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2012 Ascension Journey: Into the Fifth Dimension
2012 Ascension Journey: Into the Fifth Dimension
2012 Ascension Journey: Into the Fifth Dimension
Ebook199 pages4 hours

2012 Ascension Journey: Into the Fifth Dimension

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About this ebook

In late 2009 this angelic source warned of the need for every country to become self-sufficient in food supply. One of the reasons given was that '.....geological disturbances will take place beneath the oceans with repercussions in the atmosphere. This may make both water and air transport difficult.' A few months later a volcano in Iceland erupted and air space across Western Europe was closed to traffic.

This book is a wake-up call and we all need to start listening. Time is not on our side.

Crop circles - how they are made and why

Black holes - their true purpose

Meditation in fifth dimensional energies

The true nature of climate change

The evolution of the human race

Manifestation in the new energies.

The Ascension process - what you need to know
to be part of the Earth's new golden age

.....and much more.....
Release dateNov 22, 2010
2012 Ascension Journey: Into the Fifth Dimension

Barbara Jal

not required. Information given in introduction to the text.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I consider the teachings so perfect for this moment now, easy to read and also important wisdom, practical information to reach 5D together with mother Gaia

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2012 Ascension Journey - Barbara Jal


Most of you drawn to this book are already on your journey of individual change, a journey through which you are contributing energies leading to major changes at planetary level, changes which will propel your Earth into the fifth dimension and you with her, if you make the correct journey. There is nothing to fear from 2012 and the ascension process if you are making the right preparations now.

The first few chapters cover areas which will be familiar to many of you. Some of the information will already be known to those of you who are keen seekers of spiritual truths. But for many others it will be a completely new understanding of how to live in the complex society you find yourselves in. A little revision is always useful, as so many inspirational ideas get lost in the confusion and speed of your daily lives.,

Your main task is to change your physical body, through the power of your thought, into a physical light body that can live comfortably in fifth dimensional energies. New energies to help you with this process are being directed onto Earth in increasingly powerful quantities as your ability to absorb these expands. We go into much greater detail about this process in the section on the Self. You won’t notice any particular changes taking place until the process is nearly complete.

Spring-cleaning your home doesn’t sound like a particularly fifth dimensional activity and it certainly doesn’t have the exotic allure of incense, chanting and candlelight but it is a vital first step in the process. It is a very human and practical thing to do and will enable powerful new energies to flow much more easily into your home and your life.

Humans, especially in the early stages of their lives, have a tendency to define themselves through their possessions People are born with an inbuilt urge to create an identity for themselves, initially so that they themselves understand who they are - which makes choosing careers and partners easier - then later as a means of attracting others with similar cultural and social attitudes which reduces potential areas of conflict. At a cosmic level, what you are doing is sending out signals indicating your frequency level in order to avoid people whose vibrations are going to cause you irritation. It is a subconscious process which has worked very well for you up to now. But if you want to live on a fifth dimensional planet, you need to take it a stage further and do it with full conscious knowledge of what you are doing and why.

You identify yourselves through your choice of clothes, how wealthy you are, your job, your friends, where you live, the places you go to, the car you drive. You have many cunning little ways of identifying who you want to be with and who you wish to avoid. Those of you who are high achievers in the system would add education, qualifications, skills such as sports, languages, musical instruments to the list. However, very few of you would be able to recognise yourself or others through levels of consciousness. That is a primary skill of the new age you are moving into, where you will instantly know and recognise someone through their energy level. It isn’t even necessary to have a name. At higher consciousness levels people are recognised by their energy patterns. Your subconscious possession based identity process is part of the old energy survival kit you were born with and you must now learn a new way of doing things.

