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The Enigma of God: A Revelation to Man
The Enigma of God: A Revelation to Man
The Enigma of God: A Revelation to Man
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The Enigma of God: A Revelation to Man

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You will come to know yourself in a deeper way of love and self acceptance realizing that there is nothing you can do that can offend God. Even when you think you are bad, you are working out a role as a son in need, a need that God will satisfy. Today accept your role in Gods plan by being you! You are the savior to the world; we are counting on you. Discover your inheritance today.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 29, 2012
The Enigma of God: A Revelation to Man

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    The Enigma of God - Frank Marcello Antonetti





    A Revelation to Man

    Frank Marcello Antonetti

    Copyright © 2012 by Frank Marcello Antonetti.

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14




    You are about to encounter an original work. The Enigma of God, for the most part, is channeled material using the skill of automatic writing. The Enigma of God is original, as never-heard material is channeled into plain English, taking a viewpoint never seen before. These writings will give you an orientation of life that will awaken you to a relationship with God on a totally different level of comprehension. My writing explains both the Higher Enigma and the Lower Enigma and the relationship they have with each other and how they both affect your happiness and joy in these lower realms. The Enigma of God is written to give you hope and to assure you that you are doing the best you can by living the light of God and dignifying yourselves with its inspired, responsible behavior. I do take a very different viewpoint of religion that will free you of self-imposed restrictions and conformities. My words are nonjudgmental. The only form of judgment written is a merciful one. One is sent to a time and environment where one started to go wrong in order to correct one’s error and grow with the Holy Spirit. This belief is common to both Buddhist and Hindu traditions. I have also been inspired by Helena P. Blavatsky and Mary Baker Eddy, whose respective works, The Secret Doctrine and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, have played a minor role in my writing.

    My writing gets into the abstraction of the mind as I explain the difference between both Higher and Lower Minds. Only in the Higher Mind can one conceptualize Cosmic ideation or to say the Holy Spirit’s plan for salvation. What we have as an aid is the Antahkarana which serves as a rainbow bridge between the Higher Mind and the Lower Mind. This can open your Lower concrete Mind to divine insights to help you in your daily life. The Antahkarana literally translated is the inner organ of sense. This does come naturally but it needs to be developed through contemplation, meditation, and study. These efforts are rewarding, as you will gain insight into the plan of the Holy Spirit and how it unfolds in your life and reveals your life purpose.

    Many meditations are considered, one of which I’m the originator of: the Dissociative Meditation. These meditations will assist in opening you to your Higher Mind to gain access to your Buddhic body where our intentions for coming to this conceptual reality are stored. A viewpoint on living the eternal NOW is greatly elaborated with its applications in finding our happiness here. We can literally collapse time and space in the practice of the eternal NOW. This topic of my book illustrates the difference between static knowledge, which has only a passive relationship with man and is the nature of most of our knowledge, and dynamic knowledge, which can only be accessed in the eternal NOW.

    Another chapter of interest is the chapter dealing with primary knowledge as opposed to secondary knowledge. Primary knowledge is enthusiastically encouraged, as it unfolds your truest nature. Even though my writing is primary only to me and secondary to the reader, secondary knowledge is useful in our awakening when beginning our discoveries in spirituality. Even automatic writing is encouraged, as I have taken much joy in it myself; I actually attribute my book to its practice. Writing your own journal of truths and not relying on others’ works is encouraged. God would not store upon the earth his ways of reaching truth, but stores it in your heart and mind.

    What our true creations with God are is greatly elaborated compared to us co-experiencing with God in our natural state of wholeness and perfection. This state can’t be found in any conceptual reality, for they are all temporal and ephemeral. Even though my writing doesn’t falsely promise salvation, it leads you with the aid of the Christ and the Holy Spirit to your unique and individual path, for where you are in this illusion is unique to any other, and there is an equally unique way back. In this way, conforming to religious standards is discouraged, for your path is innately designed for your individual salvation as medicine is to a unique ailment.

