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Insight of Today: Dagens Insikt
Insight of Today: Dagens Insikt
Insight of Today: Dagens Insikt
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Insight of Today: Dagens Insikt

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Do you want a heightened wakefulness, greater understanding, and an open and freer mind?

In Insights of Today, author Y Begby gives you a tool to raise your awareness and become more attentive not only to yourself but to the ongoing life around you. By involving yourself and exploring these reflections, you can improve your conditions with yourself and people around you. Insight of Today is written with humor, depth, and love. The theme is a mixture of everything, just as in life.

In our daily life, there is a lot of stress. It is soothing to have a book of short insights from which one can choose. Insight of Today can also be used for inspiration and enrichment. You can pick a page at random and reflect upon what that specific insight means to you.

The willingness to learn not only from your own past but also from the experiences of others is what makes you a winner. It also gives you opportunity to feel spiritually at peace, both with yourself and with the world in general.

Insight of Today is a book that you can keep around and open up to any page for a little boost in your day!

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 17, 2013
Insight of Today: Dagens Insikt

Y Begby

Y Begby was born in Norway but is currently living in Sweden. She is a certified Reiki & Theta healer with a great passion in personal development, the art of writing and painting. Besides her four children, animals and the nature has always played a big role in her life. She has a huge interest in the Metaphysics and Quantum Physics and is a persistent investigator of the esoteric. She is skilled in the science of energy healing, tarot, dream symbols and astrology as well as numerology. Begby occasionally also has clients that she guides through the above topics and gives healing sessions. Begby is constantly exploring the different realms that exist, and through interpretation of dreams, astrology and other kinds of esoteric areas she finds assistants and inspiration in her everyday life. Together with the excellent Swedish medium LiLo, she has gained many useful insights and been schooled in Healing, Mediumship and Channeling. It´s Begby´s wide range in different experiences and interaction with a far-reaching variety of people, and by using dreams and different musings as sources of creativity that has given her inspiration to write this book.

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    Insight of Today - Y Begby

    Copyright © 2013 Y Begby.

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    Interior Graphics of the band One Day Hope credit: Charlin Svanér dela Cruz

    All other Graphics/Art Credit: Y Begby

    Authors photo credit to Caroline Konradsson

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7195-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7196-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013906611

    Balboa Press rev. date: 4/12/2013




    Have Faith!

    With Love to Sara, my soul sister!



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    This book is dedicated to my inspiration sources of life.

    First of all my children,


    Whose souls give me true joy and deep pride.

    My parents Jan and Borgny Begby, forever I keep you close at heart!

    My siblings: Stein-David-Kjell which means so much to me.

    And of course my faithful dog Ozzy and Sladden the snake!

    In addition, all of my big family to which some I share blood ties, and others who more or less involuntarily is adopted by me.

    Especially my sister in arms and my true friend Mirva Lundstrom.

    The inspiration to write this book came through several meetings, socializing and experiences with friends and foes. Plainly and simply put, happenings in life. Other important factors are: channeling with spirits, insights through meditation, dream interpretation and the nature of its enrichment plant and animal life. Astrology, numerology and tarot have also contributed insights… all things visible and invisible in our world affects my inspiration. So, Thank you all, that is!

    A deep thanks also to all who were, for people who are physically no longer with me.

    For better or worse; everything has meaning!

    Last, but not least: A thousand Thanks Stefan Agge Augustsson & Victoria Persson for your help and support with the finishing touches! Denna bok ar tillagnad mina inspirationers kallor i livet.

    Forst och framst mina barn,


    Vars sjalar ger mig sann gladje och djup stolthet.

    Mina foraldrar Jan och Borgny Begby, som for alltid finns i mitt hjarta!

    Mina syskon: Stein—David—Kjell som betyder sá mycket for mig.

    Och sjalvklart min trogna hund Ozzy & ormen Sladden.

    Dartill kommer hela min stora familj, med vilka en del jag de-lar blodsband med, och andra som mer eller mindre ofrivilligt har adopterats av mig.

    Speciellt min vapendragare och sanna van Mirva Lundstrom.

    Inspirationen att skriva denna bok kom genom ett flertal moten, umgange och erfarenheter med vanner och ovanner. Kort och gott, genom upplevelser i livet. Andra viktiga faktorer ar: kanaliseringar med andar, insikter genom meditation, dromtydning och naturen med sitt berikande vaxt-och djurliv. Astrologi, numrologi och tarot har aven de bidragit med insikter. Allt synligt och osynligt i vár varld páverkar min inspiration. Sá, Tack allt som ar!

    Ett djupt tack aven till allt som varit, till manniskor som fysiskt inte langre finns hos mig.

    Pá gott och ont: Allt har betydelse!

    Sist, men inte minst: Tusen tack Stefan Agge Augustsson & Victoria Persson for er hjalp och support med finslipningen!


    There’s an old proverb that says:

    «Even the longest journey begins with the first step» Life is a journey.

    A journey; where it is meant for us to experience who we truly are. In this our life, we all have the gift of individual consciousness and free will. The point is that we must learn to know who we are, and to really be who we really are. While being one with the universe—with the God-consciousness, with fellow human beings, other creatures and the planet we live on. Each one of us must decide for ourselves, and to learn to bring us into harmony with our fellow human beings and everything on our planet. True freedom and peace on earth is highly dependent upon this.

    We each see, hear and understand things with our own individual filters. It’s almost like the world is a huge mirror in which we see nothing but our own reflections. Conscious or non-conscious, the world is a mirror of the people in it.

    If you are aware you will live with love

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