Your first step, then, is to do something very practical which we are sure many of you have been meaning to do for ages - declutter your home, make it light and airy, get rid of all unnecessary possessions, everything that you know you don’t need and will probably never use or wear. Once you do this, you will remove all the blockages that have been preventing powerful new energies from moving through your home. Don’t keep anything just for the sake of having it. Only keep decorative objects that you really love to look at, love having around you. You know which ones to lose, those that you will stuff at the back of a cupboard and forget about. You don’t want any cupboards like that in your house, they are energy blocks, negative bubbles of unresolved business, something you should have dealt with. Practical tasks that need doing that you never get around to count as negative baggage just as much as your unresolved emotional traumas. It all needs to be dealt with if you are going to be ready to make the fifth dimensional journey with the Earth…The Earth will move into the fifth dimension, with or without you. Don’t feel guilty about throwing things out. Provided that you do it responsibly, it is a positive action. When you take things to jumble sales, car boot sales, charity shops and the like, it sets a flow of energy moving which directs your unwanted possessions to someone else who does want or need them. The real junk, which is beyond redemption in its current form, is dealt with by natural decay processes in some instances and man made processes in others. In the near future, new energies will be arriving on earth which will enable the planet to speed these processes to such a degree that your landfill sites will be cleansed and purified.

If every single person on the planet did this simple thing, the Earth would be halfway to purification. Everyone who does this is helping to reduce the grip of materialism on your culture, besides lifting a burden off your own shoulders. The Earth has the power to transform everything into its light body form and when she is ready, she will.

This domestic spring clean may not sound like a particularly spiritual thing to do but, as well as making your daily life brighter and easier, it is symbolic of the body, mind and spirit energy purification which is part of your personal ascension process. It is no coincidence that so many of your most spiritual people gave away their possessions and wandered off into the desert or forest to find solitude and simplicity. They instinctively knew that this was the path to higher consciousness. Today, you live such busy lives there is little room left for contemplation. Not content with having all these possessions which need constant attention, you pack your days with activities, rushing from one thing to another until you collapse exhausted in front of your televisions and allow yourselves to be brainwashed for an hour or two. From our viewpoint, you look like a species with a mass extinction complex.

Make your home light and airy, redecorate in light colours if you need to, wash everything you can and ensure that you have more space than furniture in each room. You will notice immediately how much calmer and more relaxing your home has become. You, in turn, will benefit from these energies. You will have fewer regular chores to do and more free time for doing things that are much more fun. More importantly, you have enabled your home to move up the frequency ladder. It will be vibrating at a higher level than previously and this will allow the new fifth dimensional energies to flow easily into your home. You will struggle to maintain a high frequency level when you live in a lower frequency personal environment.

Yes, we know what you are saying. That’s fine if you live on your own, but if you live with a family you love who have no intention of decluttering anything, then what do you do? That is the moment when they have to accept responsibility for their own choices. You should be focussing on your personal areas, anything which is very much your domain, and you wouldn’t be breaking any cosmic laws to put your case for keeping all the communal areas clutter free, perhaps redecorating them and making them more spacious. But where other peoples’ personal space is concerned, that is entirely their concern and you will just have to leave them to keep it exactly as they want to. That is their choice. However, if you are the person in the household who does most of the cleaning, do not feel obliged to plough through someone else’s material jungle, just hand them the vacuum cleaner and let them get on with it.. You are entering an age when it is vital that everyone accepts responsibility for his or her own actions and you are not helping anyone by carrying them through life.

There is no need to hoard against future lack. There will not be a future lack. What you need will be given and because of the rise in overall levels of consciousness, what you desire will be what you need.

When you are redeveloping anything in a third dimensional environment, you have to demolish the existing structure before you can build the new one. That is what you are doing through this process, you are dismantling the old third dimensional energy structures so that you can build your new fifth dimensional energy environment. You are not just spring cleaning your home, you are changing your ways of thinking, of making choices and in this way you are actually changing the tools you use as you go through life. You are choosing higher frequency energies to power your reality.

In the near future it will become obvious which parts of your system belong to the old energies and which to the new. You will see systems, structures, activities, even people, which belong to fifth dimensional energies flourish and grow stronger, attracting more and more interest, while their third dimensional equivalents are being abandoned, slowly falling away or even collapsing completely. Systems in your social structures which you have taken for granted for many years, centuries even, will prove to be not fit for purpose. From the ruins of these old systems, your bright new world will emerge. Many of you may have noticed friends disappearing from your lives who you thought would always be around, duties you regularly performed not being required any more, activities you pursued closing down. Don’t worry, it is nothing to do with you personally. Other peoples’ lives are taking them in different directions which do not apply to you, your old friends are vibrating at different frequency levels from you and the new energies are simply drifting you gradually apart. Expect massive changes to the very foundations upon which your society is based over the coming years. Everything around you is changing and the best thing for you to do is join in the fun, move with the energies, fasten you safety belt and enjoy the ride.

