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Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One
Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One
Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One
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Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One

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At the end of the Second World War, four of the world's most powerful leaders come together and decide to make war a thing of the past. Rex Dawson, an RAF pilot, is transferred to America with his beloved wife, Sue. Rex has an uneasy feeling that something awful is going to happen to him. Instead, he discovers that he possesses a very powerful attribute that will change the course of his life forever. An anti-war organisation known as Ultra chooses him to be their next UN One, to try to restore peace in the world. Rex is confronted with grief, fear and elation as he embarks on a number of gruelling and hazardous missions for Ultra. There is insurmountable pressure on him to restore peace in the world, but will he succeed?

Release dateAug 31, 2017
Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One

Richard Arthur Drewer

Richard was born in West London and is the fourth child, having two older brothers and one older sister. He has had a general secondary education, attends a Christian church and has had various jobs. He lives in South West London, and has some ongoing medical issues as a result of a heart attack in 2007.

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    Ultras Wars From a Different Dimension Volume One - Richard Arthur Drewer


    The time is shortly after the Second World War, and the world itself is recovering from this huge moment in the history of the world. So why do you think there were no more world wars? The answer starts in the year in 1946 in the country of China. At this time, we go down to a very ancient looking building on the outskirts of Peking, before the name of this city will be changed. The building is one of the many Chinese temples to their god of Buddha, with the statue of him at the entrance of the grand hall. We see many soldiers around these temples, as if expecting an important guest to be protected; in this time of decision-making, and this meeting will not be recorded in Chinese history, but in time will be recorded in world history. There are big tables in the centre of the main hall with gold, surrendering objects to accompany the important tables. It is as if this time of importance, rather other times in human history of the world. The weather is like shining down its peaceful rays, giving a blessing to what is about to happen.

    On the streets outside the temple, at first we don’t hear a sound, and then we hear the first cars of the many entourages coming to this place of history against wars. So the soldiers see in the forward car, the host of the meeting. He is the leader of the Chinese people of this time. He goes by the name of Yon Ser Tunge. The creator of the Chinese communist movement, and the revolution that occurred before the Second World War. He arrives at the temple to make sure that everything is ready for the meeting to take place. The man is large in stature. Moa is wearing a military type of suit which is orange and which has not become the future store type clothing for his country. He has a smiling face, with his large build and has the odd drink. He has a final check himself to see if everything is alright, which it looks like it is.

    Now, the soldiers outside begin to hear another lot of cars coming. So, the second entourage to be seen is from the country of Russia. In the middle car of three sits the general secretary. The cars stop and this man go into the hall and sits opposite the chairman, Tunge. He is Jorgan Stalin. The second leader of the new communist state of Russia. This man was in another previous revolution elected by the communist party, that destroyed the ruling tsar in another type of war. Stalin has a moustache and a quizzical look. He is about six feet one in height, with a medium build. Unlike Tunge, youngish in appearance of thirty. Stalin looks middle aged in his grey uniform. So when he walks into the hall, he shakes Tunge’s right hand with his left in a welcoming way. They wait for the next entourage to come as Stalin has another cigarette.

    As the sun still shines on, the soldiers outside hear the third entourage; they enter the back black gates of the temple and as the sun still shines on, the soldiers outside hear the third entourage; they enter the back black gates of the temple and drive up to the temple itself. The three cars then pull up, and in the last car another leader gets out. And begins to walk into the hall. The leader is of a powerful seafaring nation, and is well respected. This man is a Prime Minister from the United Kingdom. His name is William Churchill. He was in the navy before he went into politics. He was chosen when the United Kingdom went into the second war. He has been regarded as the strongest Prime Minister the United Kingdom has ever had and will have. He is a fat bellied man in his late fifties and early sixties. He always smokes a cigar in his piggy face. He will be wearing a naval uniform of blue, and will sit on the right of the main table. After another shake of his right hand with Tunge’s left he is greeted in the same welcoming way. Then when he is in the hall, he shakes the hands of Stalin and they sit down.

