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Healing Hiv: Causes & Remedies
Healing Hiv: Causes & Remedies
Healing Hiv: Causes & Remedies
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Healing Hiv: Causes & Remedies

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Infected in 1992, Stephen sought self transformation to successfully manage his HIV. His book It's All About Love: How To Have A Better Life became the philosophical product of that method and provides the basis for Healing HIV.

He examines the sociology of the disease and uses it to prove the metaphysical causes showing that by addressing the physical causes at their non physical cause you can have a perfectly normal life without medication just as he does.

Being a holistic approach he describes the emotional causes and provides remedies to clear these blockages that are impacting you physically and in the quality of your life on all its levels.

"You have cleared the overgrown terrain of all the misconceptions regarding the experience of HIV. As a pioneer you have seen the new land of possibility for others to embrace" -Dr Sharron Stroud (Outstanding Woman of the 20th Century).

Release dateJun 19, 2003
Healing Hiv: Causes & Remedies

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    Healing Hiv - Stephen Jensen

    All Rights Reserved © 2003 by Stephen J Jensen

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

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    Notwithstanding the author’s beliefs and experience, the information contained in this book is in no way meant to replace a diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist, physician or medical practitioner. This book does not claim to diagnose any medical conditions nor offer medical treatment for any medical condition. It does however draw a difference between the traditional medical industry and its beliefs and those beliefs which are based in spiritual and metaphysical laws.

    Author’s Contact Information:

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    ISBN: 0-595-28214-8

    ISBN: 978-1-4697-3995-3 (ebook)



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    This book is dedicated to—

    Patricia Brennan in recognition of her outstanding generosity and support and for her on-going love, commitment and concern for my health and spiritual growth and that of everyone on the Planet,to you the reader who is now taking responsibility for their lifeand to everyone who believes that they create their own reality and are powerful and therefore that HIV & AIDS are energetically healable.

    My gratitude and thanks is extended to my partner Eric, my sister Carmen, and my assistants Ros and Patzi for their assistance in the editing of this book.


    I am writing this book to share with you what I have found on my journey of healing HIV and to tell you what works for me. I believe that what I have found can work for you too. Whether it will or not though is entirely up to you. I can’t create your reality. Only you can do that.

    I am not going to say anything to you that isn’t already true for me. While some things in a person’s life may be true for one and not necessarily true for others, I have discovered that in the case of disease, there are common factors. All heart disease victims for instance have particular traits in common. This is the same with cancer. There are always common denominators in a disease. HIV and AIDS are no exception.

    Disease comes from fear. Fear comes from ignorance. Knowledge is the antidote to ignorance. Prevention of disease is better than cure—cheaper, less painful and often more enjoyable than treating a disease. Learning about something goes a long way to preventing you from getting it. That is the aim of this book.

    This book should be read not just by anyone who has HIV or AIDS but by anyone who doesn’t have HIV because it will help them understand what the disease is and help them overcome any fear they may have of contracting the disease. As fear causes disease the knowledge in this book will increase the probability of not getting the disease. Obviously, it can also be useful in the hands of any healer.

    In reading this book you will find that your health and your life is the same thing and that it is your responsibility to heal your life—for some of you that may be your life lesson. Healing your life will heal your health—and vice versa. All things are connected. This is the new way of healing in the new Millennium—self-healing and taking responsibility. These concepts began in the 1960’s with the realization that taking self-responsibility freed you from being at the effect of your reality and it put you at cause. That was the start of self-empowerment. HIV is a disease of dis-empowerment. Therefore taking responsibility for your reality is how you take back your power and heal your life and therefore yourself. It’s that simple. In the process you will learn who you are, why you got the disease, what it can teach you about yourself and how to become immune to it.

    I was in my late 30’s when I contracted HIV. It was a time when HIV was considered to be an inevitable stepping-stone to an incurable AIDS and an inevitable death. Going on the statistics at the time, death could be expected probably within 2 years. There were no allopathic treatments available.


    1.   I’d given the Catholic Church away at 19 when I decided that being gay was much more fun than boring old repetitive have to go every Sunday or you’ll go to Hell Mass—even in spite of the guilt and the intense fear of burning in Hell forever that this choice would deliver. I had burned my bridges there, accepting that Hell was where I was heading but a lifetime of gay sex would be worth the cost and I could always repent at the last minute—that was one of the benefits of being a Catholic; any rule could be broken if it meant cheating the Devil of your Soul. No wonder we Catholics grew up to be so competitive. Ironically it was in that religion that so much fertile ground lay waiting to lure in a disease like HIV where it could take root in the guilt, negative ego and Shadow that Catholicism had nurtured in childhood.

