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Stewardship on Steroids: Increase Your Cash Flow, Build Wealth and Become a Great Christian Steward.
Stewardship on Steroids: Increase Your Cash Flow, Build Wealth and Become a Great Christian Steward.
Stewardship on Steroids: Increase Your Cash Flow, Build Wealth and Become a Great Christian Steward.
Ebook241 pages2 hours

Stewardship on Steroids: Increase Your Cash Flow, Build Wealth and Become a Great Christian Steward.

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If you are looking to increase your cash flow, build wealth, create a flood of tax-free retirement income and leave behind a legacy, look no further than Stewardship on Steroids. In this eye-opening book, one of America's most sought after advisors, David Ellis Conyers, offers the foundation of knowledge you need to become the best Christian steward possible. Using nothing more than proven facts and simple math, David sheds light on the financial lies The Establishment has shoved down our throats all our lives, empowering Christian readers with the undeniable truth.

Throughout these unprecedented pages, David reveals the powerful financial planning and investment methods The Establishment doesnt want you to know about. He proves there is a better a way for good Christian stewards to manage Gods resources, accumulate wealth and ensure a financially comfortable retirementand still have plenty of money left over to give generously to the Church, Christian organizations and charities. Stewardship on Steroids serves up real-world, common sense, easy-to-understand solutions that any Christian can put into practice.

Why settle for being a good Christian steward when you can be a great one? Get on the path to financial greatness with Stewardship on Steroids.
Release dateNov 8, 2011
Stewardship on Steroids: Increase Your Cash Flow, Build Wealth and Become a Great Christian Steward.

David Ellis Conyers

David Ellis Conyers is a highly respected independent financial services professional who specializes in teaching good Christian stewards how to become great Christian stewards. After serving honorably in the U.S. Air Force from 1986 to 1990, he began his career in financial services. From the very beginning, David knew the only way he could truly help his clients attain financial success was if he always remained independent. Because he has never been tied exclusively to a single company, he has always been able to put his clients’ best interests first. As a result, David has become one of America's most sought after advisors with clients from Alaska to New York and everywhere in between. His simple, brutally honest approach is a refreshing change of pace in today's world of "political correctness." In recent years, David began to feel a calling to reach out to fellow Christians. Shortly thereafter, Stewardship on Steroids was born. With a passion for empowering Christians financially, David feels it is his duty to educate as many people as possible about the ways of great stewardship. David lives in Indiana with his wife of 18 years, Tracey, and their two children, Andrew and Emily.

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    Book preview

    Stewardship on Steroids - David Ellis Conyers



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    A Letter from Me to You

    (Read This First!)

    Dear Reader,

    Before we dive headfirst into Stewardship on Steroids, I’d like take some time and explain my approach to this book. Consider this something of a love letter from me to you. (Okay, so maybe it’s a little early to talk about love—but stick with me here!)

    First and foremost, I hope that my unshakeable conviction for Christian stewardship will shine through the pages of this book. After all, stewardship isn’t just a topic I pulled out of a hat and thought, Hey, I’ll write a book about this! It’s a principle I have held near and dear to my heart for many, many years. I want you to know that I don’t just talk the talk… I also walk the walk. Not only do I coach each and every one of my clients on how to incorporate these techniques into their lives, but I also live and breathe by these standards in my own personal life. My mission is to open the eyes of as many good Christian stewards as is humanly possible—and help them grow into great Christian stewards.

    Which brings me to my next point: Who is this book for? It’s for Christians! To be brutally honest, I have absolutely no interest in sharing these methods with people who don’t love Jesus. The last thing I want to do is embolden the enemy with this priceless knowledge. I only want to empower good, responsible Christian stewards. If you’re a Christian who loves America and understands the perilous times we’re living in right now as it to pertains to the current de-valuing of the dollar, this book is for you. If you believe that we’re currently at war with people who want to turn this great nation into something other than a Christian nation, this book is for you. If this sounds like you, keep reading. I wrote this book for YOU!

