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10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog
10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog
10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog
Ebook44 pages37 minutes

10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog

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With this training book, you will easily train your own dog with no harsh methods or even harsh commands. Working at your own pace, your dog will be learning and having fun with you as you both explore a better method of communicating with each other. From learning to sit when asked or coming to you from a distance, this training book will have your dog willingly and happily doing more than you could have believed.
You will also not be left with a single level of the behavior. Each week will expound on the lessons of the previous week, making every behavior stronger and better.
Have a rowdy dog? Are friends and family unwilling to come to your house anymore? After just a few lessons you will begin to see big changes in your dog’s behavior. After a while, your friends and family will be returning just to hang out with you and your brilliant dog.
The best news is, after you’re done with this book and you want to train other behaviors, you’ll have the tools and confidence to teach anything you and your dog can dream up. You’ll be able to go anywhere with your incredibly well-trained dog.

Release dateJan 10, 2017
10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog

Mel McCutcheon

With over 20 years experience as a professional dog trainer, I've seen a lot of training methods come and go. What I've always tried to do is teach having fun. If it isn't fun for me or the dog, very little learning takes place. I sometimes use clickers, sometimes just 'Yes!' Either will get the job done and the dog will easily understand he's done it right.Now living in Northeast Georgia, having moved from Central Florida, I have acreage for my animals to run all day. One of my dogs, a little terrier mix named Herbie, is a relentless hunter of mice, rats, and moles. The other, a pit bull mix name Nnyus (don't worry, no one knows how to pronounce it), goes after bigger predators. She keeps raccoons, coyotes, and even hawks away. My cat, Whirling Dervish, has been everywhere with me as I travel all over the area. She's created quite a stir wherever we go. She's been fun to train and a wonderful companion.I take training very seriously. I just don't think you have to bark at your animals to get them to comply with what it is you want. Commanding my animals has never worked well, especially the cats, so I ask and they agree. It works so much better and all of us are so much happier as we go about the business of living here together.

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    Book preview

    10 Week Program For A Well Trained Dog - Mel McCutcheon

    10 Week Program For

    A Well-Trained Dog

    Creating a Happier Dog and a Happier You

    by Mel McCutcheon


    One of the most amazing things in the world is the way we humans share our homes, our food, our very lives, with another species. Although there are many different domesticated animals with which we share our time, the dog is probably the most historically constant companion to us. They live in our homes, sit on our furniture, sleep in our beds, go out into the world in our cars, on bicycles, and even in strollers. We groom, bathe, feed, talk to, and pamper them in a way dogs have never truly known before; and, then comes the kicker. They won’t listen to us. How ungrateful can they be?!

    My further amazement comes when someone says their dog understands everything they say. I can tell you right now, unless your dog is holding a conversation with you in whatever language you speak, they don’t know a single word of what you’re saying.

    Okay, that may be a bit strong. Perhaps they’ve learned a few words that, when spoken, brings about a reaction from your dog. Just say bath time and, as they scramble for cover, you know they’ve picked up something you’re saying. To know for sure, think about giving your dog a bath and go through the same motions. I’d lay odds your dog will still be scrambling for cover.

    Dogs are masters of body language. That is how they communicate with each other and with their world. Dogs from different countries can understand each other perfectly. They never need an interpreter. They can sense what we are feeling, and may react to that, but they may be completely in the dark as to why we feel the way you do.

    Take a case in point. Say your dog has had an accident in the house. You come home and tell the dog bad dog! while pointing at the offending mound. You feel vindicated that your dog is acting anxious, tucking his tail and head, and looking at you with furtive eyes. That ought to straighten that out! But then it happens again and again. Every evening when you get home, the dog has made a mess. As you open the door you react the same way and the dog doesn’t even have to look at you or hear you. He tucks his tail and head then hides behind the nearest chair. He knows he’s done wrong! Just look at him! you say.

    Now let’s get it from the dog’s perspective. He pooped on the new beige carpet and feels much better now. When you get home your body language lets him know you are angry. He just

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