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The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation: Part One: A Dramatic History...The Birth of the Beast Part Two: The Trial of Contemporary "End-Times" Doctrine
The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation: Part One: A Dramatic History...The Birth of the Beast Part Two: The Trial of Contemporary "End-Times" Doctrine
The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation: Part One: A Dramatic History...The Birth of the Beast Part Two: The Trial of Contemporary "End-Times" Doctrine
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The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation: Part One: A Dramatic History...The Birth of the Beast Part Two: The Trial of Contemporary "End-Times" Doctrine

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The unique clarity and detailed content of this work of Truth, is not the product of "speculation," nor "opinion," nor "wishful thinking," nor "dramatics" imposed for the purpose of entertainment…Nor is it a compilation of words, merely to fill the pages of a book…But, this God-driven work of "Truth," is the result of many months of intense, personal communication with the Lord of Creation, the Holy Spirit, as the Lord purposefully and relentlessly guided, snatched, pulled and grabbed, a "child of God" who would "rest" on nothing less than the absolute Truth of God's Word. This "child of God" has now been allowed to "rest," as God's intended understanding, of that which is referred to Biblically as the "end of the days," and the Lord's true "purpose" for The Revelation of Jesus Christ, and all associated scripture, has been accomplished…Such words will "heap coals of fire onto the heads" of those who consider themselves "wise" in their own minds…Those who, for decades, have "confused" the masses, with remarkably empty wisdom, on God's intended understanding of His Biblical "end of the days," the "latter days," the "last time," the "last hour."
Release dateFeb 12, 2018
The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation: Part One: A Dramatic History...The Birth of the Beast Part Two: The Trial of Contemporary "End-Times" Doctrine

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    The "Final Truth" of The Book of Revelation - James Michael Golding



    A Dramatic History of God’s End of the Days

    The Book of Revelation in History…The Birth of the Beast

    Chapter One

    The Focus of God’s Plan

    The volatile Middle-East, Northern Africa, Asia, Southern Europe…This area of the world, wherein lies the focus of the sixty-six books of God’s Word, the Bible…Out of which, the Lord of Creation chose the Hebrew people to exemplify to the rest of the world of that day, and to future generations, the utter futility in man’s attempt to effectively govern himself, to seek reconciliation to God through the keeping of the Law, and to emphasize man’s desperate need for the mercy and grace of God…Such was the ultimate purpose of God’s Word to the most rebellious and treacherous of His creation.

    This area of the world, within a few hundred miles of the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where the history of man began, it was a time of intense violence for every generation of human being…both literally, and the violence which daily occupied the minds of men living in a world void of the Holy Spirit of God…a world with Satan as the acknowledged ruler…In a world dominated by evil, a world dominated, by the will of men, those not involved in violence, nonetheless occupied themselves with how to conduct it, or how to defend against it.

    Wickedness, perversions, corruption, indifference to human life, unparalleled in human history, were widely celebrated…Murder and suicide, were conducted as acceptable, routine social necessities, and in many cases, with much pride attached to the successful accomplishment of such…Horrid events, which are well documented in historical records.

    But, the story within the story…the Truth of God’s plan for the redemption of man…the end of God’s Old Covenant with man…and the beginning of God’s New Covenant for the salvation of man…God’s Truth of the End of the Age…God’s Truth of His, End of the Days, are the necessary and urgent purpose of this work of Truth.

    The spiritual and historical significance of the events of this time in history, have remained suppressed and hidden for much too long…Events of which, Jesus Christ described to the Apostle John…events which must shortly take place.

    Even so, the Truth revealed here-in, will be a legitimate nightmare for those whose purpose it has been, to exploit the fear and confusion in the absence of genuine understanding of the Holy Word of God.

    By the will of God, and with much direction from the Holy Spirit of the Lord, we intend to expose this intense deception, simply by exposing God’s intended understanding of the Truth of the Lord’s Word, regarding His end of the days.

    The history of man, the human race, the age of sacrificial Judaism, God’s Old Covenant with man, all began right here, within a few hundred miles of Jerusalem…The age of sacrificial Judaism, God’s Old Covenant with man, Satan’s unrestrained power, also ended right here…The age of the Gentiles, God’s New Covenant, with man, the Judgement of man, began right here…The Kingdom of the Lord, the Kingdom of Heaven, which is right now being established on this Earth, began right here, nearly 2,000 years ago.

    The age of the Gentiles, the age of all things temporal, the history of wicked, carnal man, Satan’s influence, and death, will end right here…And God’s glorious eternal, Kingdom of Heaven, complete, and on this Earth, free of all pain, free of everything evil, wherein only Life abides, will begin…right here.

    The God of Heaven, the Creator of the Universe, from the beginning, has shined the spotlight on the Jewish people, as a reflection of the best and worse that man has to offer…What a potentially blessed position, for a nation of people to find themselves…Surely such a nation would experience little difficulty remaining in the everlasting Grace of God...The problem here is the most classic of human dilemmas…Men, void of the influence of the Holy Spirit of the Lord, the Helper, the Comforter, attempting to please The Creator of the universe…An enormous task indeed.

    The Jewish people, as with any other random collection of human beings attempting to please the God of all Creation, were simply conducting a monumental effort in human futility…God was surely aware of such dilemma; and it was this futility, which was the whole point to God’s relationship with man…That being, man’s desperate need for the grace, mercy, and direction of God…Jesus Christ assured His disciples of this human dilemma…telling them and us, I AM the Way, the Truth, and the LifeThus, as human beings, we all individually define the urgent purpose behind God’s Old Covenant, and His New Covenant of salvation for those who believe on Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of the world.

    For our benefit, and His glory, God emphasized and exemplified, through the Hebrew nation, our collective need for the grace and mercy of the Lord…and His only plan of salvation and reconciliation, for sinful man.

    We are about to journey through a time, and through events of that time, which are so profoundly significant, that we would be remised, should we not recognize these events, as undoubtedly the "third" most significant in the entire history of the world…And to the Christian world, these events and their immediate significance, can remain hidden no longer.

    Join us will you, in this eye-opening, mind-freeing journey through the Final Truth of The Revelation of Jesus Christ…God’s purpose and intended understanding of the Biblical, End of the Days.

    What we are about to hear, is one of the most significant series of prophetic statements ever to take place in the history of mankind…Jesus Christ was answering the questions and concerns of his disciples, regarding His chilling statement, which exposed the fate of the beloved Jewish Temple…and the fate of Jerusalem, the Jewish people, of Old Covenant sacrificial Judaism, and ultimately the profound effect on the manner in which God was to deal with man in the, age to come.

