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Journey Through Many Lifetimes
Journey Through Many Lifetimes
Journey Through Many Lifetimes
Ebook396 pages6 hours

Journey Through Many Lifetimes

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The Journey touches on this life on Earth and nine other known past lives from the time of Atlantis through to America and England. Messages are transcribed and faithfully recorded from mediums and spirit communicators over a period of ten years. Eight of the past lives recorded are each with the soul mate of the author.

Words of wisdom are brought directly to the author in conscious attunement by the one known as Moses and a spokesman for Archangel Lord Mikaal, on the Solar Planes of Cosmic Creation.

Twelve planes of consciousness are revealed, each with a different function of creation from mysticism, colour, art and music, and healing. The colours of the planes and the rays, the beings and their amazing work are brought to life in these unique recordings.
Release dateJul 14, 2011
Journey Through Many Lifetimes

David Tenneson

David Tenneson is a healer, having trained with spiritual healing associations in the UK, and retired father of two and grandfather of three, David now lives in Spain and found it was time to put pen to paper to share his Journey through this varied life and its links with the remote past at the instigation of his own Grandfather in spirit.

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    Journey Through Many Lifetimes - David Tenneson



    David Tenneson

    Foreword Message from

    Communicator in Solar Planes

    This edition prepared for

    Trans4mind eBooks

    ISBN: 978-1-8647603-2-3

    Copyright © 2011 David Tenneson

    All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Cover graphic:© Rolffimages


    To he who writes in letters of old,

    To he who inspires with gems and gold.

    The sage with responses quick as silver,

    Mercuric Messenger,



    Prompted several times by Spirit through Mediums at various Churches, and at last on a fleeting visit to the UK in 2006 I could ignore it no longer when the medium at a centre in Westerham told me my Grandfather was waiting to help write this book and offered his fountain pen to help me.

    He always wrote with a fountain pen in green ink, so he knew that would mean something special to me.


    To all who have shared my pathway, however briefly, especially those who shared the circles in churches, centres and at home I give thanks for putting up with me.

    Some have guided, some indeed have hurt, some have been the signpost at the crossroad and some have been with me throughout the many lives we have been privileged to share. As this journey draws to its close some will be left behind and some will journey on with me to other realms.

    May you all be blessed to understand and accept, but most of all to know and to live your true purpose.


    This message was given to us at the time of the Gulf War by our beloved communicator from the Solar Planes.



    So I greet you people of Earth, in the name of Godhead I give you Blessings, for Mikaal I speak and I must speak to you about conditions on this planet.

    We tell you, if there are enough with good thought, will come into the light of spirit. You think you are in the light of spirit now, individually you are in the light of spirit, but it is the Earth that has to be lifted up to spirit. There is no point for individuals unless it is all people of Earth as individuals and as a body because you have to lift the Earth Plane into the light of Spirit. She cannot do it without your help!

    We speak to you of balance. You speak of Chakras and balance, but the Earth too must have Chakras in balance. At the moment the more man lives a lie so he destroys. Man, he looks upon trees as brown things growing out of the ground with green leaves, he looks on a house as a means to make himself wealthy and he will destroy the beauty of Godhead to make ugly box to dwell therein. He does not look to the future generations of people or of the planet Earth, he thinks only of himself.

    This is why we need so desperately people like yourselves to help Earth. Without your great forests the soil erodes, the land becomes barren. You will notice that most of your great forests, you call rain forests, are in hot countries, rain forests because they always have the moisture. They help the soil take it away and if the soil erodes nothing will grow, in time the land becoming barren and in time desert. Take a tree if necessary but replace it with another. All have to care for Mother Earth.

    This we have to tell you is dark side of the Gulf and much harm will be done to the atmosphere by that burning of oil. It will not just affect the countries where oil burns, it is going to affect the biggest part of Earth Planet. It will not just stay in that part of the world, the pollution will spread not only upward to the atmosphere but to the Astral and affect there, it will spread across the Earth planet. You will see changes in your climate, not for the better, there will be sun and it will be wet but pollution will affect weather conditions.

