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Marcus Aurelius: Be Like the Cliff
Marcus Aurelius: Be Like the Cliff
Marcus Aurelius: Be Like the Cliff
Ebook66 pages42 minutes

Marcus Aurelius: Be Like the Cliff

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Marcus Aurelius was was the last of the so-called Five Good Emperors. He was Roman emperor from 161 to 180, ruling jointly with Lucius Verus until Verus' death in 169 and jointly with his son, Commodus, from 177.
During his reign, the Roman Empire defeated a revitalized Parthian Empire in the East. In central Europe, Aurelius fought the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Sarmatians with success during the Marcomannic Wars, although the threat of the Germanic peoples began to represent a troubling reality for the Empire. Persecution of Christians increased during his reign.
His death in 180 is considered the end of the Pax Romana and the increasing instability in the west that followed has traditionally been seen as the beginning of the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire
He was a practitioner of Stoicism, and his untitled writing, commonly known as Meditations, is a significant source of the modern understanding of ancient Stoic philosophy. It is considered by many commentators to be one of the greatest works of philosophy.

PublisherMaria Tsaneva
Release dateApr 25, 2018
Marcus Aurelius: Be Like the Cliff

Maria Tsaneva

I had worked for various Bulgarian publishing houses as illustrator and book designer, including Publishing house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia. Now I live in Bulgaria's capital Sofia. Since 2001, I have my own publishing company. I have daughter and two wonderful grandchildren - Danny and Dea. I am fluent in Russian language. My greatest hobby and passion is children's illustrations and to study the biographies of great artists.

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    Marcus Aurelius - Maria Tsaneva


    Marcus Aurelius was was the last of the so-called Five Good Emperors. He was Roman emperor from 161 to 180, ruling jointly with Lucius Verus until Verus' death in 169 and jointly with his son, Commodus, from 177.

    During his reign, the Roman Empire defeated a revitalized Parthian Empire in the East. In central Europe, Aurelius fought the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Sarmatians with success during the Marcomannic Wars, although the threat of the Germanic peoples began to represent a troubling reality for the Empire. Persecution of Christians increased during his reign.

    His death in 180 is considered the end of the Pax Romana and the increasing instability in the west that followed has traditionally been seen as the beginning of the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire

    He was a practitioner of Stoicism, and his untitled writing, commonly known as Meditations, is a significant source of the modern understanding of ancient Stoic philosophy. It is considered by many commentators to be one of the greatest works of philosophy.


    Марк Аврелий Антонин е последният от т.н. Петима Добри Императори. Той управлява Рим от 161 до 180 година, съвместно с Луций Вер до смъртта му през 169 г., а след 177 заедно със сина си Комод.

    По време на неговото управление, Римската империя сломява съпротивата на надигащата се Партска Изперия на изток. В Централна Европа, Император Марк Аврелий води успешно Маркоманската война, но заплахата от германско нашествие надвисва над Империята. В този период се усилват гоненията срещу християните.

    Неговата смърт през 180 г. се счита за края на Pax Romana и нарастващата нестабилност на запад, началото на края на Западната Римска Империя.

    Марк Аврелий е почитател на философията на стоицизма. Ето защо, неговите неозаглавени съчинения, които обикновено се наричат „Медитации /Към себе си"/, са важен и надежден източник за разбирането на философията на стоицизма. Според някои изследователи, това съчинение е един от най-великите философски трудове.


    A man should always have these two rules in readiness. First, to do only what the reason of your ruling and legislating faculties suggest for the service of man. Second, to change your opinion whenever anyone at hand sets you right and unsettles you in an opinion, but this change of opinion should come only because you are persuaded that something is just or to the public advantage, not because it appears pleasant or increases your reputation.

    Човек винаги трябва да има тези две правила в готовност. Първо, да правите само онова, което е във вашите властови и законодателни способности за доброто на хората. Второ, да променяте мнението си всеки път, когато някой ви посочи правилната посока, но тази промяна на мнението трябва да дойде само защото сте убедени, че това нещо е справедливо или в полза на обществото, а не защото ви изглежда приятно или увеличава репутацията ви.

    A Man's life is dyed the color of his imagination.

    Животът на човек е оцветен в цветовете на неговото въображение."

    A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.

    Богатството на един човек е толкова голямо, колкото струват неговите амбиции."

    "A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a

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