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Building a Relationship with God and with Others: A Book of Devotion and Prayerful Reflections
Building a Relationship with God and with Others: A Book of Devotion and Prayerful Reflections
Building a Relationship with God and with Others: A Book of Devotion and Prayerful Reflections
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Building a Relationship with God and with Others: A Book of Devotion and Prayerful Reflections

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In a world that seems to be turning away from God, author John Onu Odihi writes from his heart about the Christian life and its challenges in the modern era. Even while our culture emphasizes independence and moral relativism, Odihi is unafraid to remind us that our victory can come only through loving and trusting God, and living in obedience to him.

Building a Relationship with God and with Others helps us do just that, with essays on such topics as gratitude, patience, and the mystery of Gods love. But the essays go beyond the theoretical to the real dynamics in our relationship not only with God, but also with each other. Reflections on how to live out our Christian faith address forgiveness, encouragement, the value of confession, and ways to cope with fear. Youll even find an essay on the difficult challenge of how to lovingly confront someone who is in the wrong. Each section is followed by suggested biblical passages that you can return to again and again for support and reference.

Throughout this book is an emphasis on the joy and fulfilment that is ours when we learn to truly love not only our neighbours but our enemiesJesus ultimate message as we work to bring his kingdom to this earth. Whether youre a new Christian or have been one for many years, youll welcome this chance to learn more and to deepen your understanding of what it means to walk with God.
Release dateJul 24, 2012
Building a Relationship with God and with Others: A Book of Devotion and Prayerful Reflections

John Onu Odihi

John Onu Odihi came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in 1972. He graduated from Nigeria’s University of Ibadan and earned his doctorate in geography at Pennsylvania State University. Odihi has been a university teacher in Africa, the West, and Southeast Asia. He and his wife, Awa, have three daughters.

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    Building a Relationship with God and with Others - John Onu Odihi

    © Copyright 2012 John Onu Odihi.

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    To the Lord Jesus and the people He shed His blood to redeem so they can be reconciled to God the Father.


    This book has been written out of my life experience as a sinner saved by grace. Almost everyone I have met since this great life in Christ began decades ago has contributed to my life including those who intentionally or otherwise hurt me and my interests. The people who make up this later group probably contributed more because they drove me into the loving arms of my Master to know the truth that beneath are Everlasting Arms. I am most indebted to Dr. Lewis Larkin formerly of the University of Brunei Darussalam who reviewed the manuscript many years ago and made useful suggestions. To Dr. Debbie Ho also of the same university, and of St Andrew’s Church, Bandar Seri Begawan, I am grateful for her invaluable suggestions. I want to thank Mr. Alex Anteyi who since reading the manuscript in London many years ago never stopped to encourage me to publish it. I am grateful to my dear wife, Awa whose love and grace prove to me daily that God truly loves the unlovable and through that love can make something beautiful of broken lives!


    How does God Want Us to Live?

    Living A Life of Worship

    Living A Life of Love


    A Grateful Life

    Living in Love

    Being Merciful


    Mind Your Own Business

    Encouragement I

    Encouragement II

    Going It All Alone

    An Ambassador for Christ

    Building Our House on the Rock

    God is Able

    Winning Ways

    Praise God

    Sharing with Others

    We are Gifts


    The Way of Joy

    God is Faithful

    It’s All About God and His Pleasure

    Trust God and Do The Right

    Don’t be Afraid

    God Is Our Refuge

    The Right Way

    The Path of No Fall

    Only a Faint Whisper of God

    God in You is Victory

    Joseph: An Example of a Surrendered Life

    Fear Leads to Sin and Death

    Spirit of Servanthood

    We are Appointed to Bear Fruit

    A Vision of God

    His Autobiography, My Biography

    Keeping It Simple

    Love through the Way We Speak

    Love Speaks the Truth

    How to Speak the Truth in Love: The Motive Question

    Speaking the Truth in Love: The How Question

    The Lord Jesus Our Model of Speaking the Truth in Love

    He is Faithful No Matter What

    Can We Really Have a Relationship with God?