    Relationships are emphasized in light of the Higher and Lower Enigma. The unanswerable questions are left to ponder upon with detailed insight into our hidden natures. The Lower Enigma affects all of our relationships and is a hindrance here. I address the anger we have toward God in the Higher Enigma and how it brought us here in the first place. The Higher Enigma is explained as our trying to improve our already-perfect relationship with God. This caused unhappiness and a sense of emptiness. We thus turned to an infinite choice of conceptual realities to fill that void and cosmetically make us feel more perfect before God.

    My writings are abstract in nature, and contemplations and reflections are required. I have noticed that speed-reading only gives one an overview of the material leaving one with very little of the understanding it is intended to offer. I suggest a slow contemplative read of the book with use of the glossary which I strongly urge you to read to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary used. Reading the book a second time, taking notes and highlighting paragraphs, will bring you deeper into the material as well as taking it as a form of study and not a casual fast read. The nature of the book is considered to be alternative spirituality. As alternative, its viewpoint will cause you to think, and independent thinking will result. Just like most spiritual books, this book is meant to be inspiring, and I claim to have only a viewpoint. Actually, any writing that can be I emphatically say to be the truth should be otherwise avoided. This book is nonjudgmental and the only morality it preaches is life and acting in the dignity of the presence of God. The only truth you should have is by means of self-revelations and personal discoveries of your own. Above all, this book is meant to be enjoyed and to bring joy and enlightenment. I urge you to allow it to make an impression and try to initiate an acceleration of your progress. Above all, read this book with prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to bless you in your comprehension of the material written. May the peace of God be with you.


    Frank Marcello Antonetti



    The Essence of God

    God is an original thought as humanly can be perceived. From eternity this is an original thought. It preceded any other and has no beginning nor end. For in its perpetual timeless state, original thought is a human allocation of God. The understanding of God’s true nature at our stage of evolution can only be used in substitutions. It is futile to try to explain the true nature of God apart from saying God IS and is ALL THINGS. These timeless statements found in human history are feeble attempts of explaining God’s true nature. Others have explained God as the circumference which is everything and the center which is nowhere. These are allegories for the mind to conceive of God. Original thought manifests in many planes of existence. In our current state of being called reality, it may be difficult to conceptualize it for it has its degree of understanding with its degrees of effects. Actually, those who believe they have an original thought attributed to God have created the heavens and the earth with its universes, galaxies, stars and planets.

    Understanding yourself and how your mind works is the key element in understanding God as original thought. For all is attributed to it. One who believes he holds original thought can manifest universes. I state believe for it is all but impossible to do so at this time in our current capacities. Believing one has an original thought or to say, God in our mind we can invoke reflections of our true creation and only to be expressed with God. These reflections of original thought respectably manifest it in our realm of reality. A reflective realm of the true. Moreover, to God, we co-create. As humans our mortal minds are far from that of God’s graces. We’re not obviously in a state of supreme reality, thus we can’t fully conceptualize it in our current form.

    In heaven, God hasn’t lost one note out of his divine song with us in the materiel realms of reflected truths. He’s very much aware of us. However, to be aware and to be recognized are two different things. We are still in his graces as co-creators in his divinity, as we always have and always will. The correction has been rectified at the conception of the error but we had not acknowledged it. We have miscreated in these realms of reflections trues. We have an instinctive memory of our father and call it The Holy Spirit. This thought was actually blessed by our father himself for our return back to him. Oddly enough, the realm of God is timeless. If this separation occurred, it always existed and always will. The spirits change for the sake of experience. However, the material realm has existed and will always exist. For in timelessness, it happens, it always happens and always will. That is our true nature and grace for the eternity of God. Will we in time leave the reflected realm of illusion to our normal state with our father? Will it take as much time to propel us here and to have us return? This song has been sung from time immemorial in infamy.

