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The People's Hope: How to Save America and the World from the Predator Class
The People's Hope: How to Save America and the World from the Predator Class
The People's Hope: How to Save America and the World from the Predator Class
Ebook191 pages2 hours

The People's Hope: How to Save America and the World from the Predator Class

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We-the-people have been lied to and led astray by the Predator Class. Our future depends on the truth in The People's Hope. It's time to take back our narrative. In our story, we identify who the bad guys are, what values we are fighting for, and how to carry on that fight. In this narrative, we see through the billionaires propaganda, and see the true People's Hope.
1. The Predator Class. The Predator Class is destroying the planet and their dictators/billionaires have taken over much of the world. The Predator Class has been brutalising the people throughout history, but we have reached the worst crisis ever. Because of their relentless propaganda and damage, we are now on the edge of a precipice which most of us don't even see. America is on the brink, as are all democracies. Who are they, and how do the Predators get away with it time and again?
2. The People's Values. The best weapons to use against the Predator Class--10 civic values (the PH10)--are explained here and clarified. Democracy and the rest are being intentionally destroyed. The Predator Class pretends to support civic values, but they always crush them, because their only goal is to take more money and power away from the people! Throughout history these evil sociopaths have ravaged everything in their way, to manically hoard money and power for themselves. The revolutionary PH10 are the key to finally getting the power to the people!
3. The People Fight Back! Democratic values are not dead. The PH10 are up to the task! But, the Predators in America have been sabotaging and attacking them for 40 years. The People's Hope lies in rising up, fighting back, throwing the Predators out! There is only one way to create and maintain a society based on the people's PH10 values--people have to get involved! Assist, Resist, Persist! We truly need to unite to save our country, and to build a better world. Never stop resisting the Predators! Put together a PH team! Everyone join the party!
Release dateMay 28, 2018
The People's Hope: How to Save America and the World from the Predator Class

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    Book preview

    The People's Hope - Lynn Maser


    Introduction: The Republicans, Trump, and the Predator Class are Destroying America!

    In this manifesto, we learn a lesson which may be shocking to many Americans. Our beloved country is already a long way down that catastrophic road to dictatorship! We will come to see how shockingly true this is, and cover how that has happened, what values we need to embrace, and how to fight back.

    Is there still hope for our country?! Most of us were sick, disgusted, afraid, and disheartened by the election of 2016 in America. Thanks to Trump and those behind him, the year 2017 proved to be even far worse than expected. That year was a year of historic destruction and disgrace for our great nation. As 2018 dawns, we are in the midst of America’s darkest hour. Every American should be outraged and terrified. The fact that many are not, is also outrageous and terrifying!

    Here, we get to the heart of why America is divided, and we explain why we still have hope that someday we really can become a nation indivisible. What we do first is sort out the truth from the lies. The truth matters, and truth is scary, but it is on the side of the people!

    I know. Right now many of us just want to go hide. To hell with politics, and politicians, right? Well, no. Unfortunately, the truth is that America is facing its worst set of crises in history, and we-the-people must stand up for our threatened American values and our democratic institutions. Everything our founders created is under attack from within.

    So, we cannot retreat, or let ourselves be confused or distracted by the tornado of fact-free tweets, mindless rants, irrational contradictions, immoral attacks, seriously cra-cra outbursts, people-crushing rip-offs, giveaways to billionaires, and the never-ending lies. Likewise, we can’t be fooled by the media … whether it’s propaganda, hysteria, hate-mongering, or the troll swamp on the internet. We should also be wary of those media companies who are pretending this is still politics as usual. We are far beyond that.

    It is not politics as usual when the cluster at the top in America is guided by only one goal—stealing all of the power and money in the country and funnel it to the super-rich predator class. It is not politics as usual when in that process the people are screwed over in hundreds of ways every day, and the American institutions which protect us all are being dismantled!

