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At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?
At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?
At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?
Ebook431 pages4 hours

At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?

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Barack Obama has taken America to the brink of financial ruin. Will we be able to stop before we go over the edge? Author John Lott sounds the alarm as he documents the economic challenges we face with four more years of an Obama presidency, and builds an case for fundamental change—the kind we need to save America.
Release dateFeb 18, 2013
At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?

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    At the Brink - John R. Lott


    Table of Contents


    Title Page




    Fudging the Costs

    Three Big Lies

    Choosing Your Own Umpire

    The Attack on Religious Freedom

    How the Sausage Was Made

    How American Health Care Stacks Up

    American Satisfaction

    The Insured and the Uninsured

    What about the Canadian System?

    What Types of People Are Happiest with Their Health Care?

    American Health Care Isn’t So Bad after All

    The Cost of the Uninsured

    Other Excuses for Obamacare



    What Was Promised

    Misreading the Economy

    In My Wildest Dreams

    How Bad Was the Economy?

    Obama’s Jobless Recovery

    Obama’s Recovery and Shrink-to-Fit Incomes

    Any Way You Slice It

    Putting Keynesianism to the Test

    Austerity Works, Keynesianism Doesn’t

    So Would Things Have Been Worse without the Stimulus?

    Are Recoveries from Financial Crises Really That Slow?

    Who Got the Stimulus Money?



    What Is at Stake

    Mass Shootings and Gun Control

    Assault Weapons Bans and Crime Rates

    UN Arms Control Treaty

    Fast and Furious: the Government Lied, People Died



    Making It Hard to Fly

    Businessmen as Bad Guys

    Understanding Obama’s Dislike of Businessmen

    Ever More Regulations and Their Burden

    Socialist Takeovers

    The Future


    Taxes Affect Behavior

    What Is a Fair Tax Rate?

    The Buffett Rule

    Tax Rates in Other Countries

    Taxes and Growth

    An Orgy of Spending

    Our Government Was Already Very Large





    Copyright Page

    Praise for At the Brink

    Unlike so many, John Lott gets it. He understands precisely how devastating Barack Obama’s policies are in every important domestic area—the economy, health care, and crime. Lott also recognizes that Obama, with the help of a protective media, has shrewdly camouflaged his disastrous policies in propaganda and deceived American voters. But Lott is a master of the facts, and Obama’s record and propaganda disintegrate when met with facts.



    "John Lott’s latest book is chock full of sober, fact-driven analysis that is must-reading for anyone who wants a glimpse of our near future. At the Brink is destined to become as important a book as More Guns, Less Crime, and could just as well be titled More Government, Less Wealth. "



    America is standing at the precipice, ready to tumble into a pit of high taxes, ever higher spending, and unsustainable debt. Barack Obama has been pushing from behind, with his stimulus, health care law, and now his gun-grabbing. Have we reached the point of no return? With his characteristic attention to detail, John Lott documents how we got here and shows us the way back.



    "Marshalling evidence on Obamacare, the stimulus and other spending, expanding regulation, gun control, and looming tax increases, At the Brink paints a compelling and highly readable picture of the Obama administration’s policy failures."



    "John Lott offers readers an exceptionally clear, understandable, and devastating critique of President Obama’s leading policy initiatives, from Obamacare to economic stimulus, gun control, business regulation, and tax policy. I particularly enjoyed Lott’s rebuttal of Obama’s economic stimulus efforts, which is the best and most comprehensive rebuttal to claims of effectiveness that currently exists anywhere. This book should be in the hands of every citizen who knows something is very wrong in public policy today but can’t find the words or facts to turn concern into solid argument. The words and facts are here. "



    John Lott lays out the false arguments used to justify the increased role of government, from health care to taxation and spending. He knows the issues inside and out, anticipates the counterarguments well, and effectively uses both economic theory and data to support his positions. The scariest thing is that voices like his are becoming way too scarce.



