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Blurred Lines: Directors Cut
Blurred Lines: Directors Cut
Blurred Lines: Directors Cut
Ebook413 pages6 hours

Blurred Lines: Directors Cut

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Even before the outbreak of World War II Josef Mengele wanted to experiment with what makes us human, then improve it. Without full knowledge of what he had done, Mengele created subjects who were healthier, better, smarter, and deadlier than any human could be in existence. Mengele buried his secrets until a coalition of allied troops found one of them, a beautiful and highly deadly woman named Elsa. Knowing what they found they kept it secret, hoping to cure the evil that Mengele created. What happens next is an endeavor into the blurred lines of good and evil, right and wrong, and life or death.

Release dateMar 25, 2017
Blurred Lines: Directors Cut

Martin Chittenden

I was born in Denver Colorado, grew up in Oregon. I enjoy just about everything and love to tell stories, push them past any limits I can think of. I work in Tech Support but everything interests me. I currently live in Reno/Sparks Nevada.

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    Book preview

    Blurred Lines - Martin Chittenden

    Chapter 1

    JANUARY 2004


    Dawn breaks over the icy hills of the island. The sun gleams off the white snow and bathes the whole area in a heavenly glow. The sun rises slowly onto the wooden roofs of an enclosed camp on the western side of the island. Several large decaying wooden cabins surrounded by a rusty, high chain link fence topped with razor wire gave the casual observer the impression of an abandoned prisoner's camp. The sun hit the dirty and frosted windows. From the west, a soft thumping sound in the air rises and echoes. On the horizon four black helicopters come into view and charge toward the camp. The cacophony of rotating blades thump the air and rattle the windows of the dilapidated buildings as they come closer. The helicopters land outside the fence swirling loose snow off the ground. A squad of soldiers, dressed in black, jump out and storm the fence. Two soldiers destroy the gate with a shape charge and the rest storm in with 9mm pistols at the ready. The doors of the nearest cabins open and several men in brown jumpsuits rush out with batons and stun guns. The soldiers in black, aim their weapons at the charging men, fire, and kill them all. The gunfire ceases, the soldiers shoulder their weapons and split into teams then enter the open cabins, soldiers who stay behind start moving the bodies of the dead behind the cabins. The building marked Cabin One with a rusty faded sign is the first to be entered, one soldier with his sidearm ready, and the other with a pair of wire cutters follow. Inside the door, the soldier carrying the weapon scans the room quickly and he yells Clear!. The room contains two beds, and in each bed, strapped down with chains and piano wire, are two young men in white scrubs. Their mouths are covered with a plastic muzzle and all that can be heard is muffled cries and shouts of one of them while the other is silent. The soldiers free them from the beds and then re-tie their hands behind their backs, then blindfold the prisoners. The young men are escorted outside to the middle of the compound. In Cabin Two, there are three young women in white scrubs also muzzled. They are escorted to the middle of the compound next to the young men. Once all prisoners are assembled, the soldiers put white hoods over their heads. The prisoners are lined up single file. The soldier in charge had set up a propane patio heater and he stands below it with a clipboard. When all is silent, the soldier uncovers his face and inspects the five prisoners. He surveys each one then grabs each ones head and looks at the back of their necks. Each prisoner has a number tattooed there. He checks their numbers against the printed sheet on the clipboard. He then says in a slight Russian accent, Numbers 3, 5, and 10 go to the desert facility. Numbers 25 and 42 go with me. Three soldiers escort the three prisoners, two female and one male into a helicopter that is waiting then begins takeoff once loaded.

    Captain Sergei Davidoff watches the first helicopter take off and fly away. There were five soldiers left with two assets. Davidoff nods to the shortest soldier and to a very muscular one; they each aim their weapons at the remaining two soldiers. The two soldiers start protesting but, before they can do anything, each is shot in the head. Blood spatters on the snowy ground and steam rises from the wounds. The male 25, jumped at the sounds, 42 did not move.

    Captain Davidoff then said Okay, let's go. Jensen take the girl, Johan take the boy. The small soldier Jensen grabs the girl roughly by the arm and starts heading to the nearby helicopter. Johan sternly grabs the boy's arm The boy, when touched spins Johan around quickly. Johan loses his balance and screams as a soft pop is heard coming from his shoulder as it slips out of the socket. Johan curses in Swedish and then punches the boy in the face. Immediately blood starts darkening the hood covering the boys face, yet the boy remains still and doesn't make a sound. Davidoff yells in Russian and spits on Johan. The boy has fight in him, Davidoff thinks.