    The sun still shines on the soldiers as they hear they sound of some more cars coming up to the black gates. The gates open and this four-car entourage arrive at the temple. The entourage drives the short distance along the pathway to the entrance. So, in the final car of four, this man is helped into a wheelchair, and his own security guards – with the help of the soldiers – is pushed into the mail hall on the first part, and he wheels his wheelchair to move; he is Thomas Roosevelt. Before America entered the Second World War, he was elected by his people because of his large fatherly type of face. He is about fifty and has a medium build, but has a spine problem which means he has to in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He is suited in dark blue. He will sit on the left of the table as a democrat. So, when all see him, they at first shake his hand when looking down at this President of America. When this happens the American security guard then takes the wheelchair from him, as he sits like all the other leaders on very comfortable padded chars.

    The silence is broken when Roosevelt speaks first with the importance of the occasion written all over him, knowing this will be the start of something very important for the world.

    Before we get on with the main business. Let’s tell each other why we are going to thrash out this important document, which will hopefully put an end to world wars.

    Roosevelt has a short breath, and then goes on in his important anti-war type fashion.

    "I shall start. My story began when my top general Eisenhower came to visit me at the Whitehouse in the height of winter. He wanted me to tour the battlefield to give a moral boost while he arranged a show to that effect. I was glad to go, as I heard a lot of bad stories coming out of the battlefield. As I journeyed there I chatted to some troops who were later killed in battle. I landed near the town of Remagen, near to the border of France and Germany. I was transported to the bridge. Where I stayed in the army camp for two nights in the pouring rain, as the weather was bad on this visit.

    The next day came and the generals requested me to be a part of a meeting in the camp after breakfast. The army set up a tent for this top, secret meeting, which was the final push into Germany. After I gathered all my intelligence into the tent, where for the first time, I saw all the important generals together; Eisenhower, Paton, Montgomery and Marshal. The tent was closed. We began to talk to one another in at first a united fashion. There were smiles all around this small tent.

    We came to the heart of the meeting.

    I said, with documentary intelligence in front of me like a true commander at this time of war.

    We are now beginning the final push into Germany. It will commence tomorrow at 11 o clock. We think this will give us the element of surprise. After many hours of thinking, you General Marshall shall be the army that goes to Berlin. You, Paton, are going to Munich. And you, Montgomery, are going to Frankfurt. Me, Churchill and Stalin hope the war in Europe will end in the mid-summer.

    When I delivered that final line, I saw immense glee on their faces, with the thought of the war ending. Paton asked me why he could not be the spare head that goes to Berlin. I told him there would be fighting between him and Montgomery which we had seen many times. The rest of the morning was spent working out the way our armies were going to work. The meeting broke up as we realised that the plan would succeed. There was also eagerness in the generals’ faces to end this war, through seeing many of the soldiers killed who had informed on them. They seemed to rush out of the tent in their eagerness to inform their own sections of their armies.

    The next day I saw the troops being briefed on what there were about to do. Their faces were pleased when we told them about the end of world war two; as they were liked the thought that they could get back to their families again and live in peaceful times. This made the troops sing good songs, the heavy rain stopped and sun came out. So, I saw the troops stream into Germany, with some of the rain of the part on their clothes which was being dried out by the sun.

    I head the artillery going off, and saw the flashes of the shells exploding on the German soil. This lasted about three days and nights. I wonder how many troops were killed, as I remember many of their faces walking over the bridge. Even in my position of safety, I was slightly scared of the sound of gun fire going off in a fast manner. As the troops advanced, it left a kind of silence behind them. When I woke up three days after the initial attack, my ears were searching out for noise of the battle. I saw trucks coming back from the front line. Many of these trucks had dead soldiers in the back, with blood still on their bodies

    This reminded me of the tour of the battlefield, and General Marshal assured me that battle had died down enough. So I got into a jeep and headed for the front line. This was the time I wished I did not have to send men into battle. I got to the front line and there I saw casualties for the second time. This time it was worse, as you could see blood coming from the wounds of the men; as they just wanted to stare at you, asking why you had sent them there. It was a horrible sight and one I will never forget in my lifetime. Even with bandages on them, you could still see the blood coming out even after medical staff were doing their best.

    When the leaders listened to this account, they had seen images of this and knew about the suffering of the front-line troops in wars.

    Roosevelt finally speaks regretfully thinking about the men lost at war.