    2.   Science and allopathic medicine were completely at a loss and had absolutely no idea what was going on. It would be 20 years, they said, before a cure could be found, so there was no option there. Twenty years later and there’s still no cure.

    3.   Becoming an experiment for science was another option but the doctors had the nerve to expensively charge for the privilege of possibly killing you, and as they had no idea what they were doing, there would be many failures before there was a success, and I wasn’t about to be expendable cannon fodder this early into a 20 year experiment program. So no option there.

    4.   Lie down and die was one option that many people were taking, but I decided against living every day in fear of it being my last. In the face of the facts it was a very appealing choice—I was emotionally and physically bankrupt, having just been divorced, but I couldn’t afford it having just set up a new business where I was working 70 hours a week—I had too much to do to lie down and die anyway and thought it would have been abrogating my responsibility.

    5.   My last option was to heal myself. This was a long shot—but I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I had a background interest in healing, psychology and metaphysics so it was not as far fetched an option as it sounded.


    I did something to change the probability of dying. In all the options available to me I was the constant in every probability. So I changed something fundamental to the equation. I began to change me because obviously it was all about me. Before I could do that though I needed to know who I was and what was it about me that made me susceptible to the disease? Why did I get this disease?


    Within a week of my diagnosis and commitment to self-healing, I met a man who had been healed with energy. I had never heard of anyone being healed of HIV before, much the less with light, but I had heard about Reiki and in a spiritual channeling group many years before I had seen the laying on of hands as energy was passed from one person to another, so it wasn’t a foreign concept to me. The news gave me hope and was the first of many signs that I was on the right path; so I pursued energy medicine. More importantly it indicated that if I believed that something was possible then the Universe would show me that it was possible. Thinking, then belief, precedes experience I learned.

    Statistically I should have died in 1994 and I’m still waiting to get sick, much the less even get AIDS. My viral load results have improved each year since I was first tested in the mid 90’s. In July 2001 my T cell count was 800 and viral load was at 4,710—figures that indicate outstanding health. I have never taken AZT, combination therapies or any traditional western medicine. In fact, apart from the flu and Hepatitis A, I have not been ill since testing positive and I’ve never had any HIV related illness.

    This book is written to show the connection between belief and experience. There are no accidents in life. Everything happens for a reason and it is no coincidence that you are reading this book.


    That’s what this book will tell you. You are and always will be who you are. You are already complete—you just forgot you were by being stuck in other aspects of who you are. In a healing what you are doing is bringing other aspects of who you are to the forefront of your life, and creating your life from those aspects. It’s like putting yourself back to together again to live from a more optimum place. This is called personal growth—it is a process of discovering and becoming more of who you are. In a healing, you need to find out who you are now and start discovering yourself from that place. This is because what you have created in your life by being who you have been, has led you to where you are now—HIV or AIDS infected or afraid you may be one day. Until you find out who you are, you are not aware of which part of you is creating the life that made you susceptible to HIV or AIDS and keeps you there. Healing involves finding a part of you that believes that you can have an alternative reality more strongly than a reality of disease.

    In a healing you will be freed from the disease causing thoughts that you have allowed yourself to believe. It is your beliefs that have created your experiences and therefore your life. In a healing you create new beliefs. It is belief that creates reality.

    Physical symptoms are messages from your energy bodies indicating the imbalances occurring in those energy bodies. In other words these symptoms tell you where your emotional and mental blockages are located. The trouble is that most people aren’t looking at their symptoms that way. They are seeing them as their disease and treating the symptoms. If anything, that attitude perpetuates the disease and makes it harder to heal. This book will explain why. If the person were to look at what their body and reality were telling them, it would hasten the healing process.

    In my healing I learned to accept and love who I was. In metaphysical terms I shifted my energy into a higher vibration. One that could not hold the lower resonance of disease as it manifested as AIDS and HIV. I developed my higher qualities and stopped creating life from a place of fear, lack and wanting. I took back my power by healing my non-physical body—my mind and my emotional body—through vibrational medicine. These are skills, which can be learned. This book tells you how.

    Healing (and therefore by definition change) needn’t be a painful experience or something to resist or to be afraid of, but it will be if you resist change or choose to grow from fear. Fear is the energy that causes disease. More often though healing is an insightful, relaxing and an uplifting experience.