    Building A Relationship With God And With Others: A Book of Devotional Readings and Prayerful Reflections is offered with the prayer that God will use it to bless every one that reads or uses it. It is also offered with the prayer that the user may live worthy of the Lord and pleasing to Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of the Lord and strengthened by Him. Also, it is my prayer that all Christians and indeed all people may know the love of God and true success (i.e. victory and fulfillment) in life by surrendering and living according to the will of the Creator God.

    The human faculty is faulty when it comes to believing in God and His goodness to us. God’s love is the surest thing in the world. However, in spite of many years of walking with the Lord and daily experiencing the good graces of life as favours from Him, many of us still don’t believe in the love of God. We are tempted to believe that when we abandon ourselves to God—the best way to live—we will be short-changed. Because we don’t believe in the infinite love of God for us, we give ourselves to Him reservedly. This is an insult to God and to His goodness. I am convinced through my personal experiences that God will take total responsibility for any life that is completely surrendered to Him. God will never abdicate His responsibility of love for any of His children. To help us put our complete trust in God, Jesus Christ, God’s Son tells us that His Father cares even for the sparrows that are of much less value than we are.

    If you want to know whether you truly believe in God or can completely surrender your life to Him, honestly ask yourself this question. Do I feel safer with obeying God for my protection against something I fear than I feel using my own strategies? If you cannot truly answer this question in the affirmative, your belief in God is not adequate. Can you trust God and love your enemy (God’s will for you) rather than hate, avoid him or be indifferent to him or her? Life is always lived on promises. When we fully obey God (a result of our faith in Him) He will bless us beyond our imaginations. When we surrender our weaknesses to Him, He strengthens us with His might (recall Gideon?); when we surrender our scarce resources for His use, He multiplies it back to us (recall the widow of Zarephath and the little boy with two loaves of bread and five fishes?). Sometimes, perhaps many times, our blessings are not material but they are not less satisfying. God calls us to live our lives according to His laws. Let’s take Him seriously for truly without Him we can do nothing that is good. I encourage you dear Saint to win by surrendering to God—that is the winning way! Give all your life to Him no matter how whole or broken it may be! God can and will make something beautiful of your life when you do so. Amen.

    john onu odihi

    Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam

    June 2012

    How does God Want Us

    to Live?

    He has showed you. O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God

    (Micah 6:8)

    How does God our Maker and Lord want us to live? Although this appears to be a simple question, our understanding of how God wants us to live does not appear so simple when our lives are used as a measure. The gap between our theory of faith and our practice of it is indeed very wide for the average Christian. There is so much confusion in the way the average person lives in an average day. We may be happy now only to become so sad moments later. We may espouse peace and love in our words and live out conflict and indifference in reality. We may praise God in one moment and curse our neighbour in another. Many times our speech and actions depend on the audience. We are obliging before authorities or where we hope for potential benefits and are condemning and harsh when we relate to subordinates or weak people. On the average we are therefore living contradictory lives. The biblical injunction is that we live one life that is in tune with the will of God. As people who confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives we cannot live double lives just as a spring cannot give both fresh and salty water at the same time. Let our tongues be employed to do the highest job it can ever do—praising God and edifying our fellowman. Let us not "[w]ith the tongue… praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh and salt water come from the same spring? (James 3: 9-11).

    The Bible has a lot to say about how we live. As God’s spiritual children all our goals in life should sum up to one major goal—the will and glory of God in all we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). The Ten Commandments are a guide to how our loving heavenly Father wants us to live in relation to Him and our fellow human beings. Indeed through these commandments, He has showed you. O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8). As Christians both our words and our lives should please God. We must walk our talk if we claim to know the lordship of Jesus.

