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The Florida Five
The Florida Five
The Florida Five
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The Florida Five

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Any time there is a murder, there will always be suspects.  When Gilbert Jameson was murdered by two bullets to the back of the head, most people believed it was a jealous husband or a boyfriend.  The Florida Five attended three parties and they were the last to see their playboy friends alive.  The Florida Five are five of the most beautiful women, not only in Florida, but in all of the United States.  These five women grew up together and went to college together.  Their beauty could only be compared to that of movie stars. 

Boys don’t know how lucky they are to have one or two beautiful girls in school, but when there are five beautiful girls, the boys go crazy.  Gilbert, Cory, and Tony grew up with those five beauties and all three had dated each at one time or another.  When the five beauties got married, their husbands warned Gilbert, Cory, and Tony about flirting and other things that playboys do. 

Remember, “Playboys” like to play the field.  Have these three Playboys been playing with these married beauties?  Did one of their husbands find out what was going on and decide to take matters into his own hands?  Is it possible that all five husbands had a hand in the murder? 

Could one of the husbands be the killer or could one of the Florida Five be the killer?  Is it possible there are others who have been murdered in the same way?  Will the next murder be another playboy?  Many suspects have motives and the detectives will not leave one stone unturned in this murder mystery. 

Release dateAug 5, 2017
The Florida Five

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    The Florida Five - L C Walker


    WE KNEW SOMETHING WAS different, but what could possibly make this big of a change in Regina?  All it took was one word from her for all of us to know what it was. 

    She spoke those magic words very, very softly and slow, "Wonder Bra.  Then she said it a little louder, Wonder Bra.  Then she said it in her normal voice and normal speed, It is the Wonder Bra." 

    Brandy was the first to ask her how much she paid.  The only reply was, You don't want to know. 

    Regina looked at all four of us and asked, Do ya'll think the new girl has any chance of competing against this?  It was at that time she did another complete 360 degree turn.  I was the first to speak and I said there was not a girl in school that could compete against her.  But privately, I was thinking about that bra and what it could do for me. 

    We all walked through the gym, into the main building and then we were at our lockers.  The four of us took off our coats and then Regina took off her coat.  I probably don't have to say a word about the things that happened, but I will.  Regina put her coat in her locker and closed the door and said, Watch this. 

    She walked about ten or fifteen steps from us and then, by some mistake, she dropped one of her books and, instead of bending her knees to pick it up, she kept her legs stiff and picked up her book.  When she did that, you could hear the ten or so boys in the hall groan like a bunch of mad dogs.  She had proven what she wanted to prove, but she still had to walk the hall gauntlet to the lounge and get a rating that would surely be a ten plus.  One might say that Regina was a little female kitten in a building with a bunch of wild tom cats stalking her. 

    As she walked the hall, a good ten foot in front of the rest of us, you could hear the moans and groans from the young bull elephants that were coming into musk.  At the lounge area, Regina did not even get a vote!  All of the boys threw their numbers into the air and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.  They had watched a master at work.  She was the painter that put the finishing touches on a master piece and the composer that put the exclamation point after a perfect composition.  We four watched and could not believe what we were watching.  Now her four best friends knew the techniques that would work best on the opposite sex. 


    CAN LOOKS KILL?  The statement has been made time and time again that looks can kill.  The statement is an idiom on the way a person would express their idea about something.  However, the question must be answered, can Looks Kill?  The answer to that question should be no, but once a person thinks about that question is it possible for looks to kill? 

    I am the conscience of good and evil and if looks could kill, there are five extremely beautiful young women that could destroy the world.  These five have been friends their entire life and boys and men have been falling at their feet for as long as they can remember.  Time and time again they have been compared to movie stars and one even changed the way she talked and walked just to be like Marilyn Monroe. 

    These five beautiful women know how to make men turn their heads when they walk by.  They also know that a man would do almost anything for them if they asked; which might even include murder.  Is it possible that one of these five had an admirer that would kill, just to please the beauty he is in love with? 