    The basis of what I have learned about healing is in my book—It’s All About Love: How To have A Better Life. It gives you the means to find out who you are, what you believe, how the world works and how to change your life.

    It’s All About Love is based in metaphysics and energy (or vibrational) medicine, culminating in guiding you how to resonate at the highest vibration—love—where nothing can affect you and complete peace exists. Metaphysics is a tool for making sense of the world. It can be used to deal with emotional upsets and blockages before they harden into physical maladies like cancer, heart disease and HIV. Vibrational medicine is a holistic approach to healing that works to realign your energy bodies—the invisible aspects of you—your emotions, your mind, your spirit and your beliefs, while physically working energetically on meridians, chakras and cells. Put it all together and you have what I call the Energy Paradigm.

    In It’s All About Love I created a Healing Model that guides you on how to heal any part of your life and for you to have what you want. This book you are reading now specifically applies HIV & AIDS to the Healing Model. Like DNA, which is mostly instructional manual and minimally code, so too the path of self-discovery and healing is mostly instruction. The Healing Model tells the reader how to re-align their energy bodies. It is these that form you—the holographic being that you are. Fix them and you become fixed—ultimately you are only energy vibrating at different frequencies. The densest or slowest vibrating frequencies can be experienced by the 5 senses. The etheric and subtle energies cannot—but it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

    In the following pages of the book you are now reading, I take the Healing Model and look at the blockages and imbalances of energy that cause HIV & AIDS. I explain why some people died and others didn’t and why some people got AIDS and others didn’t. Reading this book is so much easier than taking years, as I did, to find it all out for yourself. You have nothing to lose (you can keep taking meds and I wouldn’t encourage to stop taking them at this stage) and if you are already into alternative healing, metaphysics or self improvement then you will find familiar philosophies and the reasons behind why what you do works. Some of you are into the Energy Paradigm, or what is often called the New Age philosophies, and don’t know that you are because you haven’t had the terminology or reference to know it. My two books will give you a structure into which to put your information.

    In order to understand what I am saying here, you need to understand the basics and background to everything in It’s All About Love. This book you are now reading will make less sense without an understanding of the concepts that support it. This book has been written on the basis that you have read It’s All About Love. HIV & AIDS are specific diseases and so require a specific book to deal with them. The fact is that most of the world isn’t interested in your disease unless it affects them. And the truth is that it doesn’t affect most of them. Go to for more information on It’s All About Love.


    This book primarily addresses the male homosexual perspective and the role of the gay community in the disease. The underlying principles put forward in this book will apply to anyone who has HIV, AIDS or an immune disorder. It’s just that this book shows those common denominators in a gay community context. Whatever the context, the causes of the disease remain the same. By extrapolation you can put them into your own context.

    There are going to be people who don’t like and who don’t accept what is put forward in this book. These people tend to live in a fear-based reality at the whim of their negative egos and are waiting to be saved, acknowledged or vindicated. Quite often they are victims and unaware of it. These people tend to live in the Mass Consciousness Paradigm (which is explained in Chapter 1).

    Others will embrace it and cry with relief that the information has finally come to them. These people know truth when they meet it and seek love not fear as the motivation for their lives. These people are seeking the Energy Paradigm (which makes up the balance of the book).

    All disease comes from fear. Earth is a fear-based reality. For the fearful it will take courage and bravery to face their fears, but having done so they will emerge stronger than they have ever known themselves to be. This time their power will come from themselves and not from their judgments of themselves, the judgments of others nor from who they are or aren’t in the world, and what they own or don’t own, or what they have done or not done. They will be freed from competition. There is just so much to be said. There is just so much fantasticness and fabulousness waiting out there for you in the Energy Paradigm—freshness, aliveness, wellness, abundance, peace, contentment and feeling so good about yourself.

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    WARNING FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE ON MEDS If you believe that the meds work for you then they will work for you. Don’t let anything in this book convince you otherwise. This book merely reflects the writer’s beliefs, and based on the strength of them how they manifested as his experience. This doesn’t make his beliefs right or wrong—or yours. Beliefs are just beliefs.

    It is not the intention of the writer to stop you taking your meds or to challenge or shatter your beliefs about your medical treatments. If they are keeping you alive and healthy then keep taking them and keep believing in them. There are no right or wrong treatments. Whatever works works.