Remember, everything you cling onto that is not serving you merely holds you in old energies and limits your progress, restraining your ability to raise your frequency level.

Now you have removed from your reality the clothes you will never wear, books you won’t read, hobby equipment you will never use, music you don’t want to listen to and all the other unnecessary paraphernalia that has stuck to you through life, what are you left with?. You are left with the core, the essence of who you really are, with all the fuzzy uncertainties blown away. Everything you have left either serves you well, inspires you or makes you feel good about yourself. Now you know who you are, you can see yourself clearly at last, and it is time to find out what your true purpose in life is.

There is another very important aspect of letting go that you need to deal with and that is your sense, often quite overwhelming, of guilt. You feel this both individually and collectively as a species. Truly, guilt and remorse do not serve you well. Guilt has been engrained in you over millennia by religious leaders and authors of religious texts who seem to take great pleasure in telling you what a worthless bunch of sinners you are. We tell you the opposite, right now you are the great hope of the Universe and many of you are doing very well indeed in extremely difficult circumstances. Nowadays, you are even being brainwashed into feeling guilty over events that took place many years ago, even centuries, and with which you had absolutely no connection. You were not personally involved with these events, they have nothing to do with you, it is not your fault, you have nothing to feel guilty about. You are what and who you are now, in your current life, this is the only life you have to deal with and the only life you need to involve your conscience in. Events that happened in your history have gone. What you have been told about them is not always correct. And anyway, much of it has been changed, or deleted at higher dimensional levels, simply to make the correct foundation for the present. For guilt, read conscience. It is your conscience that you need to bring into play. Guilt is passive. It leads to depression and apathy, lack of self-confidence, feelings of unworthiness. Conscience is much more pro-active. When your conscience pricks you about something and you think ‘I could have done that better’ then put it right immediately. Do the job again, properly this time, go and see the person you hurt or neglected and say you’re sorry. You can always put anything right if you have the will to do so.

The other aspect of guilt which causes you many problems is money. When you haven’t got enough money to pay your way through life you live in a state of perpetual fear and anxiety, worrying about what is going to happen to you in the future. How will you pay your bills, feed the family, keep a roof over your head? And you envy and resent those who are well-off or rich. Look at how many negative emotions lack of money can arouse in you. But having great wealth can bring just as much negativity with it. It can make you mean, turn you into a hoarder, make you distrust the motives of everyone in your life. Does anyone love you for yourself or is it your money they want? Yet money is merely the energy which makes the wheels of your society turn smoothly. It should flow easily and freely amongst you. In an ideal world,, everyone would have enough money to allow them to live securely and experience life to the full. In your fifth dimensional world such a thing as money is unnecessary, your thought process takes the place of your bank account. But for now, you still need money. Many wealthy people feel guilty about their riches, while poorer people feel guilty at not being able to provide a better life for their family. There is so much negativity attached to money that many of you are actually rejecting it rather than attracting more. Just start to focus on money as energy. Right now your experience of life, your creativity, is being limited by lack of money. Just ask cosmic intelligence to increase your money energy supply.. And whatever you do, do not feel guilty for asking for more for yourself when others have less than you do now. There is more than enough money floating around your world for everyone to have an ample supply. It is just not very well distributed at present. You are merely asking for what is rightfully yours. Still worried about the people who have less than you? Don’t be, they can ask for more if they choose to and if they don’t ask, they won’t get. The cosmos knows how much you need for a fulfilling, secure life and it will see that you get it - But you have to ask for it with a clear conscience and an easy mind. You are not begging for a handout, you are asking for something that is rightfully yours. Remember, money is a material form of energy, it powers your life in the same way that your electricity supply powers your home. Just think of it as energy. Tell cosmic intelligence exactly what you want and allow it to flow abundantly into your life. Doors will open for you, opportunities arise and your life will change for the better.

Now, take a few moments to absorb what you have read.

Be still, listen to your breathing, your heartbeat, listen to your body and your soul. Start the process of becoming aware of how much you have going on in your day to day lives that is pointless and damaging, how much of it you would be willing, even glad, to be rid of. When you finish reading this, put the book down and sit quietly

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