    Here’s another thing you should know: as you might have already noticed, I am anything but politically correct. As you continue reading, you’ll quickly discover that I’m not afraid to speak my mind and reveal the cold, hard facts. I am going to present you with nothing but the raw truth throughout the following pages—and at times, it may get a little ugly. But that’s the whole point of this book: No matter how uncomfortable it may be, we must identify the financial myths and lies before we can discover the truth. And once you know the truth, you’ll have the knowledge and power you need to become a great Christian steward.

    Okay, but who am I? Well, I’m no C.S. Lewis, James Dobson or Billy Graham. I’m just a regular guy who’s stepping out in faith to complete a book project as God has instructed me to do. I’m also a husband, a father, a Christian and a dedicated independent financial services professional. I think my parents got it right when they named me David. Just like King David in the Bible, I’m a sinner and I make mistakes—but I’m also courageous, loyal and obedient to God. I am a man after God’s heart, and I clearly understand my purpose in life: to do His will.

    I wrote this book using plain English and simple math so that it will be easy to read and understand. I do not fancy myself to be any kind of Charles Dickens or Ernest Hemingway, nor do I expect to win a Pulitzer Prize for this book—but I do hope to change the lives of good Christian stewards.

    Now, I fully expect to face some backlash from folks like conventional financial advisors, stock brokers or bankers who are angry that I would dare expose them and their second-rate techniques. I also expect to receive plenty of criticism from authors, editors or critics who want to ridicule my writing style. And I’m sure I’ll get a few complaints from some of those Holier than thou folks out there. (You know who I’m talking about!) But I’m not writing this book to win a popularity contest—I’m writing it to reveal the truth and inspire good Christian stewards.

    Why is this book so important? I believe great Christian stewardship is immensely important because God wants to financially empower His people. Let’s be honest—in today’s world, financial strength can allow us to fight the good fight for Christ and advance God’s agenda. I can think of no better time than the present to write a book such as this.

    So there it is: My personal letter to you. I hope this has shed some light on who I am, who this book is for, and my purpose for writing Stewardship on Steroids. And while it may be too early to call this a love letter, I hope that you’ll at least feel some fondness for me once you incorporate these powerful financial techniques into your life. black.jpg

    Now let’s get down to business!

    In God’s Love,

    David Ellis Conyers

    Chapter One

    Why Be a Good Christian Steward

    When You Can Be a GREAT One?

    By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. (Proverbs 24:3-4)

    If you’re searching for hot stock tips, a get-rich-quick real estate guide or secrets about how to earn millions through multi-level marketing, you might as well put down this book. You won’t find any of that sensational hype in the following pages. On the other hand, if you’re a good Christian steward looking to increase your cash flow, build wealth and create a stream of tax-free retirement income, you’re in luck. In the following chapters, I will offer the foundation of knowledge you need to accomplish all this and more.

    But why beat around the bush? Let me put this as bluntly as possible: I wrote this book for good Christian financial stewards who want to become great Christian financial stewards. If that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. If it doesn’t, you should probably move on down the shelf.

    Understanding Stewardship

    You may be thinking, I’m not sure if I’m a good Christian financial steward or not. I mean, I go to church every Sunday, and I always toss a $10 bill on the collection plate. But does that make me a good steward? Well, not necessarily. We Christians hear a lot of talk about stewardship, but many of us aren’t crystal clear on the precise definition.

    According to the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, stewardship is defined as "the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Of course, the term stewardship has a more spiritually profound meaning for Christians. When Christians talk about financial stewardship, the something" that has been entrusted to our care is money—and in our hearts, we know this money is a gift from God.