    What happens if all five had at least one or two admirers that would commit murder for the person they admire and love?  Is it possible that one or all five of these beautiful women would trade sex for the life of another person?  We know the heart of man is wicked and who can know it, but the heart of a woman can be twice as wicked if you get on her bad side. 

    Beautiful women have been around since creation and with these five; nature took it to another plateau.  Their looks are stunning, their body is beyond words, and their personalities are the type that can melt icebergs and water deserts.  Is it any wonder that a person would believe that one or all five of these women would entice a man to commit murder?  Even though a person may think this way about these five is their heart so corrupt they would stoop to the level of using their looks and body to accomplish their evil desires; that is, if they have evil desires? 

    For a man to touch a beautiful woman or to smell her scent or to make love to her can make a man do things he would never think of doing, which would include murder.  All through history man has proven he is capable of doing anything for a woman.  By doing different things for a woman he wants to receive her acclaim or her acceptances.  However, will these five use what nature has given them to do evil or will they stick to the morals they were taught as young children? 

    "Prelude To A Murder."  The dark car turned the corner and drove extremely slow to the end of the block.  The driver disconnected the dome light before reaching the destination so they would not be recognition by any of the party goers.  The person inside the car stepped out and closed the door very slowly.  Slamming it would make some noise and maybe someone would look in that direction and recognize the driver.  Quietly walking to the house, the driver slipped between the victim's house and the neighbor's house.  Once between the two houses, the driver stooped down and took a deep breath of air and then let it all out very slowly, while taking a Kleenex from a pocket and wiping both forehead and face.  The intruder knew what the plan was and knew it would work to perfection.  What could possibly go wrong? 

    One quick glance into the sky and a quick look all around insured the invulnerability of the person.  Not having a moon out left the neighborhood totally dark and tantalizing.  Some people say there is excitement and there is an adrenaline rush when one person is on the verge of taking the life of another person, but no one knows for sure if that is true about all murderers. 

    The plan was going to work and, if it did work, another person on the hit list would be chosen to die.  The list was not long and it was not short.  Every person on the list had to be killed or they had to be punished.  It was now time to wrap up business or so that is what it seemed like to the killer.  Some of the people on the list deserved to die, while others deserved some kind of punishment for the things the killer thought they had done in the past.  Those on the list that had a check mark beside their names were to be killed, while those that had a dash beside their names had to be punished. 

    The question that most people will ask is how do you punish a person?  One way a person can be punished is with a rumor.  Another way is with an accident and yet another is with a party.  Yes, a party.  At a party, a person could put something in a person's drink.  That person would do things and say things they would not say under normal conditions.  The killer knew what to do and the plan would take two lives in a very short period of time. 

    Early in life, the murderer would dream about revenge and the things that could be done to people.  That is when the names of people began to be written down; they would get theirs sooner or later.  Different ways were written down to get revenge and make it look like a serial killer or a jealous lover was the culprit.  The plans could and would work, because this was not a typical killer.  This was the type of killer who loved the work that was done and loved doing it. 

    One last wipe with the Kleenex and then it was time to make the first move.  The first move had to be quick and timeless, because anyone could open the back door to the house and take a walk in the backyard.  The only thing this person wanted to do was to get the back door to the garage opened and leave it unlocked so they could return as soon as the party was over.  

    A quick glance all around and the culprit opened the gate to the backyard.  Six quick steps to the garage door took only seconds.  The culprit looked all around once again and with one hand on the door knob, an attempt to open it was made.  The door was locked; just as expected.  The ungloved hand had pulled the jimmy tool out of the pocket and the killer began to work on the lock.  The tool worked to perfection and within two minutes, the garage door was unlocked.  The next step would make or break the plan.  What had to happen next was to unlock the door to the house. 