    On the matter of eternity, which is an aspect of God as stated, God is aware of your reflected realms of the truth, but can’t recognize it, meaning to make valid and to be real. The point being, if God can allow it to happen for your experiences, it must be of a divine plan of God, which always existed and will always exist. God in his love can go alone with a mad idea out of compassion but ever hold us in our nature state as known by him. The point being, this split for God into the world of pain and suffering never had a beginning and will always exist. The only difference is that there is a Transmigration of souls entering and leaving the world with associative heavens. The law of infinity is that. If it can happen, it always happens and always will if allowed by God. There are stranger things that God allows apart from our realm that we created. God is an understanding of divine potentiality as all things of any nature can originate from him. The true creation of God is infinite, and we are his co—creators. The fact is, all things to be created never had a time that they didn’t exist, but it is up to the son-ship to be in-recognition of it or not.

    On the one hand, God doesn’t recognize these realms or worlds or universes we have made through the power of original thought (God). God gives it no validity in his mind. Effect, which is all things emanating from God to us, and God Cause are truly at one. Thoughts can’t leave their source. In other words, we haven’t left God. We are in a dream. God in his love is very much aware of it all. God always has and will and has called us home. We have created a world of illusionary time of which we are trapped into,and in time we will escape. This is an aspect of God’s compassion for it (God) is suffering along with us but, in time, will help us turn this into a happy dream instead. God can only see which is unto itself holiness and oneness and so as we actually are. Accept it now and you will be saved.

    As stated before in addressing God, God simply IS. If you were to add anything else you would be bringing God into a dualistic realm of opposition and interpenetration. To say that God is love, you are associating God with the lovable experiencing you have had in the past thus bringing God into human form to some degree. In this world there are also opposites. The opposite to love is hate, and many have associated God with hateful behaviors in the bible: war, chosen people, taking sides, etc. You might want to do an exercise by listing all the attributes you think God is. Your final statement should be God isn’t any of those things, God IS. God, simply stated, is all things and seen as divine potentiality it is rawest form, as anything can happen. There is nothing that can happen without God, for all things reflect the divine relationship we are having with God right now. Your current state of living and being reflect the love you experience with love or how much of it you can express in many ways.

    God essence is seen as sharing, for God is aware of all of our pain and joys and to him that is the music of life. God’s music in heaven is beyond our comprehension. I saw a boy at the door all day. He wasn’t able to open the lock. In the realm of God, God is there with him, and all of his sons are trying to get the door open. You might have an abusive relationship, and God and his angels are experiencing it too, but are waiting for just the right time to free you from it. God can only recognize us to be at one with him in a perfected state in heaven.

    Both in oriental Theosophy such as Buddhism and the gnostic, they state that there is no presence of God in the heavens or the earth. This statement is true as God can’t be recognized in our reality, but is aware of it and allows it to happen. Truthfully, we can’t take a breath of air without the presence of God or do anything in like manner. This world is moral. God is aware of it and does permit evil to happen or even what we call good, for it is all relative to the person and circumstances. Some individuals in the past had retained knowledge of the presence of God. Thought becoming moral, they tried to validate that this world is real by reacting to it. The true virtues and qualities of God will be treated in chapters to come. It is enough to understand God nature now by allowing mystery in its unexplained form to entertain you mentally now.

    God is seen as the center of all things. Even though we might be, in our false realms of heavens and earth, a separation from him, we still reflect God in all of his greatness. Only a lesser part of us is actually in this separation, for the grand part of us rests with God in our perfected realm and state. God being the center, we reflect that relationship in all of our relationships for there is only one true presence here and that is God. If we feel alienated, we are feeling a false sensation of alienation in our lower mind of separation from God, but actually we can be alienated from God but only in our mind (lower Mind). If we feel any lack of love, it is reflected in our relationships in parallel as we feel with God. God is truly our center and it is impossible to not reflect that center—God.

    As God is everywhere, his presence is also in our own being. We are emanations of God, we are his glory. The bible says in John 14:11, I am in the Father and the father is in me, namely God. And John 14:7, If you really knew me, you would know my father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him We bear witness to our inner God as we join with others in love. Your brothers and sisters here on earth and animals are also eternal emanations of God. As you join in love with them you join with the Father-God. Note: it didn’t say you are a creation of God, for creation had a beginning. We never had a beginning and will never have an end. As God has compassion for us allowing us to have this bad dream of separation, we too must show compassion for our brothers even if we too must not upset them by telling them they’re wrong and lost, but we understand and help them through to the true knowledge of God, as God does for us, with patience and love. For example, most tarot card readers and psychics will tell you what you want to hear out of compassion. They know you need to hold to your illusions and it is up to you to see through them yourself. So is God, he will have you believe whatever you need to believe in but will be patient in letting you work out your illusions of life and to realize that this world with all that you believe in is false—that is the compassion of God.

