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Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too: Seventh-Day Adventist Edition
Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too: Seventh-Day Adventist Edition
Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too: Seventh-Day Adventist Edition
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Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too: Seventh-Day Adventist Edition

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About this ebook

This is a verse-by-verse exploration of what the Bible has to say about foods, nutrition, gluttony and obesity. The Bible contains the formula for lasting behavior change through the power supplied by Jesus Christ.

Jesus struggled with appetite in the wilderness and successfully resisted the temptations of the devil. Jesus enables you to resist temptations to overeat. Jesus can give you the same victory that he had. With Jesuss help you can reach your ideal weight.

Additionally, this book is enriched with 200 quotations on appetite and nutrition from the writings of the 19th chentury health reformer, Ellen G. White. This practical counsel seconds and makes practical application of the principles found in the Bible.

Release dateMar 18, 2011
Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too: Seventh-Day Adventist Edition

Elvin Adams

Dr. Elvin Adams is a graduate of Loma Linda University School of Mediicne. He also holds a Public Health degree from Johns Hopkins University. Adams is a board certified specialist in Internal Medicine and has been treating overweight and obese individuals for over 40 years. In his time, Adams has become recongized in the field of nutrition. Dr. Adams is the author of the popular Best Weigh Nutrition and Weight Management program. Best Weigh is a low cost program conducted in Seventh-day Adventist Churches all across the United States. Adams has demonstrated that a weight management program containing the elements of prayer, Bible Study, and regular contact with church members is more effective that a program based on diet and exercise alone. Jesus is the power behind long term behavior change.

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    Jesus Was Thin so You Can Be Thin Too - Elvin Adams

    Jesus Was Thin

    So You Can Be Thin Too

    Seventh-day Adventist Edition


    iUniverse, Inc.


    Seventh-day Adventist Edition

    Copyright © 2011

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    1. Foreward

    2. Preface for Seventh-day Adventists

    3. Preface to: Jesus was Thin, So You Can Be Thin Too.


    4. How Do You Know if You are Fat?

    5. How Many Obese People are There?

    6. Health Risks of being Overweight and Obese


    7. God Wants You to be Healthy

    8. Created in the Image of God

    9. The Loss of Appetite Control

    10. Jesus was Thin

    11. Why Was Jesus Thin?

    12. Destruction of the Fat People of Sodom

    13. Destruction of the Fat by a Flood and at the Second Coming of Jesus

    14. Gluttony is a Sin

    15. Fish, Cucumbers, Leeks, Onions, and Garlic.

    16. Weighed in the Balances

    17. Look at all that Food!!

    18. Your Big Mouth

    19. Heavy Loads

    20. As Big as a Barn

    21. Sell All You Have

    22. The Narrow way

    23. Paunchy Preachers

    24. Belly Gods

    25. Two Reasons You Can’t Change (Or Can You?)

    26. The Biggest, Ultimate, Worst Sin

    27. The Apostate Church of the Last Days—Home for Fat Christians


    28. Health Reform

    29. The Body Temple

    30. The Best Bread

    31. Pure, Clear Water

    32. What God Wants You to Eat.

    33. What God Doesn’t Want You to Eat

    34. Ask God for Thinness

    35. In Touch with the God of the Universe

    36. The Lord’s Prayer for Fat People

    37. The Power to Become Thin

    38. Moderation in all Things

    39. Deny Yourself Food

    40. Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements

    41. Fasting vs. Fast Foods

    42. It Looks SOooo Good! It Smells SOooo Good!

    43. Healed Eyes

    44. I’m Hungry and Up Tight

    45. Resist the Devil

    46. Outnumbered

    47. How About Some Respect!!

    48. Thank God You are Thin

    49. Holy Here and Now

    50. Eating to the Glory of God

    51. Walk, Run, Exercise

    52. Don’t Stop Now


    53. Know What You are Doing

    54. Better Food Choices

    55. Physical Activity

    56. Making it all work


    Are you looking for practical help with losing weight? Sure, you have gone on diets, purchased low-calorie foods, exercised until you felt you would die, read a dozen or more books on the topic, and joined weight reduction programs. Yet the sad fact is, you are still overweight, embarrassed about your looks and increasingly desperate to do something to achieve success.

    This book may be just what you have been waiting for! It was for me. It is a book on how to lose weight like no other. As in so many others it is full of good balanced dietary, exercise, and commonsense advice.

    However, it differs from all the rest in that it addresses the real issues for those of us who are weak-in-heart, and gently points us to Jesus, the only One who can help us accomplish all things--including the body makeover so many of us desperately need.