    In his book, Touched by Grace, C. S. Lewis puts it this way: That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended—civilizations are built up—excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and the cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin. We-the-people say:

    Throughout history, across the globe, in small groups and large, the evil tendencies of human nature always show up in some small, selfish, ruthless, immoral, cluster of monstrous people. These predators barbarically seize power and money, and proceed to further enrich themselves, while brutally abusing mostly (99%) everyone else. The evil of the predator class is not only the biggest lesson of history, it is also the biggest reality of everyday life in our modern world.

    The age-old battles between the masses of good people and the evil predatory tyrants never end. The ruthless, morally, and intellectually bankrupt predator-class use every vile method at their disposal, including constant lies, violence, disinformation, and propaganda because they don’t want the people to hear the true story.

    That story tells us that western democratic values are under attack like never before. The predators now have more money, more technology, and a more extensive propaganda machine. They are winning in the US and around the world. But the democratic values are not inherently flawed, or not up to the task. The biggest problem is the same as it has been throughout history. The people fall for the propaganda.

    The alternative to democratic values is and always will be: brutal dictatorship. Now, we must open our eyes, rise up, and throw the Predators out.

    To many people in America, this view of history may be surprising. But to most people in the world, this is everyday reality. Most people around the globe live under a full dictatorship (at least 49 countries, but far more than half the population) or partial dictatorship (at least 54 more countries; see Freedom House). Dictatorship threatens to some degree in the 95ish other countries. How bad is it in your country?

    It has been documented that for at least the last eleven years the trend has been consistently toward even more ‘authoritarianism’ . Even more surprising to many is that America is not only trending that way as well, we are a long way down that same evil road. It’s not just Trump. There is a large cluster of predator types, many of them predatory billionaires, who have been working for decades to take over America, and other countries.

    When S. Bannon says he wants to bring everything crashing down, and he wants to deconstruct the administrative state, what that really means is that he wants to turn America over to a dictatorship by a cluster of neofascist predators. No democracy, no justice, no rights for anyone. No more America. And, if America falls, the rest of the ‘free world’ has little chance of avoiding dictatorship as well.

    Wait! What?

    All of that is true, but people may react differently to those words: surprise, disagreement, think it’s too radical, or maybe even totally agree. Whatever the reaction, we hope that everyone can take a deep breath, relax, and try to keep an open mind. This book is meant to be a wake-up call. But even though most of the criticism here is aimed at ‘right-wing’ extremists, this is not just another partisan political rant. It is not, and you’ll see why, along the way. The goal here is to a paint a clear picture of where we are in these troubled times.

    This book attempts to tell the true story of what is really going on in the world now, point out where good and evil lie, and outline the best way forward. Truth and morality seem to be hard to come by these days, right? But despite whatever artificial divisions the fanatic-types whip up, we are all basically the same. We all want to live the best possible lives we can.

    It sounds simple really, what we want. We want to pursue our dreams, have families, love our kids and grandkids, and have decent jobs. How about quality time with our friends and family? We want to live in a place where the air and water are clean, and nature is abundant. We want communities where we all work together to ‘make a more perfect union’ … a community with freedom and justice for all. We want everyone to get along with each other, we want peace, and we want everyone to be treated fairly. We want all of that and more for our children; we want for them to live in a better place.

    In the pages to come, we offer hope, and we outline how to make that better world happen. The narrative here is clear, powerful, and helpful for everyone in America and around the world. The book is short. So again, please keep an open mind … it’s only about 165 pages … and hopefully this narrative will help bring clarity, calmness, hope, direction, and inspiration.

    Let’s move on to a brief introduction to the three main sections of the book. We will be covering what’s happening, what we’re fighting for, and how to overcome:

    People vs. Predators. This section is a clear narrative about what is happening in our messed up world right now. This includes the essential history about the age-old struggle between good and evil, and on the societal level, the battle between the people and the tyrants. Here we discuss the rise of the predator class in societies throughout history, and a full outline of who the bad guys are, how they operate, and much more. This narrative is essential to understanding our world. It is also essential for this true narrative to replace the avalanche of evil propaganda about democratic institutions being the enemy of the people.