    As stated before, we as humans aren’t capable of conceiving of God in its truest nature. God as original thought can be impressed upon us and by believing in it and, too, conceiving of it, you can manifest wonders. As we have manifested our heavens and earths. That is the limit of it at this moment and time in our progress. However, we are just in an impression of original thought (God). We manifest our realities here on earth in our arts and sciences, architecture and law, agriculture and medicine. We even attempt to manifest God itself in our relationships and lovers. These relationships reflect our true feelings toward God. The quality and accuracy of our invention reflect our ability to manage love here in our dream realm of separations. One thing is a fact and in any state we incarnate in, and that is: We are always manifesting God If not God in its truest form, it would be an impression of what we feel is God. The one true relationship.

    According to eastern philosophies as spoken for in the Juana sect of Hinduism, God is seen as: Infinite and Eternal Cause, Unconscious and unknowable, and is the root of all that is or shall ever be. It is seen as devoid of any attributes and expressed as pure Essence of Being rather than a being or personality. This Essence of Being can be expressed in two ways. On the one hand absolute absolute space, and absolute abstract motion, or unconscious consciousness. In the east it is understood as The Great Breath.. In Agnosticism it is said to be First Cause or Causeless Cause or eternity. Mind you, the first indicates time but in this explanation we are referring to Eternal Cause, or Causeless Cause, the Parabrahm or One reality or absolute. In truth, this Parabrahm has a twofold aspect which disqualifies it as an attribute of God, or it represents spirit and matter, subject and object. God stands outside of these lower elements of spirit and matter for it is beyond it. The Hindu understanding of Parabrahm is more akin to the first logi or word of God (Logi) which can represent to us The one reality or absolute. The understanding of the Great Breath is accurate as this breath is the energy or oxygen of our spirit for without it we can’t exist. It lives through us and becomes us but never does it control us, for its only will is to be. To control is to have a will of its own, and God, the only will of God, is Being namely all things are possible including our free will—our self consciousness.

    Some may find it remarkable that God has no personal will of his own. God has no personal standpoint or view of his own for his view is of all. The fact for this statement lies in that God IS. God can have no will of his own for that would influence the son-ship of eternal infinite beings which are his radiance and glory. God’s only will, if we were to attribute one, is that he wants his eternal sons to be all that they can be with no influence or shading for he offers free will for he is free and can offer only what he has—freedom—to express. You may ask what does God get out of this and the answer is in the Great Breath. God lives his liveliness through his sons and is all that he can be through his sons. Just as a good psychologist doesn’t influence his or her patients but talks with them to assist them and see through their own illusion, so does God. He will never awaken us from our illusion that we ever so dearly hold on to. These illusions may be our world, our universe, our relationships, what we want in general, or career, or ego drives. God will never let us know that we are wrong, but gives us the Holy Spirit, which is a sense memory of him that he blessed to return back to our graces.

    There is yet another source to view God from and that is the Tao. In particular, the Hua Hu Chin. The book states that you may name any and every attribute or quality of God, for example, God is good, almighty, etc, and you are certainly wrong for God is beyond any concept that can be attributed by human intellect. I have tried to the best of my knowledge to elaborate on his greatness, but to do it accurately is impossible for we as humans are not at that level of evolution to perceive of him now in his natural state of being. At this juncture I can only assist with my writing. Trust me, there will be a time in your evolutionary history that you will know God in either a spirit form or fleshly form. However, you in your higher nature haven’t ever left God. God is still with you and you know him. It is only in our lower nature, in our lower mind, that we have forgotten.