    Davidoff yells at Jensen who had stopped to turn and watch. Get her in the chopper!, Jensen resumes his trek with his captive. Captain Davidoff carefully grabs the boy's arm and there is no protest. Slowly Davidoff escorts the boy to the chopper where Jensen has already strapped in the girl, Johan is muttering in pain behind them. Davidoff stops to load the boy, but the boy steps up and sits down in an empty seat and remains still. Jensen and Davidoff exchange worried looks and Davidoff nods then says, Carefully. Jensen carefully straps in the boy without further incident. Davidoff closes the door and sits in the pilot seat, starts the chopper and takes off. The island is left in quiet once again as its former inhabitants are taken away.

    The airport in Nome had a private jet waiting. Davidoff landed the chopper and the door of the plane opened. The pilot stood at attention at the doorway as Davidoff and the others unloaded the prisoners. The pilot looks at the large boy with the blood stained hood as he passes by and then as Johan nursed his arm and asked Had a little trouble sir? Yes Davidoff grumbled, let's go.

    Chapter 2

    OCTOBER 1961


    With the sunny Belgian countryside before them, and the town of Verviers behind, Albert always hated to leave, but he knew he would be back. Joseph and Albert Earle loved this little village. They had spent weekends there and most of the free time they had. It was about a six hour drive from Berlin and the friendly people of Verviers were in stark contrast to the tension between East and West Berlin. Joseph and Albert were British SIS. They were both there to keep an eye on the front line of the cold war. They were too young to see the battles of World War II, but they were now seeing the postwar construction. The tenacity of the Nazis, Russians, and allied forces left their mark on the face of Europe. Belgium was no exception. The town of Verviers was at the foot of the Ardennes forests, where the Battle of the Bulge took place. The cold war saw a reconstruction of the cities and towns, but it created an atmosphere of fear. Fear of Russian invasion, the communists were feared. People were afraid that is was a disease that spread through their country. Everyone was suspicious. The little coffee shop that Joseph and Albert frequented in Verviers was a hotbed of paranoia. The locals would speak in hushed voices and point at them. They were dressed as common merchants, but they were still from Britain. They stood out, but their papers were flawless and they still traded in commodities to keep their cover. They had to take trips east of the iron curtain every so often and trade with other Russian merchants. Some had scars from the battles with Germany in WWII, who most certainly were KGB. Joseph had a saying that the only Russians that weren't KGB were not going to be born in this century. He really did not like the Russians; the feeling was mutual for them as well. Joseph would be the instigator in the arguments with Russian merchants, and Albert had to calm the situation before bloodshed took place. Joseph was hot tempered, but a good spy when needed; he would act that way to draw attention away from Albert, who was the peace keeper. Joseph kept the KGB's eyes trained on him while Albert would sneak and complete missions.

    They had their families' money to keep them out of severe KGB scrutiny. The money trail never led to anything SIS related. The money that they were paid went to their fathers business as an expense for SIS headquarters. It would be filtered through a trust fund for the boys. Their father was a tea importer and their mother, a German immigrant, who escaped the Nazi occupation when it started in 1933. She worked in the office. They met in 1934, married and had the two boys in 1936. Joseph and Albert were fraternal twins. Their parents approved their joining the Royal Army and their recruitment by the SIS because of their fathers' contacts throughout Europe before the war. They were in a prime position to spy for the West and they helped willingly. They had taken the Gentleman Spy role because of their families' money and political influence. The term Gentleman was used loosely for Joseph; he was a cold blooded killer when is came to his work. He knew that any bodies found behind the iron curtain would draw too much attention to their missions, but is was sometimes necessary for him to kill KGB if they proved to be uncooperative. Joseph's other duties included document intelligence. He could photograph the right documents within a minute and sneak away with relative ease. His insistence of never being caught dictated that he would kill or be killed, but never caught. He had a body count of Russian guards, cleaning crews, and KGB. Joseph would never get caught. Albert on the other hand, used his political influence to stay out of trouble. As the direct representative of Earle Imports, he saw to it that even Russians who drank tea would only drink Earle tea, this included the High Communist Party Officials in the right places. He was never thought of as a spy because he carried no gadgets or tools and had a flawless reputation as a good man.