    Do not confuse God’s chastening with God’s wrath, for He will never cease to chasten His children, to shake them, to wake us from our stupor, even as He has many times, mercifully spared us the consequences of our own stupidity.

    Chapter Two

    The Prophecies of Jesus Christ and the Prophet Daniel

    Inside the Jewish Temple, Jesus Christ was putting the final touches on His evisceration of the Scribes and Pharisees…Many of the Jewish hierarchy were in attendance, High Priest, Scribes, Temple Sagan, Pharisees and Sadducees.

    Jesus Christ spoke His judgement on the Pharisees, Matthew, chapter 23, verses 38 and 39…Behold, your house is left to you desolate…desolate of God and the Holy Spirit, resulting from the Jewish rejection of their God-sent Messiah, Jesus Christ…"For I assure you this day…You will not see me again, until you, the Jewish people in general, and all future generations, are able to say…Blessed is He, who comes in the name of the Lord."

    It was a bright day accompanied by typical sounds of 30 AD Israel…distant voices, a donkey braying, birds singing, and wind in the trees.

    Lord…Do you see all these beautiful buildings…a testament to the spirit and courage of the Jewish people…They are very impressive, are they not, Simon Peter expressed.

    I promise you this…None of these stones will remain in place…All will be destroyed, and thrown to the ground, Jesus responded.

    Jesus Christ, gazed up and around at the splendor of the Temple and replied appropriately…He knew full well, the fate of all the things which His disciples were so admiring…Jesus Christ knew the day of the Judgement of the Lord, was at hand…And indeed, this generation, not a generation thousands of years into the future…would not perish before all these things take place…Indeed, even they who pierced Him, would see the coming of the Lord, and know that the Lord’s Judgment, was upon them…Some of the disciples, and those who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, would be alive to witness, His return, apart from sin…in Judgmentin the clouds of Heaven.

    Jesus Christ informed the Pharisees of much harsh reality to come, You will see me no more until you can say…Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.

    In addressing them as You, Jesus was actually implying an indefinite you, with regard to all the Jewish people, and every generation thereafter, who would reject Him as their personal Savior…They would see Him no more, "in the role of a Savior," until the Holy Spirit had opened their hearts and minds to the True Messiah of God.

    But shortly, within the 40 years that followed, God’s little season, they would definitely see Jesus Christ coming in Judgmentin the clouds of Heaven, as the Bible describes the Lord’s coming in Judgement, in the Glory Cloud, on many occasions in the Biblical history of the Jewish people.

    At the Mount of Olives, Jesus was seated on a large rock, as He was approached by His disciples.

    John the Apostle spoke to Jesus, Lord, we are disturbed…In our hearts, we must know the meaning of your words…Tell us, when these things will take place?…and what will be the sign of your coming?…and what will be the sign" of the end of the age?

    Jesus responded with an ominous tone, Take heed…that no man should be able to deceive you…Many will come, claiming to be the Christ…and many will be deceived…You will hear of wars, and rumors of wars…Do not fear these things, for they must be so.

    But the end" is not yet…Nations and kingdoms shall rise against the same, and earthquakes, famines and pestilences, shall be in various places…When you witness these things, know that it is near, even at the door…Many false prophets will arise and deceive many…Wickedness will abound, and love will be exceedingly rare…But he that endures these things, unto the end…He will be saved…And this Gospel of Truth, will be preached, throughout the land, and to all people, for a witness, and then…the end of this age, will come."

    To those interested in the Truth of God’s Word…keep this significant fact in mind…In the King James Bible, the Greek word aios, is used as the end of the world, when in fact, the word aios means age.

    Indeed, Jesus Christ knew exactly what His disciples were asking Him…He certainly knew, that they were not inquiring, as to the fate of any man, or of any thing, several thousand years into the future…Indeed, why would Jesus Christ implore His disciples to endure to the end, if the end to which He was referring, was thousands of years in the future?

    Take heed, that no man deceive you, were the first words of the response of Jesus Christ, to three very specific questions, put to Him by His disciples…Given this, how would it have been, if after such a stern warning about deception, Jesus Christ himself, would have proceeded with a decidedly deceptive description of events, thousands of years into the future, which would have no relevance whatsoever, to His disciples, or to anyone else of that time…and would have indeed left them, quite "deceived."

    Genuinely concerned for themselves and their families, the disciples of Jesus Christ asked Him, a series of specific questions, no doubt expecting answers relevant to their own lives, their families, and the lives of the Jewish people in general.

    Indeed, the Lord answered them, with one thing in mind…to prepare them for the traumatic events, that would shortly take place…The destruction of Jerusalem, and every town in Judea, was labeled by ancient historians, as the most soul-stirring struggle, of all ancient history…There occurred literally, a wholesale crucifixion, a symbolic stoning, of an entire nation of people.

    But, never disregard or underestimate, the ultimate promise that the God of Creation, has determined upon Israel and the Jewish people…Any, whose ultimate purpose would be, to harm the chosen people of God…they are surely to be pitied, for in taking-up arms against Israel, they war against the Lord of all Creation…and for them, there is no future.

    The second chapter of the Book of Daniel begins the essence of scripture most referenced in the contemporary End-Times doctrine of deception…Inside the 6th century BC Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar…Music of the harp and lyre were playing softly.

    The time is at hand…Summon the Hebrew, Belteshazzar, that he may do what these pretenders have been unable to do…For their lives, and his, will be found or lost, in his words, King Nebuchadnezzar commanded.

    Daniel (Belteshazzar) entered the King’s chambers, in the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar.

    Oh, King, Live forever, Daniel greeted the King.

    Nebuchadnezzar responded roughly, Are you able to make known to me, the dream which I have seen…and the interpretation?

    Nebuchadnezzar chastised one of his magicians, Mind your place…Your fate, is no longer in your own hands.

    Daniel confidently responded, Oh King, there is the God of Heaven, who reveals secrets…And it is He, who shall make known to King Nebuchadnezzar, what shall be, in the latter days.

    Daniel continued to describe the statue envisioned by Nebuchadnezzar, as he gestured with his hands, the description of the portion of the statue which represented The Roman Empire…the legs and feet of a mixture of iron and clay.

    Daniel (Belteshazzar) spoke to the King, …and the 4th Kingdom shall be of iron and shall be much stronger than the previous…And as it is the nature of iron, it shall break much into pieces.

    "But as the foundation of this Kingdom, is of iron mixed with clay, they (the Romans) shall mix their seed with the seed of Israel…But they shall not be as one, as iron does not mix with clay…And, Oh King, in the days of this Kingdom of iron and clay, (The Roman Empire) the God of Heaven, He shall set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed."