    Returning back to God as Original thought, We have stated true original thought in the dream of separation is impossible, but to believe you have it you can create worlds. God with the Holy Spirit will and can bless all attempts to try to reach him in this illusion and co-create with him if you deem it necessary in order to share a mutual love together. God is very much aware of you here and will be here with you in every aspect of your life and is present in times you feel he isn’t. Actually, there is never a time that the connection is broken.

    God will never awaken you from your dream. It’s up to us to awaken on our own. Your creations here are not divine but the belief you have if you are connected to God as original thought. You with that belief can create a reality in your own world. These creations are not of God’s but as a child plays and the father watches over only to interfere if the child may get hurt so God watches over us. There is never a time that a message of God isn’t on the earth to encourage us and remind us of him. We have seen Krishna, Buddha, the Christ and there are Great souls yet to come for our comfort. Even our culture and government have been blessed with fine rulers at times for our comfort. There are also dark ages when only your belief in your connection with God is all you can have and that will have to serve. These Great souls are helpful but searching for them is searching outside of yourself, and they won’t be there if inner searching is required.

    As you pray you are actually praying in the matter of you inner connection with your father God. This connection, if believed, can create all sorts of wonder here as stated, and they are all good and fine. Healing, blessings, and good will are shown. Prayer is an affirmation of the connection and that is all that is needed. It is truly you and your affirmed connection to God that brings all things into manifestation. These things are not creations of God, for his creation are timeless and eternal, not ephemeral as ours are. However, God allows us to use his spirit to manifest whatever realities we need in order to find it. All reactions and desires of mankind are that of to reflect his source (God) for God is the only thing that is real at all. God is the supreme reality, and there is nothing more real than God and our moment of prayer with him (it).

    God is supreme reality!! Nothing else is truly existing here in this reality. God is even present in these but only represented by his Holy Spirit and our inner connection we share of God. I mean WE as in all living things. We bring in our dreams of separation, or to say the illusionary realms, our God and it is expressed in all of our creations here. God isn’t truly present here, for these realms are not of him ( timeless and eternal), but ephemeral in nature, however. It’s the idea of God, which is his Holy Spirit, that is real here along with our inner connections. I thus say we must work alone with God’s Holy Spirit to manifest what we need and we do in fact in prayer.

    I have indicated a key word in understanding just how God may be present and how we can co-create with him. The word is express, for we express God in all that we do here. This expression is personal and individual. God is expressed in all our activities and relationships, for there is only one true and living thing out there and that is God. WE are his glory as a reflection of God. We are the vehicle of God. However, we are not God itself but its Glory.

    Finally I state that God is not anthropomorphic( man-like), for something infinite can’t be put in a finite body. That would be against all laws of nature. Many believe God has a body which is incorporeal in nature (a God Body), but even that is a finite structure and against the laws of nature. God is and nothing can be allocated to it for God is all things with no limitations. If you so choose to see God in the flesh, search in your interactions with mankind as your relations may go: friends, loves, coworkers, family, teachers. I finally state, seek in love he will be found.

    The Essence of his Glory (the Son-ship of God)

    We are the glory of God and its essence. Glory as in the glorification of God in all that he is, in all that is to celebrate and hold. A true celebration of the essence of God as shown in the Son-ship. Untold secrets are unfolded in its essence of oneness in nature. That we are: One, all that God has to realize in himself. Two, the means of fulfilling all that God is and can be. Three, the understanding of God as seen through his sons as unchangeable but forever questioning.

    In its realizations it is forever in question of itself and at the same time it realizes that the answer can and will never be found. The question is an enigma as the Son of God serves their source, their Father-God. We feel and think God in these realms and world we had created in his name for the enrichment of God. God would not allow anything to happen if he wasn’t truly interested in it. God even allows what we call bad to happen. What is bad or good is relative to each and every person. Who can say what is happening is in fact good or bad. We as humans have a narrow and shallow sphere of thinking. Who is to say what is the mind of God. It is beyond all thought and perceptions.