    It was time for another run past the wall, their target was a KGB compound just on the border of the Soviet Union. By happenstance, they had a meeting with General Yuri Davidoff, one of the party's high officials and an avid tea drinker. During the Second World War, Davidoff had spent some time with the RA and had become an addict. Although they were enemies on paper, General Davidoff and the Earle Company were allies. Joseph even considered Davidoff a confused Briton which was about the nicest words you could get from him about Russians. General Davidoff was part of the KGB's medical sciences division. Davidoff was given the post closest to the Berlin wall because he was instrumental in acquiring Nazi medical personnel from the Americans at the start of the cold war. SIS was against Joseph and Albert residing in Belgium for their assignment, but their mother had stories about Germany that turned them off. There was a family in Verviers who had helped her escape to England, so they felt more at home there. SIS finally caved in when their living arrangements did not interfere with their work. The bothers could leave at any time of the day or night. One could sleep and the other could drive. Considering what other spies had to deal with, the Earle brothers had it easy.

    Joseph was asleep in the back seat and Albert drove. The dark Ardennes forest covered the stars of the night and only the headlights gave any indication of light on the road. Albert often wondered about how the Americans survived the forest during the war. It was already getting cold in the Ardennes in October and when it became January or February, the cold became a force to reckon with. Albert wished he could have been there; it would have made him a stronger man, a braver man. Joseph was not as forthcoming with compliments about the Bloody Fools that participated in the Battle of the Bulge. When asked if it was the Americans or Nazi's he referred to he would say Both. Albert wished he could have fought in the war. He was sure all the children of the war that were now of age to do so wished the same. He remembered the night raids, the blackouts and how they would shake their fists up at the German planes and curse them. Now that they were old enough to fight, half the Germans were on their side against a bigger enemy who during the war were allies. Postwar Europe became a confusing place, where the line was drawn by which type of economy you believed in; capitalism or communism. So much has changed in the past ten years and it would continue to change. Albert warmed at the thought of him helping his country fight the cold war. Britain was closer than the Americans were so if the soviets did decide to invade, Britain would be among the first. Of course the Soviets and Americans had their missiles pointed at each other, but it was no less a problem for Britain. Albert was a patriot, for both his allegiance to the free market economy and for his mother who taught him what was right. He worried for Joseph though; he did not see things in those terms. His allegiances were to his family only, Albert did not think that country was what Joseph fought for, it was his seething hatred of Russia. When he was a child, he had a fever and it gave him nightmares of Russian soldiers, of Nazi atrocities and he hated fascism to the core of his being. They seemed to be troubled by it without any provocation. The troubles stopped virtually overnight when they were 16. They had become interested in their country and patriotism. Most young boys in the war did this so their parents approved. Joseph seemed to be at an opposite of his beliefs though, like he was forced to believe what he believed. He was always so intense, so focused and always at odds with himself. Joseph always surprised anyone who knew him, he seemed to hate doing what he was doing but he would be the first to volunteer for it.

    Several hours passed and Joseph awoke with his usual grumble. They were almost at the KGB outpost. The Berlin checkpoint was easy enough since everyone knew them already, but the Soviet soldiers were still gruff and surly with everyone.

    Albert drove to the gate of the medical facility and showed his papers to the guard, a short-haired, gap toothed kid who looked like he was about 16. He checked his clipboard and then handed the papers back to Albert, then waved them through. Albert accelerated and parked in front of what looked like the main entrance. The doors opened and a well-dressed large man with a beaming smile headed towards the car. Joseph and Albert got out of the car and walked towards the man. They met halfway in the parking lot. Albert never saw a jollier Russian general, this man could be Santa Claus.

    My friends! General Davidoff said with a heavy accent and booming voice I am General Yuri Davidoff, I can't believe you are already men, I remember when you were children! How time flies eh? He laughed heartily. I'm sorry General, but I don't remember you, Albert said. Neither do I, Joseph said gruffly. General Davidoff laughed again Of course you don't my boys! The last time I saw you, you two were about 6 months old. I was stationed in London with your father before the war, but I knew both your mother and father well. I do regret your fathers passing last year though. I wish I could have been there to say goodbye, except for all of this foolishness. The general waved his hand in the air and lost his smile for a moment.

    The brothers both thanked the General for his concern and there was an awkward pause until the generals' smile returned. Your mother, how is she? he asked with a little tension in his voice. She is excellent and in good spirits General, Albert said. Davidoff smiled and said, Excellent, any major health problems with her? Joseph grunted and said, None that we are aware of…..sir. Excellent! Davidoff boomed, Let's go to my office yes? and he turned and walked to the entrance.

