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The Logical Meaning of Life
The Logical Meaning of Life
The Logical Meaning of Life
Ebook152 pages2 hours

The Logical Meaning of Life

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Logically explores the meaning of life, design of the universe, and more. Describes why love, gender, children, and sexuality exist using rational explanations.

PublisherDavid Chang
Release dateFeb 18, 2017
The Logical Meaning of Life

David Chang

Logical revelations I have learned from my interactions with angels. For more information, please visit my website at

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    The Logical Meaning of Life - David Chang

    The Logical Meaning of Life

    By: David Chang

    Copyright 2023 David Chang

    Version 2.1

    Table of Contents

    1) Meaning of Life

    2) Reincarnation

    3) Karma

    4) Heaven and Earth

    5) The Soul

    6) Cosmology

    7) Conclusion

    1) Meaning of Life

    What is your meaning of life?

    Your meaning of life should reflect what you want to do with your life. And, in this capitalistic world, this question could be answered by pondering what you would do if you were so rich that you never have to worry about money ever again; what would you do with your time then? ... Would you fill your life with various diversions, such as toys, video games, and other ways to have fun and kill time until you die? Or, would you use your money to help people in order for you to form social bonds and get people to like you so that you would have friends, so that you won't feel isolated and lonely in life?

    For the average person in the modern-day world with limited wealth, the typical meaning of life is to have children, then have grandchildren after that, then have great-grandchildren after that, and so forth. And, having other living beings in your life, such as children and pets, could serve as a form of entertainment to you, which could give you purpose and meaning to your life.

    For others, some people find purpose or meaning to their life through their career and the material wealth they gain or through their passions and hobbies.

    And, overall, your meaning of life should give you a reason for you to wake up day after day as well as give you a reason why you would want to continue living life.

    From an emotional point of view, your meaning of life could be viewed as what makes you happy in life. And, some people keep themselves happy in life by simply keeping themselves busy from day to day, such as by working, killing free time with friends and family, and such, while not pondering about the meaning of life. And, some of these individuals would grow old, go into retirement, and suddenly discover that they don't know what they want to do with the rest of their lives. And, please note that things like sleeping in, watching TV, playing video games, and such could be fun for a while but will eventually become meaningless if repeated day after day.

    So, then, what is the logical meaning of life? Or, to take a step back, what does the logical meaning of life even imply?

    As far as I know, there is a logical reason why we, as life forms, exist in the universe. And, the logical meaning of life should explain what the purpose of our existence is, beyond our mundane lives on Planet Earth. In other words, it should make logical sense why life should exist in the first place.

    Believe it or not, I have been interacting with angels for a while now, but the purpose of this e-book is not to talk about this; see if you want more information. Instead, the purpose of this e-book is for me to share what I have discovered to be the logical meaning of life from my interactions with angels.

    And, because of the importance of my discoveries, I feel a sense of obligation to share my discoveries with humankind in this free e-book, free for the sake of sharing information, contrasting to me trying to profit from my discoveries.

    And, because of my discoveries, I have learned that the key aspects of our mortal lives all have meaning so that none of them are accidental, including: gender, love, children, animals, and sexuality. And, overall, our mortal life here on Planet Earth is supposed to serve a purpose.

    So, what is this purpose?

    As far as I know, angels want every soul to learn how to become happy, immortal angels. And, this is not achieved by simply turning souls into immortal angels after they die because immortality can easily become hellish for those who are not ready for it. For example, if you have character flaws that repulse people, then other angels might not want to deal with you so that you might end up becoming isolated and lonely forever, which will become hellish after enough time passes. Or, as another example, it is very easy for you to become hellishly bored against eternal time if you do not know how to keep yourself entertained and happy; and, as was mentioned earlier, if some people do not know what to do with their free time after retirement, imagine how bored they will become with eternal time as immortals!

    And, as far as I know, many things that mortals do on Planet Earth to kill time cannot be done by angels. For example, angels cannot get high off of drugs. Feeling high is an experience caused by our mortal bodies feeling some sort of poisoning effect; and, since angelic bodies cannot be poisoned, angels are incapable of feeling any highs. As another example, they cannot play sports, pursue adrenaline activities, and the like. It is my understanding that their bodies are not confined by gravity so that they can fly (without wings) and do not require muscle strength to help them fight gravity, which means that their bodies are all capable of similar abilities, therefore making competition pointless. Furthermore, they cannot experience any adrenaline rush from danger and from defying death since there is no danger and no death for them. Plus, I have also discovered that they cannot physically touch each other, which makes contact sports and sex impossible for them, which will be explored in more detail in a later chapter.

    But, even if you could, as an angel, get high, play sports, have sex, or do other physical activities that many mortals on Planet Earth enjoy doing to kill time, how long can these activities keep you entertained against eternal time? The body can only perform a limited number of motions and actions. As such, against eternal time, it is only a matter of time before you would start doing the same motions over and over again, which will become repetitive and boring after enough time passes.