    We are needing light from people of Earth to go up through the badness, up through the Astral to help Spirit there and to meet with light of Spirit Planes, Solar Planes too. For a while longer in terms of your years there will be upheavals, it has to be to bring to the minds of man the realisation of his smallness, that he is not the mighty one. It has to be, to make man come to the Light of Spirit, to turn to Godhead who is, after all, your Creator, your Father.

    Earth is at the moment becoming like it was many years ago when man’s greed turned him to make slaves of other men, to pillage and to kill. It upsets the balance and this is not good, but man, in time, will learn. It is for you to know this, to go forward and you do not have to preach to peoples this. You can spread the light to people with the loving kindnesses and to work with Spirit to heal bodies that are sick through Earth conditions. I should say to you Man Made Conditions for Earth herself did not give you such conditions herself!



    Of the 12th Solar Plane of Cosmic Consciousness







    5. INDIA & KARMA


    7. MOSES











    "You may see your birth as a beginning, but it is in fact a continuation.

    A continuation of light."

    David Tenneson

    The beginning of my journey in this life I now understand began at the special moment before my conception and subsequent birth on 22nd April 1940, in the middle of World War II, for I realise that all that has happened to me has been for good reason. That may seem strange to some but when I say ‘all’ I mean all that I have experienced in this life has gone to make me what I am today, the good, the seemingly painfully bad and the mediocre have all contributed in a magical way to shape and mould me to where I am today. In short we are all the product of our own experience, and more importantly it is through those experiences and the way that we have coped with them that has enabled the soul within us to progress along the chosen path. Remembering that it’s not what life throws at us but how we cope with it that matters.

    The magical path is the descent into incarnation. And the mystical path is the one we tread now on our return to the Source of All There Is. The joy for me, on this path, is the wonder of the mysteries we meet along the way. We never stop learning, we never stop finding the amazing synchronicity of events and we are continually blessed by miracles.

    The special moment? In that moment before my journey to earth, for this life, I had to make the supreme choice. ‘To be or not to be’ incarnate, remembering that I had been here many times before. So, I made the choice and with bombs falling all round us and the prospect of more to follow I was conceived!

    I do not subscribe to the notion that we are told who we will be in a life in form. The choice is ours, with the help of wise councillors, who help us decide what kind of life will best suit us in the next stage in the progress of the soul through life experience on Earth. The us of course is not the personalities that we are today but our souls or higher selves.

    Scientists have now predicted that there are at least 25,000 planets that could be inhabited in our galaxy. (You will see later that there is perhaps a factor of 5 missing in this calculation!). So you might say, 'then why did we incarnate on earth?' Earth is one of the planets in the universe that has the ideal conditions for the progress of the soul at this time for mankind as a whole, remembering that 1000 years is a blink in the eye of God!

    The earth is between 80 to 90 percent water and water is associated with emotion. When we incarnate on earth we are given the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of emotional possibilities which is what growth is all about right now. Or I should say has been up to now.

    We are approaching the time when this way of progress will be of little use; we have been there, bought the T shirt and got the scars to prove it through many lifetimes! Mankind is experiencing the growing pains of change to a new level of awareness, whether we like it or not. Some of us will be able to cope with it and others will say ‘pass’ or press the delete button and maybe try again later.

    We have to let go of the emotional aspect of our being, and this is one of the reasons why there are splits appearing in relationships and people are coming together in different ways. The emotional body is drifting away and our emotion / sexual love will be replaced by unconditional love. A love that is difficult for us fully to comprehend right now but that will become our inherent nature in the not too distant future.

    I think it would be as well here to explain the use of some terminology:

    The Cabala teaches us that God is like a great ball of fire and the souls are the sparks leaving the fire behind, but with the firm intention of returning in as pure a state as when they left. On leaving the fire they are subject to all kinds of debris such as selfishness, pride, envy, etc. which they attract to themselves on their journey into incarnation. One could compare the soul covered by the debris to a globe artichoke where one needs to peel off the outer scales that represent those aspects of pride etc. After each lifetime there is a review of the life and an inspection of the self to see how much of the outer layers have been discarded and what still needs to be left behind in a further lifetime on Earth.