    And, as you saw in your vision, the Kingdom of God, shall break in pieces, and consume all other kingdoms…And His Kingdom, shall stand forever…As you saw the stone, not cut by human hands, break into pieces, the iron, the brass, the silver, the clay and the gold…This stone" shall grow into a Mountain (The Kingdom of Heaven, the New Jerusalem) and shall cover the whole Earth."

    Biblically, cities were often referred to as mountains…This Mountain in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar…is the Kingdom of Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven, the New Jerusalem, the New Earth, of The Book of Revelation.

    Nebuchadnezzar spoke, Belteshazzar (Daniel)…You have certainly spoken the truth…Your God, is the God of Gods, and the Lord of Kings, the revealer of secrets…To this, I can surely testify this day.

    This small rock…What a witness to the Power of the Lord, that He seems to always use something small…in fact sometimes nothing, relative to the challenge, to build or defeat something very large and seemingly very powerful…Goliath was huge; David was so tiny, he was laughable…Goliath had huge weapons…David had small pebbles…Again, a laughable scenario if there ever was one…With a little boy’s lunch, of a few fishes and some bread, Jesus Christ fed 5,000 men and their families…Israel, is one of the smallest nations in the world, yet by the will of God, one of the most powerful.

    In acknowledging the three kingdoms, represented by the gold, silver and bronze components, of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, little doubt remains as to the identity of the 4th kingdom represented, by the legs and feet, made of iron and clay…They are the first-century Roman Empire, and its political and religious components…And certainly not some 21st century, reassembled version, of the Roman Empire.

    Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and the stone which smashed the statue, represented the future collapse, of Satan’s rule in the kingdoms of man, as God would bring to a close His Old Covenant, and the end of the Age of the Jews.

    The fragile nature of the Roman Empire, in the years following 70 AD, was manifested in Rome’s attempt to assimilate the many political and religious factions…The attempt by the Roman Empire to mingle Rome’s idolatry-based religions, The Imperial Cult of Rome, and genius worship of princeps, which we will later explain in great detail, with the New Rabbinical Judaism, after the destruction of Jerusalem, Judea, was a fundamental stake in the heart of the Roman Empire.

    The destruction of all the elements, associated with Old Covenant, sacrificial Judaism, right down to the destruction of the genealogical records, required to determine Aaronic descendants, was specifically purposed by the Lord of Creation.

    Judaism allowed only the descendants of Aaron to become the High Priests of the Jewish people, and the Temple Sagans, or Temple Captains…This Old Covenant system of religion had to die before the birth of God’s New Covenant could take place…In God’s world, something must die in order that the Old can be replaced by the New.

    All the elements of Old Covenant Judaism were destroyed, burned with fervent heat, as the Apostle Peter prophesied…The articles of Old Covenant Judaism are referred to as elements throughout the Bible…The Apostle Peter, nor indeed anyone of that time, had any idea of any of the elements, of the modern Periodic Table, as chemical components of the rocks of the Earth…Peter was in no way, referring to the entire Earth as to…burn with fervent heat, but the elements of Jewish worship.

    When God cleansed, He cleansed with fire…Why would God’s entire creation, have been in need of cleansing?…But only the elements of man’s hand, which were the elements of a form of worship no longer legitimate, no longer recognized, and no longer tolerated, by the Lord of Creation…We must stop for a second and just consider the brilliance in the plan of God for man’s reconciliation.

    These two religious factions, The Imperial Cult of Rome and genius worship of princeps, along with the New Rabbinical Judaism," had enormous influence and authority, and conspired to persecute post 70 AD Christians…And in the days of these kings, Daniel, chapter 2, verse 44, can be in reference to nothing, but the Emperors, the Caesars, of the Roman Empire, from beginning to end…from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Vespasian.

    The 10 horns on the Beast of Revelation, including general Titus, who would eventually become Emperor Titus, the second little horn of the Book of Daniel…and to the last Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, considered by historians, as a usurper who reigned only eleven months, even over the official death, of the Roman Empire, in 475 AD.

    But The Book of Revelation, specifically refers to an 8 king, which will be sensibly and thoroughly defined, in Part Two of this work…Thus, the latter days, referred to in Daniel, chapter 2, verse 28, was speaking of things relevant to the Jewish people…the end of the Jewish age…the end of God’s Old Covenant…certainly not the days, occupied by men of the 21st century.

    Consider this…To whom and for whom were these prophecies intended?...We must consider, understand, and acknowledge the profound significance of audience relevance, and the urgency in God’s purpose for the Jews and followers of Jesus Christ…If not, we have no chance of understanding the intended purpose and Truth of God’s Word…Let us continue, on this journey of Truth and discovery.

    The Prophet Daniel, near the edge of the River Ulai, which is the last 100 miles or so, of the Karoon River, which feeds the Euphrates River from the northeast, just north of the Persian Gulf.

    Daniel was on his knees praying, Oh Lord, as written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us…yet we have not called on the Lord our God in prayer…that we should turn from our iniquities, and understand your Truth...Therefore, the Lord has seen the evil in our ways, and grieved that it is so…for the Lord is righteous in all His works, yet we have not obeyed His voice.

    In The Book of Revelation, the term angel, which is used to define spiritual components of the visions of John the Apostle, but represent literal men of literal events, that were to take place in and around Jerusalem.

    The angel Gabriel appeared…Daniel and the angel Gabriel began to speak.

    Lord, you are the man Gabriel…the messenger of God…whom I had seen in the vision before, Daniel spoke, somewhat fearful.

    The angel Gabriel responded, Oh Daniel, man greatly beloved…I have come forth to give you skill to understand…490 years, even as seventy weeks" of years, have been determined upon your people, and upon Jerusalem, to accomplish these things…(1) to finish the transgression…(2) to make an end of sin…(3) to make reconciliation for iniquities…(4) to bring in everlasting righteousness…(5) to seal-up the vision and prophecy…(6) and to anoint the Most Holy.

    Know this, and understand, that from the time of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, until the witness of Messiah the Prince, (Christ is referred to as prince," until He is anointed the Most Holy) there shall be 483 years, even as 7 weeks of years, and 62 weeks of years."

    "And after the 483 years, (3½ years after the ministry and witness of Jesus Christ began) Messiah (Jesus Christ) shall be cutoff, (cut-off from the Spirit of God) even as the purpose of His coming, but not because of Himself."