    According Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science and the writer of the book, Science and Health with Keys to the Scriptures, all is God even bad and good alike. We need to grow out of this dualistic way of thinking as in black and white, bad and good, to try to attempt to think as God does. It is hard for people not to think that if it hurt you it is bad, but they also say no pain—no gain, and other like expressions. In theosophy, which is the work of H.P Blavatsky, we read that we must build the "Antahkarana" which is the rainbow light, to bridge the gap from our higher mind to our lower mind. This Antakarana, when put in place, causes us to think in abstraction and symbols which is the language of God. If one can get it in place, you can start to truly understand God.

    What is glory but to glorify: To show off and hold up high. We are the best that we have to offer to God and in some ways we are in full control of our creations in his name. God is not a creative agent but allows his sons to do all the creating. God recognized us and allows us free will, but he never recognized our creations, for they are ephemeral in nature and not divine. One may say that God doesn’t create anything of its own, for we have always left the job of creation to the Son-ship of God. The Glorification of God is that we have created all in his name—God—to his glorification.

    We are the radiance of God. As God is the source, we are that which comes from him. We are in effect God itself. For as you see the son, you see the Father. The cause of our separation from God was the confusion of the God/Son relationship. We thought we were our own source. The thought causes us to fall into our world of illusions, or to say, the separation. The understanding lies in that God has given all thing to his Son with no reservations or limits. We are all that God is and all that he can be. There is nothing that God can be that can’t be expressed through his Sons. However, we are not of our own origin. We are not the cause but the effect of God. As all is God, we can’t do anything that God doesn’t allow us to do.

    God does give us free will, but he won’t let us hurt ourselves too badly. You might think that this world is an evil place, full of wars, crime, and vices. Interestingly enough to consider, have you thought that this word could be even worse? Yes it can be. Why do you think the evolution of mankind works? It’s because God allows it to work. So true with animal species and fish life and plants; it’s all deemed as OK according to God, thus it is blessed with his Holy Spirit and thus it works.

    As far as mankind is concerned, as the radiance of God, we are to be reminded that we are its essence of being and to live up to its highest potential possible in any one given lifetime. To live and experience God in the here and now in all thing that we do. To understand that we have the power to choose at any given moment what is in our best interest. Understanding this in God terms will take us to the abstract mind and even to the subconscious mind to access the universal subconscious in which we all are connected as a whole. We as individual souls can only do so much in one incarnation, so it is best to seek our true role we must play in our life here and simply be just that.

    To radiate is to expand outward, and God expands outward by means of its Son. These Sons expand from God as God’s messengers. One can say that there has never been a time on this earth that a messenger of God hasn’t been present. I can mention various great ones who have bestowed testimonials to mankind. Actually, there have been many other unnamed minor great souls who came down to encouraged us and who have left us with writings. We are to each other messengers of God, for we all carry the light of our source with us and it shines to each and every one of us that we meet along the path. We may not always show it, but it is there to be discovered and for others to remind us of its presence. The reminding of us and others of its presence is the basis of all the world religions and philosophies and myths.

    God’s radiance can be seen as beauty in all ways that man and spirit can express it. On a spiritual level, we know of the Demiurges who are creative souls that created all living things from Stars to galaxies to clusters of galaxies to planets. All of which are very beautiful in their own way. There are thing out there in space that we are just starting to discover that amaze us. On the planetary level, the beauty continues as we discover nature here in earth. Who is to say that there are inhabitable planets out there that we haven’t discovered. I would like to state now that our earth planet has a sevenfold nature to it, or they say seven realms of expression. Just as you turn the radio from one station to the next, you tune into something new and lose the other station. So it is true with our earth plane, for there is famous life on Venus that we can’t see, and so too the other planets in our solar system. However, these other planets will be taken up later in the book in detail. Beauty is seen in mankind itself in all of the ways we have expressed ourselves: in our races, colors and nationalities, our languages and cultures. Also our works of art in the museums and architecture, also our literature and the academics. My thoughts, as expressed in the above paragraph, are expressions of God’s radiance through his creation—the son-ship of God—for we are the means of all of God’s expressions. Without us, God would never be able to express anything or be about to realize its aliveness or to say liveliness. If you were to ask me now, How do I serve God?, my answer would be: Be full of life and be all you can be.

