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Quest Profundus
Quest Profundus
Quest Profundus
Ebook277 pages3 hours

Quest Profundus

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About this ebook

Quest Profundus is a literary stimulus to accelerate the 2012 enlightenment and revolution process now in progress. It is an explanation of the Universal Mindthe Superconsciousnessthe Hermetic All. This is a book to illuminate the true reason for life, the universe, and everything. It is destined to be nemesis of the elite 1 percent, and it will also unmask the myths of God, the devil, and death. Quest Profundus is the herald of true freedom and real wealth that is now imminentthat which is the birthright of all sentient beings. Learn to Quest, to think for yourselves, and you will control your own reality.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Quest Profundus

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    Quest Profundus - Silas Kryst

    Copyright © 2012 Silas Kryst.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6053-3 (sc)

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    - Chapter One -

    - Chapter Two -

    - Chapter Three -

    - Chapter Four -

    - Chapter Five -

    - Chapter Six -

    - Chapter Seven -

    - Chapter Eight -

    - Chapter Nine -

    - Chapter Ten -

    - Chapter Eleven -

    - Chapter Twelve -

    - Chapter Thirteen -

    - Chapter Fourteen -

    - Chapter Fifteen -

    - Chapter Sixteen -

    - Chapter Seventeen -

    - Chapter Eighteen -

    - Chapter Nineteen -

    - Chapter Twenty -

    - Chapter Twenty One -

    - Chapter Twenty Two -

    - Chapter Twenty Three -

    - Chapter Twenty Four -

    - Chapter Twenty Five -

    - Chapter Twenty Six -

    - Chapter Twenty Seven -

    - Chapter Twenty Eight -

    - Chapter Twenty Nine -

    - Chapter Thirty -

    - Chapter Thirty One -

    - Chapter Thirty Two -

    - Chapter Thirty Three -

    - Chapter Thirty Four -

    - Chapter Thirty Five -

    - Chapter Thirty Six -

    - Chapter Thirty Seven -

    - Chapter Thirty Eight -

    - Chapter Thirty Nine -

    - Chapter Forty -

    - Chapter Forty One -

    - Chapter Forty Two -

    - Chapter Forty Three -



    I dedicate this book to my beloved Daphne who brought me the ultimate gift of understanding the true meaning of love, and taught me the real meaning of integrity. She is my greatest joy, she is my philosophers stone and my gravity in this embodied reality.



    Quest Profundus—the long search, of all encompassing great depth—is a literary stimulus to the individual search of its readers, for answers to questions about ‘Life the Universe and Everything.’

    It’s also a guide to self discovery, a starting point for your own Quest dedicated to understanding the reason why and how this universe exists, the reason for corporeal [embodied], material existence—what humans and other conscious, material life forms are, what they are capable of, and what is to become of them.

    The other aims of this book are: to introduce non-duality or Oneness; to debunk religious faith and identify it as a scourge—in an attempt to free this book’s readers from domination theology; to set its readers on the road to discovering for themselves ‘The Meaning of Life the Universe and Everything,’ based upon their own good sense and reasoning, whilst remaining faithfully within the scope of their personal threshold of acceptance—this is of paramount importance.


    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your reason and your own common sense.

    Buddha, (on values)


    The Quest is a life-long philosophical practice of enquiry and learning to enhance your human potential, and your understanding of oneness—non-duality, and to extend your awareness of the Universal Mind—The (Hermetic) All. It is also the pursuit of greater understanding of the material sciences, ‘ALL’ that is relative to quantum reality; it is a wonderful adventure that everyone can, and should embark upon.

    Simple, basic guidelines are explained, and thereafter some of the most commonly discussed mysteries are given answers and explanations that are identified clearly as the honest speculations of the author and others—in an attempt to lead the readers of this book by example to self-quest for their own path to enlightenment.

    Quest Profundus has been written to motivate, stimulate, embolden, and reassure the reader, it has the potential to change the lives of those who read it because it’s capable of initiating the practice of thinking for oneself, and a new and positive outlook regarding learning, reality, morality, and life’s potential.

    It can be read and understood by the great majority of people in a relatively short space of time, because it is sensibly straightforward.

    There is no code, mystery or secret to unravel, and every effort has been made to reduce the amount of specialised jargon for the reader to contend with; and there are a number of internet source references to assist the reader.

    This book is aimed at ordinary, reasonably inteligent, non-specialist, down to earth people.

    This is a book that reveals ‘The Quest’ as a refreshingly uncomplicated path to real freedom, strength and enlightenment; a path that can free people from so much of what they usually, but unnecessarily fear. This in turn should result in them enjoying life so much more than they ever have before, and understanding the reason for living as perhaps they never did before.