    It is the writer’s intention to make you aware of the differences between the mass consciousness belief system and the energy belief system and to give you the background tothe psycho-spiritual perspective from which you can chose all manner of new and alternative treatments and beliefs to supplement and facilitate your understanding and thereby your healing. This approach is based in his belief that for a healing to be effective and long lasting that the ill person needs to also address the energetic imbalances as they exist in the Mind and the Spirit. This is the basis of holistic medicine. This book primarily addresses the role and function of the Mind and Spirit in healing.

    In order to make an informed choice about your healing options you need to look at the facts from outside your belief system so that you can see the big picture. There are always two sides to every story. Let me present them to you. The current prevailing paradigm (Chapter 1) on the planet is HIV=AIDS=DEATH, and I will question it first. It’s a healing option for you, as it was for me, and I want to show you where science is with it—as opposed to the viewpoint that allopathic medicine would have you believe. It can’t be objective about itself as that would challenge it’s identity and vested interest in itself. Also you can’t judge a set of which you are part. You have to step outside the set first. Then I will present you with the option for healing that I took (Chapter 2) and the remainder of the book will deal with that: self awareness and energy medicine.

    The Mass Consciousness Paradigm is the world that we live in. It’s what we think is real and what we experience with our five senses. We tend to think that if we can’t experience something with our senses then it doesn’t exist. Logically this is untrue. You can’t see love but you know it exists. What we experience is the effects of love—bravery, acts of compassion, giving unconditionally to name but three. We can’t see television signals but they exist too. We can see the effects of them, i.e. television, even though we had to build a new interface (a television receiver) to compensate for the lacking in our five senses. Some people have heightened senses that let them see invisible things such as energies that have not yet taken form but which are coming towards us (also called the future)—these people are called clairvoyants, clairaudients and clairsentients. The KGB was known to use these people as do the CIA. As we are primarily spiritual beings in human forms, the interface we build in order to experience the Mass Consciousness Paradigm is our ego. I talk about it later at Chapter 9.2.

    The Mass Consciousness Paradigm is also called the Consensus Reality. It’s where we have all agreed to believe certain beliefs are true. We all believe in gravity, that the sun rises in the east, that planes fly, that the body metabolizes a particular way and that if something changes in those processes then dis-order or dis-ease occur. This can apply to your life as well as your body. When the mass consciousness changes its mind this can occur as a miracle, e.g. the fall of communism and apartheid both without war. These changes came from the people changing their minds and common beliefs. The reality was that love was at work.

    The Mass Consciousness Paradigm keeps people stuck in the mass consciousness. It is the result of common beliefs reinforced by the experience of those beliefs. It takes courage to act to the opposite of the beliefs of the mass consciousness. These people were the heroes, inventors, leaders and adventurers of our times that we remember. These people made change possible and made a difference. In the 1960’s people broke out of the mass consciousness confines by taking mind altering drugs. This let them see that another alternative world existed—and life on this planet hasn’t been the same since. The emergence of the gay community has its roots in those experiences. It was the emergence of this aberration to the normal and the way each reacted with the other energetically that was the cause of HIV and AIDS. But more about that in Chapter 2.

    The mass consciousness is very rigid, slow to change, based in fear, unforgiving generally speaking and limited in its belief of possibility—it seeks proof or it won’t believe. A fear based reality creates the polarity of Good vs. Evil, right vs. wrong, judgments and their attendant disadvantages of war, terrorism, hate and discrimination.

    What we can’t sense forms part of the invisible world of the Energy Paradigm. If we live in the Mass Consciousness we are missing out on more than half of what reality really is. It is in the invisible world of energy where all the action is and reality starts and finishes. Quantum physics is aware of this. Tapping this field is the new frontier. It is here that the future of education, politics, social order, peace, healing, technology and self-expression live. This book is an introduction into that new world.

    Within the Mass Consciousness there is a polarity. I’ve talked about this in Chapter 1 of It’s All About Love. An understanding of polarity is fundamental to understanding illness and healing. Within the HIV Paradigm there is the polarity of science and the dissidents; of those who say HIV exists and that causes AIDS and those that say HIV does not exist and if it did that it does not cause AIDS. This chapter looks at both points of view as they exist in the Mass Consciousness Paradigm and the explains them using the Energy Paradigm. Both view points are correct—it’s simply a matter of which one you want to believe. Belief creates reality. I believe the dissidents because I don’t believe that HIV is going to cause

    AIDS in me. This isn’t denial. I’ve looked at that in my Shadow and I’ll talk about Shadow a lot in this book. My purpose in writing this chapter is to use our world as we know it as a starting point in discovering the truth about HIV as an illness and to explain how we came to the beliefs that we have about it and why we need to go back to where those beliefs came from in order to create a new world free of HIV & AIDS. A world free of the fear that the Mass Consciousness is built on. This book will show you how to raise your energy above the level of fear into the energy of love where there is no polarity and therefore no war or disease but only peace happiness, joy and compassion for others. Healing disease is not just about healing an illness, it is really about healing your life.