    And then, the people (Roman soldiers) of the prince" (Titus) that is to come, shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the Holy Sanctuary, and the end shall be with a flood, (a flood of Roman soldiers) and to the end of the war, Jerusalem, Judea shall be desolate." (Desolate of God and the Holy Spirit)

    And he, (Titus) the prince of the people that destroy Jerusalem, and the Temple, shall have confirmed a covenant with many (10 nations around Israel, who were made allies of Rome) for one week, of years…And at the middle of the seven-years (the 5-month siege of Jerusalem) he (Titus) shall cause the sacrifices to cease.

    This taking away of the sacrifices, by the Roman General Titus, was the third and final, of the three cessations of the Jewish sacrifices spoken of in the Book of Daniel…But, the second cessation of the sacrifices, of which the angel Gabriel spoke in the last verses of the Book of Daniel, and which was the catalyst for the war with the Roman Empire, was accomplished in 66 AD, by the "son of perdition," spoken of by Paul the Apostle.

    The contemporary End-Times doctrine of deception, acknowledges only a single cessation of the Jewish sacrifices…Be certain of this…There are three (3) cessations of Jewish sacrifices spoken of in the Book of Daniel, with the first and the third being accomplished by each of the two little horns, which profoundly affected the lives of the Jewish people…The first cessation occurred in 168 BC, by Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

    The third and final, cessation of Jewish sacrifices, occurred as the Temple, and the whole of Jerusalem, was destroyed by General Titus and the Roman armies, in the summer of 70 AD.

    The second cessation of sacrifices, which stopped the Jewish sacrifices to the Roman Caesars, was accomplished in 66 AD, by the son of perdition, the Jewish Temple Captain, Eleazar ben Ananias, and was the catalyst for the Jewish war with the Roman Empire.

    This second cessation of sacrifices in 66 AD, was the event spoken of by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Daniel, in chapter 12, verse 11, as the sacrifices were taken away…and 1,290 days later, the abomination of desolation was set-up…All these events and numbers had profound meaning to the seven churches in Asia, and to us, as we seek to thoroughly understand God’s purpose for this time in history.

    "One hour," not necessarily a length of time, as in 60 minutes…But certainly the ominous Hour, spoken of by Jesus Christ, as His coming…and the 10 horns without crowns, in The Revelation, are given authority for one hour, by the Beast…This is the same one-week covenant, spoken by the angel Gabriel to Daniel…one hour, one week…or whatever time was required for the ordeal to conclude…for seven years, even one week of years…or to be understood by the 10 allied nations (10 horns without crowns) of Titus, as for the duration of the war.

    And in the middle of the seven years, the five-month siege of Jerusalem, which divided the war into equal 3½ year parts, Titus shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to end, and that for eternity…And by the extent of his (Titus’) abomination, he shall make all desolate, even until the consummation, all misery shall be upon the desolate.

    The angel Gabriel spoke to assure Daniel, Be strong Daniel…Yes, be strong.

    Lord, strengthen your servant, as I have heard the words of your messenger, and know these things must be so, Daniel responded.

    The angel Gabriel had just assured Daniel, of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, the end of sacrificial Judaism, along with the culmination of six specific events, including the End of the Age.

    Daniel responded, I hear the man Gabriel, whom you sent to me Lord; but I do not understand.

    The angel Gabriel further assured Daniel of what was to come, "And at that time, even the time of the end of the age, the angel Michael, who stands watch over the sons of your people, he shall stand up…And there will be a time of trouble, trouble so severe that such has not been, nor will be equaled while man is on the earth."

    "Many of your people will be saved, everyone who is found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…And many of them who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, (Daniel 12:2, this is the 1st Resurrection) some to everlasting life, others to everlasting shame and contempt…But you Daniel…Shut up the words and seal the book…For the words are for those of the time of the end of the ageMany will run to and fro, as they flee, the flood…And knowledge of the Word of God will increase."

    I Daniel then saw two men…One on this river bank, and the other on that river bank…And I heard one man ask the other man, Daniel spoke of his vision.

    The man (angel) on the river bank spoke, "How long will these things last at the end of the age?

    Man (angel) on the other river bank, spoke, as he held up his hands to the God of Heaven and did swear by Him, "It will be for a time, times and half a time, even for 3½ years, 1,260 days, 42 months…And when the power of the Hebrew people (the Holy people, the Jewish people) have been completely scatteredall (all means all, not some) these things (the six requirements) will be finished."

    The Jewish people were scattered throughout the known world of the Roman Empire, in the year 70 AD, and the years immediately thereafter.

    Daniel the Prophet spoke to Gabriel, Lord, how can I understand these things?...For what should I be aware, as to the end of these things?

    "Go your way Daniel…For these words are for those to understand, at the time of the "end of the age"…Many, upon being tested, will be purified, by the Word of God, and cleansed…The wicked will do wickedly, and none of the wicked, will understand…But the wise will understand."

    "And from the time, that the daily sacrifice is taken away, until the time that the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days…Blessed are those who wait, and come to the 1,335 days…But you Daniel…Go your way…For you will rise to your inheritance…at the end of the days.

    The 12th chapter of the Book of Daniel contains profound words spoken by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Daniel…Gabriel was further describing to Daniel, events that define, "the end of the days"…the end of the age…the last time…the last hour…Again, we will discuss this in much more detail, in Part Two of this work…But of that time, (when the earth was reaped) "no one knows"…Not even the angels in Heaven, but the Father only…All other relevant events, and their dates and times, we now know almost exactly.

    God ended the age of the Jews, as the Jewish Temple and the altar of God, where all the counterfeit sacrifices had taken place, were completely destroyed…Given, the supreme and only necessary sacrifice, had already been made by Jesus Christ.

    The earth was reaped at a specific instant in time, and it is that time which no one knowsThe 1st resurrection, of the righteous dead, as well as the Judgement of the unrighteous dead, occurred at a specific instant in time, and of this time, it is clearly stated…All these events will be clearly understood, as part of the purpose of this work.

    Prior to the initiating this work of Truth, this question was asked, Lord, are we being too harsh, or failing to understand, what You may have inspired, in those who insist on corrupting the Truth of Your Word?

    The Lord responded very clearly…None have considered the measure of harshness, in their corruption of My Words…Thus, I will consider no virtue in subtlety, regarding the defense of the Truth of My WordsI AM…weary of the lies."

    We will relate such Truth, as related to us by the God of Creation, but we will not argue at length about dates…But regarding specific numbers, in Bible scripture, there is no room for argument…The Prophet Daniel gave specifically, the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, whose reign began in 605 BC, as to the time of the King’s dream…But Daniel was part of the first deportation, of Jews, by the Babylonians, from Jerusalem in 606 BC, shortly before the death of King Nabopolassar, the father of Nebuchadnezzar.