    Its readers can become profoundly liberated, more self-assured, and more independent, capable of identifying and enjoying the real wealth of fulfilled contentment, and perhaps becoming potentially more able to manifest adequate prosperity or abundance into their life (‘their’ reality). This should result in them wanting for nothing that is essential in their lives, as well as possessing new and valid ideals and genuine moral values. They will no longer fear death, or life for that matter, they will never again fear any devil or indeed any god, and they will never more feel inferior or superior to any other being, nor ever feel truly lonely again.

    Imagine what it feels like to be aware of universal identity, to know your importance and place in this universe, and to realise the true extent of your power to influence the whole universe.

    You are going to love discovering who and what you really are, and what you are actually capable of, especially when it comes to manifesting a better reality.

    Be warned though, after reading this book you will probably not have the same outlook on ‘the meaning of life, the universe and everything’ as you do now; instead you’ll achieve a wider vision and deeper understanding of the reality of life, and you will have taken another step towards becoming a more independent, more civilised presence. And hopefully, thus becoming perhaps a little less human than you are now, and a little more universal; you will I hope, have achieved far greater awareness.

    This is an essential book for the living who want to live well in a contented sense, and to understand their contribution to continued infinite intelligent existence.

    If you fear the mystery of death, then what is contained in this book should help you to dispel that fear. If you have suffered the death of a loved one, or if there is ongoing suffering affecting you or a loved one; here is a possible source of understanding, and perhaps some acceptance and comfort.

    If you feel small, unimportant and impotent in the great scheme of things; then the thought provoking concepts mooted here should indicate just how important you really are, and how you’re capable of influencing the whole of reality—the whole Universe, even to the point of consciously manifesting a specific reality in line with your own needs, desires and plans.

    This book has been written to empower you, and to set you free.

    This is not a dry academic, or a pious religious work, and it certainly does not demand faith or promote ‘a faith;’ it is best described as only . . . a simple instrument to stimulate your own quest in pursuit of the truth concerning life and your reality. It is also one of many heralds to the advent of the 2012 enlightenment, when we will dare to know.

    Quest Profundus is simply a guide to becoming a Questor and claims no more than that.

    I, the author of this book, describe or label myself as simply a Questing Unicon Evolutionist; and my main purpose for writing this book is only to pass on that which I feel might free the minds of others from their personal fears, stimulate them to find those answers that sit well with their personal threshold of acceptance, and to equip them to manifest a better life, filled with real wealth, peace and security.

    Throughout this book, I will attempt to reveal some of the reality (life) enhancing and enriching information that I believe is significant, regarding those things that I deem certainly have had, and continue to have, a significant influence on mankind’s psyche and history; and some things that probably have greater validity than we are encouraged to believe.

    I try to identify and explain forces considered as either mythical, mystical, exotic or even impossible by most people—in straightforward, up to date terms, including a basic introduction to the real science behind magic and manifestation (Quantum Physics). The very probable reality of wonderful things we are all entitled to access and use, that the religious, political and financial ‘Establishment’ [the 1%]—currently dominated and manipulated by the financial elite—would prefer we dismissed and forgot about—The Grand Establishment Conspiracy.

    There are instances throughout the book of my own clearly deprecating opinions regarding religion and faith, and those who have set themselves up as agents of these organisations, and there are also controversial hypotheses regarding the origins of the ultimate presence that lays behind the universe—an alternative to the supreme and personified creationist god-being invented and worshipped by Jews, Christians, Islamists and others. A presence that they mistakenly believe exists independently of themselves—a state of duality.

    These hypothesis could alarm or even outrage them, or perhaps free many of them; it is hoped that the latter is the case.

    I have tried to cover most of the questions that have intrigued or worried me at one time or another throughout my life, hence, my book seems to ramble—much as I have a tendency to do myself. I make no apology for this, you will have to take me as you find me. Like most Questing pathfinder types, I tend to enthusiastically blunder about enjoying my own Quest.


    What is Quest Profundus—The Book?

    What the book is and is not, and the simple motives

    of the author for writing it.

    Before answering the question of what Quest Profundus is, I should clarify that I feel that I am the compiler of this book—a literary medium—rather than an inspired primary, ground-breaking thinker and author.

    I and Quest Profundus, have grown from the genius of others, and from ideas I find hard to recognize as stemming from my own run-of-the-mill empirical knowledge and experience.

    My only claim to authorship is based upon my efforts to introduce, simplify and clarify those concepts regarding ‘Life The Universe and Everything’ that I think I have managed to comprehend from the works of others, and that I have refined by my own intuition. I have tried to elucidate these concepts in as down to earth a manner as possible, to suit the greater majority of humanity, who probably, like me, have no special intellectual brilliance, or genius, or like myself, have not been privileged to have received and enjoyed a highly guided academic education.