    What would lead us to believe that God has any interest in how we manage our money? Well, unbeknownst to many, the Bible actually has a lot to say about financial matters. (I’ll delve deeper into this theme in Chapter Two: Giving, Money and the Bible). For example, in the Book of Luke, Jesus said, Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own? (Luke 16:10-12)

    In other words, if we want to be responsible Christians and good financial stewards, it behooves us to spend, invest and manage our money in a way that honors the Lord. As author Lynn A. Miller so eloquently explains it, Stewardship is the act of organizing your life so that God can spend you. After all, any money we have is not truly ours—we are just the stewards watching over it. In fact, according to the Bible, everything belongs to God:

    "The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the LORD Almighty." (Haggai 2:8)

    The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalm 24:1)

    Look at it this way: when you die, will you take your cash, your house, your investments, your cars, your boat, your jewelry and your clothes with you? Of course not! It’s not yours to take. Everything we have belongs to God—He simply loans these possessions to us, entrusting us with their care.

    So, if you believe that your money actually belongs to the Lord and you do everything within your power to handle your finances in such a way that God would approve, you are probably a good Christian financial steward. If you earn more than you spend, maintain a healthy credit score and contribute to worthy causes whenever possible, this is the financial planning book for you.

    But why settle for being a good Christian financial steward when you can be a great one? I can teach you how to do just that. Throughout this book, I’ll serve up the powerful techniques you need to boost your cash flow, build wealth and get on the path to stewardship greatness. The methods I teach aren’t your run-of-the-mill stewardship or financial planning principles… this is Stewardship on Steroids. So, get ready to give your finances a serious workout.

    My Calling

    By now, you might be asking, What makes this guy such an expert on financial stewardship? I guess I could answer that question by saying I’ve spent the past two decades of my life educating Christian clients about how to manage their money in a way that honors God. As an independent financial services professional, I’ve coached hundreds of clients over the years, helping good Christian stewards blossom into great ones. But even more importantly, I know this is my calling. It is my purpose in life.

    It all started back in 1991. I had just completed four years in the Air Force when I decided to start a career in financial services. From Day One, I was definitely not your conventional financial advisor. I refused to believe The Establishment’s lies, and I made it my mission to spread the word by educating and empowering my clients.

    Then, on November 23, 2003, I was baptized. The day of my baptism is actually a pretty funny memory for me. Our church had just completed construction on their brand new sanctuary, and I had the honor being the very first person to be baptized there. We attend a good-sized church with about 800 members, so I was little nervous. I had prayed about it a lot and finally decided to get baptized publicly. I figured if Jesus did it publicly, I could get baptized publicly, too.

    When I showed up to church that morning, the pastor approached me and said, Good news and bad news.

    Okay, I answered a little hesitantly. What’s the good news?

    The good news is we’re still going to do this baptism today, he replied.

    Alright, I said. What’s the bad news?

    The heater in the baptism pool doesn’t work.

    Let me put this into context: I live in Indiana, and it’s pretty darn cold here in November. So, the thought of wading into a frigid baptism pool on this frosty winter morning was enough to send chills down my spine.

    When the pastor saw the concerned look on my face, he tried to reassure me. "The water is a little cold, but we’ll get in and out quickly… and we’ll get through it," he said.

    Okay, I answered. We can do this.

    Well, of course the pastor got to wear those rubber waders, so he was fully insulated. The cold water would never even touch his skin. I, on the other hand, was going to have to wade into this icy water wearing nothing but swim trunks and a thin gown. I couldn’t even see the bottom of the baptism pool because the water was so green. But I sucked it up and waded into the dirty water—and it was freezing cold. It literally took my breath away. I just prayed, Lord, help me get through this one. The pastor dunked me into the glacial water, and I got through it. But to this day when I think about my baptism, it still makes me shiver.

    Although it was certainly a cold baptism, it was still an incredibly powerful experience—and it was a pivotal moment in my life. I had received the Holy Spirit, and I could tell my soul was changing. In the same way that my baptism was crucial moment in my life, I hope this book will be a decisive moment in your life. There is no doubt that some of the bone-chilling information I provide in this book will truly shock you—much like the icy water in my baptism stunned me. It’s going to be a startling wake-up call. But where I received the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ and was baptized as a testimony to that event, my prayer is that

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