    As such, as far as I know, immortal angels rely on their minds to find eternal entertainment.

    To be more specific, they would tend to work on designing human-populated planets (one at a time; this will be discussed in more detail in a later chapter) to see how beautiful they can make the planets become as well as how many angels they can create from each planet. And, this is similar to the happiness and fulfillment you would experience when you successfully raise a good and beautiful child, except, with angels, they are focused on raising and beautifying all souls instead.

    And, as far as I know, as mortals, we need to prove that we are ready for immortality with our limited, mortal lives before angels would invite us to heaven to become immortal angels. But, please note that, when you do qualify as an angel, angels will not automatically turn you into an angel right away. Instead, they would want you to live out the rest of your life first to see what other good deeds you are capable of doing. And, then, when your life is finally exhausted, they would talk to you and get your consent before turning you into an angel to ensure that you thoroughly understand what you are getting yourself into because you will be stuck being an angel forever and ever, without any way to kill yourself or have any other way to escape.

    And, in order for you to prove that you are ready for immortality, you will have to do a certain amount of good deeds because you will need to demonstrate that you enjoy helping people and feel a sense of accomplishment from doing good deeds. And, being good is important because eternal happiness can only be achieved by every angel knowing how to maintain peace and harmony with each other or else the universe can become ugly and hellish for immortals should selfishness prevail, especially against eternal time.

    As such, the idea is for mortals to learn how to become angel-like before angels would invite them to heaven to become angels. And, angels find this to be the best approach for creating new angels: by letting mortals learn how to become angel-like on their own, without anyone training them or guiding them, so that, when they become angels, they will not be dependent on other angels to show them how to act or behave and will, instead, be confident in their own abilities and be comfortable acting as themselves. Besides, this process is not about conformity and making all angels the same. Instead, by allowing each mortal to do good deeds on their own, in their own ways, then individuals might discover new ways to do good deeds that existing angels have never thought of before.

    And, as far as I know, the qualification for becoming an angel is not trivial and involves doing a large amount of good deeds within one lifetime. And, as far as I understand, the quantity is so large that it can usually only be achieved by doing good deeds that affect a large number of people. And, this higher standard is required to show that you truly want and enjoy helping a large number of people so that you will continue to act like this in heaven to keep yourself entertained and happy for the rest of eternity.

    In other words, if you enjoy improving and beautifying your planet as a mortal, then immortality and heaven will simply be an extension of what you already enjoy doing, as an extension of your meaning of life.

    And, usually, angels enjoy working with one another to collaborate on ways to create more angels and beautify the universe. And, as far as I know, this is how they plan to stay entertained and happy for the rest of eternity.

    And, as far as I know, angels would tend to only seed changes to new human planets prior to life appearing on those planets and would tend to leave the planets alone once life forms are present. This way, the mortals on the planets would be left alone to do things their own way, without interference, or else, should the mortals discover that angels are interfering, then the mortals might become focused on trying to interact with the angels, such as to try to please them, to try to convince them to do things for them them, and such, similar to what is happening after Yahweh interfered with Planet Earth (also known as God; Yahweh will be discussed in more detail in later chapters) ... And, besides, it would be inherently selfish for angels to interfere with mortal lives in order for them to get the mortals to live in a way they want, as if the mortals are like dolls or toys to them who are only allowed to live in a way they approve. As such, angels would tend to conduct themselves in a way that does not force their way onto anyone.

    And, as far as I know, angels would tend to be careful, scientific, and meticulous about the way they seed new human planets. For example, they might change a landmass in a certain way because they predict it will create a new type of animal that will impact the future ecology of the planet in a certain way as well as impact the psychology of the mortal souls on the planet in a certain way.

    And, trying to discuss the complicated and advanced science and design of angels is beyond the scope of this e-book ... But, please note that most of the key elements in life, like gender, love, children, animals, and sexuality, were not created by angels and were already in existence prior to the first angels existing in the universe. And, as far as I know, they were key factors that had brought about the existence of the universe's first angels in the first place (which will be discussed in more detail in a later chapter). And, since these elements are still major factors in our modern-day life, let us focus on them in the next chapter and discuss how they are supposed to help us become more angel-like.

    2) Reincarnation

    Where do souls come from? Do souls start from a state of nothingness? Or, do they start with certain dispositions?

    As far as I know, new souls start in a state of minimal awareness, manifested as simple, single-celled, self-sustaining organisms, like algae, for example, where they do not move and have food automatically created for them (via photosynthesis, for example) so that they only need to focus on existing and becoming aware that they exist.

    But, since they cannot move, they cannot determine their own fate. And, it does not seem fair to bring souls into existence unless they can move around and determine their own fate ... As such, after gaining awareness of their existence, they will next learn how to move.

    As far as I know, after living as simple, single-celled organisms, souls will transition toward becoming multi-celled organisms next, such as multi-celled plants, for example, so that their bodies can grow and lengthen to reach toward the sun to determine their own fate, albeit via very, very slow movements. Relative

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