    The mark of a moderate man is freedom from his own ideas.

    Laozi: 5th century B.C. Chinese philosopher, and

    the author of the Tao Te Ching.


    First I would like to tell you what Quest Profundus is not:

    It is not, as far as I know, a source of unimpeachable knowledge.

    It is not a map charting the only way ahead.

    It is not a set of infallible instructions guaranteeing success.

    Now . . . . this is what Quest Profundus

    (the book) is:

    Quest Profundus is an honest book whose only aim is to encourage others to become Questors, and to further encourage them to proclaim that status; to understand the importance of their freedom, and to live their dreams and aspirations without guilt, fear or harm to others.

    It is also a guide to re-learning how to learn.


    Learn how to learn and to think for yourself, to recognize intuition, and accept gnosis, and you will need nor want any other to teach you or to lead you.

    W.E. Hunnicote


    I have endevoured to write Quest Profundus as a simple, elementary, sincere and artless book; aimed purely at reawakening your curiosity, and hopefully making a small contribution to the progress of the 2012 New World Order of the 99%, and the New Consciousness that is currently making it’s inexorable emergence into the common global psyche of humanity.


    Tis the good reader that makes the good book.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson American essayist, philosopher & Poet—lead the Transcendentalist movement of the mid—1800s (1803-1882)


    This awareness of and re-awakening to a more profound consciousness, is not only real and unstoppable, but already exponential in its transmission amongst humanity, and its presence will be globally felt and acknowledged openly in the very near future.

    It is predicted that the majority of us [the 99%] will reclaim our awareness of universal consciousness by the year 2012—the advent of the global enlightenment of humanity.

    There can be no meaningful or successful resistance to this natural and indeed essential evolutionary event. Without this shift in our perception of the oneness of life and the true nature of reality, we will certainly spiral down socially, intellectually and spiritually to a base level as a species—to another Dark Age of continuing slavery to The Establishment [the 1%]—and, more than probably to a point of self destruction. This renewed awareness is the next essential stage in the evolution of humanity, and it is essential to the process of freeing us from the slavery that The Establishment have thus far imposed upon our lives.

    It’s probably The Establishment (the 1%) behind feeding the myth of 2012 being the advent of an apocalyptic event, in an attempt to discourage positive thought, and to promote negative manifestation. Our emancipation would be the greatest fear of such an organization.

    There is already a noticeable shift in the expectations of people, regarding truth and honesty. This is reflected in the public support for demanding transparency regarding the behaviour of politicians, and their use of taxpayers money. It is seen in the awakening of the populace to the unethical bias, and often indefensible corruption of the media; and the source of this manipulation—our discernment is growing more sophisticated. The awakening of the 99% is demonstrated by the number of people who enthusiastically attend the lectures of such as Ian R. Crane or David Icke. They can fill venues as large as Wembley Stadium, and hold their audiences rapt attention for many hours.

    The Establishment can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. They—The Establishment—are truly fearful that we are all now becoming more adept at unmasking the source of the deception, and the motives of those who think that the majority of humanity are a flock of sheep to be herded, sheared and ultimately sacrificed on the altar of their insatiable want.

    Their callous avarice acknowledges no limits, is totally without any empathy, ethics, or even the sanity of sustainability.


    What is a Questor?

    How to identify the Questor within yourself

    A Questor is anyone who aspires to be a noble, bold explorer in the best traditions of the pathfinder adventurer; searching for the grail of wisdom and enlightenment, and a richer, more civilized way of living.


    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson American essayist, philosopher & Poet—lead the Transcendentalist Movement of the mid—1800s (1803-1882)


    A Questor is an independent presence that thinks for itself (in terms of being spiritually and intellectually free from the control of another’s authority), one who is profoundly aware of being their own master, and yet who is still more profoundly aware of their Universal identity, their collective ‘Becoming.’

    Abraham Maslow (1908-1970 American psychologist) inadvertently described a Questor when he wrote his paper: ‘A Theory of Human Motivation,’ in 1943, where he described a self-actualizing human being as having an instinctual need to make the most of their abilities, and who intuitively knew that they must strive to be the best that they can be, who felt a need to be better than they are and to fulfil their potential, and thus be free to enjoy life more fully.

    It was his belief that self-actualizing people became more aware, compassionate, effective and mature.

    His description of self actualizing people was that of being more fully functioning, more objective, creative, inventive and original, more ego-transcending, more independent of their lower needs.

    In later life he believed that Self-Actualizers evolved to become Transcenders—aware of ‘Being,’ or to have ‘Unitive Consciousness’ and have ‘plateau experience’ with illuminations or insights.


    Self-actualization endows a person with a healthy resistance to enculturation, it promotes an honest strength of character that is idiosyncratic, and that allows a person to be true to their own principles.


    What a

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