    Living Out the Will of God

    Begin the day with worship (prayer). Pray that God’s will be done in your life as well as in the entire world. Recognize that the power to live the will of God is graciously available to you through the Holy Spirit. Nobody, no matter how powerful, can make you live for God if you don’t want to. The opposite is also true. No powers in all the universe can make you live against God’s will when you choose to live in it. Satan cannot, no tyrant can. This is why you are accountable to God for how you live. God’s gift of will, which you have, brings responsibility. That responsibility brings accountability! Commit yourself to living to please God. Praise Him always. Thank Him for His graces. and be merciful to others rather than curse them when they do evil to you. It will not be easy but it is not impossible with God’s grace available to you. With grace and practice the old way of living will be broken and the new way of living will become your habit.


    Today, without doubt, you will have opportunities to praise God and give Him thanks and to demonstrate mercy to people. Everything can bring us to worship and thank God. Don’t think vengeance but forgiveness and say kind and helpful words to people not hurting words. You can pray thus: God, my Father and Helper, kindly help me to praise and worship You today. Help me to be merciful to others as You are to me for Your glory I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Suggested Further Further Bible Reading

    James 3: 1-11


    Lord Jesus, I want to live my life

    Surrendered to You always

    Not like a patient unconscious

    On a surgeon’s surgical table

    Dead to the world of pain

    Through anesthesia

    I want to live surrendered

    Like You lived surrendered

    To Your Holy Father

    When You understood it all

    The unspeakable pain

    Of body, soul and spirit

    And yet could say to Your Father

    Not My will but Your will be done

    Lord I know it’s going to hurt

    Not sometimes but most times

    Because You’ve told me

    I would face trouble in this world

    Because I am called by Your name

    Because the world hates You

    Help me by Your grace

    My dear Lord I pray

    To live surrendered

    To You, to Your holy ways

    Not sometimes but always

    Like the stream of Your grace

    That flows from Your heart

    Not sometimes but always

    For Your glory now

    And forever



    I want to live surrendered

    Not like one captured

    In a battlefield

    When overpowered

    By the enemy

    But I want to surrender

    Lord to You like a beloved

    Yields to the will of the lover

    So that their hearts may beat as one

    I want to live surrendered Lord to You

    Because I know You have the big picture

    Not only of my life but also of the universe

    Because You planned it from the long ago

    To serve Your purposes and bring You praise

    Father, I know that wherever I go with You

    Is the best place to go and the best to be

    Because where You are is heaven

    Help me dear Lord to surrender

    To always surrender to You

    Silently like darkness to light

    Though they are so opposite

    Darkness always yields

    To light silently, so quickly

    Soon light permeates

    Dissolves darkness

    Into oblivion

    Till all around is light

    Lord help me

    To yield fully

    To Your fullness

    Giving You my all

    So that You may be my All in All


    Humility you are so scarce

    In the quarters of the proud

    Yet you’re the formula of ascent

    Hidden from the eyes of the boastful

    The braggart scorns humility

    Like the rich scorns filthy rags

    Yet it’s the mark of the truly great

    Humility you are the wreath

    Around the neck of the humble

    You protect them from the sudden fall

    That befalls the boastful proud

    Your path is grace-strewn

    An invisible hand lifts up

    Those who have you

    A strong force is against

    Those who scorn your path

    How you are the way up

    But how ignorant we are

    Of this timeless truth

    Those who climb up

    Through your path

    Have nothing to fear

    They are on stable ground

    Not so the arrogant

    They are always falling

    On slippery ground

    Living A Life of Worship

    Jesus declared, "Believe Me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem . . . a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth

    (John 4:21-24)


    Our worship of the Living God is primarily our respect and holy fear of the Awesome Being who is Spirit and Father of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. If worship is a result of status, integrity, holiness or any other good quality, then God alone deserves to be worshipped. He is alone in all the good qualities known and unknown to us human beings. He personifies each and all the good qualities. Also, He made and sustains the universe. He alone should be worshipped because He alone is true Majesty!

    How do we or should we worship God? God desires worship from us as His creatures but He has His conditions. Our worship must demonstrate our respect and highest honour for God. It should be in truth (i.e. sincerely done) and in the power of the Spirit

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