    In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon, by diverting the River Euphrates, drying it up, if you will…and walked across, in not more than knee-deep water, nonetheless unopposed, right into Babylon.

    Allow me to emphasize here, something peculiar to God’s Word…When The Lord required specifics, regarding dimensions, numbers of participants, or the dates of future events, He gave very specific numbers…To the contrary, the term, "one-thousand," was used in many scriptures, as a generic term to represent, a long time or a lot of something…The same applies to the term, one-third, which was a Jewish Rabbinical term, used to imply many or much…which is used extensively in The Book of Revelation…We cannot take these expressions, one-third, and one-thousand, and apply them literally at our discretion.

    The intended audience for those words of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the seven Asian churches, they would have readily understood the meaning of these expressions…When the angel Gabriel expressed 483 years, from the time of the decree, by the Persian King Artaxerxes in 457 BC, to God’s servant Nehemiah, to re-build Jerusalem, until the beginning of the ministry of the Messiah, Jesus Christ…To the day, there was no margin of error, as will be clearly evident in Part Two of this work.

    For some time, many were given to acknowledging Cyrus the Great, as the one who uttered the command to rebuild Jerusalem…Indeed, Cyrus the Great is beloved in Bible scriptures, and was to the Jewish people, a deliverer of sorts…as it was he, who delivered the Jews, from bondage in Babylon, in 536 BC…indeed exactly 70 years after the desolation, of Jerusalem had begun, and the time that the Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem…Cyrus did declare, that the Jews should re-build their temple…But, Cyrus unfortunately died in 530 BC.

    Obviously, Gabriel was not speaking of Cyrus the Great, in his prophesy to Daniel…There are also those who claim the 20th year of the reign of Artaxerxes, or 445 BC, as the year of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem…We applied a lot of time to this subject…through computer rendered dates, taking into consideration, all the intricacies of the Hebrew calendar, and the widely acknowledged date, of the birth of Christ…and the beginning of Christ’s public ministry, as He was declared The Messiah, by John the Baptist.

    Jesus Christ was born in the Hebrew year 3,758, or 4-3 BC…His public ministry, and acknowledgement as Messiah, began in 3,788 or 26-27 AD…minus 483 years, is the year 456-457…There exists little cause to even attempt to rationalize a 12 year discrepancy here…Thus, we can find no validity in this date of 445 BC.

    The prophecies, in the Book of Daniel were so incredibly accurate, some historians had suggested the entire Book must have been written, after the fact…This notion is sufficiently absurd, as to warrant no further discussion.

    We have indeed entered the heart, of the prophecy of the Book of Daniel…and coincidently, the beginning of the heart of the deception, of the contemporary End-Times horror stories, which have corrupted the Word of God, and induced fear and confusion into the hearts, minds and lives, of millions of Christian believers.

    The last six chapters of the Book of Daniel, along with many other Bible scriptures, have been systematically disassembled, and reassembled, to suit the story-line of many an End-Times book or movie, then presented and accepted as truth…End-Times scenarios, which have slowly shaped the Christian belief system, such that more faith is being applied to these fictitious, future events, than in the Truth of the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    By the will of the Lord, the purpose of this work is to expose the staggering depth of this deception, and to offer the True purpose of God’s prophetic scripture, to those who would reverence Truth, over man’s intensely false doctrine.

    The Biblical end of the days, or what is sometimes described in the Bible as, the time of the end, gives the description of future events, which were to profoundly affect the Jewish people of that day…all designed by God, to culminate in the end of the Jewish age…the end of sacrificial Judaism and its relevance, and the end of God’s Old Covenant with the Jewish people…And when God declared that anything should end…something New, and much better, would certainly take its place.

    This term, the end of the days, and what is termed the earth and the sea, have been major stumbling-blocks, in the contemporary End-Times effort to offer anything in line with the intended understanding of God’s Word…It seems, the end of the days, in order to properly stimulate, and to induce fear and dread, must be intended to describe the imminent and cataclysmic, End of the World…The purpose of this work of Truth, is to provide the opportunity for understanding, as the Lord of Creation intended.

    The beginning of God’s New Covenant with man, free of the burdens of The Law…through the blood of Jesus Christ, was the ultimate purpose of God’s, End of the Age...By the words of scripture, the time referred to as the end of the days, is comprised in events which occurred primarily, in the last two centuries BC through 74 AD.

    The scriptural and historical relevance, of the entire ninth chapter of the Book of Daniel, has been mutilated, in order to mingle it, with various other scriptures, twisted to produce the avalanche of contemporary End-Times horror stories…Decoded this and decoded that…It is truly amazing, the lengths that man has been willing to go, in order to create fear and confusion, and then to exploit the same, for his own enrichment.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste…We all remember that phrase, and the origin of it…"Crisis," leads to fear and confusion…Fear and confusion, lead to vulnerability in the people…Then come the books, CD’s, DVD’s, and sermons on…How to Live a Life Free of Fear and Confusion…And even in the intervention of government to exploit crisis for political gain, there is a profound message here.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste…That statement epitomizes the worst that man has to offer…simply because it reflects the condition of man’s heart, void of God…The basic message here is, Induce crisis, and then use it to your advantage…This level of greed, arrogance and lust for power, that would drive men, not only to systematically induce fear and confusion, but to then exploit those who have credited their fear and confusion, to their own inability to understand, is truly offensive…This work of Truth will free us from dependence on the deceitful End-Times doctrine of deception.

    The 10th and 11th chapters of the Book of Daniel are dealing primarily, with the Jewish Maccabean victory, over the Seleucid Empire, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, from 175 BC to 165 BC.

    Antiochus IV Epiphanes, in contemporary terms, could be considered as a pre-Christian antichrist...The historical account of the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, was prophesied absolutely to the letter, by the angel Gabriel, to Daniel, nearly 400 years before the events took place…Again, much more detail concerning this time in history and how it relates to the contemporary End-Times deception, will be revealed in Part Two, of this work.

    The dates 30 AD through 70 AD, 40 years of God’s little season of testing and trial, are considered as the time of the Apostles, wars and rumors of wars famines, pestilences, false prophets.

    Given the many skirmishes and uprisings within the Roman Empire after the death of Nero in the summer of 68 AD, the Roman Empire was thought to be crumbling, in its death throws…Enter the purpose of the 8th king.

    Numbers, and their use in defining the purpose of the Lord, are very significant…This 40 year span of time stands out, as it does 146 times in scripture, as a period of trial, testing or probation, involving the Jewish people…In the words of Jesus Christ in Revelation, chapter 3, verse 10…to test those who dwell in the earth.