    The ‘PH10’!—The Civic Values We Are Fighting For. In order to form a more perfect union, the people must embrace the best civic values; values which give the powers to the people, while at the same time limiting the powers of the predators. Here we have a revolutionary tweaking of America’s true values. This includes a full run down of the PH10, the key civic values, and how they serve as the people’s best weapons.

    PH10 Action!—Time to Saddle Up. In this section, we share a full outline of how the people need to engage. History and human nature show us that we can never take our values and institutions for granted. It’s time for all citizens to take action to save our country. Assist, Persist, and Resist!

    Assist: We need to commit to make the time to actively help.

    Persist: History shows us that these struggles never end. But we also know that working together for the good cause of saving our country is one of the most rewarding and fun ways to spend our time.

    Resist: The predators always find ways to snake themselves into positions where they can screw over the people. So, we-the-people should always make resistance a part of our lives. It can be a struggle, it can be a rewarding collaboration, and it can even be a fun hobby or club activity. Long live the resistance!


    As you will read, the predator class has already taken over much of America. The Trump gang with its covert billionaires, republican fanatics, relentless propaganda, and a vast web of dark money, dark media, and dark corporations, is intentionally destroying America’s institutions and values. They not only don’t believe in democracy, justice, etc., they are out to destroy them. From the perspective of history, they are on a well-worn path to a bogus war and full dictatorship. Everything our founders put together is at risk.

    This is not exaggeration. This is exactly how this sort of story has played out again and again down through history in every place around the world. The Trumpsters are following the Predators’ playbook exactly. All of Trump’s outrageous and disgusting behaviors come right out of Dictators 101. Divide, distract, sow-hatred-anger-distrust-fear, lie strategically, and create bogus bogeymen (it can be anyone, but he is using Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants [we’re all immigrants!], other countries, our federal government, the media, judges, and anyone who bruises his fragile ego). You’ll read all about it.

    The first year in Trump’s evil La-La Land has been disastrous on many fronts. Nearly everything they do is the exact opposite of what would be in the regular people’s best interests. The next years will likely be much worse. And even if Trump were to disappear, the Republican fanatics are there, gleefully taking money from the people in hundreds of ways and making sure that they and the other predators line their pockets. Yes, Trump lied about helping working people too. But you know, those billionaires need more money for yachts, extra condos in Trumps towers, padding for their offshore accounts, and of course for continuing to buy elections and predatory laws.

    The battle is on. The predator class, as always, is carrying on a class war against the people and they are winning. We-the-people need to wake up now! As noted, most people already live in hell-on-earth dictatorships. We need to fight back for them, and for our great country. Resist predators everywhere. If we fight back together, we have a chance. If we do nothing, we lose. We lose everything. The whole world loses.

    We can’t wait for someone else to save us. It’s up to us to throw all of the predators out! It’s time to saddle up.

    Chapter 1.

    The People vs. The Predators. History’s Story of Good vs. Evil.

    That men (sic) do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.

    —Aldous Huxley

    If we do not learn from the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them.

    —George Santayana

    We spend a great deal of time studying history, which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity.

    —Stephen Hawking

    It is time to take back our story. We must tell the true narrative of our struggles, and explore the truth about where good and evil lie. Of course, we are complicated creatures, and our brains are extremely complex. Our behavior is sometimes rational and we make good decisions, and sometimes we are at the mercy of our worst negative emotions. We are all potentially capable of shining goodness, or monstrous depravity and everything in between.

    We see this play out in our daily lives. We see the schoolyard bullies, the mean kids, the cheaters and liars, the wife-beaters, the child-molesters, the drug dealers, the intimidators, the haters, and

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