    General Davidoff's office was a converted medical bay with a small wooden desk that seemed to have barely survived the war. There were no decorations except a Soviet flag and an etching of Khrushchev under it. The General sat in the wooden chair and it groaned in complaint at the weight, but still held up. Joseph and Albert sat in what looked like wooden school seats opposite the General. Davidoff picked up his phone and pressed a button; he ordered in Russian and then hung up.

    I have ordered some tea for us, as I am sure you are aware, I am fond of tea, he said.

    That is fine Albert said.

    Good, the General said softly. Now down to business. I know you two are SIS sent here for information from the KGB. You were instructed to gain favor with me due to your family's history with me and try to subvert me at the same time.

    The brothers exchanged the same nervous looks and Albert began to sweat. Joseph coughed and said, Well since you know there is no denying it then is there?

    Rightly so Joseph, the general said, But I see the fear of your discovery in your eyes so let me say that you have nothing to worry about, I am going to help you with your assignment, no questions asked and you will help me.

    We cannot betray our country! Albert protested, but the General stopped him.

    My boy, I don't require any military or state secrets from you, my conditions are this; I am part of the decadent capitalist west and I require objects from that area. Furnishings, and so forth, including food and music and the comforts that the party does not want us to have.

    Oh? Albert said puzzled.

    Why, General? Joseph demanded.

    I said no questions asked my boy, the generally said scornfully.

    Joseph leaned closer and said Why? Why should we trust you, I am not convinced that your friendship with our parents is your only reason. I don't trust any communist dog, even you sir.

    Joseph! Albert said exasperated.

    General Davidoff looked into Joseph's hard stare and then smiled and laughed as an aide came into the room and set down the beaten tea service that looked like converted shell casings from naval guns. The general kept laughing as he thanked the aide in Russian and the aide left the room.

    OK Joseph, I can see you are a man of conviction and strong will, the general said as he quieted his laughter. Joseph seemed to be getting angrier and Albert was puzzled.

    I have risen up in the ranks of my country to my current position for a very good reason. I have sole operational control over something my own country does not know about. I cannot tell you specifics now, but in due time. As far as the cold war is concerned, I am not even interested in it in any way, in fact is has given me some cover for other projects and operations of my own that dare not be revealed. On the other hand, the separation of East and West has made some of it difficult which is why I requested you two be stationed here.

    You requested? Albert asked.

    Yes, I will give you KGB secrets and information over a period of time and you will have to work for them in order to keep up the appearance that I am unaware of you spying. All I ask is that I receive amenities from the west to improve the quality of life for me and my men, the general said as he poured tea into cups and handed it to the men.

    Your men? Joseph said. Why should they get anything?

    My men are loyal to me, not to the party. They are also friends of the west. As general I was able to select my men from anywhere so they are loyal to the end for me.

    I don't like this, Joseph said to Albert.

    Albert was confused and stammered nonsense.

    Joseph scoffed and said, Look General, this sounds all too good to be true. You are going to have to prove it, and he folded his arms.

    Rightly so Joseph, rightly so. Here, the general opened a desk drawer and handed them a piece of paper. This is a partial communique from party headquarters to a secret KGB location in Norway, I will leak that there was a break-in at the KGB base not far from here and you will deliver this to your superiors. This will wet their whistle and they will have stumbled upon a sensitive KGB operation to spy on your parliament members.

    The general seemed sincere and Joseph took the paper and looked it over. It was all in Russian and it was cut off in the middle of the paper. Joseph eyed the paper and the General for a few moments, then folded it and pocketed it.

    What about your superiors? Won't they wonder if you are getting anything? Albert finally managed to speak.

    As long as you bring in British, Irish, and American spirits, I can handle them with no problem, the General said.

    I will see if you are right, and we'll be back in three days when the information is decoded and examined. Joseph said getting up then finished his tea. This is horrible tea General! Joseph said.

    Then come back in three days with a shipment of your tea and your trust Joseph, the general smiled, Albert? May I ask you a personal favor? the general asked.

    You may, Albert said with trepidation.

    Give my warmest regards to your mother please? the general said.

    Yes General, I will.Albert said.

    Joseph have a harsh look to Albert then turned and walked out the door with Albert in tow. General Davidoff sighed heavily and watched as the two men argued their way to the car.

    It is amazing how like their father they are, the General said quietly and then shook his head.

    Three days later Albert and Joseph were in General Davidoff's office again. The message had been decoded and verified. Three KGB operatives inside Parliament had been identified and arrested. The Norwegian base was taken by the Nordic Military and SIS operatives. Two brothers and a member of the Russian High Command were laughing and drinking tea from a silver tea service in a converted hospital room behind the Berlin wall.