    Chapter Three

    Time of the Apostles

    Wars and rumors of wars, famines

    Pestilence, false prophets, earthquakes in various places

    The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, for the salvation of men, infuriated Satan…Surely, he had won a great victory, when Christ was crucified…As usual, Satan was profoundly wrong…It was a bad time for the ole’ boy...He lost his cushy job in Heaven which was to accuse the brethren day and night ...The brethren now have an advocate…The lawyer of all lawyers is for us, so who could be against us? …God no longer acknowledges the sins, past, present or future, of those having placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation…There was no point in Satan being allowed to accuse anyone, any longer.

    Jesus Christ told His disciples that He saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven to the earth"…Literally and spiritually, in the scriptures, the Jewish Promised Land, the Jewish people in general, are considered and referred to as the earth.

    Satan had a very short time, 40 years, God’s appointed time, or little season, after the days of Jesus Christ, until God Almighty would close the age of the Jews…He would end the Old Covenant with the Jewish people…and begin His New Covenant of salvation for all mankind...The Lord would put Satan symbolically, in chains, for a very long time…In that 40 year span of time, Satan stirred wars and rumors of wars, deceived entire nations…specifically, the nations of the Roman Empire.

    The extent of wickedness, famines, pestilences and false prophets in and around Judea, was unparalleled before or since…Such a time of sorrow had never been borne by a people, as were these times, long since prophesied in the Books of Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel and others, on the Jewish people…a people chosen by God Almighty to represent, and to loudly declare to every age, man’s desperation for the grace and mercy of The Lord…and to underscore, the black heart of man, void of God.

    Be sure of this point…The Jewish people fared as well as any people could have…No people, without the Helper, the Comforter…the Holy Spirit, could have possibly pleased the Creator of the Universe…Such was God’s profound purpose in the Old Covenant and in the the age of the Jews, surely not merely to torment the Jewish people.

    Even so, during those 40 years, as the rest of the known world was experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, the Jewish people had rejected Jesus Christ…And in rejecting the Savior of the world, the Holy Spirit had been rejected as well.

    The Lord purposed that Satan should focus all his power onto the Roman Empire, to persecute, torment and ultimately destroy Jerusalem, Judea, the Jewish Temple, and all the elements and significance of Ole Testament, sacrificial Judaism.

    The Jewish people, whose hearts had been darkened by the rejection of God’s salvation, had no defense against Satan’s assault…The intense tribulation of first-century Israel, manifested in the rejection of the Truth of Jesus Christ, God’s One and only offer of salvation, was all part of God’s intended message to all future generations…As God closed His Old Covenant and began His New Covenant for the salvation of man, the consequences of such rejection, had thus been well established.

    Within the scope and purpose of this work, it would be unrealistic, to attempt a detailed account of the many wars, skirmishes and rumors of wars that abound in and around Israel, in the decades after Jesus Christ…not to mention, the famines, pestilences and many false prophets of that time…But we will highlight, those events which defined the times, and those which were most relevant to the Jewish people…and the extent to which Satan will prevail, if given free reign…Evidenced as Satan’s entire focus was on the Roman Empire, as it became the diabolical and hellish Beast of the Sea, of The Book of Revelation.

    In the Palace of Herod Antipas, King of Judea, 36 AD…three years before his death…Herod Antipas was involved in that which he was most gifted, ranting about John the Baptist, and his spurned former wife, the daughter of an Arabian King named Aretas, who had since determined that Herod Antipas was in line for punishment for the mistreatment of his daughter.

    Herod Antipas, angry and upset, spoke in the presence of noblemen, Which one of these noted scholars should have an answer to this?…Why is it, that I should have married a Nabataean (Arab) woman?...Because my father was of Nabataean decent?

    But, I must admit, she was very skilled, with cleaning-up behind my camels.

    Herod Antipas stood and began pacing.

    As I surely perceived, that the gods themselves, had decided for me to send Phasaelis away…and to marry my brother’s wife Herodias and…I tell you, it is nearly two years, since my half-brother Philip left this world, and over eight years since I was chastised, by that cursed Baptist.

    Herod Antipas gestured wildly.

    Even now, Aretas the King, the father of my spurned wife Phasaelis, has decided that somehow, after all this time, I should be punished for insulting his daughter…This Arabian King, is suddenly with vengeance in his heart, after these many years...He shall learn the consequences, even of considering to antagonize, the King of a Roman province.

    My husband…Forgive me…But I have heard of this Arabian King…He is mighty, and with much influence, and many allies in this region, added Herodias.

    Herod Antipas was incensed by his wife’s remark...He loudly retorted.

    Strength…What of my strength?...And what of my influence, my dear wife…I will greet him and his army, as I greeted that Baptist…To remove the head of any and all, who oppose me, should be my greatest pleasure, Herod loudly proclaimed.

    A battle did indeed take place, between the forces of King Aretas and Herod Antipas, resulting in a most valuable lesson learned…But not to be learned by King Aretas…But by Herod Antipas, as his entire army was completely destroyed, by the soldiers of King Aretas.

    It seems simple for one to arrogantly declare, that which he has in mind to do…Unfortunately, for the soldiers of Herod Antipas, the soldiers of King Aretas, seemed totally unaware that their defeat, had been all but assured by Herod Antipas…Perhaps Herod should have sent an emissary to inform the soldiers of Aretas, the certainty of their demise.

    Shortly thereafter, as Aretas was not exactly in good standing with Rome, Herod Antipas appealed to Vitellius, the King of Syria to avenge him on King Aretas…With the order from Emperor Tiberius, the King of Syria was gearing-up to do as Herod Antipas had requested.

    Unfortunately for Herod Antipas, Tiberius died; then along came the mad Emperor, Caligula, who ordered Herod Antipas exiled in 39 AD, where he subsequently died of a mysterious illness…The order to attack Aretas was negated, and the Jews proclaimed the defeat and death of Herod Antipas, as God’s vengeance, for the death of John the Baptist…which may well have figured into the Lord’s plan.

    Jewish relations with Rome steadily deteriorated during the first century AD…Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, nicknamed Caligula…which translates, little soldier’s boot; he was termed by many as the mad Emperor.

    Germanicus, Caligula’s father, was the nephew and adopted son of Tiberius…and was also beloved in the Roman Empire…It was not uncommon, during these times, for adults to adopt adults, even to gain political leverage.