    You will find that certain authors / teachers use the term ‘Spirit’ for the Atma or divine spark within and the word ‘Soul’ for the overcoat used in this lifetime with the Paramatma being the supreme source of all there is, or God, some will even refer to the soul as ‘Mind’.

    Others use both the word spirit and the word soul interchangeably for the divine aspect or the higher self. In some of the messages from spirit the communicator will often use the word spirit almost as a generic term to include not only ourselves but all other life forms extra to the Earth. In one message we are told that God is spirit, our guides and helpers are spirit and the hierarchy of the Brotherhood and the Shining Ones up to the Elohim are all spirit and we are essentially spirit. In fact all is spirit!

    I subscribe to the following:

    God, Paramatma, is the Divine Fire and the soul in us, the Atma, is the divine spark, the spirit being the spiritual overcoat used in this lifetime. The soul goes on for ever, being eternal, learning from each incarnation. The spirit enjoys the lifetime and then can dissolve away just as the physical body deteriorates after death. You may think that we are primarily physical but essentially, as above, I believe we are spirit and eternally we are soul! When this life comes to a conclusion we would normally move on to other realms; of course there is the exception proving the rule, that a spirit may by various means still be around when the body has passed away, but more of that later. And the soul is more than this simplistic view given here!

    So, you might say ‘what’s in a word, it’s only semantics’. ‘A rose by any other name …’ so be it. And if you can bear with me and slot in your own interpretation then we will get along fine.

    April 1940 was a difficult time for my parents; my father was a pilot in RAF Bomber Command and was sent out to Canada to train the young pilots coming over to help us in the war effort. It really hurt him seeing so few returning from bombing raids and requested the transfer to pass on his knowledge and experience to help the young men have a better chance of survival. And mother took me home, from the North Devon Infirmary in Barnstaple where I was born, to their rented semi-detached house.

    In 1942, in the middle of the War, the marriage fell apart and the home contents were sold. Father was a civil engineer in Civvy Street and originally came down from Lancashire to Devon to build a new road, still called the New Road in Barnstaple. Mother found a couple of rooms with a family in Barnstaple town and got work in a converted garage, in Bear Street, on the finishing lathe making the bombs for father to drop on Germany. A family war effort you might think but of course we were split up and I have no memory of my father at all. He died in 1959 of cancer and I took a long while to forgive myself for his departure and my failure to find him in those 19 formative years.

    A long while later he came to me in a dream and this was the result:

    To Orphans Everywhere


    In a fog on an ice rink

    I always seem to be on the brink.

    The rink is cold and darkly lit,

    There’s a light in the dark but I can’t reach it.

    I slip, I slide,

    There’s no one to guide.

    No one to catch me when I fall,

    No one to hear me when I call.

    I didn’t care if he was wicked or bad,

    I just wanted to be like my Dad.

    Where are you Dad?

    They said it was war that drove them apart,

    Something for sure had broken their hearts,

    But what was war when I was only two?

    I never saw him,

    Never touched him

    When I was two.

    Where are you Dad?

    Later I learnt he came to see me,

    Saw me, heard me when I was twelve.

    But I didn’t see him,

    Not allowed to see him!

    Didn’t know he was there in the church

    When I sang in the choir,

    When I was twelve.

    Where were you Dad?

    When I was nineteen I heard he had died,

    I didn’t believe it, thought they had lied.

    I was angry I hadn’t seen him before he died.

    I thought there was plenty of time to see him,

    Wish I’d had courage to seek him,

    To go out there and find him,

    When I was nineteen.

    The guilt not to have sought him,

    The weight of guilt, the agony,

    The pain not to have found him

    Before he died.

    They hadn’t lied.

    Where are you Dad?

    It’s one in the morning, you woke me up.

    These words are flooding my mind.

    I couldn’t sleep,

    I had to write:

    I love you Dad.

