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New Thinking for New Possibilities
New Thinking for New Possibilities
New Thinking for New Possibilities
Ebook232 pages6 hours

New Thinking for New Possibilities

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Have you ever wondered to find out who you are and what you came on this Earth to Do? Have you wondered whether you are going to make it in future or not? Do you know that your limiting thoughts are the reason for your failures? This book, new thinking for new possibilities seeks to provide answers to some of your questions and solutions to some of your problems.
If you are looking forward to something new in life, something more satisfying and exciting or a new path to tread on, you just found it. This is it: “New thinking for new possibilities.” Sit back comfortably, relax with a drink and don’t put this book down until you have finished reading it. This is a life transforming book. Read on. This book is for serious minded people who want to fulfill their-God given purpose in life. It is for those who want to succeed at all cost and would dare to act. It is also for those who want to participate fully in life and would not sit on to touch line and watch others play games of life.

Release dateMay 17, 2018
New Thinking for New Possibilities

Chris K. Hammond

Chris Hammond is an anointed preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wonders. He is also the Head of the Leaders international a leadership organization, The Rebrand Inc, A branding organization, and CEO of the New Hope orphanage. He believes in the Power of Personal Branding. He believes that man was created for dominion and that what separates us from the other creations is the human spirit and the power of the mind. The mind is a wonderful gift that God gave us and it is a terrible thing to waste. He believes that the mind can be used for creating goods and services and undertaking witty inventions. His passion is to help people reconnect with God and find their God given purpose in life. He also teaches people to direct their focus on achieving and making tangible contributions to their communities and nations. His books are a must read for all. It will lead you on a journey into great achievements and total transformation. Please read on.

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    Book preview

    New Thinking for New Possibilities - Chris K. Hammond


    Have you ever wondered to find out who you are and what you came into this World to do? Have you wondered whether you are going to make it in future or not? Do you know that your limiting thoughts are the reason for your failures? This book, new thinking for new possibilities seeks to provide answers to some of your questions and solutions to some of your problems.

    If you are looking forward to something new in life, something more satisfying and exciting or a new path to tread on, you just found it. This is it: New thinking for new possibilities. Sit back comfortably, relax with a drink and don’t put this book down until you have finished reading it. This is a life transforming book. Read on. This book is for serious minded people who want to fulfill their-God given purpose in life. It is for those who want to succeed at all cost and would dare to act. It is also for those who want to participate fully in life and would not sit on the touch line and watch others play the game of life.

    What I intend to do in this book is to simply suggest a pathway to being exceptional and successful. In reading this book you will be forced to come out of the status quo by raising your standards. By so doing you will set in motion the cause and effect principle that will lift you into prominence and success. Consider people like; Soichiro Honda, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln, W.P Chrysler, Isaac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell etc. who made an impact on the world? They are all human just like you and the same power that was available to them is also available to you. Take advantage of this power and use it to your advantage.

    The book starts with the chapter you are exceptional. In this chapter the reader is introduced to how unique he is. Chapter two is change your thinking. Changing the way you think will unlock your full potential for success and achievement in life. Your mind is a wonderful gift that God gave you. The power of new thinking is the third chapter. It welcomes you to a new way of thinking. Think Differently. You cannot think like everyone else and expect to be different or have great results. All the other chapters are powerful and will change your life.

    In reading this book and striving to act, you will choose a path of exciting adventure in life. You can create your own future. You can lift yourself into a glorious realm of success, prosperity and wealth. This book will actually empower you to succeed. It is for those who want to break through all impossibility barriers. This is an explosive piece of book that will revolutionize your life.

    You have the God-given power to choose a life of self-improvement and a commitment to helping others. The intent of this book will challenge and stimulate your thinking as you create your own independent success philosophy. Your life will evolve from making a living to making a difference. You can choose to be different and extraordinary. With persistence you can lead a life of consistent progress and achievement until you maximize your potential. You are the sculptor of your own image. You may be young or old, but you can start somewhere, at any time, persist and win. Life is about winning. There are two things in life; you either win or lose. You cannot win without believing in yourself. You must believe in yourself and your abilities. Have the self-confidence to confront your present situation. You are supposed to lead your own life. Nobody can do it for you.

