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A new pocket edition of this Conradian tale of maddening desire, from the master of the novella

On a sweltering ocean-liner travelling from India to Europe a passenger tells his story - the tale of a doctor in the Dutch East Indies torn between his duty and the pull of his emotions; a tale of power and maddening desire, of pride, shame and a headlong flight into folly.

Amok is one of the most intense and incisive of the tales that brought Stefan Zweig to worldwide fame.

Stefan Zweig was born in 1881 in Vienna, into a wealthy Austrian-Jewish family. He studied in Berlin and Vienna and was first known as a poet and translator, then as a biographer. Between the wars, Zweig was an international bestseller with a string of hugely popular novellas including Letter from an Unknown Woman, Amok and Fear. In 1934, with the rise of Nazism, he left Austria, and lived in London, Bath and New York - a period during which he produced his most celebrated works: his only novel, Beware of Pity, and his memoir, The World of Yesterday. He eventually settled in Brazil, where in 1942 he and his wife were found dead in an apparent double suicide. Much of his work is available from Pushkin Press.

PublisherPushkin Press
Release dateNov 2, 2017

Stefan Zweig

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, dessen Werke für ihre psychologische Raffinesse, emotionale Tiefe und stilistische Brillanz bekannt sind. Er wurde 1881 in Wien in eine jüdische Familie geboren. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in einem intellektuellen Umfeld, das seine spätere Karriere als Schriftsteller prägte. Zweig zeigte früh eine Begabung für Literatur und begann zu schreiben. Nach seinem Studium der Philosophie, Germanistik und Romanistik an der Universität Wien begann er seine Karriere als Schriftsteller und Journalist. Er reiste durch Europa und pflegte Kontakte zu prominenten zeitgenössischen Schriftstellern und Intellektuellen wie Rainer Maria Rilke, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann und James Joyce. Zweigs literarisches Schaffen umfasst Romane, Novellen, Essays, Dramen und Biografien. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken gehören "Die Welt von Gestern", eine autobiografische Darstellung seiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte und der Zeit vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg, sowie die "Schachnovelle", die die psychologischen Abgründe des menschlichen Geistes beschreibt. Mit dem Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland wurde Zweig aufgrund seiner Herkunft und seiner liberalen Ansichten zunehmend zur Zielscheibe der Nazis. Er verließ Österreich im Jahr 1934 und lebte in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern, bevor er schließlich ins Exil nach Brasilien emigrierte. Trotz seines Erfolgs und seiner weltweiten Anerkennung litt Zweig unter dem Verlust seiner Heimat und der Zerstörung der europäischen Kultur. 1942 nahm er sich gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Lotte das Leben in Petrópolis, Brasilien. Zweigs literarisches Erbe lebt weiter und sein Werk wird auch heute noch von Lesern auf der ganzen Welt geschätzt und bewundert.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    L'Amok del titolo è una passione furibonda e travolgente, che divora corpo e anima. Proprio su questo delirio dei sensi è incentrato il racconto di Zweig, che attraverso un lungo flashback narra la discesa agli inferi di un medico tedesco in servizio in un villaggio sperduto dell'Indonesia: l'incontro con una donna fatale sconvolgerà la sua vita nel giro di un istante, portandolo su una strada di morte e diperazione.Vista la brevità non c'è tempo per una caratterizzazione accurata dei personaggi e nemmeno per dipanare una trama ad ampio respiro, è un romanzo giocato tutto sulle atmosfere, che sono infatti straordinariamente vivide: ogni pagina trasuda sensualità e sarà fin troppo facile immergerci negli abissi di follia angosciosa del protagonista. Lo stile rispecchia questa visione ed è febbrile e concitato durante il racconto del medico, più posato e riflessivo quando a parlare è l'io narrante.Un libro originale e conturbante, ma come per "Novella degli scacchi" (con cui condivide la struttura), l'estrema brevità non gli permette di lasciare il segno.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A collection of 5 novellas/short stories with a common theme: the extremes of human passions that come out of nothing plunge a man into ruin. Frequently this passion is a forbidden one like lust or gambling, and the protagonists usually had it coming for a very long time. Not much is actually happening in these stories, but Zweig is a master of dissecting his characters in their descent into rawest emotions.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My first time reading Stefan Zweig. Read for February BOTM, Reading 1001. I enjoyed this short work exploring what it means to run Amok. I've heard of this term in discussions by mental health colleges so it was interesting to read this story. A man is unable to sleep and goes on deck, he finds himself standing by a stranger, a doctor, who confesses in the night why he is hiding in the dark from others on the boat. Its a bit of a mystery but mostly it is a psychological exploration of choices, consequences, responsibility and duty.