    Where are you Dad?

    It’s just not fair I’m older now

    Than you were when you died.

    I wish they’d lied.

    There’s always been a hole in my life,

    No one’s been able to fill it.

    I’ve tried to learn to live with it.

    I still miss you,

    I never knew you,

    Never saw you,

    Never heard you,

    Never touched you.

    Where are you Dad?

    When will we meet?

    At heaven’s gate?

    Maybe its not too late.

    When I walk through that door

    You’ll be there, and more;

    At last that fond embrace,

    The kiss upon a tear stained face.

    The moments lost we’ll share,

    My love will help me bear

    The intervening years,

    To dry the inner tears.

    I love you Dad

    Wait for me Dad.

    I know you’re there.

    This was how I felt at that moment when, having found a half brother and sister in 1983, half forgotten things from my past began to surface into my waking consciousness. My brother found the same thing. As I began to question him about our father he began to remember things that had been stored away, being too painful to let remain in the conscious mind. My earliest memory is of being in a large old fashioned carriage pram and a hand coming down to tickle my tummy. I have no recollection of the face behind the hand but I have the distinct impression that it was not my father but my uncle Peter. My second memory is of looking out of the front room window through the privet bushes in the tiny front garden of the house, where we had our rooms, at a strange blue flickering light. Illuminated in the blue glow was a weird face with black discs instead of eyes and a round black head. No it wasn't an alien or a giant beetle but the local welder with the old fashioned dark goggles come to cut down the railings, with an oxy-acetylene flame, and wearing a French type beret! It must have been about 1943 when the Government decided that all iron railings had to be cut down and used to make bombs for the war effort.

    After the war my Aunt bought a large house in Pilton that mother ran as a guest house. We were penniless so Grandfather came down from Liverpool, went to the sale room and furnished the place from top to bottom including all seven bedrooms and a separate flat. It was while he was staying with us that there was a knock at the door and a lady who lived further up the street, who had never met Grandfather, asked to see a Mr Bright. He came to the door and she said she had a message for him: 'Peter says he is all right and there is no need for you to worry'.

    Grandfather ran upstairs sobbing and we didn't see him for two days. I heard all this as I was in the sitting room next to the front door. Uncle Peter, Grandfather's only son, had been blown up in a tank in Naples in the war. Grandfather had gone into mourning for twenty years wearing black suits and ties so it was a shock to be told Peter was OK ten years after his passing! I remember thinking at the time how sad that Grandfather should have taken it so badly, but how wonderful that God had given that lady the gift of communication with those who had passed on, to bring comfort to those of us left to grieve. Or in this case not! I was brought up a Christian and sang in two church choirs but was completely open to spirit communication believing that God had the power to allow any gift to us, his children on Earth. This was inherent as it did not come from any other member of the family or friends.

    The continuation of my journey was fraught with, some would say, problems brought through from previous existences that needed to be addressed. But I see them as God given opportunities to face those experiences, to heal any negative condition or relationship, better to understand this life and to go forward in a healed, positive, and loving way. Twelve cuts of the surgeon’s knife in various hospitals bear witness to these difficulties. It also gave me personal experience of various conditions so that when people came to me suffering in the same way I could say with hand on heart ‘I know exactly how you feel’.

    There is so much that needs to be healed before we can go forward in this life. We are all so blessed to be here on Earth at this time, this highly auspicious time of cosmic change. We have asked to be here and we were all given tasks to help the process of Ascension. Some will not wake up at all, others are sleepers that will be awakened when the time is right - intuitively they will know what their purpose, their task, is. Then there are those of us who work as best we can, in a small way, trying to help our brothers and sisters through healing, teaching, mediumship and counselling, usually as well as the day job! As we progress on this journey you will see how the various levels of healing are so important at this time.

    My early years seemed to be a time of ‘suspended animation’ of domination by others. Some talk now of the return of the goddess and the matriarchal society of old, but I can tell you the matriarchal society was alive and well and thriving in my family with total domination by the powerful women in our tribe.

