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MuMu: Bilingual Edition (English – Russian)
MuMu: Bilingual Edition (English – Russian)
MuMu: Bilingual Edition (English – Russian)
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MuMu: Bilingual Edition (English – Russian)

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Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian paragraph. It won't be an easy project, but you'll learn a lot.

Release dateJun 8, 2018
MuMu: Bilingual Edition (English – Russian)

Ivan Turgenev

Ivan Turgenev was a Russian writer whose work is exemplary of Russian Realism. A student of Hegel, Turgenev’s political views and writing were heavily influenced by the Age of Enlightenment. Among his most recognized works are the classic Fathers and Sons, A Sportsman’s Sketches, and A Month in the Country. Turgenev is today recognized for his artistic purity, which influenced writers such as Henry James and Joseph Conrad. Turgenev died in 1883, and is credited with returning Leo Tolstoy to writing as the result of his death-bed plea.

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    MuMu - Ivan Turgenev



    Bilingual Edition

    English - Russian

    Ivan Turgenev

    translated by

    Constance Garnett



    In one of the outlying streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns and a balcony, warped all askew, there was once living a lady, a widow, surrounded by a numerous household of serfs.

    В одной из отдаленных улиц Москвы, в сером доме с белыми колоннами, антресолью и покривившимся балконом, жила некогда барыня, вдова, окруженная многочисленною дворней.

    Her sons were in the government service at Petersburg; her daughters were married; she went out very little, and in solitude lived through the last years of her miserly and dreary old age. Her day, a joyless and gloomy day, had long been over; but the evening of her life was blacker than night.

    Сыновья ее служили в Петербурге, дочери вышли замуж; она выезжала редко и уединенно доживала последние годы своей скупой и скучающей старости. День ее, нерадостный и ненастный, давно прошел; но и вечер ее был чернее ночи.

    Of all her servants, the most remarkable personage was the porter, Gerasim, a man full twelve inches over the normal height, of heroic build, and deaf and dumb from his birth.

    Из числа всей ее челяди самым замечательным лицом был дворник Герасим, мужчина двенадцати вершков роста, сложенный богатырем и глухонемой от рожденья.

    The lady, his owner, had brought him up from the village where he lived alone in a little hut, apart from his brothers, and was reckoned about the most punctual of her peasants in the payment of the seignorial dues. Endowed with extraordinary strength, he did the work of four men; work flew apace under his hands, and it was a pleasant sight to see him when he was ploughing, while, with his huge palms pressing hard upon the plough, he seemed alone, unaided by his poor horse, to cleave the yielding bosom of the earth, or when, about St. Peter's Day, he plied his scythe with a furious energy that might have mown a young birch copse up by the roots, or swiftly and untiringly wielded a flail over two yards long; while the hard oblong muscles of his shoulders rose and fell like a lever.

    Барыня взяла его из деревни, где он жил один, в небольшой избушке, отдельно от братьев, и считался едва ли не самым исправным тягловым мужиком. Одаренный необычайной силой, он работал за четверых — дело спорилось в его руках, и весело было смотреть на него, когда он либо пахал и, налегая огромными ладонями на соху, казалось, один, без помощи лошаденки, взрезывал упругую грудь земли, либо о Петров день так сокрушительно действовал косой, что хоть бы молодой березовый лесок смахивать с корней долой, либо проворно и безостановочно молотил трехаршинным цепом, и как рычаг опускались и поднимались продолговатые и твердые мышцы его плечей.

    His perpetual silence lent a solemn dignity to his unwearying labor. He was a splendid peasant, and, except for his affliction, any girl would have been glad to marry him... But now they had taken Gerasim to Moscow, bought him boots, had him made a full-skirted coat for summer, a sheepskin for winter, put into his hand a broom and a spade, and appointed him porter.

    At first he intensely disliked his new mode of life.

    Постоянное безмолвие придавало торжественную важность его неистомной работе. Славный он был мужик, и не будь его несчастье, всякая девка охотно пошла бы за него замуж... Но вот Герасима привезли в Москву, купили ему сапоги, сшили кафтан на лето, на зиму тулуп, дали ему в руки метлу и лопату и определили его дворником.

    Крепко не полюбилось ему сначала его новое житье.

    From his childhood he had been used to field labor, to village life. Shut off by his affliction from the society of men, he had grown up, dumb and mighty, as a tree grows on a fruitful soil. When he was transported to the town, he could not understand what was being done with him; he was miserable and stupefied, with the stupefaction of some strong young bull, taken straight from the meadow, where the rich grass stood up to his belly, taken and put in the truck of a railway train, and there, while smoke and sparks and gusts of steam puff out upon the sturdy beast, he is whirled onwards, whirled along with loud roar and whistle, whither — God knows!

    С детства привык он к полевым работам, к деревенскому быту. Отчужденный несчастьем своим от сообщества людей, он вырос немой и могучий, как дерево растет на плодородной земле... Переселенный в город, он не понимал, что с ним такое деется, — скучал и недоумевал, как недоумевает молодой, здоровый бык, которого только что взяли с нивы, где сочная трава росла ему по брюхо, — взяли, поставили на вагон железной дороги — и вот, обдавая его тучное тело то дымом с искрами, то волнистым паром, мчат его теперь, мчат со стуком и визгом, а куда мчат — Бог весть!

    What Gerasim had to do in his new duties seemed a mere trifle to him after his hard toil as a peasant; in half an hour all his work was done, and he would once more stand stock-still in the middle of the courtyard, staring open-mouthed at all the passers-by, as though trying to wrest from them the explanation of his perplexing position; or he would suddenly go off into some corner, and flinging a long way off the broom or the spade, throw himself on his face on the ground, and lie for hours together without stirring, like a caged beast.

    Занятия Герасима по новой его должности казались ему шуткой после тяжких крестьянских работ; в полчаса всё у него было готово, и он опять то останавливался посреди двора и глядел, разинув рот, на всех проходящих, как бы желая добиться от них решения загадочного своего положения, то вдруг уходил куда-нибудь в уголок и, далеко швырнув метлу и лопату, бросался на землю лицом и целые часы лежал на груди неподвижно, как пойманный зверь.

    But man gets used to anything, and Gerasim got used

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