    Gentleman … We must make sure no more world wars happen again, so that we never have to send young men into the battlefield to get killed or severely injured so that they can never have a normal life again. I say enough is enough, whatever we have to do to keep the peace, we must.

    As the President sits down with the help of Tunge. Stalin comes in with more of his own memories of the Second World War.

    President and Gentleman … I too have a bad story to tell you.

    When he says this all the other leaders focus on him, like he is a general in wartime, whilst seeing a cigarette in his right hand.

    So, Stalin goes on in a warrior type way remembering what he has to say.

    This happened when the war was coming to an end. We had just discussed who would be going after Berlin and it was decided that my Russian Army should. I got back to the Moscow and called together all my top generals. I told them about the final act in the war in Europe. My Generals were pleased to hear about this Berlin mission and again there was happiness on their faces. They promised me they would take the city as soon as possible. I decided to oversee this historic operation myself, as I wanted to make sure that everything that was going to take place would do.

    The day of the battle came. It was an unusually fresh day, as if the weather knew something better was going to start today. The generals briefed their men. On this day, there were three armies going to attack Berlin. They were the first, second and seventh Red amines. When I saw them gathering together, they all seemed to sense the final chapter of the war was going to happen that day, which bred eagerness in them to get them ready for the battle.

    At ten o clock my armies begin to encircle the city of Berlin. I was wondering what Hitler was doing as I knew he was still in Berlin from intelligence sources. I saw my amines outnumbering what was left of the German army to a level of five to one. After |I saw my troops in place, I ordered them to attack Berlin. This battle only lasted two hours as our superior number begins to tell the story. In only one hour my troop was on the other fringes of Berlin. I learnt from my generals, my armies become so eager to end the war, with some them making fatal mistakes by being shot by snipers. I saw my troops going deeper and deeper into Berlin. The great sight of Berlin hit my eyes. At first, only a few Germans surrendered. Then the number increased, and I knew that the war in Europe was over, with the allies winning this historic war. The Germans looked beaten as if knowing they had lost.

    After my generals told me of the capture of Berlin, I was eager to go down there and see for myself. As I was travelling into Berlin I saw many troops laying on the ground with bullets in them. I also saw bombed streets and many buildings in a collapsed manner, mainly through my army shelling them. So I arrived and a Major told me they had found Hitler’s bunker. Hitler’s generals had surrendered to my force and told them about the bunker. I immediately rushed to the bunker and went inside through the steel door and well protected room of concrete. I opened the door and Hitler was in there; I saw that he had committed suicide, shooting himself and his wife.

    I said to him in a very warlike way thinking of his own dead men.

    You coward Hitler, you could not face the people you tried to kill

    At this time there was a very small resistance movement occurring in the city. I sent a division of my army to deal with the light threat. This group consisted of children that were groomed into service by the SS. These boys had only a few rifles and a couple of hand guns. When the division came to this part of the city in the north. These boys fired their guns and killed a few soldiers. They put up a mini battle and were not afraid of us all. The division did not like killing and this made them more and more glad that the war was coming to an end; it made this section of the army feel sick at the thought of killing children.

    The division brought the rest of the boys quickly to a concentration prison camp, which were some large tents put up with army soldiers beside them. These boys were then transported to camp and there was a guard as they did not like the thought that they had been captured, and wanted to escape, thinking that Hitler was going to save them somehow.

    There was one boy who would not believe that Hitler would not save him. His name was Boris. He was a typical boy of eleven. When he was captured, he stole a gun and tried to escape for the camp. But the guards surrounded him and pointed their guns at him, and he knew then he would not escape.

    I visited this camp still thinking about Hitler. I saw Boris for the first time as he was eating a meal reluctantly. Some of the boys told Boris that I was Stalin. This made him more and more angry. So, he got a table knife and rushed towards me with the knife, believing that I was an SS demon of some kind. My soldiers got the weapon out of his hand, before he could do any harm to me, by using their superior strength to contain the boy. I left to go back to Moscow in the afternoon, still thinking about Boris’s bravery against me. In time, he will be seen to by my own special doctors to get rid of the hurt of war."

    There is a silent pause, and then Stalin goes in a similar way.