    So much so that the younger generation were not allowed to have any independent thoughts or opinions. ‘No you cannot be a commercial artist you are not original enough’ – water colour painting is now my hobby, ‘no you cannot be an architect you need calculus for that and you cannot do maths’ - I became an electrical engineer the hard way and worked on integrated circuits, forerunners of the computer to control stabilised DC power supplies. ‘Don't go in for catering it will kill you’ - I became a chef, and survived. I went on to become a catering equipment specialist, training staff how to get the best from their new kitchens, and finally a health & safety manager for a catering equipment design and installation company. These last two job specs I look upon as an extension in the day job of the healing aspect of my ‘other life’, essentially helping to keep people alive and working efficiently in hostile environments.

    When I look back I realise how weak I must have appeared to others, but was it weakness or an acceptance? Was it something that had to be said by others to make me go for it later and to bring forward those skills from previous lives to manifest again in this life? It has been a varied life and I now realise that I am much blessed with many skills. There are still some that have not manifested yet, although I know of them from other lifetimes, so who knows there may be a second volume yet to be discovered! But I can tell you my early life taught me all about humility! A medium once said to me, when I finally accepted the gift of healing, ‘thank God you have overcome your humility!’

    In my early years I spent every summer holiday from before I could walk, carried up the hill by Mum, until the age of about fourteen in Grandfathers cottage high up in the Ruiwddolion (that's how Uncle Peter spelt it.) Mountains above Betws-y-Coed in North Wales. Granddad had spent some time in America and we used to play games where he would take the part of Tecumseh and I was always Big Chief Sitting Bull. We had secret pathways through the bracken to our special camp formed by an arc of oak trees around a rocky outcrop on the side of the valley just below the cottage. We had a special high lookout post that had been used by my Uncle Peter when he was a boy so that we could see who was coming up the valley. Granddad taught me all about Buffalo Bill Cody, Sitting Bull and the Indian ways … in preparation no doubt for my acceptance of my previous life with the Lakota Sioux. His love of wood was also passed on to me as his job in the first world war was to maintain the flimsy little aircraft and to manufacture the curved propeller blades from laminated mahogany in the RNAS (Royal Naval Air Service). We still have one of the propeller tips and things that he made from the off cuts of the mahogany. This love of timber was to enhance my gift of working with wood and as you will see to accept a previous existence where I was privileged to provide a wonderful service to my king still talked of today.

    My Mother eventually married the son of the owner of the house where we had our rooms, by then I was about 15. My stepfather left the Navy and returned to civvy street and persuaded mother and me to hock all our savings for him to manage a pub. We moved in to the pub and it did not take long for us to realise that the real reason he wanted it was because he was alcoholic. Sober he was a kind and very intelligent man. Under the influence Mr Hyde took over! A stepfather who told me I was useless at everything whether intellectual or manual did not help. Or did it? Once I got over the hurt I strove through all the difficulties just to prove that I was good enough. In fact another accusation levelled at me in later life was that I gave everything to any new interest or venture at the expense of everything and everyone else! Well I did give new things or ventures 120% just to prove I could do it, in fact I could not say NO. And that was a lesson I had to learn, but not until after the exhaustion brought on by everyone flogging the willing horse made me drop!

    There have been times in my life where I have wondered where an energy came from. When I was accepted as a Student Apprentice at an electrical engineering company I had a hard time struggling to pass my exams, having to retake at least one subject every year. In my final year I failed! A rather belligerent young assistant personnel manager declared that the company would not allow me to retake and that I would be demoted to Craft Apprentice and spend my life working on the shop floor. Without a moment's thought I resigned and said I would get a student grant to take me through college for another year. Now where that came from I don't know for I was not exactly known for being outspoken or particularly brave. In the long run I passed with the help of the Moderator of the Institution of Electrical Engineers who said I would make a first class engineer and the company took me back and gave me a good job in the sales office. Other instances like that confirm my suspicion that someone is close by holding my hand!