    John Lott explodes every myth on which the president has built his domestic policy. Numbers don’t lie, and Lott’s analysis is indispensable for understanding how Obama has brought America to the brink of disaster.



    To my mom


    Now and then a tremendously charismatic leader arrives on the Political scene. Barack Obama is such a person. Starting out largely as an unknown, he has been able to talk his way into the hearts of the American people.

    Yes, he came across as a caring, likable man. But few bothered to delve into his voting record or the precise nature of his views. Little was known about Obama’s brief tenure as a senator from Illinois. It was as if he were beyond reproach—it was largely taboo to question his integrity or his commitment to the principles on which this nation was founded.

    The tone of the debate changed only after millions of Americans had lost their jobs and the recession had dragged on for years. Many voters were disappointed. Obama’s campaign promises simply hadn’t come true. Yet with his charisma and the added power of incumbency, he managed to win reelection.

    There is a tendency to happily explain away Obama’s many failures. After all, politicians always exaggerate during their campaigns. But the Blame it on Bush excuse is starting to wear thin, several years after the financial crisis.

    Yes, President Bush does deserve some of the blame. He increased the deficits beyond the levels necessary to finance wartime spending after 9/11. And the push for home ownership by those who couldn’t afford it started back in the Clinton administration.

    Nevertheless, there is something different about this president. George W. Bush and other presidents lacking the line-item veto were often reluctantly dragged into spending more than necessary by interest groups and a spendthrift Congress. Mr. Bush had a particularly hard time saying no. But President Obama, who campaigned in 2008 to cut net government spending and then promised that his massive increases were only temporary, has fought relentlessly for new spending, all under the pretense of stimulating our sluggish economy. Isn’t a time of financial hardship a time when all of us, including the government, should be tightening our belts? Unfortunately, the government doesn’t have to balance its accounts as you and I do. It can just create money out of thin air.

    What makes Obama different is that he truly believes that the government is the solution to our problems. He actually wants more government spending, more regulations, more gun control. He simply does not rate individual freedom very highly.

    Can we blame Obama’s dismal economic record on his misguided economic principles? Sure we can. President Reagan, who said government is the problem and not the solution, was able relatively quickly to get America out of a recession that in many ways was even worse than that of 2008.

    Like so many other politicians, Obama is a lawyer by training. He tends to see new and expanded laws, not fewer laws, as the solution. Still, the Obama I knew nearly fifteen years ago,when we were both teaching at the University of Chicago, was far to the left of most lawyers.

    Unfortunately, Obama’s lack of private-sector experience and lack of training in economics are abundantly clear. He believes that the federal government can micro-manage business decisions, that the economy is something you can jump-start with more government spending, that speculators are bad guys, and that doctors can easily be made to provide the same care at lower cost simply by cutting how much they are paid. The list goes on.

    The fact is that Barack Obama is an incurable left-winger. Why he believes what he does is not really too important. What is important is that we try to mitigate the consequences of a second term that is likely to be even more disastrous than the first. Now that Obama will not have to face the voters again, we will surely learn even more about the true nature of the president’s agenda.

    This book deals with the economic realities of Mr. Obama’s first term and why his policies did more harm than good. We aren’t going to search our hearts for answers to issues such as gun control, welfare, and health care. Our hearts can be deluded by charismatic politicians like President Obama, so let’s use our brains instead.

    The president has been able to endlessly misconstrue the facts about the economy, the health insurance industry, and every other important issue. He has got away with it largely because the media and many voters are so enchanted with the youthful, optimistic president. Armed with the facts, we might be able to challenge Obama’s new proposals for additional regulations, taxes, and mandates.

    It’s reasonable to approach a book titled At the Brink with a measure of skepticism. But I hope that in the chapters that follow I will convince you that that’s exactly where we are.