    I want to stop these war-mongers of the earth, as they are cowardly people. And they make even armies of children. They also create false impressions for people to fight people in the world. So, we must find a way in this temple to stop this from happening again.

    The other three agree as they have seen the immense displeasure on Stalin’s face, as he sits down and has a drink of special vodka which Tunge has put in front of him.


    After hearing Stalin’s story, there is a short silence, as they all remember dealing with Hitler themselves.

    The silence is then broken after a short drink, and some food is brought into the hall by Tunge's servants. Then temple doors are shut again, as Churchill then begins to stand up in a very war type manner.

    So, Churchill opens his mouth in a very perturbed fashion, which the other leaders sense when looking at this great leader of his people.

    "I too have a got a bad story to tell you about the Second World War. This concerned a Colonel in my British spy network we had in Germany. This man was a typical six-foot type of man and had a very neat appearance. His name was Roger Landsing. He was one of our top spies as he brought back a lot of information to the British forces that saved many lives; telling them about traps that the Germans has saved.

    So, he become very confident in his ability to do his job in Germany. He was brought back to Britain and then told of an important mission. This was going to be the turning point in his life. The mission was to spy on the progress of the V2 rockets, and to get some pictures of the engines of the rockets themselves.

    He was smuggled near the city of Frankfurt where they had an underground factory making these rockets. Roger got inside this factory with the help of a woman which at first was a smooth affair and be begun to trust this woman. This made him make a fatal mistake; he believed in her so much that they went to bed with each other and had sex. This brought Roger down for the first time in his missions. The woman then suggested some unusual sex and tied him to the bed with Roger trusting her more and more with the help she had already given him.

    After Roger was tied, she called the SS who was now monitoring Roger’s movements these women who went by the name of Maria had done the same trick many times and would have been awarded a medal, before being shot by the French resistance.

    Roger was naked and tied up when the solders came into the room to cut the ropes. He tried to break free using his combat skills, but to no avail as there were too many of them.

    They transported him to a SS base in Leipzig where he saw the double agent for the last time. He tried to spit at her, but she came back and slapped him around the face in her disgust. She told the SS about our spy networks and it took about half a year to repair the damage she had caused. Roger was taken to some dungeon where he was to be kept. They let him have some clothes but not much was put upon him in this cold cell. Roger knew what could have happened to him, but did not have another time to take his pill of death beforehand

    Before this, his psychological report claimed he could take any torture that was thrown at him, and with the help of the French resistance, he got to escape beforehand when he was captured in a previous mission. Roger becomes confident that he could take any punishment handed out to him. The SS tried to get Roger to reveal some secret code knowing he was a top agent of ours. Roger did not reveal secrets at first.

    Then came a very experienced interrogator; he used his novel method of Roger’s right hand. He cut the palm and divided the skin. Then dug a sharp needle into his hand continually for up to five weeks, not allowing him to sleep or get the cut treated whilst also keeping him cold by not allowing him to have a lot of clothes in this cold damp cell. After these weeks, Roger began to talk as his hand became more and more infected with germs, and his physical state began to get worse,

    After three weeks, a unit of the American third army got to the SS base. By this time the torture had stopped for Roger, as he had revealed everything. He had become even worse, when the unit looked at him. After a short battle with the SS soldiers, the fort infantry then went down to the dungeons. They had heard that there were a lot of prisoners in these dark and filthy places.

    They found many prisoners down there; many had infections of some kind, which the military doctors began to treat. They came across Roger who was one of the last ones. When they came to him, they could not believe the state of his condition.

    When they found Roger, he ran up to the cells scratching on the damp concrete walls like an animal as a result of his torture. The Americans calmed him down and treated his hand. It was then decided that Roger should be sent home immediately. They put him on a truck that was to transport him to the docks. The British Army medical unit put him on a ship and transported him to Britain for treatment. He went to a war casualty treatment unit called Salisbury Manor. When he arrived there, he was a shaking and shivering wreck of a man. The medical unit tried to reassure him as they were travelling, but this did not have any effect, as they saw fear in his face.

    Sometime afterwards, I visited there, as I wanted to see what these poor psychologically damaged men and women were like, as I heard stories of them myself. I arrived there and went for a short tour of the Manor. I saw what an ideal place as it was the best part of the Hampshire countryside. I saw some of the patients and most of them had been brutally tortured by the SS. Some were crying out very loudly to get more attention. Others were quietly moaning to themselves in their padded cells, while another thought he was Hitler himself.