    1.1 WHAT IS HIV?

    The mass consciousness defines HIV as a virus that destroys the immune system. This leaves you open to a state of being where a disease, that you could perhaps usually fight off, e.g. pneumonia, now kills you. That condition is called AIDS and that is what we call reality. I presume that you have been interpreting HIV to have this meaning too. This is the point of view of the scientist, his belief in a fear based reality that causes disease, and the steps he takes to find a cure for the symptoms. It is the so-called HIV=AIDS=Death theory that terrifies people who have HIV. This viewpoint is reflected back to you by the media. Within your mass consciousness is the entrenched worldview of how virus’ and bacteria work and the whole nature of disease. Buy into that paradigm and you are locked into it and its limitations and promises of one day a cure, but what do you do in the meantime?

    In aligning with the mass consciousness you have given your power to science and the media and we tend to take both on face value as the truth accepting what they say without question. But what if they were unaware of a bigger picture and had put together a theory based on what they thought was happening and then projected an outcome which they told us was the truth? Then this wouldn’t be the truth and this is what has happened because the Energy Paradigm has been ignored or denied.

    Science hasn’t been able to find a cure for HIV. Belief creates reality so therefore science can’t find a cure because there isn’t enough belief to create one. If there is a cure then science is looking in the wrong place or if not then it can’t see it yet.

    One explanation for no cure so far is that those who have the disease have not healed the energetic blockages that cause it, so all that can happen at the moment is to band-aid the symptoms. Twenty years after the first cases and there’s no vaccine, no cure and just combination therapies. When the blockages are healed, there will be a belief in a healing and a healing will be possible and only then will science discover: a cure. It’s already here—it just hasn’t been found yet.

    1.2 WHAT IS AIDS?

    Within the paradigm of the mass consciousness, the Center for Diseases Control in Atlanta USA, defines AIDS as a state of being (not as a disease) where a person has one of 29 listed diseases but who also tests positive to HIV. These diseases include diarrhea, some forms of pneumonia and cancer, salmonella, and tuberculosis. Each of the 29 diseases has documented causes and treatments that are unrelated to HIV. The definition of AIDS keeps changing because the Center keeps adding new diseases to the list. The number of HIV cases have not increased since 1985 but the rates of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea) increased in the period but are down now. So why haven’t the rates of HIV increased if all these people are having unsafe sex? See Christine Maggiore’s book What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong1 and visit her website for more information at you also download most of her book there too.

    In the United States, "the number of HIV positive test results peaked at 57,879 in 1991 and by 1998, had decreased to 30,473. The percentage of overall HIV positive test results declined from 3.8% in 1990 to 1.3% in 1998. The 1.3 percent figure is the lowest level on record.

    Now check out the more solid AIDS deaths numbers: The cumulative number in June 2000 was 16,292. For June 2001, it was 15,380. More declines. So are there any indications in the CDC report of a leap in infections? Let¹s look at other STDs thought to facilitate HIV transmission.¹ From 2000 to 2001, gonorrhea cases dropped from around 150,000 to 125,000 while syphilis cases dropped from 2,800 to 2,300. No rises here.

    What about racial breakdown? In 1997, the percentage of blacks in who tested HIV-positive was 2.3 percent from a sample size of over 700,000. In 1998, the percentage dropped to 2 percent from a sample size close to 800,000.

    Now, these numbers may not reflect the real population. Many people at risk do not seek testing or treatment, so it¹s possible that a leap in infections is occurring even though the numbers show otherwise. On the other hand, the trend in these numbers is very clear, and the sample size in this CDC report is exponentially larger than the tiny study that inspired the New York Times and Washington Post to run headline stories about alarming increases in HIV." ²

    And here’s more proof:

    "1992 was the peak of AIDS deaths because it was the peak of HIV seroconversion 10 years earlier. Even if no protease inhibitors had ever been developed, San Francisco would have experienced the peak and fall around 1992, because infection rates went from around 8,000 in the early 1980s to about 1,000 a year. That’s both gay and straight, though in the

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