    The American health care system has been the envy of the world. Despite the popular impression that the system as a whole is badly flawed, a huge majority of Americans are satisfied with the care that they themselves receive. Americans’ satisfaction with their health care is higher, in fact, than that of Canadians, whose socialized system is supposed to be a model for their unenlightened neighbors to the south. Even the Achilles’ heel of U.S. health care—the legions of uninsured—turns out, upon closer examination, to be less severe a problem than the masters of public opinion have convinced us it is. Instead of gradually and cautiously reforming this flawed but marvelous system, President Obama went at it with a machete. His greatest legislative triumph—the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—will soon be an irrevocable part of American life. Almost every feature of Obamacare is misbegotten, and it will inflict incalculable damage on the health care system itself and on the nation’s finances.

    The administration’s policies have made the economy dramatically worse. Obama inherited a severe recession, as he has been known to remind us. His apologists like to suggest that because the recession was caused by a financial crisis, it was mysteriously immune to the medicaments of enlightened economic theory. The reason for the failure of the United States to recover from the recession that began in December 2007 is the doctrinaire Keynesianism that the Obama administration—with huge Democratic majorities in Congress—has applied to its ill patient. I will lay out compelling evidence that the spectacular stimulus spending with which Obama launched his presidency not only has failed to help the economy—it has poisoned it, slowing the recovery.

    The last year of Obama’s first term ended with the massacre of twenty six- and seven-year-olds at Sandy Hook Elementary School, along with six women who tried to save them, a reminder that the nation’s woes are not limited to the economy. This slaughter—so sickening, so unthinkable—renewed and intensified the sense that something is deeply wrong. Although the atrocity at Sandy Hook was not unprecedented—these psychopathic mass shootings have become distressingly regular—the tender age of its victims invested it with a special horror. More than after Columbine or Aurora, the public was seized with the conviction that something must be done.

    Something must be done, but not what Obama is pushing. The immediately obvious response to Sandy Hook was take away the guns. That’s understandable. People see something bad that happens with guns and they think that if we only take away guns, those bad things won’t happen.

    If only things were that simple. The problem is that there’s no evidence that tighter gun control would prevent another massacre. All the evidence, in fact, is to the contrary. Mass shootings almost always take place in gun-free zones like Sandy Hook Elementary School or Aurora’s Cinemark 16 movie theater, where the murderer is assured of no armed interference.

    President Obama, however, has never let reality get in the way of his ideological agenda. Just as he used the financial crisis of 2008 to push governmental intervention in the economy to a previously unimaginable level, he took advantage of the fear and outrage after Sandy Hook to pursue a goal he has cherished for many years—the disarmament of American civilians. I do not exaggerate. Back at the University of Chicago, Barack Obama told me, I don’t believe that people should be able to own guns.

    Obama’s most powerful weapon in transforming America will be the federal judges he appoints who share his radical philosophy. He will have the opportunity to populate more than half of the federal judiciary and could radically alter the Supreme Court before his presidency is over. If the Republican opposition in the Senate fails to make a stand against judicial radicals, Americans’ liberty and prosperity could be eviscerated within eight years.

    This president does not like businessmen, whom he demonizes as speculators, while denying the critical role of entrepreneurs in creating wealth (You didn’t build that!). Obama is the most heavy-handed regulator in American history, and he has saved the worst of it for his second term. He doesn’t believe that incentives affect people’s behavior, nor does he appreciate that businesses learn firsthand through hard experience what their customers really want and what it takes to grow a successful company.

    The first transformational president of the left, Franklin Roosevelt, secured his countrymen’s acquiescence in the New Deal with the disarming reassurance that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. The supremely canny politician Barack Obama uses similar tactics of persuasion.

    America is at the brink. There are things we should be afraid of. We should open our eyes before it’s too late.