    Chapter 3

    JANUARY, 2004


    Captain Sergei Davidoff looked at the hooded girl sitting in the corner seat, wearing those white pajamas. They had been on this plane for 20 hours and still had about 10-15 hours left. He looked at her legs silhouetted through the white cotton pants she wore and he felt a flush of lust stir in him. He read the file on these kids and he knew this one was meant for sex. He wondered how rough he could be with this one. He liked it rough, but usually they did not, always screaming and crying, how pathetic they were. The problem was that the type of woman who could handle his brand of love was too big and usually ugly. The smaller, hotter ones could not take the violence. He didn't mind the screaming so much anymore, it was the shivering in fear, the sobbing, the pleading that annoyed him, that is why he killed the last one. He looked over at her brother. He was big. Everyone had kept an eye on him since they took off in the helicopter. The big one pulled Johan's arm out of the socket when Johan had grabbed the big one's arm to move him. After that, no one touched the big one. They all got settled in on the jet, the big one was in the front, the girl across and seven rows behind. Both were wearing white pajamas and hoods. The blood stain on the big one looked like a big red scowl, an unhappy scarecrow. Johan with his one good arm, held a gun on the big one and to the left of Johan was Jensen, the former Marine from America. Davidoff thought that the end of the cold war became a buffet of work for both Soviets and Americans to work together, not to mention the American girls Davidoff had the pleasure of. Davidoff watched the big one, he was drifting off to sleep or something, he was leaning towards the window breathing long deep breaths.

    For the last several hours, everyone watched the big one, but as he barely moved and time wore on, the mood relaxed quite a bit. Still, Davidoff didn't want to take any chances with this one. All was quiet except for the pained grunts from Johan due to his arm. They had to put it back in the socket when they took off from Gnome. Johan had taken pain killers, but they took a while to work, even still, the pain came through with every major turbulence jump. Johan was tough though. The big one was quiet, Davidoff gave him a shot of Thorazine just in case. Jensen and Johan relaxed a little and they sat down. Johan grunted and took another pill. He was trying to get high as well. Davidoff took off his tactical gear and set it next to him. Davidoff muttered something to Johan and Johan said Ja then moved to the seat behind the big one. Jensen came over and said in a thick New Orleans accent What Y'all want me to do?

    Davidoff motioned toward the girl and said, Pretty isn't she?

    Jensen looked over and sucked in a breath, Ooh she is boss!

    Davidoff rummaged in the overhead compartment and found two bottles of Vodka and handed one to Jensen. How about a little bonus? Davidoff asked and took a long swig and nodded toward the girl.

    Jensen chuckled, then drank from his bottle. He then fumbled to take off his tactical gear with fervor. Johan heard the chuckle and asked what was going on.

    Davidoff said recreation and Johan smiled and looked at the girl. Jensen said, We'll loosen her up for you buddy and rubbed his hands together. Davidoff and Jensen sat next to her and pulled her hood off. Davidoff saw an angel blink in the light. Her curly blond hair bouncing into a frame around her round porcelain face. Her big blue eyes sparkled with a childlike innocence that made Davidoff even more excited. The angel looked around and then smiled at the three men who were smiling at her. She giggled and said, Is that my brother over there? in a cute girlish voice and she looked at the sleeping figure of her brother.

    Davidoff looked over his shoulder to confirm that her sweet voice did not stir her brother. Da, he said, Drink? he handed the bottle to her.

    The angel looked at the bottle and said, Oh that is a pretty bottle, is that water? All laughed and she laughed as well, Did I say a joke? she grinned.

    Davidoff unscrewed the cap and set it down next to her. She tried to grab it but her hands were still tied behind her back. My hands are tied. she said more as a statement. Can you untie them?she asked sweetly. Her big blue eyes gave no indication of fear to Davidoff, like she trusted all of them even though they had restrained her. She seemed to know nothing of fear.

    Davidoff pulled out his duty knife and flicked the blade out. She jumped and giggled, That is so neat! she squealed. What is that? she asked.

    It is my knife; I'm going to cut the bonds, he said lightly, there was no need to threaten; she was not going to do anything. He knelt down beside her and reached behind her back. She twisted to meet him halfway and he caught sight of her breast through her shirt. It was beautiful, he could barely contain himself. The other two men were straining to see from where they were. Davidoff hoped that they didn't see what he was seeing, so much the better.

    Her hands were cut free. Davidoff then moved down to her ankle restraints, the plastic zip tie had cut into her skin a little and there was a tiny drop of blood on her sock. Oh dear, Davidoff said.