    You need to commit yourself to excellence. Everybody has the same time; twenty-four hours in a day, seven days in a week, four weeks in a month, and 365 days in a year. What you do with every second of your life is what will change your life for the better. Believe in yourself and get started. Jesus was born in a manger but he did not stay there. You might have been born in a poor family with a poor educational background and poor friends in a poor neighborhood but you don’t have to remain there in a defeat. Take note that nobody can limit you. Prosperity is a choice. Choose to prosper.



    Make it a life rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands. Stamp it with your personal character. Let superiority be your trademark. Orison Swett.

    Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail? What differentiates ordinary people from exceptional people? Why are some people so ordinary and others exceptional in all respects? I have realized by research that throughout history it is ordinary people who do things in extraordinary ways that are referred to as exceptional.

    The good news is that you are an exceptional person. Of the 7.5 billion people on Earth today you are exceptional. All others are also exceptional but believe that you are exceptional. For the exceptional person, a dead end simply eliminates a bad possibility and frees him up to pursue new possibilities. Have new beginnings and paths for pursuing an enduring success.  For people who are truly exceptional, a closed door simply implies an opportunity to look for an open window. There are people in this world who simply get ahead in life and get plans accomplished no matter the challenges they face and the obstacles in their path. It is important to note that exceptional people are no better than those who are not. The difference lies in the fact that they developed some excellent habits in their life. They are hardworking and remain resolute to succeed and fulfill their dreams. The cumulative effects of these simple habits and actions are what lead to a long term success that makes these people exceptional in every way.

    Defining exceptional

    The definition of exceptional is someone or something that is high above average. It means, forming an exception; not ordinary, having much more than average intelligence, ability, or skill. Some of the synonyms of exceptional are exceeding, Olympian, prodigious, surpassing, extraordinary, beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or remarkable.

    Exceptional people are products of their choices

    Average people are products of their circumstances and Exceptional people are products of their choices. If you want to be exceptional don’t allow circumstances to determine the outcome of your life. The power of choice is available to all of us. You need to know how to make informed choices so that you can succeed in life.

    Exceptional people are leaders

    Exceptional people are leaders because they are always pathfinders and way makers. It takes exceptional character to be a leader. Most visionary, charismatic and transformationary leaders are exceptional people. Leadership comes from understanding who you are and what you want in life.

    Exceptional people see opportunities

    Exceptional people see opportunities whilst average people see difficulties. People of understanding are those who have the power to see opportunities around them with their mindsight. Exceptional people see opportunities even in challenges whereas average people give excuses when they face challenges.

    Exceptional people are winners

    Exceptional people are winners and average people are losers. Robert Kiyosaki said, Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. Most people don’t wing in life because they are afraid. They allow fear to put them down so they can’t rise and do the things that will make them to win. Winners are no afraid to make mistakes.

    Exceptional people live by design

    Exceptional people always live by design and not by default. It takes living by design to breakthrough in life and become very successful. You cannot become your best self if you live by default. Those who live by default are not exceptional people. Living by design is pursuing your purpose and your vision.

    Average people are driven by feelings; Exceptional people are driven by purpose.

    Exceptional people invest their time and energy in the future

    Average people focus their time and energy on the past and get trapped in the prison of their minds but exceptional people invest their time and energy in the future. Exceptional people understand that time is o great essence so they make the best out of time. Most average people spend their time on frivolous things.

    How can you become exceptional?

    Define your unique pathway

    If you will succeed in life you must define your unique pathway from being an accomplished person to that of being exceptional in all respects. This is because each one of us has varying circumstances that may prevent us from being exceptional. While for one person it might be just mere ignorance or laziness, for another, it could be a genuine lack of financial and material resources that you might need to overcome in order to arrive at that exceptional level of your life.

    Continue to be enthusiastic

    Enthusiasm is having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval about something. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Said, Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. The enthusiastic person possesses a special driving force that guides him or her through the roadblocks of life. Winston Churchill said, Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Life is a battle and those who are eager to win have access to a limitless source of energy that lifts them above the masses into prominence. They dare to take risks and have the courage to complete the projects they start. They have the energy and wisdom to concretely manifest their ideas. They are eager to fulfill their destiny.

    Develop exceptional habits

    It is a fact that those who do extraordinary things are no much better, creative or hardworking than those who do not. The difference lies in developing exceptional habits. People that are regarded as exceptional adopt and use simple positive and productive habits in their day to day lives. Their positive use of good habits leads to the realization of their dreams and goals and having an enduring success in life. As a result they are regarded as exceptional.

