. The information presented is not something you have to remember. It is not something you have to schedule and exercise discipline to do over and over again. That is the old way — the way that hasn’t worked. What you will learn from this book is simple and fun and has a catalytic effect. That means you simply get the understanding from doing the exercises, and the effects keep spreading in your life. Experiencing real truth is vital and self-sustaining.

    Be warned: There are some of us who run from truth and will do anything to avoid it!

    This book’s goal is to teach you how to reclaim your creative abilities. It attempts to teach you how to create what you like. In the process, it also teaches you to get rid of self-defeating patterns in your life. As you do this, you become aware of major lies you live, under the illusion that they are really true. It generally is a stunning revelation.

    You can accomplish a tremendous amount of change in your life just by reading this book and diligently completing the exercises. However, there is a deeper understanding that just can’t be conveyed with books. It may satisfy many of you to simply start to get Real World solutions to your Real World issues, like more money. There is nothing wrong with getting more money, better relationships, and so on. However, others may be led to the deeper experience that is the thread underlying the information in this book. That’s where the real treasure is buried!

    This material can assist you to move much further than you’ve ever moved before in your spiritual quest. People from virtually every faith apply this information to their lives and consider it to be invaluable. Christians find themselves infinitely closer to Christ; Muslims at times claim profound insights. Buddhist often claim levels of enlightenment; and people who meditate, many for years, suddenly find what they are really looking for. Even Atheists often find much more peace in their troubled existence. This material, when correctly applied, unwinds stops, pretenses and doubts. It moves people from hearing about into experiencing what they hear.

    People, who dig into this data, often tell me it is an answer to their prayers and some of them say it allows their prayers to finally be answered. Others say, the Scriptures make much more sense, Now that I understand. These are major shifts. If you are seeking truth, if you are looking for something out of the normal routine, if you are seeking enlightenment, the embodiment of this material will resonate with your soul.

    I run courses, from time to time, for people who express sufficient interest. These courses won’t change you — they will reveal you to yourself. They will pull you out of the illusions you think of as you, at least for a moment or two, and show you the real you. That’s the real and ultimate purpose of this book. Doing this work correctly is a profound experience. To blow my own horn, I’m better and more skilled at teaching this than anyone I know (save One). This truth is not something you learn, practice and study --- far from it. It is something you experience, then, naturally do. And when you do,enlightenment becomes an effortless game.

    Jesus said, As a man believes so is he.

    The Macmillan’s Dictionary defines belief as an acceptance of the truth or reality of, that which is believed; opinion; and conviction and confidence in; faith. and Macmillan’s describes the verb believe as "the to accept as true or real; to credit with truthfulness; and to be of the opinion, think, suppose. These definitions for belief and believe, I call Constants Mental, Emotional and Physical Constants.

    Aladdin’s Creation Tool℠

    The Theory of Reality Creation

    Here are some propositions that I believe are foundational:


    Constructs: a mental/emotional creation that is build and held together by your choice.

    Constant (in essence, a Belief): a construct that you continually hold in creation.

    [In talking about beliefs, these terms can be sometimes used interchangeably because mankind tends to treat them as if they were

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