    I met Roger Landsing. I saw the tremendous scar on his hand. I was told all about his history when I heard this I became sorry that I sent him to get the secrets of the V2 rockets. Roger saw me in my blue uniform when this sight came into his mind.

    He said seeing me differently thought this war torture like a man wanting war on someone he hated.

    I get you SS man, with your uniform on. You will not fool me again. You bastard

    Roger, thinking I was one of the interrogators then lunged for me. He had anger in his eye. As if remembering the pain in his hand. The wardens then restrained him when he did act against me. He saw what was real afterward and he cried out loud saying

    Will I ever forget that pain.

    He became alright in time and did forget the pain, but inside he had many nightmares about this bad time in his life. He even got a knife many times to end his life thought having his nightmares, but I am glad to report he has now settled down into an office job for the army."

    Churchill paused slightly, as some horror on the face of the other leader could be seen.

    He continued in the same angry tone thinking about the cost of war men.

    Gentlemen... let me say this. We cannot have any more world wars. Wars result in people being interrogated. This encourages evil human beings to inflict pain on mankind. We in this meeting must start something that will protect us all from the insanity of interrogation. If we want to remember some evidence for this then let’s remember Colonel Roger Landsing as evidence enough. I know that all have bad stories of interrogation yourselves but this one sticks in my mind, and will do for the rest of my life.

    Now the host seeing and listening to these stories of these leaders began to speak through his interpreters like Stalin. His mind is on another aspect of war.

    Gentlemen …I too have a bad story to tell.

    When you hear Tunge say this, all the leaders concentrate on this smart large looking man with a lot of respect, and he delivers his story like a man remembers a bad war event

    "When the war ended in Asia – thanks to your atomic bombs America – it was time to get relief supplies to the people who needed it. As in the past, the Japanese air force has bombed trains to the furthest most provinces of China, only some of supplies could get through.

    After the Japanese Emperor signed the surrender documents. It was time to break out the train that we were building. Thinking it was safe to run these locomotives, we mounted a train shipment to one of the furthest provinces; the province of Sing lin. This province heard that I was coming with the food, there was great happiness; as the thought of more food coming and seeing me gave them a moral boost

    We began our long journey to this province and it took my train three days to get there. We arrived there will most of the food still on the train, although we did give some time to stops on the way. All the people hearing of our arrival begin to offload the food, like it was something special of a peaceful Christmas.

    I saw the hungry looking faces on them, with their hungry looking skinny bodies, as mothers needed this food badly. They all smiled at me and they thanked me many times. I saw it was doing well, as they began to look better for it. At first, they ate at a very fast pace and then slowed down. I decided to stay for a week to make sure everything was being handled correctly.

    As I was there, I decided to take a tour of the area. There was a medium to large rice farm. On this rice farm, there were two very young sons helping their mother and sister to keep the rice farm going, while the father was away during the Second World War. They had been getting on with their work, hoping one day they would see their father again. They did not know that the worst day in their lives was to yet come. This was one of farms that I intended to visit on the tour so I set off for this farm in an army jeep.

    Before I got there, they were all in the field when they saw a message from a type of postal service. This man – who was a shop keeper – went up to the mother and sister and gave then something that would make them regrets the war for the rest of their lives. They got a telegram from our war department.

    I read out the telegram out as the mother and sister was nervous about it.


    All the family cried out when they realised the fact that they were not going to see their loved one again; the same thing a lot of farmers’ wives and love ones would soon find out.

    This was the time where I did not want to read a Telegram like this. I saw that they really needed a man in this poor rice farm; there shack needed a lot of work to be done for the winter snows that came this year in larger amounts. So, I got a group of men to stay behind, and fix the shack for the mother and sister. In time, one of these men would marry the sister, but that was far off.

    Then came the time I did not want to be there in that shack.

    The older boy came up to me with tears in his eyes thinking still about his lost father.

    Mr Chairman. Can you bring my father back? As I love him.

    What could I say to the eleven-year-old boy, who loved his father with all his heart?