    Be action oriented

    You must continue to be action oriented. People who are exceptional put their thoughts and words into action. Exceptional people understand the power of action orientation. They are always working hard towards their dreams or goals. They don’t just think and debate with themselves and then shove good ideas aside. They actually invest in their ideas and take the right action to make it a reality. They turn their big thoughts and ideas into determined action. If you are a highly action-oriented person, you are the type of person who gets thing done easily and timely, whether by yourself or through other people. You fulfill your commitments and ensure that other people do as they are expected.

    Be a limit breaker

    You need to be a limit breaker if you want to be exceptional. Exceptional people are essentially limit breakers. They don’t allow anyone or anything to set limits on them. They know how to go the extra mile in order to win. Those who push and stretch themselves to break their limits know the essence of life.  Without stretching yourself beyond your limits, you will never know your true potential in life. Please believe that you can become anything you desire to become. The challenge is that you must break out from your comfort zone. Taking yourself out of your comfort zone is a journey of self-discovery that will help you understand more about yourself and what you are capable of achieving. You are in all respects a limit breaker. You are a bridge builder. You are a pace setter and a fire starter. Don’t stop at the limits, break through it and establish yourself as a force to reckon with. Build your capacity for an enduring success. We human beings were created by God and endowed with the capability of doing great things. What you need is to master your will power and mental strength to go the extra mile, discover your ultimate purpose in life and tread cautiously into your destiny. The most important thing is to make up your mind and make a decision for change. In so doing you will put yourself on the rung of the ladder to incredible achievements in life. You are indeed exceptional.



    For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7.

    It has become very obvious that thoughts are things. There is the need to understand the tangibility of our thoughts even though we may not see them with our eyes. Changing the way you think will unlock your full potential for success and achievement in life. Your mind is a wonderful gift that God gave you. It is exceptionally powerful. Like the steering wheel of a car your thoughts control to a large extent and direct almost everything that happens to you. Your thoughts can either make or unmake you. Your thoughts do not only create your own reality, they also influence the reality of those around you. You must be conscious of your thoughts because your thoughts will determine your reality.

    You must start noticing the kind of thoughts that come into your mind and how they make you feel. Just start noticing how your thoughts affect your emotions. You will be amazed how just noticing your thoughts will lead you in the direction you want to go. Allowing your thoughts to change your life will change your reality. Did you know that your thoughts have magnetic power? Each thought is like a beacon of light that attracts a reality. What type of thoughts ran through your mind most often? Are they good, positive or negative thoughts?

    What is the state of your mind?

    I have come to know that our state of mind plays a very powerful role in our personal and career development. What is the state of your mind? Is it positive or negative, growth and development oriented or retrogressive in nature and form? The state of your mind determines the morphology and the anatomy of your thoughts.

    Like attracts like

    In the area of thoughts and words and in most cases in life, ‘Like’ attracts ‘like’, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. When you are thinking happy thoughts, you send positive energy out and you will subconsciously begin to attract positivity into your life. On the other hand, if your thought patterns are negative, negativity is what you will continue to attract. How do you change your thought patterns in order to attract the best things in life?

    Choose to make a decision to change and make that conscious effort that you will no longer allow yourself to be ruled by your negative thoughts.

    Become well aware of yourself. Tune in to your inner self, make it your responsibility to change your inner conversation and choose what is important in terms of your thoughts.

    Learn to use positive affirmations to reinforce your positive thoughts. Raise your consciousness with your positive affirmations and establish yourself worth.The truth is that most people like making negative affirmations which affects their life negatively. When you always think that you are not going to succeed, it is a negative affirmation. Affirmations whether negative or positive affect the neurological functioning of the brain and create the corresponding reality.

    Repeat your positive affirmations over and over again until you silence every negative voice within you. It may not be easy from the beginning but don’t give up.

    Destroy negative thoughts

    Do you know that Negative thinking can have a negative and sometimes devastating impact on all aspects of your life? Getting yourself drawn into a life of negative thinking can be likened to erecting a prison in your own mind. It has the power to put you into captivity and paralyze the power of your mind.

    Watch your thoughts:If you are struggling to overcome negative thoughts, I want to assure you that it is possible to turn things around and cultivate that inner quietness and absolute happiness. Watch your thoughts as they come

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