    Caligula would accompany his beloved father Germanicus, on military campaigns, as young as three years of age…He wore boots, fashioned from boots worn by adult Roman soldiers…Caligula, a nickname which he grew to despise, had a very sorted upbringing, being bounced from one guardian to the next, after the death of his father Germanicus, in 19 AD…And by as early as 31 AD, at the age of 19 years, the historian Suetonius wrote, even then he had become cruel and vicious.

    Caligula and his sisters had become virtual prisoners of Tiberius, who brought Caligula to the Isle of Capri, where his intention was thought to have been to leave him there, declaringI am raising a viper and a Phaethon for the world…Phaethon, was a young boy of Greek mythology, who had to be killed by Zeus, lest the young lad should, burn up the earth, driving his father Apollo’s chariot, wildly across the universe…But, by befriending an ally of his father, namely Macro, one of Tiberius’ close guards, Caligula actually managed to gain the favor of Tiberius, and in 35 AD, was appointed heir to the throne.

    At 78 years of age, Tiberius died in March of 37 AD, a death well received by most of the Empire, as he was despised throughout…But it is widely believed, that he did not die naturally…as was the case, with most Roman rulers, of that day.

    Caligula was outside the Palace, speaking to Macro, the Praetorian Prefect and his personal bodyguard.

    I should need to enlist your assistance in something my friend, as you were a close confidant of Tiberius…But I know, in your heart, you shared the contempt, of the rest of the Empire, Caligula plotted.

    Lord Caesar, how might I serve Rome this day? Macro responded.

    There exists, a portion of the will of Tiberius, which troubles me, Caligula proclaimed.

    Macro responded, chuckling, Even before you speak, I know the source of your troubled mind.

    Indeed?...That should then conveniently require of me, less explanation…Nevertheless, the legitimate grandson of Tiberius, is of little consideration to me, declared Caligula.

    You speak of Gemellus, Macro responded.

    That I do…I wish to nullify his portion of the will of Tiberius…which would add much leverage to my plans, Caligula proudly proclaimed.

    And how would Lord Caesar accomplish such as this? Macro inquired.

    Caligula responded, grinning slyly, By reason of insanity of Tiberius, at the time of his will…A sad condition, as it turns out…To which you my friend, will gladly testify.

    I was the first guard of Tiberius…This condition you speak of…It will meet with no resistance…I am certain of that…with the possible exception of Gemellus, Macro responded, as both men smiled, having concluded their sinister plotting.

    In 37 AD, Caligula gleefully ascended the throne, vacated by the death of Tiberius…For the first few months, Caligula was generous of spirit…excessively so, it would turn out…But in October of that same year, he fell deathly ill…Some say he was poisoned…He recovered; but as a result, he was turned toward the diabolical, bordering on insanity, from that day forward.

    Paranoid of all those close to him, Caligula had his cousin, and by that time, adopted son, Gemellus executed…His father-in-law, and brother-in-law, were also executed, just to mention a few.

    Common to most Emperors of the Roman Empire, they were bloodthirsty to a degree that is difficult to acknowledge…Caligula, spared his uncle Claudius, only to be used as a laughing stock, due to his physical infirmities…He fined, and even executed, individuals, to get to their estates…He was a lavish spender on crazy projects…and taxed everything…lawsuits, weddings, prostitution…even to the point of auctioning the very lives of his gladiators.

    In 40 AD, came the claims of divinity…Caligula was quoted as declaring, Let there be one lord, one king of kingsand he was hardly referring to Jesus Christ…He would appear, often in public, dressed as one of the many Roman gods.

    By this time, anyone referring to him as Caligula, would have been executed…It seemed, Satan had complete control, of the first-century Roman Empire…All according to the plan and purpose of the Lord of Creation.

    In the chambers of the Senate Hall, Senators loudly clamored, as quiet was demanded by one of Caligula’s Praetorian Guard.

    Caligula spoke to the Senators, This day, this Senatorial session, is opened with this decree…I, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, shall from this day forward, having attained the status of living god…shall be worshiped as such…Even such, as to this body of noble Senators.

    There was much grumbling and muffled speech from the Senators, shaking heads, troubled expressions, and whispering to each other, over the startling statement of Caligula.

    One of the Senators stood and nervously spoke, All due respect Lord Caesar…But, only deceased Emperors, may be worshiped as divine in Rome…In the East, this is legal, and thus practiced…But not so in Rome…As the Law would have it, Lord.

    The Senator was interrupted as he prepared to seat himself.

    No, no Senator…Remain standing…You are? Caligula demanded.

    My name Lord Caesar…

    The extremely nervous Senator swallowed hard.

    …is Lucius Albius Silvanus, the Senator responded.

    Well, Lucius Albius Silvanus…the exceedingly conscientious Senator…who ascribes wholly to the law, Caligula spoke loudly.

    You have spoken correctly Lord Caesar, the Senator responded.

    For the consideration of everyone here…What then, is the value of the property, to which Lucius Albius Silvanus, claims ownership? Caligula questioned.

    The Senator, somewhat bemused by the nature of the question, responded, At last audit Lord Caesar…A value of 885,000 sesterces was assessed…But I must admit, to a lack of understanding, with regard to this question.

    Caligula, angered, sarcastically responded, Really…Well your lack of understanding Senator…it shall be a very temporary condition, I assure you…Guards…Have the Senator removed from the chambers of this Senate…and barred from entering hereafter.

    Two guards rushed to the side of the exceedingly shocked Senator…They laid-hold of him to remove him from the Senate chambers.

    Caligula, laughing, arrogantly declared, The former Senator…he who is dedicated wholly to the law…How is it that he would not then know…that by the law, to which he claims such loyalty…the property of a Senator, shall assess for no less than 1,000,000 sesterces, in order to participate in this privileged forum of men.

    Are there any remaining Senators, in need of audit at this time?...Or, is there more dissention, with regard to my proclamation?

    There was soft muttering in the senate chambers, but otherwise silence.

    Caligula commanded, Let this be known…and let it occupy you constantly…To all," who would dare address me, as though to a mere mortal…I have existed, before the morning of the world…I shall exist until the last star, falls from the night…Although I have taken the form of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, I am all men, as I am no man, and therefore, I am a god…Thus, I have spoken it…and it shall be so…You shall be rewarded for your honor…But, quite the opposite shall be so, otherwise…Good day to you, my loyal Senators."

    The intense level of paranoia, which was controlling Caligula’s every decision, was about to incite a war, which may well have escalated into the time of, great tribulation, spoken of by Jesus Christ to His disciples…Only one thing stopped it…It was not in God’s timing…Nonetheless, these events reflected the depth of depravity, having a death grip on the Roman Empire…only to further digress, until The Beast of the Sea was ultimately dealt its eternal fate.