    So I said in response, thinking about his father more and more, and trying to find words to make his heartache more bearable;

    Boy... I will try, but I will not promise anything

    I left the farm knowing that I could not do anything like that at this time. I journeyed back to Peking with the image of this boy’s face in my mind.

    Then You Ser Tunge still remembering the child’s question of war said

    I think wars should not happen again either for the greatest reason of all; it separates husbands from their wives and their loved ones. Many fathers get shot or killed in a war. So for the sake of children who will not have a father to bring them up, I say let us make sure that there are no more world wars to kill many fathers and mothers.

    When the leader hears, they will agree as they have had to tell many wives of servicemen that they will not be coming home, and so they know this feeling very well.

    After a short silence, they begin to talk among themselves about the problems that they have to get over. And how they are going to make sure that no more world wars come up. As they are talking to one and other. There can been seen in this day strange effects coming through the temple’s windows, with the light hitting them all.

    The Sun shines right through a window on to the table. When this occurs, it is like it is a blessing from on height helping the peace of the world. This what these leaders are trying to do for the planet. As the weather warms up this meeting hall for them. So, they talk for three weeks coming and going from to the temple. They would make great progress in their talks with one another, and many ideas would come from this round.

    So on the last day of the three weeks, the document has been drafted, and all the world leaders will sign and comply with what is in these documents. They prepare to break up the meeting.

    This makes Stalin speak first in a very glad, quizzically smiling way, thinking about the important men and women this will save.

    I think that any Hitler types will be totally afraid of the world’s powerful nations. We have come up with a way to stop any more Hitler types taking a country to war. So through these documents, no more Hitler should make a world war.

    Then Roosevelt speaks, with a tinge of fear, thinking about future world wars, and how they could be staged.

    Yes Stalin…I agree with you. This will make sure that the atomic weaponry that we are all beginning to develop will never be used by evil men. This will defeat them and make atomic weapons useless. This will save a President sending any soldiers to fight in a world war. So never seeing crippled or dead solders ever again

    Churchill speaks next after he has heard Roosevelt speaking for the crippled men; a sincere passion for them just said like what he is going to say.

    This will help with the solution we have come up with. A way that will make sure that no rich person will ever be able to start a world war. This will make sure that no more men will be interrogated to make men mad.

    As we have come up with a counter measure that will confront this action by the evil human beings. So with these proposals, we can create something to stop these rich and powerful men and women from promoting war or making governments act in this war like way"

    So, finally Tunge speaks –as at this time – the cars for the leaders begin to come for them, to transport these important people back to their countries.

    With all the solutions we have come up with, this will make the world a much safer place. We can then begin to develop more and more science to push the borders of knowledge back further. This will be made possible through the peace of the world. Who knows what we might achieve if the world is at peace continually. I hope that this will be a new start for mankind on this planet

    All the leaders agree with Tunge. They get into their cars with their important documents in their security suitcases. They go back to their countries thinking that the world is a safer place right now, where they hope world wars will never happen again. When all the cars have gone and Tunge is back in his office, the sun will shine on this special temple longer than usual, give more of a kind of blessing to the ideas of these peaceful leaders that will be brought into practice.


    We move in time to the year 1981. This is a peaceful time or so human beings think. We journey to the country of the United Kingdom. There we arrive at a typical countryside house. We go to one of the bedrooms of the house, with its white painted window frames overlooking some very nice-looking countryside. The front of the house is of a bay type front. Shining through these many windows is the sun, which is warming up the house nicely, in this early morning of six o clock. This means it will be nice start to the day but there is the threat of rain in in this early January morning.