    Once inside the garage, the person walked to the door that would open into the house.  The knob was turned very, very slowly.  The door was not locked on the inside, which was great.  The plan would work beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Getting out of the garage door and out of the backyard was easy.  The party would last until two or three and that was the time that business would be taken care of. 

    The killer already knew what they wanted to do.  The killer wanted to take the life of this person and they wanted to make this person suffer for all the things they had done in the past.  The idea the killer had would be to put two bullets in the back of the head of the intended victim.  The hope would be that the first bullet would not kill the victim, it would put the victim in a state of shock, but they would still be able to hear what was going on around them.  The killer decided that they would tell the victim that the second bullet would kill and there would be a lot of pain.  The killer knew the first bullet could kill the victim, but the killer wanted to play out the role that they had played out over and over again in their mind and on three other victims. 

    Sometimes when a person is shot in the back of the head with two bullets, it is called a mob hit.  Other times it is called a personal hit, which means the killer knew the victim.  Of course, there are other times a killer is hired and paid a large sum of money for the job.  One must remember that most people that are murdered are killed by a friend that has hatred in their heart.  In other words, the victim knows the killer intimately. 

    Gilbert had so many enemies; you could fill a page up with names of people that wanted him dead.  The police are going to have a difficult time trying to figure if the killing was done by a friend or if it was a mob hit or if it was a serial killer.  Just to make things even more difficult, they would find a silencer at the murder scene.  With this piece of evidence, the killer would like for the police to believe it was a mob hit.  However, some lead detectives on this type of case are smart beyond words.  They have seen this type of ploy before and know how the criminal mind works.  The silencer is only a piece of the evidence that could lead to the killer; only time would tell. 

    "The Party." The first car that arrived at the party was Cory Carlison.  Cory was Gilbert's best friend.  They had known each other before they started school.  Every year for the last five or six years, Gilbert always had a party right around the end of April.  The party was for all of his friends and acquaintances.  The party would start around eight and go until two or three in the morning.  Most of the people would start to arrive right around ten and they would leave by one or two.  Gilbert could always depend on one group of his friends that would liven up any party; they were called the Florida Five.  These five were lifelong friends and they were beautiful. They were beautiful beyond words or that is what people would say about these five friends. 

    These five friends always went to Gilbert's parties together and they always left around two or three in the morning.  This party was no different than the others, or at least that is what they all thought.  They arrived at ten and had a good time with all of their friends and they left at the time I said before.  None of them thought for a moment it would be Gilbert's last night alive.  Or let me say I don't believe any of them thought it would be his last night.  The way the detectives are talking they believe one of the Florida Five could be the killer or they all had something to do with the killing. 

    "After the Party."  For the next couple of weeks, not much was said about the killing and the news media was not saying a lot.  Cory always had a party two or three weeks after Gilbert had a party.  Cory decided it was best if he called and asked what one of the Florida Five thought about his party being so soon after Gilbert was killed.  He did not want people to think that a party that quick after the death of Gilbert was right.  His friend told him it may break the silence surrounding Gilbert's murder and it may make people think about other things.  Cory did have his party and the woman who told him to have the party regretted she had said anything to him.  That night, the same person that killed Gilbert killed Cory. 

    All of Gilbert’s and Cory’s friends were wondering if they would be next on the list.  It could be a serial killer or it could be a person that was out for revenge.  There is always the possibility that the killer was hired and both murders were for other reasons than what we know or could guess.  However, there is the idea that one of the Florida Five is the killer.  Which one of the beauties would want to see her friends dead? 

    I am the conscience of good and evil and I know what will happen before it happens.  I knew that Gilbert and Cory would be murdered and I know who the killer or killers are.  I will let one of the Florida Five tell you what happens to a certain point.  At that time, I will take over and tell you what happens, because you will want to see the heart and the mind of the killer or killers. 