    Financial crises, and famine, were the ultimate results of Caligula’s lavish spending, and insane, senseless projects…one of which, stopped grain shipments, as Caligula used all the grain boats of the Roman Empire, to build a pontoon bridge, to rival a similar bridge, built by the Persian King…He had little tolerance for being upstaged by any of his contemporaries.

    By late 40 AD, Caligula’s relationship with the Senate, had deteriorated beyond repair…He had the heads of statues, of Roman gods, removed and replaced, with his own image…As there were no more criminals, and he was bored, Caligula ordered an entire section of people, at the Coliseum, thrown into the arena, to be torn apart, by wild animals…Satan delighted, in this Caligula…and indeed, the entire Roman Empire…But, Caligula could be considered an altar boy, when compared to the human manifestation, of The Beast…in the Emperor who was to follow his successor."

    Caligula was inside his Palace, ranting to soldiers and to his Praetorian Prefects of the religious practices of the Jews in Judea, and the manner he had in mind to correct their misguided form of worship.

    I decree this day, that this invisible god, so fervently worshiped in Judea…in the Temple of the Jews, in Jerusalem…This god shall be replaced, by the god of all gods…Have your fastest ships dispatched to Petronius, the King of Syria…Take this order…My statue, and my statue only, shall stand in the Temple of the Jews…Petronius shall see to this, by whatever means he deems necessary…And any resistance shall be quickly put down…These Jews will know, for whom true worship, is intended…from this day forward, Caligula loudly declared.

    Those in attendance gasped, astonished by Caligula’s order, as they were not as insane as he, and well knew that the Jews, by no means, would stand in line, waiting to worship this Caligula.

    In the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, as the order was given by the Syrian King Petronius to the Sanhedrin, Jewish High Priest, Theophilus ben Ananias, the Temple Captain, many Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees were in attendance…Many Jews with their wives and children were present outside the Temple, to appeal to Petronius to reconsider the order from Caligula.

    Syrian King Petronius, read the order of Caligula, Citizens of Judea, a province of Rome…It is the order of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Emperor of Rome, that statues of his divine image, shall be erected in this Temple…And further worship of any other, is from this day forward, suspended…and shall be considered unlawful…and the violation of said order, will be dealt with most harshly.

    Theophilus ben Ananias, the Jewish High Priest, spoke an ardent appeal, Lord Petronius…With all due respect, we must appeal this disturbing decree of Caesar…The Jewish people…they must ascribe to the worship of our God, Elohim…and Him only…We cannot even consider, to erect a statue of Caesar, in this our Holy Temple…even in the outer parts of this land…much less to worship such a statue…Such will never be so.

    Are the Jewish people not aware, that I also am bound to the laws of my lord?…Just as I were to transgress his laws, I would surely seal my own fate…I am under command, just as you…This being said…Will the Jews, then make war against Caesar? Petronius questioned.

    Theophilus ben Ananias, sternly responded, "Do we not offer sacrifices, twice daily, for Caesar and the Roman people…The Jewish people will assure Lord Petronius, and Caesar, of this…Caesar, who desires to place his statues, and to be worshiped, in this the Temple of the Lord…He, Caesar…He will first be required to sacrifice, the entire Jewish nation."

    Petronius was astonished…so much so, that he was moved to sympathy, for the Jewish people…He immediately penned a letter to Galigula, praising the Jews, for their devotion to their God, and willingness to die for the same…Petronius petitioned Caligula, that the Jews should be allowed to continue their worship, and to countermand his order…Caligula answered in a most threatening manner…promising death for Petronius and the Jews.

    But, oddly enough…as the Jewish people were preparing for imminent war, the ship which was to deliver Caligula’s message to Petronius, was tossed by stormy seas, and lost for three months…Even as the ship that was to deliver the message of Caligula’s assassination, sailed a pleasant and timely voyage…It seems several of Caligula’s Praetorian Prefects, being fully aware of his insanity, had stabbed the Emperor 30 times…A Jewish war was averted, for the time being.

    This crisis of the reign of Galigula, was considered the first open break between the Jews, and the Roman Empire…For the next several decades, many profound events awaited the Jewish people, and the Roman Empire…events which would ultimately fulfill much Biblical prophecy…and begin the final temporal age of man.

    The quiet, meek, overly trusting, and at times, less than rational Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus inherited the throne…But, keep in mind how power effects men…Only two years were required for the Emperor Claudius to proclaim the Christian Jews of Alexandria, Egypt, the fomenters of a plague which infests the whole world…It seems, Christianity had found its way to Egypt, by 43 AD.

    Emperor Claudius ascended the throne in 41 AD…He was said to have been afflicted with cerebral palsy, made fun of and ridiculed by his own family…But later claimed he was faking in order to preserve his life from Caligula…In order to make himself appear more legitimate as a ruler, he dropped the cognomen Nero, and replaced it with Caesar.

    By 49 AD, Christianity was not yet totally distinct from Judaism in Rome…But, in the mind of Claudius, the spread of this Christianity had surely come to his notice…Much of his suspicions concerning the new Christian movement, no doubt came from his great friend Herod Agrippa I, who was the Herod spoken of in the Book of Acts, not Herod the Great or Herod Antipas.

    Agrippa took Christianity sufficiently serious, as to attempt to eliminate its leaders, the Apostles…He had a much deeper understanding of the uniqueness of the Christian movement, and its danger to the sovereign rule of the Roman Empire, than did Claudius.

    Agrippa I had ordered the execution of James, the brother of John the Apostle, in 44 AD…Not long thereafter, in the same year, Agrippa I was afflicted by an angel of God, with pestilence…and consumed by maggots…a fitting end to a living, breathing, human decomposition.

    The Emperor Claudius proceeded to expel all Christians, and non-Christian Jews from Rome, that in response to what he had heard, as to the origins of this mischievous Christian movement…the missing body of this Christus, having been stolen away by his followers, in the middle of the night, while the guards, were overcome by sleep…Claudius issued an order, of exceptionally harsh punishment, for tomb-spoliation, for such in his own words, had fostered a plague, which is now infesting the whole world,…This order was to be especially enforced, in the area in and around Judea…But Claudius was certainly correct in his assessment of something was growing, to ultimately cover the whole world.

    One interesting note…Toward the end of Claudius’ reign, in July of 51 AD, there was a new magistrate, appointed in Achaia…one Lucius Junius Gallio…Shortly after his arrival, the Jewish leaders in Corinth, accused the Apostle Paul of, persuading men to worship God, in ways contrary to the law…As recorded in the Gospel of Luke, their charges were

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