    We look at the double bed in the bedroom. We see sleeping on the right-hand side is an air force officer. His name is Rex Dawson. He is an instructor at a nearby airfield. He is twenty-five, and he became an instructor two years ago. Rex was the youngest to achieve the rank of Major. He is British through and through. He looks very young. Rex’s face has the appearance of a twenty-year olds with his blue eyes. He is medium build for his six-foot-one and has short black hair and a small moustache which is gradually getting smaller and smaller through his shaving. If he’s not at work, he likes to wear cord jeans, and old looking shirts in a relaxed fashion

    Sleeping on the left-hand side is his wife. Her name is Sue. She adores Rex with all her heart. Sue likes to work for charity organisations throughout the world, doing many different types of jobs and she has done a lot of fundraising in her time. She is twenty-three and is a black American of the Bible belt. Her big build is the 38-24-26 type of figure. She can be very attractive; when she has her best clothes on and that makes Rex watch out for her in the cities; while having some whistling to her by some adoring men. Sue has short straight black curly hair sometimes having the appearance of being a business type. She – like Rex – does not smoke anything as they like to keep fit

    The alarm clock goes off and Rex shuts off the ringing sound by hitting the button on top. This wakes them both up, and Rex puts his arm around Sue, which she does not mind at all. He kisses her and when this happens Sue responds in a similar way. They have a good spot of love-making lasting one hour, going through a lot of sexual positions. They are sexually fulfilled as they look at each other in a peaceful manner. They lay in bed looking at the clouds which are beginning to get more and more.

    After only two minutes of this, Sue, in a very relaxed mood, just like she is at peace with the world says.

    Rex Babe... One thing I enjoy about England is your local theatres. There is always a play or a concert going. Take last night, the musical was one of the best shows High Wycombe theatre has put on...That Cats version from the West end was great. As I remember seeing the same show when it first came out in the west end. That Andrew Lloyd Webber is a great composer.

    Rex in the same type of mood answers back, thinking about last night as well.

    Yes, Sue my lover… Last night was just like those romantic novels you read. After a little drink we had afterwards in our house. We went to bed and boy...What passion you showed me last night. It is a memory I won’t forget in a hurry... We were so hot for each other.

    So, these two will have a lazy day in their house, as they will see it rain for the most of this Sunday. So, they will put on the television to watch many different types of films.

    The next day comes, and it is what Rex Calls busy Monday. The alarm clock goes off at six fifteen am. Rex slowly opens his eyes with the January sun shining into his bedroom; it will be a nice cold day today. Rex is the first to get up as he gives Sue a big kiss on her lovely fat lips. Rex goes down and starts the breakfast which Sue will come down and continue cooking while Rex will put on his blue uniform after his wash and shave.

    He has his breakfast of eggs and bacon with a slice of toast thrown in. At seven o’clock he begins to walk to their brown looking front door of 25 Gate Sides Court.

    Rex gets into his air force car, while Sue has a Ford town roundabout in their adjacent garage.

    After another kiss on Sue’s loveable lips, Rex begins to drive the journey he loves, as it covers some beautiful English countryside. The first part is along his country road. There seems to be a funnel of trees without any leaves on at this January time.

    Now he gets on the A33 semi motorway, which will take him up and down a valley. He sees the beams of the sunlight hitting the farm field of wheat, making them shine like bulbs of peace. Finally, just before he gets to the air force base, he goes near another field where there are some cows eating the grass before being milked. This drive makes Rex feels pacified with the world, before getting in his days’ work and concentrating on the day ahead.

    He arrives at the gate of Benson Aid Base on the Chilterns, near the village of Benson itself. He shows a guard his pass, and goes into the base at half past seven. Rex observes the air base that he knows so well. He drives to his work place, as he sees some aircraft flying off from the hangers near to the main building. This air base caters for twenty ground attack Jaguars of the second attack wing of the RAF. It has trainee pilots there, which is housed inside the base, near the wood at the far end of the base’s 20-acre site.

    Rex drives to his parking place number 12. When he has finished parking, he sees a fellow instructor pulling up outside the education centre, which is part of the main building. He name is Major John Simmons. He is twenty and married. He is about the same build as Rex with his brown eyes and blond hair, which is curly and he has the odd cigarette now and again

    When Rex sees John, he says to him, with a lot of appreciation in his breath which will make these two warring men become at peace with each other.

    Thanks for the tickets to see Cats on Saturday night you gave us. This was one of the best shows that we saw at our local theatre.

    When John sees the joy on Rex’s face, he becomes very glad and responds like a true war mate would.

    That’s fine Rex... Anytime I can do this for you. … As you helped me in these last weeks by taking over my classes, while my wife went into labour.

    After this short conversation, they head for their chosen classes. When they get into their classrooms, Rex and John prepare the lessons they will be

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