    Reading this manuscript in the early stages brought conviction and hope to my heart. The application of these principles through God’s power has helped me lose a significant number of pounds--and as long as I choose to be clothed in His righteousness, my own clothes continue to get bigger!

    I highly recommend this book to those serious about losing weight.

    Fred Hardinge, MPH, RD, DrPh

    Associate Director of Health Ministries

    General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

    Preface for Seventh-day Adventists

    This book is written especially for Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) who are overweight or obese. This book is adapted from the book, Jesus Was Thin, So You Can Be Thin Too, which was written for the general public. Jesus Was Thin is built around those texts from the Bible that have a direct or indirect application to appetite control. Over 200 Scripture texts are reviewed.

    At the end of each chapter are several quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White. Nearly 200 passages from these Spirit of Prophecy writings have been added to confirm and add emphasis to the points made from Scripture. Often, key words will appear in bold type to emphasize a point.

    Seventh-day Adventists are a unique people. Our most distinguishing feature is the observance of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a memorial of six literal days of creation followed by a day of rest. The Sabbath has several spiritual functions. The Sabbath is a holy day unlike other days of the week. The Sabbath is a day of rest from all unnecessary labor. Ordinary buying and selling is forbidden on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of worship and fellowship with God.

    Seventh-day Adventists assert that God’s law, contained in the 10 commandments, is binding on all humans. By keeping the Sabbath, SDAs are in compliance with the law of God. SDAs understand that they are saved by faith in Jesus who lived to set an example of how we should live. Jesus died that we need not die. Jesus was resurrected and that is a promise of our own resurrection at his second coming in clouds of glory. Our observance of the law of God has no merit with regards to our salvation. Keeping the law of God doesn’t save us, but keeping the law is something that saved people do.

    Seventh-day Adventists believe the ceremonial laws that incorporated animal sacrifices that pointed forward to Christ’s sacrifice were fulfilled and rendered forever void at the death of Christ on the cross.

    Seventh-day Adventists believe in the life-long process of sanctification by which we are increasingly changed into the image of Jesus who is our pattern of perfection. If this is what we believe, why are there so many fat Adventists? You see obese church members in every congregation. Too many of our people have apostatized on the health message.

    It is understandable that newly baptized Adventists are less likely to fully adopt the diet and exercise patterns of those who have been in the way for longer periods of time. For this reason there are likely to be obese Adventists among those new in the faith. As time progresses however, there should be less and less obesity seen among the saints who are established in the faith.

    Overly strict Sabbath observance was a mark of the Jews of Jesus day. They kept the Sabbath too well, but pretty much failed in most other areas. Are we as a people doing the same thing?

    As long as we keep the Sabbath we assure ourselves that all is right in our relationship with God. We would question the experience of a member who was at church every Sabbath but was daily seen smoking and drinking in a local bar.

    In the same way, should we not question the experience of someone who is daily seen eating excessively resulting in obesity? Obesity is often a sign that you are not completely right with God. You claim to put God first in your life and are willing to keep the Sabbath to prove it.

    Keeping the Sabbath is easier than losing weight. To present the appearance of keeping the Sabbath you only need to go to church once a week. Eating too much is an everyday problem. You meet with God one day a week in church but you need him in your life at home every day of the week.

    Many sins are easy to hide from others. Obesity can’t be hidden. You bring your big body to church every week. I want you to be in church, but I also want you to acknowledge that your life is not in harmony with God’s will for you. I want you to get help from Jesus for your weight problem.

    Ellen G. White Quotes:

    "We are living in an age of gluttony, and the habits to which the young are educated, even by many Seventh-day Adventists, are in direct opposition to the laws of nature."

    Christian Education p. 163

    Preface to:

    Jesus was Thin, So You Can Be Thin Too.

    This is a book for fat people. This book will help you lose weight if you only need to lose 10 pounds or if you have 500 pounds to shed. This book will change your life forever.

    Diets don’t work. This is why there are hundreds of diets you can choose from. If there was one superior weight loss formula, that is what everyone would use to lose weight. There would be one diet that was better than all the others.

    Every diet works for a few people, but not for very many. Most people who diet stick with the program for a day, a week or a month and then fall off the wagon. The defect is not in the diet but in you.