    An exchange on MSNBC’s Morning Joe a few days after Obama’s reelection between host Joe Scarborough and Karen Mills, head of Obama’s Small Business Administration, perfectly captures the mess we’re in:

    Scarborough: But we do hear from business owners—I am sure that you do too—that are now contemplating after the election. Certainly I hear from a lot saying, Gosh, I am going to have to keep people under thirty hours .... It is only a matter of time before I go out of business. I can’t afford the cost of what this new regulation puts on me. First of all will you explain to us—because we keep hearing thirty hours, thirty hours—explain that cut off. What do you tell those business owners? Why are they wrong?

    Mills: You know, I travel all around the country, every week I go to a different part of the country. I’m with small businesses. And I’m not hearing that.

    Scarborough: You have never heard that?

    Mills (shaking her head and indicating right): I will tell you what I have heard.

    Scarborough: You need to talk to your staff to tell them to get you out of the bubble.¹

    Obama’s reelection extinguished any hope of stopping Obamacare. Whether we like it or not, it is going into effect in a series of stages. Immediately after the election, firms around the country started laying off workers or cutting back their hours. Few responded as dramatically as Henry Hamilton, a business owner in Key West, Florida, who committed suicide two days after the election.² Hamilton’s body was found next to a living will that read, Do not revive! (expletive) Obama! He was reportedly worried that his tanning salon business wouldn’t survive the government’s 10 percent special tax on tanning.

    In 2014, small businesses across the country with at least fifty full-time employees are faced with either paying a fine of $2,000 per employee or providing health insurance that for an individual will cost at least three times that amount.³ The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) claims that the tax will raise $10 billion,⁴ though this is really just a guess. They make lots of assumptions, including the notion that these taxes won’t change how companies act. But for many of these companies the rational thing to do will be to turn full-time employees into part-time ones, or simply to fire them, and the most dispensable employees are going to be those with the lowest wages (because they’ll have the highest spike in the cost of employing them).

    Take Apple-Metro, a company that owns forty Applebee’s restaurants in the New York City area.⁵ Each restaurant employs between eighty and three hundred people, and they could face hundreds of thousands of dollars in new taxes. Zanr Tankel, the company’s president, noted just days after the election that the tax means, there goes the profit in your restaurant.⁶ He warned, in a best-case scenario, we only shrink the labor force minimally. Clearly many firms will think twice before adding that fiftieth employee.

    Papa John’s CEO John Shattner expects franchise owners will be forced to cut employees’ hours because they can’t afford the costs of health insurance plans.⁷ He estimates that the new law will cost his company between $5 million and $8 million a year and add approximately 11 to 14 cents to the price of a large pizza. That’s what you do, is you pass on the costs. Unfortunately, I don’t think people know what they’re going to pay for [Obamacare].⁸ Other companies such as Red Lobster and Olive Garden face similar undesirable choices.

    Not understanding the notion that there is no such thing as a free lunch, comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, liberal columnists, and leftwing blogs like the Daily Kos slammed Shattner for his wealth and refusing to absorb the higher costs of Obamacare.⁹ Stewart sneered that Papa John’s could afford to give away two million free pizzas, but couldn’t cover employee health insurance premiums. But of course, the giveaway was a promotion, a form of advertising, which companies use to increase sales, which in turn can lead to hiring more employees. Obamacare, on the other hand, is a tax that many companies can’t afford on their profit margins.

    Some high-tech firms, like Boston Scientific, Stryker, and Medtronic have announced thousands of layoffs. Obamacare subjects their products to a new medical device excise tax.¹⁰ The tax, which is expected to raise $20 billion in revenue, won’t just reduce employment, it is going to reduce these companies’ incentive to innovate and produce better medical devices in the future.¹¹ Former Democratic Senator Evan Bayh, who voted for Obamacare and now regrets it, wrote, It will also stifle critical medical innovation in the industry that gave us defibrillators, pacemakers, artificial joints, stents, chemotherapy delivery systems and almost every device we depend on to save lives .... Who knows what lifesaving devices that might have been developed will fall victim to this tax?¹²

    The special tax on tanning, like the 10-percent tax that was almost imposed on plastic surgery, was motivated to discourage behavior that Democrats don’t like.¹³ Some pushed the tanning tax because of concerns that tanning could lead to skin cancer.¹⁴ But the medical device tax is particularly strange, as new devices are necessary for improved health care.