    We have always existed with God and always will exist. There has never been a time where we didn’t exist with God for time doesn’t exist. Time is a man-made measurement to mean to organize our thinking. Time isn’t just earthly but exists in the spirit realms as well. We and our spiritual advisers use time in organizing our incarnations. We choose the time in history to experience and we choose our life span as how many years we are to live in one given incarnation. Time and death exist even in the spirit realm, for even spirits are subject to a corruptible body and would be in need of renewal. There is the myth of Ra, the Egyptian Sun God who was very, very old and dying. His divine spirit had to be born into a dying baby and had to animate it back to life. The story about the baby Horus is odd. The baby died by means of a scorpion bite by one of the seven daughters of Serket. His mother Isis prayed to Ra for his works of power but received no reply. So Isis spit into the earth and made a serpent and animated it. It went to the land of the God and bit Ra and he was dying of this bite. Isis said to Ra, Give me your word of power and I’ll heal you. Ra confided to Isis and she made Ra take the form of the benu bird to enter the dead body of Horus to to revitalize it. Thus the Sun God was renewed and the Earth received a new eon of ages, a golden era in Egypt and the world. I wrote this story to serve a point that spirits too grow old and die and need to renew. Not all of them renew on the earth plane but in a variety of realms which are subject to time as well. Timelessness is only of the true realm of God, which is outside of matter and the use of individuality.

    Time is different in the seventh level of heaven and its seven sub-levels and also true, too, its matter counterparts. It is stated even in the bible that a thousand years in man’s time is but a day in God, 2 Peter 3:8. That is not to say that is a fact, for God exists outside of any time measurement. The biblical scriptures are only a metaphor to try to understand God. I am explaining time because of my opening statement, always existed, and always will, which may indicate time but it is truly timelessness. Thus time in a metaphorical nature must be explained. Our human brains are not capable of understanding infinity, so we must put it to faith that it is true. There will be a time in human evolution that we may get a glimpse of infinity, but it is not now. The bible speaks of taking things by faith because the writer of it knows that we are not developed in abstract thinking to understand these truths.

    One more fact regarding time and eternity, and that is to live in the present. There is nothing real but the present, for the past and future are unreal. There is only the here and now. People so have their ways of living in the past or future; but it is quite sad, for they aren’t in the position to use their mind to change their present state for the better and to choose what is real for what is unreal. They say that the mind is the slayer of the unreal, for in the mind you can discern by means of trial and error your individual reality. We all must live in our own reality, and to live in the present, which is eternal, is living in the eternal, which is God. The past is dead but we can learn from it; the future is uncertain and subject to change. Neither gives you the power to change your mind around to decide. God is the here and now. In eastern religions they teach you to meditate and western religion finds peace in prayer. Both are valid, but a little different. In meditation you search the stillness of God’s presence without any messenger or word but the presence of peace. In prayer we bring God into our present with our minds and word. Energy follows thought, so the present comes. St John of the Cross urges his followers when praying not to pay attention for messages when you pray. They might be divine and you can speak of them, but not too much, and only briefly, to close friends. St John states that inner peace is what we are looking for, and to carry it with us throughout the day. That is the presence of God as realized in the present. Then in the east they also chant using words. East/West is all the same, the point is to live the present of God Now.

    We are incorruptible and perfect. We are reflections of God himself in all of its attributes save that we are not our own source. Philosophers ask, Can God create a rock that he can’t break? In answering that first: God doesn’t create at all but leaves creation to his Son-ship. Second: What is of God is eternal and indisputable. God would not try to destroy any one of his Sons for it would be an attack on himself. So the answer is NO. Now does that make God less powerful and incapable? No, for God is one God and stands alone with no one to judge him. No one to doubt him. Only man can judge what he doesn’t understand based on how life affects him, blaming it on God. The Sons of God are truly indestructible with no need of salvation or redemption. The part of ourselves that reflects God’s truest nature is our spirit or Monad, meaning oneness in Sanskrit.