    I first met my dear friend Ivor James at a seminar on the Wisdom Teachings at the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted and was invited down to Hourne Farm in Crowborough to a follow up session. I found the Farm a beautiful place where various courses run by different therapists and facilitators on spiritual subjects fed my thirst for knowledge. I leant a hand here and there and was soon asked to join the management team. I was asked to help more or less full time but with a mortgage to pay I had to keep on the day job and tried to commute at weekends to help run the courses. Unfortunately this proved too much, the day job, the church, my own healing practice and the farm became more of a burden than a labour of love and something had to go. It was the travelling that put an end to this involvement and I had reluctantly to part company with the farm and decided to concentrate my activities in the Crawley/Horsham area.

    We need to bring balance into our lives and it is a hard lesson to learn especially when we are young and the pressures of making a living, supporting a family and the peer pressure to do better all the time tend to weigh the balance down on the material side at the expense of the spiritual. Many of our students are searching here, there and everywhere for answers trying to find their way on the spiritual path and wonder why they find it all so difficult when trying to cope with all the above pressures as well. More on this in chapter 11. It reminds me of a seminar I attended where we were asked to draw a circle and assume it was a cake and to divide the cake up into sections. Each sector was to represent how much time and energy we gave to the various aspects of our lives including work, church, family, good causes etc. and also what percentage to ourselves! Try it. It is amazing how little time we give to ourselves!

    My first brush with spiritualism was the time when Grandfather got the message about Uncle Peter when I was about thirteen but when I went to Brighton to serve my Engineering Student Apprenticeship, at the age of nineteen; I had digs with a lovely French lady called Madam Terray. She allowed me to play her piano and soon told me that there was a famous conductor helping me to play and that when I did my water colour painting Raphael, the great Italian architect and painter was there helping me. She went to a spiritualist church in Brighton but at that time I had difficult studying to do and never went with her. But later on when I became a member of the healing assessment panel of the SNU (Spiritualist National Union) with Ted Annable, since passed to spirit, I was privileged to help assess a number of trainee healers from the Brighton church.

    I have been told by mediums many times that I chose a difficult pathway this time round and incidentally also direct from spirit! But I have to say that I have never been happier and all the past hurt and trauma has slotted into its proper place. It is said that we must live in the moment, in the NOW, not in the past and not to worry about the future. Mediums have said on more than one occasion that in each lifetime I have given it my best shot to get the most out of every experience and I still try to do that here and now. Hence the 120%!

    Conversely a Course in Miracles tells us that we should not do anything that will potentially hurt us in any way. However, I believe that it is a deep rooted facet of the human psyche that makes some of us push ourselves beyond the limit. In fact spirit have said that the human being has progressed in the physical sense with all the athletics, body building and mountain climbing etc., far beyond what was foreseen for humankind, but I believe that the urge to progress needs to be channelled in the proper way.

    Spiritually, I believe some of us are only just beginning to approach the same level of development. That, sadly, does not apply to all peoples but the feeling is, both from light workers on Earth and also from our friends in spirit, that more and more of us are understanding that there is more to life than the physical, third dimensional, capitalist society can offer. We are returning to the past in the sense that there is a growing awareness of the unshakeable link that exists between ourselves and all other life forms, both passive and active. The N. A. Indians have a lot to teach us in this respect and since the birth of the White Buffalo Calf, in 2000, the elders are giving their knowledge, held in trust for many generations, freely to the rest of the world to help us all cope with our progress and the Ascension process.

    Those who have progressed along the materialistic path to the pinnacles of power in politics or industry and commerce may find the spiritual way more difficult to cope with than the rest of us. This is a brave generalisation and there may be some who would take issue with me on this point, but the higher you go the more difficult life becomes ‘all power corrupts and total power corrupts totally!’ It should be remembered that there is a distinct difference between the spiritual and the religious way! Not never on a Sunday, but only on a Sunday? Everyday I hope!

    Spirit have often told us that people in power are the most difficult to reach. An accusation that has been levelled at spiritualists is that there are many mediums that are uneducated. It is a fact that the simple souls are

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