    It isn’t just greedy for-profit companies that are cutting back employee hours. The Community College of Allegheny County got some attention for publicly announcing cuts. If the college is to pay for this mandated health care, it must cut classes or employee hours. After the election, the college’s four hundred part-time employees learned that they were being cut back to twenty-five hours per week.¹⁵ Clint Benjamin, an adjunct instructor at CCAC, has been buying health insurance out of his own pocket for the last six years. He explained to Inside Higher Ed that the reduction of his course load will cut his pay by six hundred dollars a month and make it more difficult to keep buying his own insurance.¹⁶

    Unfortunately, these levies on firms are not the only costs. Obamacare will raise costs, increase the ranks of the uninsured, and give the federal government control of how doctors treat even privately insured patients. In short, it will do all the things President Obama said it would not do. More than that, the federal government, through its subsidies and taxes and regulations, will strictly limit the competition of ideas in medical care.

    Fudging the Costs

    From the beginning, Democrats tried to cover up the true costs of Obamacare. Then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi actually delayed the release of the Congressional Budget Office estimates of its costs—which, by House rules, had to be released three days before voting on the bill—in order to find a way to revise the cost estimates below a trillion dollars. When Democrat number-crunchers were done, they had brought down the estimated cost for the final bill (covering 2010–2019) to $940 billion.¹⁷

    But no one really believes that the CBO equations accurately measure the costs of the health care bill. The true costs will obviously be higher, if for no other reason than that in order to keep the figure below a trillion dollars, parts of the law were delayed to push their costs outside the 10-year window.¹⁸ And other numbers were fudged as well.

    One important piece of creative accounting was to assume that seniors’ medical care would not suffer from the $500 billion in cuts to Medicare that were to finance about half of Obamacare’s cost over its first decade. Obamacare supposedly manages to cut payments to doctors and hospitals without reducing the quality of services. But the law doesn’t explain how it does this. It simply states that all benefits are guaranteed: Nothing in this Act shall result in the reduction or elimination of any benefits guaranteed by law to participants in Medicare Advantage plans.¹⁹

    Over the next decade, this Obamacare cut will reduce expenditures on Medicare by about 10 percent.²⁰ Doctors and hospitals taking Medicare and Medicaid patients already get reimbursed at rates that do not cover their costs. Even lower reimbursement rates mean that payments from other patients and their private insurers will have to rise to offset those losses—or they could go out of business. Cuts in Medicare mean, de facto, higher premiums in private insurance. As costs rise, more people will opt out of buying insurance. But the CBO estimates ignore this.

    Immediately before the House vote, the Medicus Firm (a physician-recruiting agency) conducted a survey of doctors. The results showed that 46.3 percent of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.²¹ This is something else the CBO estimate ignores—that Obamacare might actually shrink the pool of doctors and hospitals. Fewer doctors and hospitals mean higher health care prices. And it means less service for Medicare patients. One of the largest physician surveys ever conducted in the United States, the Physicians Foundation survey of 13,575 doctors in September 2012, found that 52 percent of doctors had already limited their Medicare services or were planning to do so.²²

    The CBO estimates swept quite a lot under the rug. For example, despite repeated requests by Senator Tom Coburn (a physician) and other Republicans, the CBO never analyzed the effects of banning insurance companies from considering pre-existing conditions,²³ because that ban will obviously raise the cost of private insurance and hence reduce the number of insured people.

    Shortly before the House health care vote, President Obama explained, in an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, why he thought that his health care bill was necessary: "Well, if [the health care bill] does not pass, I’m more concerned about

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