    This book is aimed at the defect in you that prevents diets from working. If you are confident that you can achieve and maintain your ideal weight by exercising some inner strength you think you have, you don’t want to read this book

    If you have failed time and time again in your weight loss efforts, this book will fix you. If you don’t have the strength to diet for very long this book show you how to tap into God’s power to succeed. This power to change doesn’t come from some place deep inside you, it comes from God. The formula for behavior change is not found in a text on psychology but in the Bible—the Word of God.

    If this concept turns you off—don’t close this book too quickly. You are a failure wallowing in your fatness and nothing you have tried up to this point has worked—why not try God. God wants you to be thin. God gave you an example of thinness in Jesus.

    Jesus had to struggle with appetite. He was successful in the food fight. Because Jesus was successful, you can be successful too. Jesus provides an example all can follow. Jesus controlled his appetite. Jesus was thin. By studying the pattern he set, you too can become thin.

    Because Jesus was successful in his mission, this qualifies him to provide you with power to change the way you live. You can claim Jesus’ strength for yourself; you can overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. This book is about overcoming the flesh—the extra flesh that is accumulating around your waist, your arms, your bottom and your legs.

    The purpose of this book is to lift up the thin Jesus. This book is based on the counsel, advice, warnings, principles and stories found in the Holy Bible that relate to appetite control. The Bible contains God’s will for your life. The Bible is a reliable guide as to how you should live, how you should eat, and how you can receive power to become thin. The Bible is God’s blueprint for your life.

    Obesity results from a loss of self-control. As world systems gradually reject the God of the Bible, and Jesus our example, the Holy Spirit is slowly being withdrawn from society. God’s restraining influence on humans is being withdrawn. As a result, people are increasingly coming under the destructive influence of Satan.

    One sign that this is occurring, is when people lose restraint on their appetites. It is Satan’s purpose to erase the image of God from the minds and bodies of people. People may still think they are in control of their lives, but they are not. Every urge to eat is promptly answered by a trip to the kitchen, snack drawer, or fast food joint, to hunt for something to satisfy an entirely false hunger.

    You are fat! You are no longer in control of yourself. Satan doesn’t care if you keep your finances in line, if you sing in the choir, or have a perfectly behaved family. You only need to be out of control in one area of your life, to be out of God’s will. The Bible makes this plain.

    James 2:10 (NIV)

    For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

    This text doesn’t only apply to keeping the 10 Commandments. There is a very clear command in the New Testament regarding eating that you are ignoring.

    1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

    So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

    For many years, I told fat patients about the disease and premature death to which they were headed. Obese people have problems with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. There is limited mobility and premature arthritis of the hips, knees and ankles. There is an increased risk of cancer, heart attacks and strokes. These facts don’t scare fat people any more. Pointing to premature disease and death doesn’t change behavior.

    For years I begged obese patients to change their eating habits. I provided fat patients with diet sheets, nutritional counseling, and frequent follow-up visits to try to reinforce healthful behaviors, all without much success.

    As I grew in my own spiritual experience, I came to realize that I had my own obesity problem. I steadily gained about 10 pounds per decade of life and I topped out at 250 pounds. For my 6 foot, 5 inch frame that resulted in a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30. This landed me in the Obese category.

    All my training as a specialist in Internal Medicine didn’t help me. I repeatedly dieted with fairly spectacular short-term success. I would drop 20 pounds at a time, but most of it came right back on. My own appetite was out of control. I was doing the yo-yo thing with my weight.

    The mercy and grace of God were constantly extended to me. I finally came to understand that obesity is a spiritual problem. I asked God to help me control my appetite, and He did. I followed the Best Weigh program which I first designed in 1974. In 2007, with much daily prayer, and carefully keeping a daily record on my Progress Card, I got the victory over my appetite. My weight has been steady at 200 pounds for more than a year. My BMI is 24 which is in the normal range.

    In my study of the Bible, I have found many familiar stories and passages that can be understood to have an application to the problem of obesity. Theologians may accuse me of taking some scriptures out of context by making an application to obesity or appetite that was never intended in the original text. This may be, but as you read these passages you will see that these scriptures can be applied to your own problem of obesity.

    Spiritual resources for weight loss are important to consider. God loves you and wishes you to enjoy good health. Your fatness is an ideal problem for you to experiment with the practical side of your spiritual journey. God is anxious to develop a new and deeper relationship with you. Everyone who walks with God had to start somewhere. Why not make your obesity the problem with which you learn how real God’s help is?

    God will help you lose weight! To lose weight with God’s help will require you to learn what God thinks of obesity and then you need to practice receiving the power God provides you to overcome your abnormal appetite.