    Our Monad or spirit is perfect in itself with no need of anything but to reflect its source—God. Actually, the whole scheme of evolution is just as much an enigma as God itself. We try to answer this enigma of God and off we go on a journey without an end or beginning with a point that is now too obvious. It won’t be until we evolve to a high order of man or spirit that we can understand this scheme. However, if it is meant to be resolved or answered, we would lose our impetus for living. Thus we are left to resolve this enigma of life—God. Just as the Holy name of God is unspeakable or to say unknowable, so is our true nature for we reflect our source which is unknowable.

    Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, there are no two monads (spirits) alike. Every spirit is unique and very different apart from the rest. The reason being is that we are meant to reflect and emulate the infinite nature of God in all ways possible, thus different spirits are needed. We are not high or low in our different natures but unique. We were not created as angel, archangel, and man or beast. We weren’t created at all, but always existed and it’s up to us how we care to manifest ourselves: man, beast, angel. The importance of your uniqueness is very important to God in ways that are unexplainably essential. One fact is obvious, that you exist because you always had fro you are eternal.

    The one common bond we all have is the oneness we all share. In the Christian religion, that oneness is seen as the Christ. We are all one in the Christ, and God shares just one relationship with us through the Christ. Just one spirit (monad) is needed, the Christ. We all are needed to reflect God’s infinite nature in just a way that one monad can do. That the monad is essential of being just who are the sons of God, for the Son-ship won’t be perfect without each individual one of us—that is why you exist. You are the perfection of God, and without you God’s graces would be imperfect. Only you can reflect God in your own individual matter like no one else can, and God and all of his Sons are counting on you to make God’s essence flow through you and be manifest to its highest potential in a way that you only know how to do. In that way, you are very important, and God would certainly be made imperfect without you, but perfect with you. That is why you exist and always had and always will for the perfection of God.

    God’s Sons are one Son, but expressed in its infinite, innumerable possibilities on an individual basis. The possibilities of expressing God by means of your individuality are numerous. Individuality may be poorly implied if expressed through the lower mind, as seen in egotism or specialness. Actually, to have a body is separateness, however, the body can be used by God’s Holy Spirit, if viewed through love, to join all living souls together. We as a race of humans haven’t reached that level yet, but it is a point to strive toward. We as a race have just started to illuminate our minds. The full potential of the higher abstract mind has only been scratched. As we are thinking in our higher mind of abstractions, we can see where all aspects of our lives and God come into play. We all are a family, but not all of us know this. It will take time for the whole world to be on the same level. When we all are on the same page and state of mind, we can thus have a world order. Not until then will your brethren in other worlds come to us to help us by the hand to our future. It will take some work on our part but the universal brethren and all of God angels are helping even now in ways we don’t know.

    God’s relationship with his son is forever giving. All things are given unto the Son-ship with nothing withheld. There are infinite possibilities that can be imaged of what God holds in mind for us. The mind of God is truly inconceivable and any attempt to try to understand its motives and cause of life itself is unfathomable: it puts itself in motion. The great unknown is forever at our doorstep with God. Only he can unfold to us our own possibilities of manifestation. That is the eternal relationship between God and his Sons of the unknown possibilities of being. Only now can we in this moment realize the eternal now that God simply is and there is nothing to add to it. In like manner, we simply are his glory, and if we can just simply realize that, there would be no need of any evolution or progression of spirit in any form, nor any felonious schemes of salvation through elder brothers such as the Christ or Buddha or Krishna. There is no need for salvation, for you have never been in a position of being in jeopardy.

    Even though we do have a separate body and can’t take the whole world home with us, we need to emphasize our commonalities, else we would be fragmented. These commonalities are many, but there is just one commonality and that is our source—God. It is our duty to see the God as seen in each one of us. As a race and a people, that is our validity as Sons of God. Without that, we are fragments: egos lost and of no value to God for any of his self expressions. As such, we may be subject to adjustments by our heavenly brothers. These adjustments are loving, but can be to the ego quite harsh. God needs positive experiences from us. God’s Will will always be done in heaven and in the earth.

    Of the matter of validity as a Son of God and being of use to God, we need to be a vessel of right action. Right action is one of the precepts of the Buddha. There is wrong action, which leads to sadness and pain and suffering. Right action leads to joy and peace and love. You know you

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