    What!? she said.

    You have a cut on your ankle, Davidoff said softly. Shall I bandage it? Her eyes made his heart flutter; they were so clear, so blue and so trusting.

    She looked to her ankle and said, Yes please. with a giggle.

    Davidoff looked around the seat and said, What shall I use as a band-aid? The angel furrowed her brow in thought, then said, Here, and she took off her shirt.

    All the men gasped at her beautiful body and she tore a strip of her shirt off into a wrapping. She handed it to Davidoff and said Please? Davidoff muttered something and took the bandage from her, never looking away from her perfect breasts. He dipped the wrapping in the vodka and tied it around her ankle. She sucked in air at the sting and looked back at Davidoff.

    That always stings, she said

    It is so it won't get infected, Davidoff replied.

    She wrinkled her nose at the smell of the alcohol and said, That is not like the other stuff.

    Davidoff chuckled and said, No, it isn't. He picked up the bottle This is also a drink. and he handed it to her. She looked at the bottle, sniffed the spout and then carefully took a sip. Her eyes widened and she gagged and coughed a little. No, that is not water, she giggled, after a few seconds she said, It makes my inside warm! and she smiled at Davidoff and the other men. There was a silence for a moment and then she drank again. She laughed and traced the line of her chest as the liquor went to her stomach.

    It's so warm! she laughed I've never had anything like it!

    Davidoff smiled and licked his lips, I know something that will make you even warmer inside and he leaned in and kissed her. She giggled a little and then she wrapped her whole body around his and started kissing him hard. Davidoff stumbled and was taken aback at how quickly she erupted into an animal. He barely put a hand on a seat to stabilize himself when she had already unbuttoned his pants. Davidoff let go of his inner restraint and matched her animal-like passion.

    42 heard all the noise, like he had heard hundreds of times before. Men having their way with his sister while he was tied up and powerless to do anything about it, this time he was just blindfolded and handcuffed. These men thought he was sleeping, but he wasn't. They gave him an injection and it made him a little dizzy for a few seconds, but no more. The obviously were not like the doctors on the Island. These men were stupid.

    42 could hear all the excited breathing from all the men in the room. 42 listened further, their excitement and the sexual groans of his sister were of no value to him. After a few moments he heard the rhythmic grunting of the man, but his sister was not making the usual sounds. He heard her in pain. 42 then paid close attention to what was going on. This had happened twice before. 42 heard his sister say OW! This is hurting! and she started crying, but the man did not stop. He grunted more and faster and she started crying in pain in tandem with his grunting. Then the slapping noises.

    42 had heard enough. He stood up quietly and headed toward the noise. There was a startled shout right next to him and then he felt arms pushing him back. He pushed with all of his weight and tell on top of the shouting man. The man was reaching with one arm and pushing 42 with the other. 42 felt with his face for the man's sternum and he found it. 42 then lifted his head and slammed it into the man's chest. He heard the pained cry, but not the sound he wanted. 42 quickly repeated the movement twice more and felt the man's hands trying to block his head. 42 slammed harder and heard what he wanted to hear, the snapping of ribs and the strained cry as they punctured the man's lungs. The man under him squealed and took in loud gasping breaths that dwindled as more air came in but could not be pushed out.

    Davidoff heard the sounds and looked up to see the hooded figure head butt Johan and then he heard the cracking. Jensen was yelling and scrambling for his weapon. Davidoff was quickly putting his pants back on and screaming for Jensen to stop. Jensen found his sidearm, pointed it at the hooded figure and screamed, GET DOWN, GET THE FUCK DOWN ASSHOLE!! Davidoff heard the panic in Jensen's voice.

    The figure stood up and his hood had a new bloodstain above the scowl on his forehead. He now look like an angry cyclops. Davidoff yelled at Jensen, DO NOT SHOOT HIM. HE NEEDS TO BE ALIVE, THE DOCTOR WON'T PAY IF HE'S DEAD!

    Jensen looked back and forth between the cyclops and his boss. He knew he was a dead man. He could feel the icy stare from under cyclops hood in his bones. Jensen whimpered and tried to cling to hope, the cyclops had not moved since he killed Johann and stood up, just kept his bloody eye on him. If he hadn't moved, then he might not do anything. Maybe the Thorazine hadn't fully kicked in. maybe Johann said something and made the cyclops angry. There had to be a reason why the cyclops was not moving. Jensen holstered his weapon, but kept a hand near it just in case. Johann could barely speak and then

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