    You will find words of warning in the second part of this book where several of the scripture passages that can be applied to obesity are presented. In the third section of the book you will find the Bible’s prescription for obesity. Here you will find motivation, strength, comfort and encouragement. Bible quotations are from the New King James Version (NKJV) or the New International Version (NIV).

    The last section of the book provides some practical suggestions that will help you lose weight. These are common sense suggestions, but they will require the strength Jesus provides to make them work in your life. I suggest that you find a balanced diet to follow while you apply the principles in this book. With God’s help any diet will work for you.

    I find the more people I introduce to Jesus, the more people’s lives are changed. The more I hold up Jesus, the more weight people lose. Without Jesus, dieting will never work for many people. So, look to Jesus and learn to truly live. Look to Jesus and regain control over your life. Look to Jesus and permanently lose weight and restore the image of God in your body,

    It is my sincere desire that as you read this book that your life will be eternally changed. Look to Jesus who is the beginning of your thin life and he will see you through to the end.



    How Do You Know if You are Fat?

    How do you know if you are fat? This is one question with an obvious answer. Anyone can spot an obese person a mile away. You know you are fat. Look in the mirror. Look at the size of your abdomen. Look at the length of your belts. Look at the size of your dresses. Look at the size of your arms. Get on the scales. These all scream out to you that you are fat.

    The most widely used measure of obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is a number calculated from your weight and height. BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. BMI does not measure body fat directly, but research has shown that BMI correlates to other direct measures of body fat, such as underwater weighing and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Additionally, calculating the BMI is easy to do.

    Because calculating your BMI requires only measuring your height and weight, it is inexpensive and easy to use. The BMI allows people to compare their own weight to that of the general population. Scientists all over the world use BMI in studies of obesity.

    The BMI can be calculated with just a bit of basic mathematics. With the metric system, the formula for BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared. Since height is commonly measured in centimeters, divide height in centimeters by 100 to obtain height in meters. Formula: weight (kg) / [height (m)]²

    The formula using pounds and inches is a bit more complex and is calculated by dividing your weight in pounds (lbs.) by your height in inches (in) squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703. Formula: weight (lb.) / [height (in)]² x 703. There are many websites that have an automatic BMI calculator where you simply plug in your weight and your height and your BMI is quickly calculated. Several Microsoft Excel templates for BMI can be downloaded for free.

    Weight categories based on BMI are displayed in the following table.

    Notice that there is a difference between being Overweight and being Obese. These terms are not synonymous. Overweight people are not yet obese.


    Oh, Lord. I am fat! My BMI doesn’t lie. You have made me painfully aware of my obesity. Help me to never become comfortable with being fat. The struggle to become thin again seems too great. I wish you would make me thin while I sleep tonight, but I know that obesity is never cured in a day or even a month. Give me courage to do the dieting I must do in the weeks to come. Preserve my health and improve my health along this journey. Help me to not become weary or to give up in the process. Give me endurance to see this through until I am thin like Jesus was. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

    How Many Obese People are There?

    In the past 20 years there has been an epidemic of obesity in the United States and many other industrialized countries. In 2010 about 1/3 of the population is overweight and another 1/3 of the population is in the obese category. This means that nearly 66% of the adults in the United States are overweight or obese.

    Children and teens are not exempt from this epidemic. Type II diabetes, which used to only be seen in adults, is now common in overweight and obese children. The number of obese and overweight children is at or above 30 percent in 30 states.

    Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama and Tennessee are the states with the heaviest adults with more than 30 percent of adults being obese. Colorado has the lowest percentage of obese adults at 19%. State by state rankings in a dramatic PowerPoint presentation demonstrating this epidemic of obesity can be viewed at the website. Use the search term obesity.

    The cause of obesity has been found to be 82% due to eating too many calories and most of the rest is due to a lack of exercise. Public health experts have estimated that 10% of health-care spending or about $147 billion annually is obesity related. Every healthy, normal weight, person pays an estimated $259 a year in extra health insurance premiums to cover medical expenses due to obesity in the rest of the population.

    Obesity also runs in families. You are 80 percent more likely to become obese if your parents were obese. Part of this familial obesity may be in the genes, but a big component is learned behavior from parents who set a poor example of eating to their children.

    Ellen G. White Quotes:

    "Our Saviour warned his disciples that in the last days, just prior to his second coming, a state of things would exist very similar to that which preceded the flood. Eating and drinking would be carried to excess, and the world would be given up to business and pleasure. This state of things does exist at the present time. The world is

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