    "Death of a Playboy, 1985."  Sirens could be heard for blocks.  The loud shrill of the sirens always made people stop and look in the direction the sound was coming from  People wanted to know what the emergency was and what type of vehicle was called, ambulance, fire truck, or the police?  Most of the time, when sirens were heard in this plush neighborhood, it meant there was either a fire or one of the older residents had suffered a heart attack or a stroke.  However, a fire or a heart attack or a stroke was not the cause this time for the sirens; it was more serious than most people thought. 

    Gilbert Jameson bought this house in the spring of 1975.  Someone said he paid one half million dollars for the house.  The price he paid could be true, because any home along the beach was not cheap.  Most of the neighbors had no idea what he did or where he worked.  The only thing they knew for certain was that he was raised in Hollywood and he had never moved from Hollywood. 

    One story after another circulated about his lifestyle and what he did for a living.  One story said he was a rich playboy, who was killed by a jealous husband or a boyfriend.  Another story stated that he had a different woman at his home every night and one became jealous of his other lovers and she decided to end his life.  Whatever the reason, the only thing the police knew was that he was murdered and there was a murderer running the streets of Hollywood, Florida. 

    Gilbert was a playboy, but he never dated or took out married women, so I have been told.  As far as dating a woman that had a jealous boyfriend, most playboys will take out any woman that is not married.  Let me say that Gilbert was not a push-over.  He had earned his black belt in Judo and Karate and he was an expert with the Samurai Sword.  He was six foot two and was right around 210 to 220 pounds.  I know, when we were in high school, he won his weight division in the Golden Gloves.  Speak about a person that was in great health and great shape, Gilbert was the perfect specimen of what the male body should look like. 

    His body had a tan year round on it and he always put something on his body that made it look even better than what it was.  His abs or stomach muscles were so defined that you could count them one by one.  Some people say he possessed the strength of a Hercules or that of a Samson.  To say that he could make a woman's head turn once was understated.  When he walked by, women would turn their heads not once or twice, but three or four times.  Most, if not all, women would stare until he was completely out of sight and then their fantasies would begin. 

    I remember one day in high school one of the less popular girls was telling her friend what she would do to Gilbert if she ever got her hands on him. 

    Oh, before I tell you what she said, it is best if I tell you who I am.  My name is Neva and I am a lifelong friend of both Gilbert and Cory.  As I tell what happened, I will always say something about the group of girls I grew up with.  We were known as the Florida Five.  Now I will resume with the girl and what she wanted to do to Gilbert. 

    She said she would love to kiss his body all over and when she reached his lips she would kiss and run her tongue all over his.  She would then kiss him from ear to ear and whisper things in his ear that she hoped no one had said to him before.  She continued to talk and tell her friend what she would do to Gilbert and then she saw that I was listening and asked in a sarcastic tone,  

    What are you looking at? 

    Most of the time I'm polite and would have said nothing, but with her tone of voice and her pathetic facial expression, I decided to set her straight. 

    I stated, First of all, Gilbert won't give you the time of day and as far as him letting you kiss him all over, that would never happen.  Second, Gilbert has a taste for beautiful women and the average or below average girl will not even get a second glance from him.  He wants the pick of the litter not the runt.  I also told her she would be better off dreaming about a date with Elvis because her odds were better with him than they were with Gilbert.  Last thing I said before I walked off was for her not to ask Gilbert for the time of day, because he won't even look at his watch much less give her the time. 

    That is the way it was for Gilbert most of his life. He was always the center of attention.  Thinking back to our days in Junior High School and in High School, when he was always the center of attention, he always acted the part like he was in a play.  He was the captain of the football team in his junior and senior years and he was Homecoming King in his senior year, in 1965.  He had the hottest car and he thought he had the hottest girls.  Like I said, he thought he had the hottest girls. 

    My four friends and I were the hottest girls in school and if you don't believe me, just ask one of my friends.  We were once told that we were so hot that we could melt the polar ice cap.  Another time, we were told

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